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a girl with a scary past comes to present with it again but this time she wins. |
Miranda's nightmare. "Ahh! Get off me, please stop your hurting me," screamed Miranda. But the intruders paid her no mind. Seemed like it went on for hours, even days. "Help, help, help me somebody, she yelled" no, no, no...... she was screaming and fighting with tears screaming down her face. "Miranda, wake up, wake up," said jaekwon she was having another nightmare. She had them often since the horrible day three years ago. She met jaekwon about a year after it and he's been her support every day since. They fell in love instantly. Miranda finally woke up after jaekwon kept shaking her. "Ah, she jumped up instantly screaming, "Stay away from me, you're just like them. Jaekwon went to her like a gentle cloud, he held her while she cried, and he held her until she fell asleep again. Jaekwon came from a family with an abusive father and bipolar mother so he understood trauma and pain. He knew from his ease droppings in on his therapist when she had patients that victims of crimes often have nightmares and often have a lot of emotional mental issues. So it came to no surprise when he found out Miranda had been hurt. It was a Saturday morning, and the sun was up and the cool air was blowing across his ears. He rolled over to look at the clock," shit, I am late for work," He replied. Jaekwon got up and got dressed hurried downstairs and looked for Miranda as he grabbed his lunch to leave. She was sitting on the front porch dazed staring at what seemed to be eternity through the open field. She often did that after she had a night full of nightmares. Jaekwon kissed her and told her he loved her and that he would see her when he got home jaekwon got in the work van and off he went. It had been nine months since the nightmares, Miranda was in town shopping with two of her friends Kenya and Asha for wedding dresses. It was finally time for her and jaekwon to say vows and be a completely happy family. Kenya thought green was a good bride mate's dress color. Asha thought pink was a softer sweeter color. The girls were back and forth arguing, but Miranda was stuck looking at something or someone outside the window. There was a guy standing across the street, he had on light blue jeans and a cut off sleeve shirt; his feet were covered with sandy tan boots. Miranda knew him, and she knew where from to. Her face was as white as a ghost, she crouched down and clutch tight to her bag not even realizing pee was running down her leg from the fear. "Miranda, what's wrong, who is it? said Kenya as she was crouched down beside her. "It's one of them isn't it?" stated Asha. Miranda's face turned, with tears streaming down her cheek she answered with a whisper." They're going to kill me this time, they've found me." She replied. The girls were frightened for her because they knew what Miranda been through. They knew the devastating events of that awful night and how it's haunted her since. The manager of the store saw how scared they were and allowed them to stay there until the street was clear. When the street cleared Miranda, Kenya, and Asha went to Miranda's house to have there usually date and friend night. When the girls arrived at the house they decided to keep that day's events secret. Miranda cleaned up while the girls got the food ready to start dinner. They heard guys talking and laughing in the back which was normal because they never saw them until it was time to eat. When Miranda returned into the room she washed her hands and started preparing the potatoes. She was quiet and to herself. Kenya and Asha were talking about the decorations for the wedding and you could still hear the guys talking out back, but it was different. There was a voice Miranda didn't know. Miranda turned to Asha and Kenya and asked them if they knew that fourth voice. The girls were puzzled because they didn't but by the look in Miranda eyes they knew it mattered. The girls finished dinner and Kenya called out to the guys to come eat. It was a cool evening the trees were blowing softly and the purple sky line that sat beneath the sun was setting. Jaekwon came in first followed by chase Asha's boyfriend and Tyson Kenya boyfriend. There was a fourth guy in the bathroom washing his hands. "Who's in the bathroom jaekwon?"stated Miranda. "It's my brother jetton baby," said jaekwon. The girls had settled down at the table but not Miranda. She couldn't something was making her uneasy. Suddenly, a guy appeared out of the bathroom and walked up to the table to sit down next. Miranda who was fixing her plate, slowly turned to address jaekwon. The girls had dropped their forks and Miranda had frozen white as a ghost again. Jaekwon getting up from his seat to approach Miranda because he could tell something was wrong by the pee running down her legs. He stepped to her but she backed up with fear so strong and tears so hard on her face. Miranda dropped the plate and raced out the door; she could hear the plate shatter behind her. Kenya and Asha dashed out after her. The guys were puzzled and concerned but they didn't follow because they didn't want to make her fear any worst. After about twenty minutes Asha returned to the house and walked in the dining room. Jaekwon jumped up and asked Asha what's wrong, is my lady okay? Asha had a cold reply, "he raped her." "You brought the rapist to the house as if what she went through wasn't enough." She angrily said. The three men turned towards jetton. "Wait, Miranda is the woman you victimized...you raped my fianc" Said jaekwon. By this time chase and Tyson were standing in front of the window with their arms folded. Fifteen minutes had gone by. Kenya came in and Miranda followed her. She had convinced Miranda to face him and told her they would be right there with her. Miranda looked up straight into jetton's cold eyes and she knew his buddies were somewhere near and they were going to get her again. "Where are they? Where the hell are the other two bastards." She yelled. Jaekwon seeing that she was really distraught ran up to her but Miranda refused to be near him. "Your just like him, your just like him." She yelled at jaekwon. Pulling the knife from her back pocket Miranda asked again." Where are they, I know there here I saw one earlier." She stated. Chase telling Asha to calm her down. Kenya telling jetton answer her you bastard. Jetton had a cold smirk on his face and he kept side eye contact with Tyson as if they knew each other longer then today. Chase noticed it and before he could think his mouth responded." Do you two know each other?" he replied. Chase starred down Tyson and jetton for a few minutes then he asked again." Do you know each other? Ever since Miranda asked you where the rest are you've been making eye contact as if you know a secret and you won't share.as if you're...." He stated and then paused. Oh my gosh! Shouted jaekwon "your one of them too." Miranda had made her way over to the kitchen and managed to slip another butcher knife in her back area. Jetton and Tyson were standing in the middle of the room waiting, no words just standing there. Asha and Kenya were over by the fridge in shock that jaekwon brother was a rapist and Kenya was more hurt that her boyfriend was too. Chase standing near the girls told Kenya to call the police precinct and tell them we need a cop. Yet, before she could dial jetton laughed and said, "Don't you want to know who number three was? Don't you want to know what a monster really is?" Chase suspense by this comment said," tell us, no got damn riddles, straight truth." By this time everybody was anxious waiting, and guessing; but Miranda knew by the look in his eye and the way he stood there.." four years almost I served all that time so he could finish college and make something of his self to make our parents proud, and yet even through it all he's still a monster." Stated jetton. Tyson nodding his head spoke up and said," most the time we sleep with the devil." Miranda slid back to grab a firm grab of the counter. "No, no, no, not you.why why why." She cried. Jaekwon was staring at her and his eyes had grew so cold. He had been revealed for the true monster inside. Chase was stunned and walked towards them saying you're under arrest, and then suddenly Tyson pulled a gun from his back waist band and shot chase three times killing him instantly. Kenya, Asha, and Miranda screamed and ran into an upstairs bedroom. As they crouched down in a closet they could hear the three men talking. Tyson was saying, "what are we going to do." jetton was saying," were going to kill the other two bitches we only came here for the one." jaekwon interrupted them both and said," were finish what we started make her scream until she stops." The three men agreed to go with jaekwon plan. The hall way had got quiet and there was nobody in the room from what the girls could see. So they came out of the closet and begin heading towards the hallway, they thought if they could get to the phone and call for help then everything would be okay. As the girls reached the door thinking freedom is almost there, Tyson and jetton popped in. the girls jumped back towards the bed. Kenya and Asha were smacked until they went unconscious laying on the floor. Miranda was kicking and screaming while they were tying her down. Jaekwon had just entered the room, he had a look on his face both fearful and worried." SHUT UP YOU STUPID BITCH, IM GOING TO TEACH YOU A LESSON YOULL NEVER FORGET." YELLED JETTON. Jetton was the most impatient of the three. Tyson was the follower of the three and jaekwon was the more dominant one of the three he always kept control. The guys were standing there arguing over who was going to start raping her first. Miranda couldn't see well from the hair and blood in her face but she saw enough to know that Asha was on the floor to her left and Kenya to her right. She was cold because her clothes had been tore off nothing but her underwear and bra lay still on her. Tyson grabbed the knife from his pocket and came towards Miranda as if he were going to cut her. See for him the thrill was in the game and the fear in her eyes. Tyson lounged at her and she crunched up as much as any tied up person could. It was obvious from the tools and weapons on the dresser that they were going to rape her severely and kill her afterwards. Miranda just lay there thinking about good things, things that wouldn't remind her of the hell she was going through. She was laying on her side staring in the mirror looking at this broken girl, and the knife. Yes the knife she forget she had tucked in her underwear just in case. Miranda needed to get free, she needed some kind of way to get to that knife. Kenya was waking up on the floor, she looked up to see Miranda looking at her and she saw the knife. They both knew what they had to do but they needed a distraction. Kenya made it to her knees, but didn't stay there long jetton and Tyson were taking turns on her while jaekwon made Miranda watch. Kenya was screaming, crying, and bleeding everywhere. When they were done they threw Kenya to the floor and made their way over to where Asha was. Who by the way had awaken at the end of Kenya's torment?" Please, don't. Stop stop stop," she screamed, but it didn't matter. She was bleeding from every hole and crying so much. They had decided to use the lamp in places lights don't go. While Asha was getting victimized, Kenya had pulled the knife out of Miranda's back and put it in her hands. See they had Miranda tied up with both hands behind her back and her legs tied open so she couldn't run. They didn't tie her arms to the bed because they like the fight, it gets them off. So when they had finished with both girls they put all there focus on Miranda. They had tied Asha up but faced her to the bed so she'd be forced to watch then they tied Kenya the same way. Miranda knew she only had one chance and one chance only to cut right and hard. Jaekwon was in front of her smiling and so sure of himself. He pulled out what he thought was his big man, and begin telling Miranda, "I am about to give you the best feeling of your life." As soon as he leaned in to her she stabbed him in the chest twice, very close to the heart. He gagged and fell back, stumbling over his own feet until he hit the floor. Jetton and Tyson came at Miranda and Miranda cut them too. Tyson she sliced his face twice and jetton she sliced his neck once. The guys were trying to find towels or clothes to put pressure on the wombs so they don't bleed out, but they were bleeding way too much and too fast. The girls who had been messing with the ropes the whole time they had been there had gotten loose. Kenya and Asha, still weak from the assault managed to get to the dresser for support and Miranda got to the other knifes on the dresser. She turned to the girls because she knew what she had to do. The girls looked at each other and then at her they smiled and nodded. Miranda disappeared closing the door behind her. It was silent for a minute then screams, horrid screams. Then more silent then more screams someone was even begging for their life. Asha and Kenya held hands as they still stood by the dresser and they cried. There were so many screams, and then complete silence. The door opened and in walked Miranda with blood all over her chest and legs. She was dazed, but after a moment she looked up and smiled. "Are they dead." Replied Asha. "Are we free?" replied Kenya. Miranda turned and looked at them as if a child turned to see their parent after a long time. "Yes Tyson and jetton are dead." Said Miranda. "What about jaekwon?" asked Kenya and Asha simoustaneouly? Miranda looked at them and gave a motion for the girls to follow her into the hallway. Jaekwon lay upon the floor bleeding to death gasping for air. The three of them stood over him, Miranda with the knife still in her hand. They watched him take his last breathe. The girls made it down stairs and to the phone. When the cops arrived they took the girls statements and each girl had to be treated at the hospital and examined so that nothing was missed in the report. Six years go by and on that same field where a new house sits. Three young women who survived hell. Tell their story to those who ask, those who have been afraid, abused, or hurt. They live and breathe freedom. They pray every night and sleep with only a few nightmares. Asha visits chases grave the hero who tried to help them. Kenya reminisces the good days before Tyson with her support group and Miranda travels the world. She sees things clearer and people for what they truly are. With every scar her body holds is a moment to be told, for a women who almost married her rapist. |