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A dark story about a young Gray Warden and a grotesque transformation. |
((WARNING: This chapter contains graphic images of rape. You have been warned.)) Nora could not remember at what point she fell unconscious, but the dreams came quickly. Darkness. Only the dim light of distant torches cast aside the inky black of the chamber. Silence was the second thing Nora noticed. Save for her labored breathing, there were no whispers, nor were there any cries or groans. Had the villagers fled? Nora fluttered her eyes, struggling to grow accustomed to the dark. She felt a great heaviness weighing on her chest, and as she moved she felt pinned to the floor. Scowling, she could hardly see arm’s length in front of her face. The Grey Warden could sense she was on her back, but from her current view there was something very large sitting on top of her. It was at that moment when she began to sense other things around her. She could feel the sticky floor on her waist, back and belly. Belly? Struggling to sit up, Nora could still not discern what was weighing her down, but the heaviness seemed not only internal, but external. What in the blazes is going on? Am I paralyzed? Just then, one of the lights drew nearer. Someone was bearing a torch. Nora craned her head to the side, her vision still hazy. The clink of armor, followed abruptly by the chittering growl identified the approaching genlock. As it came closer, the creature dropped to a knee, eyeing the woman up and down. Nora squinted at the bright torch, but beneath the genlock looked to be bloodied clothing and… bones. The villagers were eaten. Was this to be her fate as well? Had the darkspawn finally grown tired of torture? A bubble of gas roiled in her throat before emerging as a deep belch. Now that she thought about it, she did feel very sated and pacified. Nora licked her lips, and her tongue met a thick, crusty layer of dried blood. She couldn't have… Nora finally turned her eyes to her now visible body and they shot wide with terror. Before her rose the dome of a corpulent, fleshy belly; grey flesh riddled with black veins. Her arms were restrained by nothing but their own weight. Rolls of fat hung inside pillowy arms of thick, grey skin. The only sights before her, besides the expanse of her inhuman waistline, were her bloated, sagging breasts. Each grey teat was capped with a puffy, black nipple. Her scream rose from deep within her throat, and she finally awoke, drenched with sweat. Nora trembled, running a shaking, sticky hand through her mess of grimy hair. Her other hand fell to her stomach, which was still uncomfortable from the force feeding, but otherwise normal. The Warden didn't feel full so much as a deep weight in the pit of her stomach, much like a sense of impending dread. She sat upright in the thin layer of slime that seemed to coat everything in this section of the caverns. Although miserable, Nora was relieved to hear the groans and whimpers of the remaining villagers. Certainly she was upset to see them suffering, but the little company they offered was perhaps the only reason she still had her sanity intact. She was still exhausted, but the fear of further nightmares flooded her mind. Just what was that dream? Why were the darkspawn doing this? Where the hell was Broderick? Yet all of these anxieties paled when the familiar creak of the door rang out. A clinking steel cadence marched into the chamber. Nora sat back against a column, watching. Six genlocks and three hurlocks approached, though they carried no “meal” for her. She recognized the tallest, the alpha. As the party of monsters came to a halt, the towering alpha loomed. Nora felt his piercing, black gaze appraising her form. It paused, clicking and growling to the others as if communicating. Immediately, the two other hurlocks grabbed Nora beneath the arms and hoisted her to her feet. “What do you want?” she grunted, struggling. The alpha split its thin lips into a sneer, snatching her face with one armored gauntlet. Nora winced beneath its tight grip, but it did not choke her. On the contrary, the alpha continued its appraisal, peering into her eyes, checking her fingers, and lifting her lips to inspect her gums. The brute even tugged on her hair. By the maker, they’re looking for signs of the taint. Nora wished she could struggle more, wished there was a chance of escape, but deep down, in the pit of her churning stomach, she knew hope had long since abandoned her. More growls and clacks, and the alpha buried an uppercut into Nora’s stomach. She felt the urge to vomit, but knew it would only bring on another feeding session. The weakened warden crumpled into a heap, released for the moment. What’s gotten into them? Nora never learned how exactly the darkspawn communicate, but anyone could feel the alpha’s displeasure. The alpha roared and kicked over one of the genlocks. In any other situation, Nora would have found that hilarious. But in these dark, humid caverns her spirits dwindled. To her amazement, the darkspawn left her alone. Something about her was bothering them, she could sense it. Looking down at her ragged leather armor, she felt the epiphany. I’m not changing. The dead girl began her descent into ghoulhood after only a few feedings. In fact, all of the villagers looked worse for wear in regards to corruption. Could it be the Joining? Grey Wardens are renowned for their resistance to the taint. Perhaps she was immune to this horrific ritual. Snapping jaws and yelps broke her thoughts. Nora glanced up at the alpha in time to see him grab his dagger. One thrust entered the blade into the genlocks chest, just beneath the ribs. It squealed and flailed, but the alpha plunged the dagger deeper. One final spasm, and the stout soldier ceased. He kicked the body from his weapon, not even wiping the blade before sheathing it. “You’re all savages,” Nora muttered. The alpha whipped its head toward her, glaring wickedly. Some mischief must have filled its head, because it waved its hand and barked, causing the remaining darkspawn to claw at the fallen genlock. They slipped their plated fingers into the deep wound and pried. With little effort, the darkspawn chest cracked wide open like a macabre clam. Again the alpha clacked and grumbled, now pointing at the Warden. This isn’t going to end well… Nora scrambled away, but soon her back met the slick wall of the chamber. She held up her arms, but the darkspawn pulled them aside. Once more the alpha loomed above her, gripping the cavernous carcass by the throat. Darkness overwhelmed Nora as the genlock’s chest cavity enveloped her face. She could smell the thick, inky blood of the wretched creature, and although the heart had stopped, the blood from all over its body continued to weep from the punctured organ. Maker, why? Why is this happening to me? With the choices of suffocation or compliance, Nora chose to drink the tainted blood, feeling it slide down her throat. She now understood the dead girl’s despair. Each gulp sank her own heart deeper and deeper. Hope is a lie, I’m going to die here. Breathing became difficult, and for the first time in her life, Nora prayed for death. But the darkspawn are cruel masters, and before she could even lose consciousness, the alpha tore the carcass away from Nora’s face. Now the Warden’s cheeks, nose, mouth, and hair were caked with the polluted life fluid. Some of the blood still seeped from the genlock, and the remaining five took their fallen comrade aside. A new voice (if one could call the darkspawn growling voices) entered the room. It was a hurlock emissary. The leather-clad shaman sauntered toward the gathering, causing many of the villagers nearby to shriek and cower. What could they possibly have planned next for me? Nora groaned and tried to sit upright, but she found herself too weak to move. Each small shift of her body sent a fiery pain from her stomach out to her limbs. Sweat clung to her brow. She could feel the rapid rhythm of her heart in pulsating headaches. When the emissary reached the other darkspawn, the genlocks and hurlocks parted, leaving on the alpha to greet his comrade. Through her blurry vision, Nora discerned a gnarled, wooden staff in the newcomer’s right hand. Magic? The emissary had an unusually high-pitched growl for a hurlock, but with a wave of his staff, he commanded the others toward the prone Warden. Two genlocks grabbed her legs as a hurlock looped its gauntlets under her armpits. “Please… kill me,” Nora begged as the fire in her veins only intensified. The darkspawn dropped her into the center of the chamber. Then, the emissary pointed its staff at the hurlock alpha. On cue, the behemoth drew its blade. With a zealous roar, it hacked off its own arm at the elbow. The emissary approached the still standing hurlock and grasped the bleeding stump. Gravelled words of power slipped from the shaman’s lips, and it smeared the black blood across its comrade’s face. Nora gawked at the ritual, watching the emissary draw thick, dripping runes onto the alpha’s dark flesh. Another grasp of the wound, and the staff-wielding hurlock turned its gaze to Nora. No… With a garbled shout, the shaman called the other hurlocks to once more grab her by the arms. Nora flailed, but the relentless strides of the emissary plodded closer. It whispered foreign words of power as it pressed the bloodied hand to her face. Nora trembled, mouth agape in terror. Please no. Maker, save me. I don’t want this. She could feel the patterns painted on her face, and with one last stroke, the shaman backed away. The hurlocks shoved Nora forward, and she stumbled, catching herself on the alpha’s breastplate. Before she could even consider running, the one-armed hurlock clutched her throat. She clawed helplessly against his grip, weakly pounding on his chest, but what frightened her most was the emissary. Now that both had been painted, the shaman barked at the remaining genlocks to bathe their hands in the blood of their fallen brother. Together, the stout monstrosities began drawing a perfect, bloody circle around Nora and the amputee alpha. Once complete, the emissary stood beside the pair like some sort of twisted priest at a demonic wedding. With the tight grasp about her throat, Nora found it difficult to breathe. The ornamented hurlock nodded to the alpha, and the brute leered at Nora. Their eyes met, hers filled with fear, and his filled with dark fire. He pulled her toward him, and Nora assumed she would finally be slain, eaten alive by a one-armed monster. Instead, the most unexpected thing happened. The beast kissed her. It was brutal and animalistic, but she would live on a bit longer. Ugh, the taste… She felt as though she were kissing a rusted, oily kettle. The thick, metallic taste of darkspawn blood was more than familiar by now, but the writhing, black tongue in her mouth forced her stomach to turn over. If darkspawn were capable of passion, this would be the most passionate thing any darkspawn had ever done to a mortal. For what seemed an eternity, the alpha held her close, wrestling her tongue with his own. Nora squirmed and struggled, but his grip was absolute. She would be free when he was finished, and as she would soon find out, he was far from through with her. Before Nora could purge her stomach of the genlock’s polluted essence and the hurlock’s fiery saliva, the emissary tapped its staff against the chamber floor. The alpha broke away from the kiss, and Nora gasped for breath. More indecipherable words of power followed, and Nora’s jaw dropped. “By all that is holy…” she gasped. The black runes along the alpha’s face began to glow, and its inky eyes rolled back in its head. A great tremor rose from within the beast, and it soon succumbed to a standing, trance-like seizure. The fit ended as quickly as it began, and a new fire burned in the alpha’s blood. Standing pressed against him, Nora could feel an unnatural warmth pouring from the hurlock’s body. Nora’s astonishment broke in an instant. The berserk alpha threw her to the floor and leapt upon the shocked Warden. In a bestial wrath, the hurlock clawed at her ragged leather armor, casting aside her tunic as though it were tissue paper. She shrieked and covered her chest, trying her hardest to hide her pert breasts from the monsters. With the first garment out of the way, the frothing alpha grabbed a fistful of leather and ripped off her leather leggings, exposing her plain undergarments. What is it doing?! Darkspawn don’t have… do they? Hooking its gloved fingers around the cloth waistband, her assailant tore it apart like the rest. Now fully nude, Nora struggled to cover as much of her exposed, blood-spattered flesh as possible. The slime and grime of the chamber had long since robbed her of any cleanliness, but she still wished to retain her dignity. The alpha would have none of it. Nora resisted the one-armed alpha’s attempts to spread her legs, but after the emissary called in the assistance of the others, she was held firmly, body fully exposed. “No! Just kill me! Please! I don’t want this!” her cries were lost on her captors. With his prey secured, the berserk, twitching alpha now tore away at its own belt. This is it. This is really happening to me. Nora whimpered and tried to look away, but a dark curiosity compelled her to watch. Finally rid of his legguards, the alpha dropped to both knees, manhood exposed. Although Nora never stopped to wonder what a hurlock cock might look like, she certainly never wished to see one for herself. The thick, veiny appendage hung almost an entire foot from the hurlock’s groin. Bizarre ridges wreathed its shaft like fleshy splintmail. At the tip, it looked to have an odd ring of nodules surrounding the base of the head. All black and quickly rising with lust, the darkspawn’s member was equally intimidating as its bearer. Nora felt the fire rising in her own veins, and she again struggled to free herself. To her astonishment, the darkspawn pinning her down actually had to redouble their efforts lest she escape. What’s happening to me? The alpha roared and pounced on her, no desire for foreplay in sight. In one thrust, the beast penetrated her nethers. Fire burned anew in Nora’s body, but where it once lay in her stomach, it now raged in her loins. The heat of the berserker’s flesh as it plunged into her depths sent trembling spasms throughout her body. By the Maker, it burns! Why me?! Nora screamed unintelligibly as the beast pounded into her womanhood. Each thrust scraped the ribbed cock along her tender walls, sending her exposed, small bosom bouncing. He rammed his meaty member in and out of her aching loins. Every buck of the frenzied alpha’s hips slammed her hips and back into the slimy, warm chamber floor. Even against her instincts, even in the panic and the fear, her body surrendered its own lubrication, easing her pain, but allowing the enormous cock further into her unwilling cunt. After every pumping rut of the alpha, her blinding, pain eased enough to hear the emissary. Words of power continued to rise louder and louder, and finally the shaman leaned in, painting a crude, black star around her navel, smudging it some as the alpha refused to cease the brutal fucking. At last, when Nora thought her body would split, when her consciousness felt faint, the emissary screeched the final word of its ritual. All around her the black ring glowed a vibrant red like the runes on the alpha’s face, and she could see the alpha’s lusts coming to a boil. In its final thrust, the brute shoved its entire length inside Nora’s battered pussy, hilting himself at her cervix. A wicked, bellowing howl erupted from the one-armed alpha’s maw, and she could feel it. The monster’s vile seed spilled out into her body, pouring into her unwilling womb. As if to only worsen her traumatic experience, the shaman stamped its staff against the floor, and the black star smeared across her belly ignited into an identical red glow. Tendrils of heat seeped into her tummy, and she felt a reluctant, lusty moan escape her lips. Whatever wicked sorcery this darkspawn used, it forced the raped Warden to climax along with her filthy alpha. A sheen of sweat mixed with the grime and blood along her body, and at long last the tide of tainted seed crept to a halt. With more than enough body fluids spilled to kill an ogre, the one-armed hurlock groaned and fell to the side, dead. Now that the ritual was complete, the hurlocks and genlocks released Nora’s sore arms and legs, allowing her to curl into a fetal position, quietly whimpering. The shaman cackled and guided the remaining darkspawn to carry away the dead genlock’s body. However, they left the carcass of the one-armed alpha for Nora, just in case she felt hungry. Finally alone, Nora winced and clutched her inflamed stomach. Blood filling her in one end, and semen filling her other end left her in anguish. She didn’t want to move ever again, but she couldn’t help scratch an itch beneath her navel. What the Warden could not see, was that she now bore an unusual rash. It was mottled grey. |