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Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1983291
My Relationship with Foxy Grey (The Cat that Thinks He’s a Dog)
My Relationship with Foxy Grey (The Cat that Thinks He’s a Dog)

Many folks think of relationships as being between a man and a woman, but believe it or not, relationships can be between many things, you and your pets, you and your family members, you and a friend, you and your community, etc.

Today, I am focusing on relationships between me and my cat. I came to this writing very gently. The Song Mistress posted yesterday about her relationship between her and her two boys (Ed and Ben). It got me thinking about my relationship with my cat, Foxy Grey. Foxy is a Russian Blue. He was born in 2002. As a young cat, he was oh so full of himself. He walked around the house with his tail up in the air, bright-eyed and bushy tailed. He was into everything.

I purchased an automatic pooper pan that he was supposed to use. Good luck with that. Instead, he would stand by the door and meow at the top of his lungs to go outside. When he was finished and ready to come back in, he would actually knock on the door.

He learned the neighborhood, and who came in and out of my house. Foxy was (is) so intelligent that he would walk the grandchildren to the bus stop every single day, sit with them until they got on the bus, and then return home, knock on the door so that he could come in. Promptly at 3:00pm, he would knock on the door, go to the bus stop and wait for the kids to get off and walk them home. At first we thought it was just a fluke, but then it became his routine, and even the neighbors would talk about the cat walking the grands to the bus stop and picking them up in the afternoon. AMAZING.

Later we learned that was not his only trick. Foxy Grey decided that he owned the yard. As such, he decided that he and he alone had free range to roam in it. Nothing was off limits when it came to protecting his yard. Other cats were chased away. The coons and possums had to run about when he was not outside. However, the birds were safe. I have no clue as to why, but they were. Foxy would sit and look at them, watch them do bird things, and return to the house.

By the way, Foxy Grey is a rescue cat. I rescued him one day before he was to be euthanized. By chance, I went to the pet store after attending a celebration for Leonard Pits who had just won the Pulitzer Prize for commentary. Entering Petco, I had no idea that I would become the proud owner of a cat. I am allergic to cats and dogs! However, on approaching the pet section, this cat followed me back and forth in his cage. The worker said that cat has not moved for days. I laughed and said he is moving now. I played with him for a minute, and walked away.

He started meowing, and got louder and louder the further I went. I returned and he quieted down. The worker was amazed, and quite frankly, so was I. I left again, and the same thing happened. So, we went a step further, I went inside the closed area, and she let the cat out. Immediately, he came over and jumped on my lap and started purring. My heart was stolen. I decided that I really did not want a cat, but I'd consider it. I left and went home.

The next day the cat continued to taunt me. I could not get him off of my mind. Around noon, I went back to the pet store, praying that they had not put "my" cat to sleep. Thank God they had not. He must have heard me entering the store, and he started pacing and meowing and I knew, I would be taking him home, allergy shots and all. That day, Foxy (a free cat) cost me $550 for a carrying case, shots, name tag, electric pooper pan, food, brush, toys, immunization, insurance, and registration. I also had to find him a vet.

Over the years, Foxy Grey has attracted, and gotten the attention of most of my neighbors. He has converted cat haters into friends. My son, in particular hates cats, but he would kill for Foxy Grey. When he comes over Foxy follows him around until he sits down and lets him jump up in his lap. The grands come to visit Foxy Grey. Neighbors will call to see how Foxy is doing, and when they come to visit, they will sit, pet, and talk with him as if he was human. It is the funniest thing.

Needless to say, Foxy and I have a very special relationship. He rarely jumps up in my lap. He is not all cuddly with me, he is with everyone else, but he follows me around. He sleeps in my room. He knocks on my door when he can't get in. He stalks me when I am not in sight. He goes with me to the bathroom. He sits and watches me eat, and somehow, he always knows when I am not feeling well. I love my cat! He is something else.

He is getting old, and does not move as gracefully as he did when he was young. His fur is just as thick, but he sometimes forgets to hold his tail up when he walks. He has changed his diet. Someone has introduced him to table food and can cat food. In the early days, he would only eat Cat Delight. Now, he throws his head up and walks away when I put that in his bowl. However, when he hears the can of Fancy Feast pop open, he almost jumps up and down with anticipation. Who knew that his taste would change? Now, I have those big old buckets of Cat Delight to take back to the store. LOL

The Song Mistress got me thinking. What am I going to do when my Foxy Grey is no longer with me? He has been my constant companion for almost twelve years. He sits with me, sleeps with me, walks with me, and just plain ole stays with me. He is part of my family. He has a place in my life. What will I do when Foxy Grey is no more?

Something to think about, but for now he is sitting right here waiting on me to move. Long life to Foxy Grey.

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