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The group tries tomake the best of the situation,but not everything goes according to plan |
Cal snores seriously loudly.” Mitchell complained, sitting on the floor in front of the couch. Amber chuckled quietly. “Does he?” “Can’t hear it from here, but wow.” He shook his head, resting his arms on his raised knees. She picked at her fingernails, trimming them manually while she thought. “Hey Mitch?” “Hmm?” He hummed quietly. “So this thing we’ve got with Cal. If I do something with you, he has rights for me to do it to him.” She said. “I feel like it should go the other way around too.” He glanced back, confused. “What do you mean?” She shrugged a little, embarrassed. “Well if I do something with him, you should have right to it too. I mean, that’s fair isn’t it?” He nodded. “Well, I guess. Are you asking to make out?” She smiled a little. “No. Unless you want to, but I’m kind of too thirsty. No, I was saying that…well like when I took that one bath.” Mitchell’s eyebrows rose for a moment. “I mean, he’s seen me naked so, if you’re ever so inclined…just ask.” He turned, resting an arm on the couch. “Amber, you aren’t doing this just for our sakes, right? I mean I don’t want you to feel like it’s ‘fair’ just because we want it. If you don’t want to do something, don’t do it.” She shook her head. “It’s fine. I don’t mind. I’ve been replaying what happened between us, and it’s bothering me less and less. I just figured I’d throw it out there for you.” He turned back around. “Well, thanks.” There was a loud thumping noise from the hall, and Mitchell groaned. “Gruel’s here.” Their new name for their daily supplements made her chuckle, even still. “I’ll get it.” She rose from the couch and retrieved two of the three pouches. She tossed one to Mitchell when she was near, and plopped on the couch again. They each popped the pouches open, and drank. “Mmm…” She said lightly. “Steak flavor. My favorite. Which flavor did you get?” She asked, leaning over toward him. Mitchell smiled, shaking his head. “Birthday cake.” “Ooh, yummy.” She said. “You want a taste?” He held the pouch out to her. “No thanks. You enjoy it.” They slowly drank the pouches until they were empty, then sat in a silence for a minute. Amber settled into the corner of the couch, deciding to take a nap since there wasn’t anything else to do “I don’t want you to think I’m not thankful for your offer.” Mitchell said quietly. “I do really appreciate it. I’m just not so jumpy as Cal.” She chuckled. “It’s fine.” “Maybe a little later, after my stomach settles?” He said. “Sure.” She smiled at him, and he nodded. She put her head back into the corner, and tried to sleep. Where you guys going?” Calvin asked with a smile and wink. Amber shook her head. “The bathroom.” “Together?” He asked hopefully. “I’m going to take a bath.” She said, giving him an exaggerated wink. “So…” Calvin stopped, tapping his fingers on his chin. “Can I come with?” Amber raised an eyebrow. “Well Mitch was going to come with.” He shrugged. “There’s room for two.” She looked to Mitch, who was blushing, then back to Calvin. “Agh, if you’re okay with it I am.” He bounded out of the chair. “It’s been like, a whole day.” Amber led them into the bathroom, closing the door behind the two. She looked at herself in the mirror as Mitchell started the water, plugging the bottom of the tub with the cork. “So, what’s the general rule for looking at a man’s…stuff for a first time?” Amber asked. “Just to clarify.” “Don’t point and laugh, for starters.” Calvin said. Then, he shrugged. “Not that you’d have any reason to, over here.” She looked to Mitchell for a more serious answer, but he shrugged too. “Men are sensitive about it, so don’t make any jokes. That goes for the both of you.” He eyed Calvin carefully. Calvin raised an eyebrow. “I won’t be looking at you.” Mitchell nodded his head. “Fair enough.” Amber nodded. “It’s been….about three years since I’ve been with anybody, so if I blush like crazy or smile because I’m embarrassed, you won’t take offence will you?” She looked from one to the other, and both shook their head. “Nope.” Calvin said. “You need help with that bra? The clasps looked really tough.” She made a face at him, grasping the bottom of her shirt and pulling it straight up over her head. She folded it, and set it down on the ground. Reaching behind, she unclasped the bra with a snap of her fingers, and let it drop. She kept her eyes down and away from them, trembling with nervousness. She unbuttoned her skinny jeans, and shimmied out of them. Calvin made a click with his tongue. “Not a matching pair, huh?” Realizing he was talking about her underwear, she managed to shoot him a glare. He just looked amused, so she took her gaze away. The underwear and socks came off, and she stepped as delicate as she could to the bathtub. She put one leg in, making sure her foot wouldn’t slide. Mitchell held out a hand, and she took it. Glancing at him, she found his eyes somewhat downcast at her. Following his line of vision, she brought her other leg in. “Sorry, I haven’t been able to…trim.” “You’re fine.” He said honestly, letting her hand go as she settled down into the water. He grasped his own shirt, and lifted it over his head. He pushed the shower curtain back more, to make enough space for himself to stand at the side of the tub. Calvin went to the opposite side, and removed his shirt off too. Mitchell smiled graciously at him. “It isn’t a competition.” Calvin shrugged. “Who said it was?” He started to undo his pants as Amber adjusted herself into a more comfortable position Eventually, she sat up high enough that the water rested just under her breasts. “You okay?” Mitchell asked. She glanced up at him quickly. “It’s still a little hot.” Gathering his courage and taking his eyes away from Calvin, Mitchell unbuttoned his own pants. He pulled the zipper down, then brought the pants down his legs and stepped his ankles out. He grasped himself immediately, a little uneasy about so many eyes around him. Calvin spit into his own hand, and the sound brought Mitchells attention. He looked at his abs, just as the shirt had suggested they’d be. His ribs nearly showed through his gut, but Mitchell knew he was much the same. He’d lost at least ten pounds in the time they’d been stuck there. After a little while, he looked down at Amber and got himself focused. She sat up in the tub calmly. Her eyes were closed, as it was helping her to relax. Soon Calvins squeaking to her right was joined by Mitchell’s to her left. Her body was slowly sinking in the water, so she inhaled deep and pulled herself under the water. She ran her fingers through her hair in zig-zags for as long as she could hold her breath. She surfaced, brushing the water back off her face and through her hair. She settled into a comfortable position, the tops of her knees poking out of the water. She laid her hands out over her belly button. “Why are you looking at me?” Calvin whispered. Mitchell lifted his gaze from the mans flexing abs to his face. “Oh I didn’t mention?” Calvins stroking slowed. “Mention what?” Mitchell looked down at Amber, actually embarrassed to have been caught staring. “I’m bi.” “You—“ Calvin stopped, turning himself a little to face more toward Amber and less toward him. “Oh sure, you don’t mind if we make out in front of you. Oh sure, you don’t care if I join you while you masturbate. It all makes sense now. What? Did you know already, Amber?” She’d been smiling, and covered her mouth with a hand when he accused her. “Yes. But not for very long.” “Well I’m glad I’m finally in the picture.” Mitchell resisted the urge to provoke him further, keeping his eyes on her. He stopped stroking, taking his left hand and reaching into the water. “Dude,” Calvin protested. He brushed against her wrist, and her eyes flashed open. He smiled at her, pulling the wrist up between her breasts. “I like that better.” He said. She pulled the other wrist up, too. “Looks so innocent.” He stood upright, her line of vision leaving way for his hand, stroking, and the flesh beneath it poking out every second. She blinked away, feeling her face start to flush. “That’s what I like,” Calvin pointed with his left hand, then let it hang. “Eyes open, watching me.” Amber smirked. “You would like that.” He chuckled. “Look at it. It’s not going to bite.” She wrinkled her nose, squeezing her eyes shut. “Come on, just look. You don’t have to touch it.” She sighed, and opened her eyes. Calvin held himself in three fingers. She watched as he gave himself three long strokes, then let it drop. He lifted his hand, spitting into it again. She was about to close her eyes again as Mitchell leaned over quickly, his hand resting on the edge of the tub. His hips shook back and forth, trembling a little. She watched his hand, observing what he held for a few seconds before shifting her gaze to his face. His eyebrows were pulled together, eyes shut. The corner of his bottom lip was tucked in under his teeth, but he opened his mouth to exhale. The stroking slowed, and her gaze flashed down as a stream of white streaked onto his chest. He stroked himself slower, letting out a shaking breath with each upward thrust. When he was finished, he knelt down and rolled his shoulders. He took two deep breaths, then opened his eyes. Amber had been watching, and her gaze shifted away quickly. “It’s okay.” He breathed. “Don’t be shy, I’ve been staring at you, so you can feel free to stare at me. I’m more embarrassed that was over so quickly…” Her eyes darted back to him, and she smiled for a moment, but looked back at Calvin. Mitchell went to the sink, cupping his hand and filling them with water. He splashed it onto his chest, scrubbing at where the stuff was stuck in his hairs. He did his best to get most of it out, but the nitty gritty would need a bath to get rid of. He returned to his side of the bathtub, and sat. Sneaking a glance at Calvin, he found the man was trying very hard to focus. He leaned forward, his eyes on Ambers lips even as she turned to face him. He neared, then hesitated. He whispered something into her ear, leaving her to blush but smile just a little. She looked away, embarrassed, then sat up farther. He met her lips, kissing her gratefully and helping her to lower back down into the tub. He reached his hand into the water and it only brushed her breast as he grasped her hand, holding it firmly. He gave her a few more kisses, light and gentle like they had been before, then pulled away a little. He raised an eyebrow at Calvin. “Having trouble?” He shook his head a few times. “Nope.” Mitchell smirked at him. “I can help you, if you want?” His eyebrows went up. “Nope.” He shrugged, leaning in to Amber again and this time, his lips went to her ear. He said something that made her eyes dart around for a second. Then, “Okay.” She whispered. Mitchell lowered his mouth to the crook of her jaw, kissing there. His hand in the water left hers, and went left. Then right. Calvin watched as he moved his fingers across her nipple, his aim precise despite not looking. He stroked deeper, realizing the permission she’d just given to the both of them. He wanted to reach in and grab one right then, but both his hands were full. He watched as Mitchell stopped over the crest, moving his palm in a circle. Her lip twitched up, and he looked at her face. Her eyes had closed. Mitchell moved his hand down, spreading his fingers out across the breast and taking a long, slow squeeze. A small sound made its way past Calvin’s lips as he watched, imagining the silky smooth of her skin on his. Mitchell pulled his face away from hers, and looked straight at his pack. Calvin stroked consciously, very aware that another man was staring at his junk. “Sure you don’t need help?” “It’s only been like seven minutes.” “More like ten. And your face is red. You aren’t holding your breath are you?” “I know how to do it!” Calvin shouted, taking his hands away to roll his wrists. Mitchell met his eye. “You’ve never been blown by a gay man. It’s a wonderful thing.” Calvin grimaced. “Your wrists won’t get tired. No need to stop and spit, either.” “Not going to happen.” Calvin said, spitting in his palm. “You could pretend it’s me.” Amber said with a smile. “Oh, you too?” He asked. “I’m straight. Only females are allowed to touch this bad boy.” Amber shrugged. “Who knows when I’ll be mentally prepared to give either of you a blowjob myself? Can your delicate wrists handle all that?” “They aren’t delicate.” He said, sighing as he dropped it on accident. “Can we not talk, I keep getting distracted.” Amber sighed. “The water’s getting cold. I think I’m going to get out soon.” Calvin groaned. “What’s with you, sticking up for him?” She flushed. “Maybe I think it’d be fun to watch.” “Why?” He asked. “You’d get nothing out of it.” She sat up farther in the tub. “I didn’t get much out of this anyway, did I?” “Name your terms.” Mitchell said. Calvin stopped stroking, and took a half step away. He lowered his gaze. “Are you begging me?” “I…” Mitchell stopped. “You’re attractive, okay? It’s been a long time since I’ve done a job but watching you over there really makes me want to.” Calvin sighed. “I’ll give it a try—try, as in, if I get grossed out then we stop—if Amber agrees to give me one later.” Her face turned bright pink. “I’m really not all that good at blowjobs. I haven’t done one in years.” He thought about it. “I get to go down on you.” “You what?” She asked, surprised. “Go down, it means—“ “I know what it means.” She said. “I don’t know…” “You said you weren’t getting anything out of this. Let me make it worth your while, at least.” She crossed her arms. “Fine. I’ll let you make it worth my while, if you make it worth his.” She said, gesturing to Mitchell. “If you cop out after a couple minutes, it’s a deal breaker. It’s taken you seven already and you still haven’t finished, so you’ll have to last seven otherwise it’s a no go.” Calvin smiled. “Fine, if I get to give it to you right after I’m done.” She looked away, thinking. Then, she brought her gaze to Mitchell. He shook his head. “It’s up to you.” She sighed. “Fine. Deal.” Calvin groaned, unexcited. “Sh-should we go to the couch or something?” He asked uneasily as Mitchell stood up. He shook his head. “You get comfortable wherever. I’ll be able to deal with it.” Calvin looked around. “Well, I’m…comfortable here I guess.” Mitchell came to stand in front of him. “Want to kiss first?” He grimaced. “Not really.” He whispered. “Fair enough.” Mitchell said, kneeling. “Oh its going away…” Calvin said, covering his eyes with a hand. Amber sat forward in the bathtub to watch better. Mitchell held up the flaccid tissue in two delicate fingers, licking his lips before opening his mouth and letting it slide past his tongue. He moved it in and out, keeping his tongue broad and flat. Then he took it all in, his nose touching Calvin’s stomach. Amber watched as his throat moved, wondering what was happening. Mitchell sucked, simultaneously rolling his tongue from back to front—copying the female kegel muscles. After a minute to relax, the flesh started to grow in his mouth. Mitchell let it, keeping his nose against the hair for as long as he could. Just before gagging he backed off and started to stroke with his mouth. He kept his lips slightly puckered, jaws open just enough to keep his teeth from scratching. His tongue pushed up against the bottom of Calvin, pressing it against the roof of his mouth with each pump. He pulled out all the stops—wiggling his tongue while stroking, using his hand as well as his mouth, going deep and sucking it from the back of his throat. Five minutes had passed before Calvin dropped a hand on Mitchell’s head, holding his hair as he rocked his hips forward once, without thinking. Then, the hand started to drop. Mitchell repeated his last move, going as deep as he could until he gagged, and holding suction for a few seconds. Calvin felt his hand twitch, his fingers lacing into hair and holding on. The sound of gagging along with everything else made his hips pump automatically. Mitchell pulled away, taking a couple quick breaths before going all the way down again. Calvin made a small noise, breathing heavier at the feel of a tongue licking out toward his balls. Mitchell tilted his head differently, opening his jaw wide. He grasped Calvins hip and helped him get a rhythm. Calvin followed it, working from a slow to moderate pumping. With each down thrust he heard the little gagging sound, and he picked up the pace. Rolling his fingers through the hair, he held on tight and pounded as fast as he could. It took hardly ten seconds before he slowed his pace, pulling on the hair and tensing his muscles. A hot spray flew into Mitchells throat, and he fought to swallow quick enough. He moved his head back farther, licking up at the tip while it flooded his mouth. Calvin slowly stopped moving, then exhaled deeply and released the hair. Mitchel pulled away slowly, taking as much of the mess with him before swallowing it down in two large gulps. “Ahh,” He said, sitting back on the floor. “That hit the spot.” Calvin panted, gesturing to the bathtub. He tossed a foot in, and Amber moved her legs to make space for him as he sat down in the water, raising it nearly to the edge. He put a hand through his hair, massaging. “I just let a man suck my penis.” He said in one hurried breath. His eyes opened at he looked at Amber, concerned. “Does that make me gay?” She resisted the urge to laugh at him. “I think it makes you desperate. Not gay.” “I understand completely if you never want to do that again.” Mitchell said, headed for the sink. “But let me know if you do.” Amber pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. She winked, and whispered, “Was it good?” He nodded a little, taking slow breaths. He looked down at himself, rubbing to get excess goo off. “Looks smaller in the water.” “It’s—“ He stopped, sighing. “He’s been through a lot. And this water is still very warm, you liar.” Amber blushed. “Sorry.” “No you’re not.” He said convicting, eyeing her closely. “You got a show and now you’re getting a favor out of it too.” “A what?” “Favor.” He looked back down, cleaning for another second before standing up. Amber looked away. “Let’s move to the couch after we dry off.” She nodded, remembering the other half of the agreement. Calvin took the towel that hung from a hook on the door, drying himself with it before holding it out to her. She took it, and rubbed herself down. “Mitch, pull the plug will you?” Calvin asked. Mitchell was leaned over the sink, taking mouthfuls of water and gargling it. He gave a thumbs up, leaning over and spitting. “My lady.” Calvin said, holding out a hand. She took it, and he led her to the couch. She shivered as she sat, tucking the towel underneath so she didn’t have to touch the leather to her skin. Calvin made a face, then left. He returned with the blanket from the bed, draping it over her carefully. She thanked him, and tucked her shoulders in. He lifted the edge of the blanket, climbing in from underneath. “Oh it’s been so long…” He said idly. He reached out with his fingers and found her knees, pulling them apart gently. She bit her lip as she obliged, feeling awkward. Mitchell looked through the doorway, putting on a concerned expression at the sight of her face. She shook her head lightly and mouthed, I’m okay. He nodded, though he wasn’t convinced, and entered the bedroom. Calvin’s tongue touched her soft and gentle, but startled her enough to make her jump. He moved, kissing the inside of her thigh while laying an arm across her hips as an anchor. He gave her skin a soft bite, then rested his cheek on her leg. “Do you prefer external or internal stimulation? Just to make this simple.” She blinked at the question. “Uhm. External? If I’m understanding you correctly. And going down doesn’t involve anything inside, anyway.” “Yes it does.” He said plainly. “Fingers or tongue.” “Wh—“ She stopped to chuckle nervously. “No it doesn’t.” “You’re not going to let me use my tongue?” He asked, confused. “Well not…inside, no.” “Darling I think you had the wrong definition when you went into this thing.” She exhaled. “Mitch!” She shouted, shrill and slow. Calvin panicked, crawling backwards out of the blanket as Mitchell’s feet pounded on the ground. His eyes locked on Calvin, and he felt his fists clench. He stopped as the younger one held up his hands, shaking his head. “I didn’t even touch—“ “Mitch, what’s going down entail? We seem to be defining it differently and need a tie breaker.” Mitchell took a deep breath, relaxing himself. “Well. You use fingers, tongue, or toy to stimulate a womans clitoris, or any of the special spots inside the…vagina.” He gulped after the word. “Until she climaxes or says she’s too weary to go on.” Calvin smiled broadly at Amber, and she looked away. “I didn’t know that…” Calvin started to head back under the blanket, but Mitchell stepped forward. “Hold on there, Cal. This may be a rule breaker. If she agreed to something under a false impression—“ He groaned. Amber shrugged. “I didn’t know there was anything, ah, internal, involved. I just thought it was clit stuff.” “It’s not that far off—she knew the basics.” Calvin said. “Amber don’t do something you’ll end up regretting just because of a stupid agreement.” Mitchell warned. “If you want to call this off, you can.” She inhaled, and held the breath for a little while. “I don’t even like tampons. I just really don’t enjoy feeling like there’s something in me. Feels like I’ve got a parasite or something, it’s…yuck.” “Fine.” Calvin said, shrugging. “I’ll stay outside if you’re really sure you’re not comfortable with it. Even though I swear I know what to do with my tongue to make you enjoy it.” She shook her head. “At least just this time, no. That would be a little over my bounds.” Calvin sighed, but nodded. “Okay, alright….” Mitchell gave her a curious look. “You okay?” Amber smiled at him, and nodded. “I’m fine. Thanks for settling that for us.” “In the future, though…” Calvin let the question drop off, looking from one to the other. Mitchell rolled his eyes, turning and heading back to the bedroom. Calvin headed under the blanket. “So, a little bit of a challenge then. Nothing I can’t handle.” She inhaled as his tongue touched her, and tried to keep from jumping. His arm laid over her hips again, holding her somewhat steady as he explored her greedily. After mapping her out, he opened his mouth wide and took in all her sex, rolling his tongue along it as he slowly let it fall. “Ahh…” He sighed, licking his lips. “That has to be the best juice I’ve tasted.” Amber narrowed her eyes, uncertain whether to feel complimented or grossed out. He parted her lips with his tongue, diving in and finding her bump with ease. She jerked against his arm, and he pressed it lighter. A leg twitched. He left it alone for the time being, scouting for another spot among the folds. He found it, then rolled the tip of his tongue back and forth past it, which led to her to start twitching a leg as he gained speed. After she bumped him with her knee, he stopped and kissed her patch of hair. “Amber?” She exhaled. “What?” “It’s really hard to read you like this. Can I convince you to take the blanket off?” He asked, polite as he could. “I’m still cold.” She said. Another reason why she was shaking, maybe. He shrugged, the quilt was made of thin cotton, lightly stuffed, and the bright light from the windows shone through most of it. “Then come all the way under. There’s a delicate balance between pleasure and discomfort and it’s hard to tell which one I’m giving you just based on your leg.” She sighed, he had a very good reason. She pulled the blanket up, past her head. It was easier to see than she’d anticipated, and she blushed when she saw him smiling up at her. “Isn’t it all the same?” She asked. He narrowed his eyes, giving her thigh a kiss. “What do you mean?” “Well a good spot is a good spot, a bad one is a bad one.” “Well first there are no bad spots and no—it’s definitely not all the same. Different women like different things to start, but even the same woman will want different kinds of stimulation day to day. It takes some poking and prodding to find out what she wants. And by she, I mean the lady parts, not the woman herself.” He kissed her thigh again. “The woman never knows what she wants.” He stuck out his tongue, reaching her button with the tip of it and lifting his gaze to watch her face react. Too much, he thought, moving his tongue lower and working on the other spot. He did the same move as before, running the point past it back and forth. She made an expression he couldn’t exactly decipher, and wished all the more he could use his hands to help. Calvin ran through his checklist, gauging her reaction to each method until he found two he thought were promising. He resigned to the first, puckering around her clit and sucking the area up into his mouth. He pulled it in harder, harder, then probed the button with the tip of his tongue just gently. She made the barest wince, and he did it again a little more firm. This time her chin lifted, so he closed his eyes and set to a rhythm, brushing against it with every inhale. Soon her breathing was matching the pace, and he attacked it for the space of a second. Her legs pulled shut against his sides, her hips pulling away even as he chased after them. He released her, licking his lips to get the tingly sensation off them. He chuckled, and nibbled at her thigh. “Couldn’t resist.” He whispered. He placed his tongue in her hair broadly, moving down slow past the clit and working his way between the lips to pass over her other spot. The tip met her entrance and pressed the opening only barely. She made an expression he couldn’t decipher, then relaxed. He moved up again, dragging his flat tongue across her sex and wiggling it around her clit. When it was too much, he went down again, faster this time. As he pressed against the opening again he felt the skin there pull together for a moment. “You seem to like this…” He said, poking it a little harder. She exhaled, swallowing. “Do I?” She asked, opening her eyes afterwards. “What are you doing?” He stopped, narrowed his eyes, and poked it again. “You can’t tell?” Amber closed her eyes. “There’s a vague sense of pressure but…I’ll admit it feels good.” He smiled broadly. “Should I keep doing it?” He let his tongue trail down, but didn’t touch it. “It’s fine.” She said, giving him a little nod. He sucked up her sex for a moment, excited, then let it go and began to explore the entrance. The tongue stayed flat, he worried being too precise would give away what he was doing. He pressed the middle against it, light at first but harder with each inhale. The muscles pulled themselves in and he pushed against it as hard as he could. Calvin pulled his tongue in, swallowing and splashing saliva onto it before placing it flat across the entrance again. He rolled it in a wave as fast as he could, and watched as her chin jerked up, her lip twitched, her eyes pulled closed tighter. His hand grasped at her leg unintentionally, holding onto her. When his tongue tired he pulled it away just enough, pressing the tip inside a little and exhaling at the glorious taste. She twitched, and exhaled too. After a few moments of waggling his tongue tip inside her, a hand brushed his hair. “That’s my…” She stopped to exhale as he pressed in further. She continued quieter, “That’s inside me, isn’t it?” He didn’t say anything, just chuckled with delight and clawed at her leg. “I c…can’t believe it feels…” She stopped, distracted, trying to pay attention to the strange sensation as much as possible. It didn’t feel like a worm, as she’d been worried about. Didn’t even feel like it was inside her, either. Just a pressure, constant but satisfying, making her hips flex toward him against her better judgment. It felt so good—how was that possible? As her hips pressed into him farther, asking for more, Calvin opened his mouth wide and pressed himself in, eager to show her all his other little tricks until she would squeeze his tongue, dripping out onto him and clutching at his hair while she screamed out his— “Guys we’ve got a bigger problem!” The tone in Mitchell’s voice was startling, and Calvin tore away from Amber and peeked outside the blanket. He had gone to the wall, pulled a pool cue from the hanging rack, and held it like an enormous baseball bat. His eyes flashed to Calvin and he started to shout, “Get up!” But Calvins gaze was brought to the doorway as a strange, white figure emerged. It was taller than a normal human, at least seven feet, it’s skin white like milk. The head was like a stretched-out egg, long and oval. Just as Amber had described there was no nose or eyes but, as it stepped in a mouth opened, revealing a bright, dark blue tongue. Behind him, Amber shrieked. The thing stepped into the room, followed by another and another. Their knees bent the wrong way, stepping like a bird. Their calves were thick, and they stood on three small toes that looked like they shouldn’t have offered enough support. As a fifth alien entered the room, Mitchell roared and charged the nearest one. He pulled the cue back and struck it with the thicker end, as the alien rose a forearm to block. The cue split. The aliens entire head flashed with a faint red glow, and it grabbed Mitchell by the throat and thrust him into the air, against the wall, effortlessly. The alien near Calvin had a glowing yellow head, and when he tried to punch it in the gut it grabbed his wrist, flinging him to the ground easily. Its head changed from the yellow to red, and it stood with one foot on Calvin’s stomach, watching him closely. The other aliens flashed various colors and patterns, and the one holding Mitchell dropped him to the ground, holding him down with a foot too. Two aliens stayed still but alert, and one in the middle looked to Amber. It held something in its three dainty fingers, and slowly made its way to her. She pulled up on the blanket, standing on the couch and pressing against the wall. Its head was a gentle yellow that reminded her of Easter. It stopped in front of the couch, and she looked at what it held. It was a triangular piece of machinery, metal on one side and clear plastic on the other. The bottom point of the triangle connected to a long clear tube which connected to a cylinder container like the air machines old folks sometimes use, or deep sea divers. The alien—hardly shorter than her even while she stood on the couch—held up the triangle, pointing to it with its free hand. Its head shone orange, then yellow again. Amber shook her head, trying to scoot away. It raised a leg, stepping onto the couch in the direction she’d been trying to go in, and rose. With both feet on either side of her, it reached out and grabbed the blanket at her chest. She clung to it, but it managed to pull it from her fingers. She’d been crying, and she realized dully that Mitchell was yelling her name. It held the triangle in both hands, and leaned in. She closed her eyes, bracing herself for excruciating pain. Her breath halted in her throat and her eyes flashed open as its mouth gently pressed against her forehead. The lips tried to pucker, but didn’t really. Calvin started to call it vulgar names, but it kissed her forehead again before leaning away. Now, it’s head was an Easter pink. Moving the triangle to one hand, the other took her hand in its small fingers and pulled each arm away and down, putting them by her sides. She stared, confused and frightened, and noticed an inch thick band of silver across the center of its face, above the mouth. It lifted the triangle, placing the cold metal against her skin so the flat top aligned with her collarbones and the bottom nestled between her breasts. With one finger, it pressed firmly against the plastic and gave it a little shove. Pain swelled through her chest, leaving her voice to make a cracking scream for the space of a second, and throw an arm out at its shoulder. It caught her wrist, and placed it purposefully against the machine. Then, it stepped off the couch. Panting, she took the hand away but the machine stayed against her skin. She tried to pull it off, but the pain just got worse. The alien leaned over the container, pressing something on the side. It made a very quiet whir, and sent a shock up and into her chest. Her back pressed hard against the wall as she tried to get away, pain blossoming from the three points of the triangle. She felt her self being pulled into the machine, slowly like it was clogged. Through the screaming she managed to open her eyes and her cries faltered for a moment as she realized the tube leading to the container was filled with a dark red. Blood. Her mind reeled and for a moment it blinded her from the pain. But then of course it came back, a searing heat and uncomfortable suction from within her muscles. Amber put a hand on the chest piece, trying again in vain to pull it away. Something tore, and her hands retracted immediately, away from the thing. Her fists clenched, and she felt a drop of blood start to trail down her stomach. Then, the machine stopped whirring and the pain slowed to a stop. She breathed shakily, taking large gasping breaths with her eyes half closed. The alien reached up, pressing against the plastic of the triangle. She felt it release, and it dropped into its hand. As it did so she exhaled long and deep. The alien started to turn, holding the chest piece out to another. Her eyes closed and her legs failed, crumpling beneath her as she fell. The alien moved with quick, instinctual reflexes to place itself under her as she fainted. Its head flashed a vibrant orange, turning on and off like Morse code. The boys screamed for her as another alien took Ambers body into its long arms, and stepped away into the hall. Mitchell beat on his captors leg as her figure disappeared from his view. It leaned down, grabbing him by an arm and pulling him up. As soon as he was free he threw a jab to its face. It hit, but burned his knuckles. Two more came, pushing him against the wall and holding him by his arms and shoulders. The machine was brought over to him. His shirt was pulled up, and held up against his chin and throat. His abs flexed as he tried to pull away in vain. The triangle was placed on his chest, and activated. He winced at the discomfort and realized the strange feeling had been like a needle being pressed into his skin. He glared at the yellow-headed alien as it leaned over, and turned the machine on. He stifled a shout, clenching his jaws and slamming his head back against the wall. The pain there distracted him from the terrible, immense discomfort at his chest. He could literally feel the blood leaking out of his body, being drained quick and efficient like a full bath when the plug is pulled. For two minutes he bore through the pain, then the machine stopped. The chest piece was removed, and the alien took the machine out toward the hall. Two of the aliens holding him released, leaving one to hold his weight. It gently let him go, letting him find his feet before completely stepping away. Its head turned from red to white again, and it left. The one holding Calvin was last to go, giving his gut a shove with its foot before stepping away and hurrying to the hall. Calvin grabbed at his stomach, trying to breathe, then got to his feet and ran after them. He saw the last one slip through the curtain and charged at it with a growl. He managed to step through, his entire leg and part of his torso slipping through the light before his brain overloaded with pain and cold, forcing him to fling himself back and land flat on the ground. “Cal,” Mitch called, quietly. Shivering and searing with something like frost burn Cal turned, finding him at the doorway. “Is she gone?” He looked over into the bathroom, not expecting to find her. He closed his eyes and nodded, pulling himself down the hall and helping Mitchell to stand. “What’d they do to you?” He asked. Mitchell looked at his chest again, finding three circular bruises where the corners of the machine had been. “They took our blood.” He guessed. “I feel really light head and…” He stopped, gasping and trying to step forward. Calvin turned in time to see a pair of hands reach through the light, setting down a familiar metal box. Calvin went to it, opening the top and looking inside. “Our rations.” He said, taking them out. He turned to Mitchell and bit his lip before looking away. “There’s only two.” |