Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1982452-Running-Away-From-Abuse
by hames
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1982452
Teen couple falls in love finding out havin a son when it turn into a abusive relationship
"Running Away From Abuse"

         We were just two sixteen year olds that thought we were in love and had no cares in the world. Attending parties, skipping school, staying out late, and always sneaking out together. We went to a small school called Breakers High located in Murry, Kentucky. Everything was going right for the both of us, I was the captain of the cheerleading team, and Keith was our star quarterback. Nothing could have ruined the last two years of high school for us right? Until the day I Tara Black found out I was pregnant.
The next couple of weeks were horrid, soon enough I got a call from the doctors and it was for sure positive. I had to tell my love of my life Keith Jones and my family. The thought of being hated and forgotten started to take over my mind somehow I remained to stay sane. Keith did not take the news well at all. He was a star on the football team, everyone's go to guy when they needed a party to find. I thought after the baby would be born he would change and take the role of the nice loving father you see on "Lifetime" movies, that cares for his family and works a full time job so he can support the family with anything they need. Oh I guess I left out one thing that was a big part of mine and his relationship. Well you see Keith has a slight anger problem it honestly is my fault. Every time he hit me I deserved it, you see I put a lot of stress on him and he just needed to get it out. Yes, it did hurt and the bruises showed but I looked at them as if they were a reminder to not bother Keith with such ruthless things. Well every now and then I catch myself thinking about leaving but I never want to be the reason to tear a family apart.
         "Tara, have you ever thought about how maybe Keith is the one that is going to tear your family apart", asked Mary my new therapist?
         "No! Keith is the perfect husband to me, he loves me and cares for our child, Michael", I say with demand.
         "Okay, okay now Tara if you would just take a deep breath and picture yourself on your wedding day for me. Think about the joy that you felt and all the love that was around you surrounding your new family. Now tell me how your wedding day went exactly", asks Mary?
         I think for a minute before I dare speak about that horrible day. Keith and I were so young, how many eighteen year olds do you know that get married in the twentieth century? Of course we went out the night before with all of our close friends, drinking, parting, and just having fun. We left Michael with my mother for the night; we obviously couldn't bring a one year old out drinking. That night I dread horribly, seeing as that when Keith drinks he gets out of control. I question my curiosity of why I never followed him and his buddies as they left at two in the morning to go get food. Why was I so foolish? It was brought to my attention by my best friend and maid of honor Linda that Keith had cheated on me that day before our wedding. How could someone that is supposed to be the love of your life and the father of your child cheat on you especially the night before your wedding. With the wedding the being next day I brushed it off and acted as if I knew nothing that day. I walked down the aisle ready to give my life and dedication to a young man that I have been with for four years, have a beautiful son with, and am about to be his wife within the next hour. After our reception we went home, most newlyweds would spend it creating a child as though for us we have ourselves a one year old as it is so we don't do anything wild. That night turned into the start of a whole new relationship between Keith and I. I was foolish and asked about him going out after the bachelor party and where it was that he had disappeared off to. Simply he told me he went with his friends to grab something to eat, I blurted out liar faster than I could think about what I had just said. Immediately following my comment he swung his fist at me and slammed me against a wall, yelling hurtful words to me. With him up against me and me pinned to the wall I felt the world stop in mid air. He didn't love me I could tell by the look in his eyes. What was I thinking? Having a child at seventeen, getting married the next year? I love my son Michael with all my heart and wouldn't change having him but I wish I would have been smarter about having safe sex. I gasp as I begin to speak.
         "Well, our wedding day was not exactly the way I wished for it to have gone" I said this rather uncertain to Mary.
         "Can you tell me why it wasn't perfect? I know all of these questions may throw you back some and scare you to tell but I am here to help you Tara" said Mary.
         I knew exactly how to answer this question, but the thing is can I trust her not to say anything to anyone? I sit here quietly not making any movement, closing my eyes I start to just picture the day Keith asked me to marry him. Why couldn't our wedding day have been that perfect or at least why couldn't we have been as happy as we were? Okay Tara you can do this just stop being a coward and tell Mary what happened the night before and the day of our wedding. I can do this, well here goes nothing.
         "It started out going wrong when the night of our wedding I asked about where it was that he had gone after the bachelor party. Of course I had the answers to my questions, but I wanted to see what he had to say and if he would tell the truth or give me a good explanation" I said this rather calm.
         "I see, now what is it that happened the night before" asked Mary?
         "He cheated" I say.
         "Oh my, I am sorry to hear this. When you brought it to his attention how did he respond" questioned Mary.
         "That's the night it all start, the abuse" I stated.
         "Was anyone else away of your relationship" asked Mary.
My friend Linda knew what our relationship consisted of. From the first moment Keith and I got into a fight when we were sixteen she knew everything. I remember the first time he hit me after the big football game; we had just lost against the Clover Hawks. I told Keith he played good but it just wasn't there game tonight. Instantly that sent him on a rampage and he did not like that at all. I never saw him so mad before, it scared me I remember the exact words he said to me. You are dumb and a worthless women. Those words hit me so hard that I didn't even feel him hit me. I wasn't even quite sure if he really did hit me or I was just imaging things. I prayed to god at that exact moment that nothing happens to me and that he would send angels down to protect me. That night is one that I try to forget about and act like it never happened but, in reality that was the night that started the abuse.
"My best friend Linda knows" I replied
"So this is the friend that requested you come to talk to me, correct" she asked curiously.
         "Yes" I said
         The whole reasoning behind me coming to talk to a lady that gets paid to tell me what I already know that I need to do is just for security. If I leave Keith with no authority back up things will get out of hand. He would track me down along with Michael, and make it miserable. At least with going to a therapist she can get me a restraining order along with cull custody of Michael. Don't get me wrong Keith has never hurt Michael but he could never properly supply a healthy environment for him without my help. I am trying to get Michael away from this situation as fast as I can, he doesn't need to see his mother be beaten by his father.
         "Well, I have all the information needed. We will be sending papers to the court to proceed and then we will pick a court date. One last thing you will need to stay somewhere else for the remainder of the time" says Mary.
         "Alright, thank you so much. I can stay with Linda" I respond
         To think that within the next couple of weeks I will be a new woman. I may be a single mother but I have practically been one for the past two years. Keith will one day realize what all he has done but until he does that he will never see me or Michael outside of the court room. The nights will go from brutal screams of terror and slaps of hate to calm nights of laughter and love. One day I will have to explain to Michael why he doesn't see his father but until that day comes I will worry not one bit about Keith. He may just be a shadow of the crowds but I will not let him harm me anymore.
         If you are ever in the situation of dealing with abuse by a loved one or know someone being abused I urge you to get help. Trust me we may act like we know they don't mean it but in the end its life or death. Love doesn't run, but in the case of abuse love is gone and you should defiantly run.

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