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A few questions for you Quizzards, from the High In-Quiz-Itor! Have fun! |
A SAMPLING OF THE QUESTIONS I HAVE ASKED IN VARIOUS HARRY POTTER QUIZZES! HARRY POTTER QUIZ – BANGALORE LITERATURE FESTIVAL 27 SEP, 2014 Preliminary Round – With answers 1. During the evacuation of students before the Battle of Hogwarts, who was bowling over first years to get to the front of the queue? ANSWER – 7 – 493 – Zacharias Smith. Yup, it was Zac, NOT Draco! Look it up, if you're not convinced!! 2. Who is ‘he’ - “He had ‘em!” said Sir Cadogan, proudly. “Had the whole week’s, my lady! Read ‘em off a little piece of paper!” Answer – 3 - page 198 – Sirius Black. 3. During the Quidditch World Cup Final, who was sleeping under a cloak propped on sticks? Answer – 4 – 135 – Mundungus Fletcher 4. Who said this about Neville: “He’s a pure-blood and he can hardly stand a cauldron the right way up.”? Answer – 2 – 89 – Ronald Weasley. 5. At the meeting of the Death Eaters at Malfoy Manor, Voldemort asks Draco if he will babysit the cubs. How many ‘cubs’ are finally there? Answer – 7 – (various pages) ONE – Teddy Lupin. 6. Who first told Harry that his father and Severus Snape had been at Hogwarts together? Answer – 1 – 210 – Quirrell. 7. Who said: “The Minister of Magic would not have taken Hagrid if he hadn’t been one hundred per cent sure that he was guilty.”? Answer – 2 – 200 – Gilderoy Lockhart 8. Who said: “Oh, please, I don’t think Expelliarmus is going to help us against You-Know-Who, do you?” Answer – 5 – 348 – Zacharias Smith 9. At the end of Harry’s second year, why did most of the teachers join in the cheering? Answer – 2 – 249 – Dumbledore announced that Lockhart would not be returning the following year. 10. “He was trying to make sure I didn’t do it again. Funny, really ... he needn’t have bothered. I couldn’t do anything with Dumbledore watching.” Answer – 1 – 209 – Quirrell. 11. How many inter-house Quidditch Cup Final matches has Harry played in? Answer – ONE (in his third year). He misses the others. 1-219, 3-108, 230, 4-163, 5-602, 6-499 12. Who first told Harry that someone had tried to rob a high-security vault at Gringotts? Answer – 1 – 80 – Ronald Weasley. 13. Mrs. Weasley was shouting at someone at the top of her voice, rendering the Extendable Ears quite unnecessary, and causing Fred to say: “I love hearing Mum shouting at someone else.” Who was she shouting at? Answer – 5 – 99/100 – Mundungus Fletcher 14. Who is ‘he’ – “I thought you would come and help your friend,” he said hoarsely. His voice sounded as though he had long ago lost the habit of using it. Answer 3 – page 249 – Sirius Black. 15. Who said: “You take Remedial Potions? Good Lord, you must be terrible!” Answer – 5 – 466 – Zacharias Smith Note - HA HA! Bet you thought it was Draco again, but with Draco, he only mouths 'remedial potions' at Harry. Note the pattern for the above prelim round -- first, middle and last answer the same, second and second-to-last answer the same, third and third-to-last answer the same, and so on. CATS 1. Why did Professor McGonagall say: “This cat wasn’t hit over the head with a broomstick.”? Answer – Book 2: page 109 – Snape wanted to stop Harry playing Quidditch after the attack on Mrs. Norris. 2. Why did Mr. Amos Diggory say that it was likely that there was a very shell-shocked cat wandering around somewhere, covered in potato peelings? ANSWER – BOOK 4 – pg. 142 - Mad-Eye (Barty) said he heard intruders – Amos thinks it was a cat among the dustbins. Mad-Eye says dustbins ambushed the intruders. Noise and Rubbish everywhere when policemen turned up, one still firing. 3. How did Dumbledore know that the cat at Privet Drive was McGonagall? ANSWER – 1-13 – He had never seen a cat sit so stiffly. (NOT by markings.) 4. What did Ginny blame Crookshanks for, while trying to overhear the grown-ups? ANSWER – 5-66/7, 72 – Dungbombs outside the kitchen door. She was throwing them to check if the door had been Imperturbed due ot Extendable Ears.) 5. Who said: “He’s not going to like being called here for me and my old cat, is he now?” ANSWER – BOOK 7 – pg. 450 – ABERFORTH, when the trio goes to Hogsmeade 6. Who said: “Must have been minutes ago, it wasn’t there when I put the cat out, but when I got upstairs ...” ANSWER – BOOK 6 pg. 543 – MADAM ROSMERTA – about the appearance of the Dark Mark above Hogwarts. 7. Why was Ron so absorbed, he forgot to be horrible to Crookshanks? ANSWER – 3-221 – He had to take over responsibility for Buckbeak’s appeal. QUOTES OF ALBUS DUMBLEDORE 1. Complete the quote: “Because I am much older, much cleverer, and ...” ANSWER – 6-533 – much less valuable. 2. Complete the quote: “In the end, it mattered not that you could not close your mind, it was ...” ANSWER – 5-743 – your heart that saved you. 3. Fill in the blanks, in the quote: “Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between ------------------------------------------, remember what happened to a boy who was good and kind and brave ...” ANSWER – 4-628 – what is right and what is easy. 4. Complete the quote: “I loved them. I loved my parents, I loved my bother and my sister, but ------------” ANSWER – 7-573 – I was selfish, Harry, more selfish than you ... 5. Fill in the blanks: “But I have no power to make other men ---------------, or to overrule the Minister For Magic.” ANSWER – 3-287 – see the truth. 6. Complete the quote: “Several of them seemed to think that you had threatened to ---------- if they didn’t agree to suspend me in the first place.” ANSWER – 2-246 – curse their families. 7. Complete the quote: “What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the ---------.” ANSWER – 1-214 – Whole school knows. SIRIUS BLACK 1. When Harry received letters from Sirius, why was Hedwig reluctant to share her water-tray? ANS – BOOK 4, PG. 27: The letters were not delivered by owls but by large, brightly coloured tropical birds. Hedwig had not approved of these flashy intruders at Privet Drive. 2. Why did Harry think: There you go, Sirius. Nothing rash. Kept my nose clean. Answer: BOOK 5 PAGE 16: He avoided a fight with Dudley’s gang at the playground. 3. Why was Harry disappointed to see Sirius’s handwriting? ANS: BOOK 5 PG. 36-37 – He thought the owl contained an explanation from Dumbledore about the Dementor attack and Mrs. Figg and the Ministry. 4. TRUE OR FALSE: Harry first rode on the Knight Bus thanks to Sirius. Answer – 3-30, 315/6 – True, he saw Sirius and fell, causing him to put out his wand arm and flag the Knight Bus. 5. What was the first thing that Harry touched, when he first entered Sirius’s bedroom at 12, Grimmauld Place? Answer – 7-148 – Photograph of the Marauders. 6. Though this is not said by Sirius or about him, he is responsible for this line being said. How is he responsible? “Come, clap this loon in irons, he is trying to force entry to the chambers within.” Answer – 3-184, 198, 267. Crookshanks stole the passwords to Gryffindor Tower from Neville’s bedside table, so he didn’t know the password and Sir Cadogan said this about Neville when Ron and Harry were returning with the Firebolt. 7. Whose wand did Sirius use, to help turn Scabbers back into a man? Answer – 3-268 – Snape’s. HARRY’S BEST FRIENDS – Book 3 - with answers 1. Both Harry’s best friends wrote about the same topic in the Post Script of their letters to him. What was that topic? ANSWER – PAGE 13 & 14 – Percy being Head Boy. 2. Why didn’t Harry tell his best friends about Trelawney’s second real prediction? ANSWER – PAGE 239 – They told him that Buckbeak had lost the appeal. 3. What were Harry’s best friends going to argue about, when the sight of Cornelius Fudge stopped them? ANSWER – PAGE 234 – Hermione’s Boggart being McGonagall saying she’d failed everything. BOOK 2 – PERCY WEASLEY 1. At Christmas, both Ron and Draco asked Percy the same question. What was that question? ANSWER – PAGE 164 – “What are you doing down here?” (Ron was disguised as Crabbe.) 2. How did Percy (unknowingly) help Harry, the day after Harry was hit by a Bludger? ANSWER – PAGE 137 – He gave him the clue to Ron and Hermione’s whereabouts in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. 3. Why were people sniggering at Percy during the Christmas feast? ANSWER – PAGE 159 – Fred had bewitched his Prefect badge so that it now read Pinhead. MAKE THE CONNECTION (WITH ANSWERS) Diary is to the Chamber of Secrets as Diadem is to ... ANS – Room of Requirement (where it was destroyed). --- is to Hermione as lynx is to Kingsley. ANS – Otter (Patronus). ‘Patronus Potter’ is to Lucius Malfoy as ‘Poor Puffed Up Poppinjay’ is to ... ANS – Phineas (what he calls Harry). Harry is to Gryffindor as Terence Higgs is to ... ANS – Slytherin (Seeker). Caput Draconis is to Gryffindor as --- is to Slytherin. ANS – Pure Blood (the first password Harry hears). BOOK 2 – WHO IS ‘HE’? WITH ANSWERS WHO IS ‘HE’ – He Crashed Down The Stairs, Three At A Time, Landing In A Crumpled Heap On The Landing Below. He Got Up, His Face Livid, And Pulled Out His Wand. Answer – page 248 - Lucius Malfoy, after Dobby has been set free with the sock. WHO IS ‘HE’ – ‘Shame,’ Said Ron, Helping Himself To A Jam Doughnut. ‘He Was Starting To Grow On Me.’ Answer – page 250 – Gilderoy Lockhart (Dumbledore announced he wouldn’t be coming back next year.) WHO IS ‘HE’ – Confused And Worried, He Sat Reading The Subject Lists With His Tongue Poking Out, Asking People Whether They Thought Arithmancy Sounded More Difficult Than Study Of Ancient Runes. Answer – page 186-7 – Neville Longbottom, about which subjects to choose, after receiving letters from various family members. BOOK 2 RANDOM QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Why Did Harry Say – “Come On Oliver, Tell Them To Leave Me Alone!”? Answer – page 128 – He didn’t want help while dealing with the rogue Bludger. (Fred and George Weasley. Alicia Spinnet wants an enquiry.) At What Time Did Hagrid Join The End-Of-Year Feast? Answer – page 249 – Half past three What Did Marcus Flint Refer To As A ‘Pitch Invasion’? Answer – page 86 – Ron and Hermione coming on to the pitch to see what was happening when the Slytherins took over the pitch during training. That was when Malfoy called her Mudblood. WHO SAID – FROM BOOK 1 AND BOOK 3 – WITH ANSWERS Who said: “Students, are you? And do you learn much, up at the school?” Answer – Book 1 page 184 – Ronan the centaur. Hermione answers ‘a bit.’ Who said: “We need a little change of decoration” - ? Answer – Book 1 page 222 – Dumbledore, when Gryffindor won the House Cup instead of Slytherin. Snape shook Professor McGonagall’s hand. What did Uncle Vernon reply when Mrs. Weasley said: “You must be Harry’s family!” Answer – Book 1 page 223 – “In a manner of speaking. Hurry up, boy, we haven’t got all day.” Who said: “So, young Harry, mind you behave yourself.” Answer – Book 3 page 144 – Fred, imitating Percy, after giving Harry the Marauder’s Map. Who said: “You’ve got to listen to me. You’ll regret it if you don’t. You don’t understand.” Answer – Book 3 page 251 – Sirius Black. Crookshanks sprawled across his chest after that. Who said: “Neville, I believe you live with your grandmother?” Answer – Book 3 page 102 – Remus Lupin, when they were discussing the Boggart. And Neville said he didn’t want the Boggart to turn into her either. TRUE OR FALSE – and give reasons for your answer! 1. Harry wanted EVERYONE to know that Sirius was innocent. (False. He didn’t want the Dursleys to know.) 2. Ron Weasley became Keeper because he had the best trial. (False. Other candidates outflew him, but they had other issues, like bossiness and lack of commitment.) 3. Neville’s Grandma had achieved 12 OWLs. (False. We know for sure that she failed in Charms.) 4. Harry once said about Ron: “Well, he’s not my type, but he’ll do.” (True. When Ron was disguised to go to Gringotts.) 5. Albus Severus inherited the Firebolt that Sirius had sent Harry. (False. The Firebolt was lost in the chase, between Privet Drive and the Tonks residence.) THREE QUESTIONS ON THE THEME ‘NUMBERS’ FROM BOOK 2 THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS A NUMBER - WITH ANSWERS How many signatures were there on Dumbledore’s Order Of Suspension? Answer – page 194 – Twelve – 12 How long was the basilisk? (Remember – answer from the book.) Answer – page 224 – At least twenty feet. (This is in the book. It says sixty feet in the movie.) How old was the Riddle who came out of the diary? Answer – page 230 – Sixteen RANDOM QUESTIONS FROM BOOK 2 WITH ANSWERS Who was Headmaster of Hogwarts when Hagrid was expelled? Answer – page 181 – Professor (Aramando) Dippet. Who said, “You’ll still have your Potions Master when I’m through with him” ? Answer – page 142 – Gilderoy Lockhart during the Duelling Club. About what did McGonagall say – “This will be a bit of a shock”? Answer – page 19O – Hermione being attacked. (After the Quidditch match was cancelled.)The other person who got attacked was Penelope Clearwater – the Ravenclaw prefect whom Harry and Ron had asked for directions to the Slytherin common room. RANDOM, BOOK 1 AND 2. WITH ANSWERS What did Harry see, the first time he looked out of the window of Ron's room? Answer - Gnomes. Why did Harry spoil the envelope he was addressing to Veronica Smethley? Answer - he had heard the basilisk (while in Lockhart's office) For what did Harry pay eleven Silver Sickles and seven Bronze Knuts? Answer - food from the trolley Why did Harry feel worse at Gringotts than he had felt at Knockturn Alley? Answer - the Weasleys had so little money. What, according to Dumbledore, is beautiful and terrible and should be treated with great caution? Answer - the truth On what floor is Mr. Dursley's office? Answer - Ninth What is the significance of the following wand: Beechwood and Dragon Heartstring, nine inches, flexible. Answer - the first wand Harry tried at Ollivander's. Who phoned Aunt Petunia while Dudley was opening his birthday presents? Answer - Mrs. Figg, to say she had broken her leg and couldn't take Harry. Who interrupted Ron's explanation of Quidditch aboard the Hogwarts Express? Answer - Malfoy and friends. PROFESSOR SNAPE – BOOK 3 With Answers 1. Why did Hermione tell Snape that the class was supposed to study Hinkypunks? Answer – page 128 – Snape wanted them to study werewolves. 2. Why did Snape say: “Malfoy is not having hallucinations?” Answer – page 209 – Malfoy had reported seeing Harry’s head in Hogsmeade near the Shrieking Shack. 3. Who said, about Snape: “I’d watch out for him if I were you, Dumbledore” ... ? Answer – page 307 – Cornelius Fudge, in the hospital wing after Harry and Hermione had rescued Sirius. BOOK 2 – GILDEROY LOCKHART (With answers) 1. Why did Harry agree with Lockhart that Hagrid was guilty of opening the Chamber of Secrets? ANSWER – PAGE 213 – He wanted Prof. Lockhart to leave them alone so that they could visit Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. 2. What was the one thing that Lockhart was actually good at and prided himself on? ANSWER – PAGE 220 – Memory Charms. 3. What did Ron do with Lockhart’s wand, after Harry disarmed Lockhart in Lockhart’s office? ANSWER – PAGE 221 – Threw it out of the open window. ‘FIRST’ – BOOK 1 With Answers 1. What was the first question Harry could ever remember asking his aunt Petunia? Answer – page 20 – How he got his scar. 2. From whom did Harry first hear the word ‘Quidditch’? Answer – page 60 – Draco Malfoy. 3. What was the first question Harry asked, on reading the letter Hagrid gave him? Answer – page 43 – “What do they mean, they await my owl?” 4. What was Harry’s first thought, the first time he saw Professor McGonagall? Answer – page 85 – that this was not someone to cross. BOOK 2 – RON WEASLEY (With answers) 1. What did Ron’s damaged wand do to Professor Flitwick? ANSWER – PAGE 81 – It shot out of Ron’s hand and hit Prof. Flitwick squarely between the eyes, creating a large, throbbing green boil where it had struck. 2. To whom did Ron say – “Bet you’re surprised to see Harry here, eh?” ANSWER – PAGE 50 – Draco Malfoy, because he thought Malfoy had sent Dobby to Harry to tell him not to return to Hogwarts. (At Flourish and Blotts). 3. What did Ron say happened to everyone who read ‘Sonnets of a Sorcerer’? ANSWER – PAGE 172 – They spoke in limericks for the rest of their lives. 4. What was the one good effect of the Howler that Mrs. Weasley sent Ron? ANSWER – PAGE 70 – Hermione behaved in a friendly manner to Harry and Ron. HAGRID (With answers!!) BOOK #1: HAGRID 1. A. PG. 16: Where did baby Harry fall asleep as Hagrid was bringing him on the flying motorcycle? ANSWER: Over Bristol. {Significance – Rowling was born there.} 1. B. PG. 52: What did Hagrid do on the train, while taking Harry to London? ANSWER: Knit a canary yellow “circus tent”. 1. C. PG. 141: From whom did Hagrid buy Fluffy? ANSWER: A Greek chappie he met in a pub. BOOK #2: HAGRID 2. A. PG. 46: What was Hagrid doing in Knockturn Alley, the time Harry went there by mistake after using Floo Powder? ANSWER: Looking for Flesh Eating Slug repellent, because the cabbages were being ruined. 2. B. PG. 88: Why did Hagrid say, “If one word of it was true, I’ll eat my kettle.”? ANSWER: Lockhart was boasting about Banishing a Banshee. 2. C. PG. 192-193: Why did Hagrid give Ron and Harry boiling water after Hermione was attacked? ANSWER: He forgot to add tea bags. BOOK #3: HAGRID 3.A. PG. 154: About whom did Hagrid say, “Once a wizard goes over to the dark side, there’s nothing and no one that matters to them any more.” ANSWER: Sirius Black. 3.B. PG. 164: Name any two events that the Dementors make Hagrid re-live. ANSWER: i. Expelled from Hogwarts; ii. Father’s death; iii. Let pet dragon Norbert go. 3.C. PG. 308: Why was Hagrid worried, the morning after Buckbeak’s escape? ANSWER: Because Lupin the werewolf was loose on the grounds. TOTALLY RANDOM! Why was it good for Harry that Uncle Vernon got a new company car? ANSWER – PAGE 8, Book 3: It had given him time to get his spellbooks out of the cupboard under the stairs, when the Dursleys went outside to admire it. Why couldn’t Harry laugh properly at Percy’s badge, which said: ‘Bighead Boy’? (At the Leaky Cauldron.) ANSWER – PAGE 54, Book 3: He had just heard Mr. Weasley ssy that Black was after him. How many registered Animagi have there been, during the century? ANSWER - (Book 3 page 257) – SEVEN What did Sirius tell Fudge he missed, at Azkaban? ANSWER – (Book 3 page 155) – Doing the crossword in the newspaper. Why did Hermione say “Aparecium”? ANSWER – PAGE 174, Book 2: She wanted to check if the diary had been written in invisible ink. What breed is Malfoy’s owl? Answer – Page 108, Book 1: Eagle owl "MAKE THE CONNECTION" 1. What is the common factor: A. What Dumbledore says after Sirius escapes with Buckbeak B. What Barty Crouch Jr. Says after Harry’s name comes out of the goblet of fire C. What Umbridge says after the Dementors visit a Muggle suburb and come across a wizard ANSWER - The person who perpetrated it gave out what had happened. 3-306, 294, 4-244-45, 5-134 2. What is the common factor: A. Viktor Krum during the first task B. Madame Maxime’s rescue of Hagrid after he approaches Golomath with a gift and is caught? ANSWER – Conjunctivitis Curse. 4-354, 314; 5-381 3. What is the common factor: A. What Auntie Muriel said about Ariana being ill B. What Slughorn said about the incomplete memory and his knowledge of Horcruxes ANSWER – That Harry was wrong. 7-128; 6-356 4. What is the common factor: A. Ron asking Hermione if she had been brewing love potions B. Aberforth’s response when Hermione asked if the picture depicted Ariana C. Percy blaming Arthur for making a public statement without clearing it with his Head of Department first. ANSWER – Rita Skeeter. 4-445; 7-454; 4-136 5. What is the common factor: A. Ron defeating a troll on Halloween B. Harry escaping from the brains while chasing Bellatrix C. Escaping the Death Eaters on Sirius's motorbike. D. Ron’s response when Hermione says: “Crookshanks? Are you a wizard, or what?” before they spy on Voldemort and Snape. ANSWER – Wingardium Leviosa. 1-130; 5-714; (7- ) 7-523 6. What is the common factor: A. Harry, Ron and Hermione visiting Gladrags Wizardwear before meeting Snuffles B. Peeves saying: “Look at the icle creatures squabbling, bitey, bitey, punchy punchy.” C. A chandelier falling on Hermione and Griphook. ANSWER – Dobby. 4-451, 5-393, 7-383-384 7. What is the common factor: A. Harry finding out where the Merpeople were, during the second task B. Harry staring at two names on the Marauder’s Map and walking into a suit of armour C. Harry trying to turn a copper tap with a tiny snake scratched on the side. ANSWER – Moaning Myrtle. 4-431, 6-487 (she’s with Malfoy) 2-222 (that tap’s never worked) 8. What is the common factor: A. The middle of a forest B. The middle of a ploughed field C. Halfway across a suspension bridge D. The top of a multi-storey car park? ANSWER – Places Uncle Vernon stopped at after leaving Railview Hotel and before reaching the Hut-on-the-Rock. BOOK 1 Pg. 36 9. What is the common factor: A. Tom Riddle’s excuse for visiting Hepzibah B. Bill and Fleur’s wedding C. Neville’s destruction of Nagini ANSWER – All involved goblin-made things. 6-407, 7-414, 587 WRITTEN PRELIM ROUND - WITH ANSWERS 1. Hebridean Black is a type of Answer BOOK 1 PG. 169: DRAGON 2. During Harry’s first visit to the Burrow, Mr. Weasley said someone had tried to hex him (Mr. Weasley) when he had his back turned. Who? Answer: BOOK 2 PG. 34 MUNDUNGUS FLETCHER 3. In which office did Cuthbert Mockridge work? Answer: BOOK 4 PG. 79: HEAD OF THE GOBLIN LIAISON OFFICE. FROM THE AUTHOR’S DEDICATIONS: FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THREE WORDS EACH: 4. “And to you, if you have stuck with Harry until …” ANS: THE VERY END 5. “To Neil, Jessica and David who make …” ANS: MY WORLD MAGICAL 6. “… and for Di, who heard …” ANS: THIS ONE FIRST 7. “To Jill Prewett and Aine Kiely, the …” ANS: GODMOTHERS OF SWING 8. “… and to Susan Sledden, who helped Harry out …” ANS: OF HIS CUPBOARD 9. “To Mackenzie, my beautiful daughter, I dedicate her ink …” ANS: AND PAPER TWIN 10. “For Sean P.F. Harris, getaway driver …” ANS: AND FOULWEATHER FRIEND 11. What mode of transport does Dumbledore use if he is going on a long journey and doesn’t want to Apparate? Answer: BOOK 5 PAGE 394 THESTRALS 12. Harry’s teeth were stuck with treacle toffee. Why did he wrench them apart to shout at Hagrid? Answer: BOOK 2 PAGE 89-90 HAGRID SAID HE HADN’T RECEIVED A SIGNED PHOTO. (HARRY ANGRY LOCKHART PUTTING IT ABOUT.) 13. Which pure gold creatures did Pansy Parkinson work hard to conceal how much she liked? Answer: BOOK 4 PG. 420 UNICORN FOALS 14. What was the title of Rita Skeeter’s book about Aramando Dippet? Answer: BOOK SEVEN PAGE 208: ARAMANDO DIPPET: MASTER OR MORON? See this link for more questions! http://sonali-quizzical.blogspot.in/ |