Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/200093-What-Kills
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Personal · #200093
This is my first short story...
Characters :
Malicia Tomarchio (pronounced Muh-lishuh Tuh-mark-ee-oh)
FaTae Lindney(Fuh-tay Lind-nee)
Shawn Leeman
Randy Tomarchio
Louisa Tomarchio
Cari Tomarchio
Subcharacters are not named

[ The setting of my story takes place at Malicia's old house right before she moves out to the country. Her family is packing up while her friend, FaTae is visiting her before she moves out. ]

Malicia is speaking to FaTae about her moving out.

"God, why do I have to move out? I have to leave all of my old memories behind here and start a new life... I mean, I won't have any friends, which I don't now so I guess it doesn't matter that much."

"Awww,come on girl, you know I'm your friend, and I bet it won't be so bad like you think, just give it a try... you might even meet a guy."

"Yea right, in Keithville? The country? A deserted area? You've got to be kidding, plus I don't need a guy; all I need is myself and my poems."

"Haha, alright Malicia."

[ Malicia's mother is coming down the hallway... ]

"Malicia, sweetie, it's time for us to say goodbye. Tell FaTae bye and let's head onto the open road!"

"Ok, mom. FaTae, I'm ging to miss you... you have been there for me through every aspect and situation in my life. Thank you for everything. I'll be sure to invite you over to my new 'hellhole' of a static demension."

"Haha, you'll be all right. I can't wait to come over one day. Call me tonight, ok?"

"I will... bye."


[ FaTae has left Malicia's house. Malicia and her family are on the road now. ]

[ Randy Tomachio, Malicia's dad, is talking while driving. ]

"Well everyone, I think this is going to be for the better... a whole new life to start over."

[ Malicia's mom, Louisa, is speaking. ]

"I think you're right, honey. I need a new place where I can actually breathe and get away from the overgrown city and the over-rated population. We'll enjoy it in the country, and maybe even own some farm animals!"

[ They all laugh except Malicia. Cari, Malicia's sister, speaks. ]

"What's wrong with you, Malicia? You've been acting melancholic since the day we told you we were moving."

"I know. I just think it's really dumb. I mean--- why? I like being secluded, but I had to leave my ONLY best friend behind, along with my memories."

"I think you're just upset about the sudden move. After a week or so, you'll be just fine."

"I surely hope so."

[ After driving an hour, they finally arrive at their house in Keithville. Everyone talks at once in exclamation while running to the house. ]

"Ohhh this is nice!! Let's get the keys and explore everything!"

Malicia says, "Oh great, I'm looking forward to much fun in this shitty place. I won't have any goddamn friends or anything. Fuck it to hell."

[ After Malicia's moment to herself, her family calls her to come inside the house. She decides to join them. ]

Louisa says, "Sweetie, look around... everything is so nice looking, and there are 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a nice, big living room."

-- More coming.. hold on, lol.

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