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by Rain
Rated: E · Other · Writing · #1988089
Second chapter to the series
I didn’t wait for it to sink in, no, I left the house and strode down to the lake.
The moon sparkled on the dark inviting water.
I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my skirt and shorts until I was left in my tank and boy cuts. I walked into the water, allowing the cold to slowly slither up my body.
By the time the water reached my neck I was shivering, but I kept going until I was completely under.
I allowed my body to float up until I was lying on top, gazing at the stars.
“Kylie?” My eyes glanced over at Jacob, mesmerized momentarily as he walked towards the lake, the moon shining off of his hair. “Shit, Kylie!”
He threw off his shoes and shirt and ran my way, swimming at top speed.
I stood quickly, forgetting I was at the deep part until I was under.
Water poured into my wind pipe and I panicked, not the smart thing to do, I know. It was only a little water after all, but still scary, and I can’t swim, so that makes it that much worse.
Arms grabbed my waist and pulled me to a more shallow area, where I could actually reach and see.
I coughed slightly and Jacob stopped to look back at me.
“What? What’s the problem?” I asked before coughing again.
“Shit, Kylie, I thought you were gone.”
God I love that name. “I was just floating.”
“Where I was it looked like you were floating face down.”
“I’m fine, I can swim.”
“Just because you can float doesn’t mean you can swim Kyle.”
I didn’t say anything, I knew it was true.
My teeth began to chatter from the cold.
A flashback overtook the present as he spoke my name.
“But Kyle is a boy’s name.” Complained Jacob, first grade version.
“But it’s my name.”
“I don’t like it.”
“Well I don’t like you.” I retorted.
“Well then I don’t like you either,” He paused for a moment, “Kylie.”
“That’s not my name!”
“Kylie Kylie Kylie.”
“Kylie.” The once childish cute voice turned into a deep masculine, dare I say it? Sexy voice.
“How long have you been out here?”
“How long ago did I leave the house?”
“Great, come on, we need to get inside.”
No arguing on this part either, it’s flippin cold.
Now, if only I could move.
Of course that doesn’t seem to be a problem, because Jacob actually picked me up, he’s carrying me to the shore.
“Ja-Jacob, put me down. I’m t-too heavy.”
“You’re not heavy Kyle, calm down.”
Okay, don’t argue, be glad. He’s actually being nice for once, and he’s warm, really warm.
“Go take a shower and get warmed up before you get a cold.”
All I could do was nod before walking to the bathroom.
Shower, please warm up fast, I beg of you.
While standing there, shivering, I recalled everything (almost) Jacob ever did to me after we declared our hatred for the other.
Wet willies, de-pantsing (me towards him), punches, kicks, spitting on, pulling each other’s hair, and so on.
“Kylie.” He knocked on the door gently before opening it. “I put your clo-why aren’t you in the shower?”
“I’m waiting for the water to warm up.”
He cocked an eyebrow and checked the water.
Why is he still not wearing a shit? Oh who am I kidding? It’s a good thing.
My eyes roamed over his torso, watching as his muscles twisted in his back, his strong, muscular back.
Is this absolutely necessary? I asked, looking to the sky.
Whoever’s up there, you really suck.
“Hey spacey, the water’s fine. I put your skirt on the bed.”
“Thanks.” I said before getting in the shower.
“Kylie.” He opened the shower curtain with a smirk.
“What?” Water momentarily blurred my vision.
“You have to take your clothes off in order to take a shower.”
“Not while you’re in here I’m not.”
“Not like I’d wanna see you naked anyways.”
“Then why are you still here, watching me shower?”
A glare found its way to his face before he left the bathroom, leaving me by myself.
“Stupid.” I grumbled before stripping down.
Not trying to gross anybody out, but to be able to stand here, with nothing between me and the warm water feels amazing.
A yawn erupted, shaking me to my core.
Absent mindedly I turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my body, and towel drying my hair with another.
Crap. I stopped what I was doing and stared at my reflection. Clothes.
Peeking my head into the room I found Jacob lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.
“Psst, Jacob.” He lifted his head slightly, looking at me. “Can you hand me my bag?”
I watched as he hoisted himself onto his elbows. “Why should I?” Of course he’s smirking.
“Because I’m a girl?”
“Because I asked nicely.”
“Jacob, just give me my god damn bag!” I snapped.
“Alright alright, chill.”
Impatiently I stood there, waiting for the cloth to hit my hand. And as soon as it did, the door closed.
Quickly I threw on my jamas and cleaned up the bathroom, opening the door slightly after I finished.
Jacob stormed in as I was attempting to get the knots out of my hair.
All because he needed to brush his teeth.
Actually, that’s not a bad idea, if only my hair would cooperate!
Oh, there we go. Perfect.
Next mission, find my toothbrush.
Come on, where is it, I know I-
“What?” Jacob asked as he finished his task.
“I forgot my toothbrush.”
“Here, just use mine.”
“Do it.”
“No, that’s just-” I got cut off as he shoved his toothbrush in my mouth. “gross.” I moaned as I pulled it out. “Maybe that should be considered your first kiss.”
“We just swapped spit.” He said with a smirk.
“No actually, it’s more like you just hawked a woogie in my mouth.”
“Very lady like.”
He took the toothbrush from my hand and squirted some paste on it.
“Like I care.”
“Do you need me to do it for you?”
I smiled so wide my eyes squinted shut.
Ah! He’s really doing it! He’s brushing my teeth for me!
My eyes shot open and I grabbed the toothbrush from his hand. “I can do it.” I spat, literally, a few specks of paste were now on his face.
I had to try and hold back the laughter.
“That’s gross.”
“You know what’s gross?” I asked after spitting out the toothpaste.
“Having to use your toothbrush.”
“You know you like it.”
“It’s the closest you’ll get to kissing someone.”
“You know that’s not true.”
We were too distracted by our conversation that we didn’t realize it when we slid into bed together.
A shock ran through me as our legs touched.
“Get out of the bed!” I yelled, jumping up.
“You get out of the bed.”
“Why should I?”
“Because I’m a lady.”
“Coulda fooled me.”
“Fine.” I growled. “I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“You’re not-”
I shut him out as I made a bed on the floor.
Not the most comfortable place to sleep, but better then sleeping in a bed with him.
The instant my head hit the pillow I was asleep.
Why is it so cold?
“Leave me alone.”
“I already told you, I don’t want an alien baby, go impregnate Ryan.”
A chuckle sent a warm breath to cascade over my face.
I let out a groan and rolled to my other side, snuggling into the carpet.
My eyes snapped open as a pair of muscular arms embraced me, picking me up off the floor.
I was about to protest by screaming at the top of my lungs, but stopped myself when he placed me on the bed. Compared to the floor, this is heaven.
Snuggling further into the mattress I sighed, a small smile playing on my lips.
Already sleep was grasping my brain as the warmth spread through me.
“Oh Kylie.”
“That’s not my name dipshit.” I replied to the overly joyed Jacob.
My parents made me go over to his house while they ‘talked’, so here I stand, or sit, by his large pool.
No joke on that either, it’s not your normal family sized blow up pool.
It’s one you see at schools, underground, with diving boards. The water even goes as deep as 13 ft.
“Okay, whatever Ky, stand up.”
“Why should I?”
“Come on, just do it, please.”
“Fine.” I groaned.
Standing with the help of Jacob, I scanned him suspiciously.
“I need to tell you something.”
My mood changed as I saw the seriousness in his eyes. “What?”
He looked at the ground for a moment before looking back up at me, a smirk on his face. “Have a nice swim.”
I didn’t have a chance to react before he pushed me in the water, the 13 ft deep water.
My eyes looked up in horror as I sank to the bottom, Jacob laughing.
Water began to fill my lungs as I tried to scream.
Suddenly, I wasn’t the only one looking in horror. There was a splash, but I couldn’t see what it was from, my vision was already black.
There was a pressure on my chest before air was shot into my lungs.
“C- on K-le.” The voice broke in and out as I slipped back and forth into consciousness.
Another couple pumps, more air forced into my lungs. “Breathe.”
I took the advice, but something blocked my way, making a fit of coughs to erupt from my throat.
Water spewed from my mouth and I could finally breathe correctly.
“Oh thank god.”
My eyes finally opened and I stared at the 15 year old Jacob.
I think that was the first time I ever really noticed how adorable he was. His blonde hair spiked, even after getting in the pool, bright blue eyes slightly covered by a pair of glasses, body slightly scrawny, yet muscular. He let out a sigh and smiled. A smile that melted away any hatred I’ve ever felt for him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you couldn’t swim.”
Braces, I always thought he looked dorky with those braces, boy was I wrong. They just made him that much cuter.
“I almost died because of you!” I snapped, getting off the ground.
“I wish you would’ve, I don’t know why I even bothered to save you!” He said before storming off.
I gently touched my lips, thinking of how he had to save me.
Was this my first kiss? No, no, my first kiss will be when someone actually kisses me, not gives me CPR…
My eyes blurred with tears as I replayed what he said.
He really did hate me, he doesn’t want me to live.
And then I did something stupid, I walked over to the pool and voluntarily threw myself into the deep end, letting the water overtake my body, letting it fill my lungs.
No! Don’t do it!
My lungs burned for the air I so longed to breathe, but all they received was water.
“No!” I woke startled, sitting up quickly in the bed.
“What? What’s wrong?” Jacob asked still half asleep lying next to me.
I looked down to my waist where a heavy object held me down.
Oh god.
“Get your arm off of me.” I snarled, ripping it off.
“Sorry, if I would’ve realized it was you I wouldn’t have done it.” Yeah, he’s awake now.
“Jack ass.”
We sat there silent for a moment.
“You had that dream again didn’t you?”
Okay, we might be enemies, but we still talk, sometimes.
We even converse casually, which is why he knows about my dream.
“I’m really sorry.”
“Jacob, you don’t have to be sorry.” I whispered, not sure if my voice would work.
“Yes I do Kyle, it wouldn’t have happened if I would’ve just kept my mouth shut.”
I grabbed his clenched fist in my hand.
A gasp escaped my throat as he pulled my hand back, causing my body to fly towards his.
He embraced me in a hug that I haven’t received since second grade, a true hug.
I felt myself hug him back as a tear rolled down my cheek.
Jacob buried his face in my hair and I buried mine in his chest.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t.” I said pulling away so I could see his face.
“No Kyle, you almost died because of me.”
“It’s not your fault Jacob, it was my stupid decision.”
“A stupid decision you made because of what I said.” He brushed the tear away as he spoke.
“But I didn’t get hurt, because you came back. I owe you one.”
See, we can be civilized, kind of.
“Yeah? I think I know what you can do for me.” He said with a smirk.
And just like that, the mood completely changed.
“Make me some breakfast.”
“Oh go make it yourself.”
“Aw, but you said you owe me.”
“You saved my life and all I have to do to repay you is make you breakfast?”
“Well, there is one thing, and we wouldn’t even have to get out of bed.”
“Yeah, you’re getting nothing.”
“Oh come on, you could be my first time, I hear that’s a pretty big deal.”
“Nope.” I said, walking out of the room.
As much as that little fact surprised me, I didn’t show it.
Jacob’s a virgin, who would’ve guessed?
The bacon sizzled in the pan and I readied an egg to be cracked.
“I think they planned this.” I said as Jacob walked into the kitchen.
“This is a summer house right?”
“Yeah, so?”
“So it’s late October, and all of the food is new, not to mention the only room not locked was the master bedroom. And the front door was open.”
He pondered the idea. “Fuck, why would they plan this?”
“Who the hell knows?”
“Maybe they did it to try and get us to stop fighting all the time.”
“We don’t fight all the time.”
“Yes we do.”
“No we don’t.”
“Yes we do Kylie.”
“No we don’t Jacob.” I retorted, throwing a piece of bacon at him.
“See! We do so.” He took a bite before throwing it back.
“What if-never mind.”
Breakfast finished, I began to make the plates.
“What if what?” He asked, leaning over me to get some food.
If anybody were to look in right now, they’d probably think we’re a couple.
“Hey, keep your grubby hands to yourself.”
I turned suddenly, Jacob a little too close for comfort.
“Calm down Angel.” He sneered the name, his face awfully close to mine.
Pushing him as hard as I could he staggered back, a little shocked.
I took the time to sit at the table with the food.
Let me tell you, it didn’t take him long to recover, because only seconds later he was sitting across from me, taking a bite of his food.
“So what if what?” He asked after he chewed some bacon.
At least he has the decency not to talk with his mouth full.
“It’s nothing.” Taking another bite I averted my eyes from his.
“Kyle, just tell me.”
“Well I was thinking, what if this actually makes us fight more?”
My stomach suddenly lurched, and I wasn’t so hungry anymore.
I looked up to see Jacob smiling. “Or, what if it does the opposite, what if it works exactly how they planned it, but a little too well?”
“What are you talking about Jacob?”
“What if we got along?”
“We do that sometimes.”
“But what if we got along so well, we started to like each other, and because we started to like each other, we became a couple?”
“A couple?”
“Yeah, you know, boyfriend and girlfriend, come on, keep up Ky.”
“No, in case you haven’t realized, I don’t like you like that.”
“That doesn’t matter Kylie.” Sometimes I think he just uses that name to butter me up. “You don’t have to like me to pull a joke on everyone.”
“But it’s gonna ruin my chances with N-” I slapped my hand over my mouth.
“Nick, yeah yeah.”
“How do you know that?”
“I’ve known you since first grade Kyle, it’s pretty obvious when you like someone.” I was silent, and jealous, I couldn’t tell when he liked someone. “So, are you gonna do this or not?”
“Well, you owe me one anyways, so you have to.”
“But! I made you breakfast! That’s what you said you wanted!”
“As you stated before, it seems a little weak for what I did for you. So, in or not?” I bit my bottom lip. “Yes! This is gonna be great, I can already imagine the looks on their faces-”
“Wait! I didn’t say anything!” I yelled as he stood up.
He walked over and grabbed my chin, slightly pulling down my bottom lip. “You didn’t have to, you bit your lip, sure sign of giving in.”
Why does he know me so well?
© Copyright 2014 Rain (feellikerain at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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