Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1981433-The-Magic-Mirrors-Chapter-1
by Aimerz
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Teen · #1981433
Crystal is just your average teenager, or so she thinks.
Chapter 1
I lay awake in bed staring up at my ceiling waiting for my alarm to go off. I’m always up before the darn thing starts beeping. I don’t know why I even set it anymore. Beep. Beep. Beep. Ugh. I hate getting out of my bed in the morning. It’s my only “me time” I have. I would wake up in a cold sweat every night screaming myself into consciousness and I’d just lay there scared at first, but then I’d start to relax and enjoy the silence.
When my parents died six years ago my grandma came to live with me. As soon as she got here she made several changes to the place.
First she didn't want so much staff members so she fired many and blocked access to every floor except the ground floor. Grandma said she didn't understand why two people would need so many rooms. I completely understood her logic.
Second we would eat every meal together, which I rather enjoy. I wouldn't admit that to her though.
Lastly she made it so I didn't have class by myself. Grandma requested that the gardener’s son, Avery, and two daughters, Mary and Lindsey, be home-schooled with me. I was so excited that I’d be able to make friends. What a joke that was. I made one friend, Lindsey. She was my best and only friend and I was perfectly fine with that. Mary was just plain mean to everyone. I think she came out of her mother with a permanent scowl on her face. Avery was in a category all by himself. Let’s just get it out there, he was definitely cute. Just for my viewing pleasure. I’d admit that to anyone who would ask, except him. He was the quiet type. He and his sisters all had caramel colored skin with dark hair and eyes. Mary and Lindsey definitely got robbed out of all the good looking genes. Lindsey made up her plain looks with an amazing, good-natured personality. Mary on the other hand, had a bull being teased by a matador personality.
Today was our last day of class. I couldn't wait to get it over with. Lindsey and I are going to plan my eighteenth birthday party afterwards. I hurried to get dressed. I pulled on my favorite pair of comfy skinny jeans and a jersey knit t-shirt. Of course any outfit wouldn't be complete without my worn out old as dirt sneakers. Not that my grandma couldn't afford to buy me tons of new shoes, she always offered and I politely declined every time. What was the point if I already had shoes that were comfortable and went with every outfit I had? In grandmas eyes you could never have enough shoes. I looked into my antique vanity mirror; staring back at me was a girl with auburn hair, porcelain skin and green eyes. I decided on a little mascara and to complete my love for all things make-up related I pinched my cheeks to add just a hint of color. It never lasted long but who’s to argue with ritual. I told my reflection, “As good as it gets sweetie, let’s go” as I revel in the last few seconds of alone time.
I’m about to open my door when there’s a loud knock on it.
“Yes?” I asked.
Our only maid left, Lucinda answers, “Miss your grandmother would like to know what is keeping you? She’s waiting in the dining room for you. You’re late.”
I roll my eyes as I open the door.
“I’m always late, why do feel the need to say it like it’s a murder I've committed?”
She looks like I just told her she’s got cancer and only has a day to live.
“I just do what I’m asked young lady.”
Lucinda says and waits for me to follow. As per usual I’m treated like a dog that needs to obey her pack leader. Lucinda leaves me only after we've stepped inside the dining room.
Grandma sits at the head of the long rectangle table. My place to the right of her is set and waiting my arrival. I walk over and sit down. I wait for the scolding about being late. It doesn't come. She looks up from her plate and meets my eyes with a large welcoming smile that crinkles her already wrinkled eyes.
“Good morning sugar.” Grandma said.
“Good morning.” I replied.
She looked at me with her wise knowing glare.
She said, “How did you sleep last night?”
We have this conversation every morning. I don’t know why we bother talking about it.
“I slept fine.” I said.
She looked like she wanted to say more, ask more but she looked back down at her already eaten breakfast. As I started to eat my bagel she gave me a wink. She winks when she’s excited about something. She lifts up a box that’s covered with wrapping paper and a blue bow. I’m caught off guard because it isn't my birthday for two whole days. What could it possibly be? Curiosity gets the better of me.
She hands it to me and says, “I know it’s early but I couldn't wait any longer. I’ll explain more when you've opened it.”
I took the box from her and set it down on my lap. I ripped off the wrapping paper. It was a simple box with Christian Louboutin written in cursive.
I take the lid off to reveal a note on top of red dust bags.
Written on the note was:

Beauty must suffer
Happy Birthday, Crystal
I Love you, Grandma

I removed the red cottony bags to see red patent leather peep toe heels. I looked up at her to see her waiting for my response.
“They’re lovely grandma, thank you.” I said.
She seems pleased with my reaction. I can’t believe she bought me these shoes. I know they were really expensive. I don’t like to spend money on things like that. I’d rather donate some cash to charities. Grandma interrupted my mind babble.
“Look I know you only wear those old holey sneakers but you’re about to be eighteen years old. I think it’s time to start dressing like a young woman. Oh and you’ll understand what the note means when you’ve worn those suckers all day. Put them on.”
I did. I guess it is time to think about the way I dress if I plan on being taken seriously as an adult.
I finish eating my breakfast with lightning speed. Lindsey waits for me in the hall so we can walk to class together. Since my birthday and graduation are so close together grandma is letting me have a huge party here at the estate. I so can’t wait. I’m ready to spread my wings and mingle with people aka meet boys.
Lindsey and I have decided to invite the whole graduating class at the local high school. Lindsey has friends that go there. It took her a while to convince me it was a good idea.
“They’re part of the popular group; they’ll be able to get a lot of people to come.” Lindsey said. I’m not sure how I feel about a bunch of strangers coming into my house but on the other hand I've been waiting to make more friends and this is the perfect opportunity.
“Plus it helps that you live in a mansion. Who wouldn't want to check out this place? It’s going to be epic, Crystal. Trust me.”
She tells me as we walk towards the library where our class is held.
“Of course I trust you.”
Lindsey stops walking and looks down at my new shoes. She must have just now noticed what was making the clicking noises.
“Hey, when did you get those?” she says pointing at my red heels.
“At breakfast, Grandma’s early birthday present. What do you think?” She opens her mouth and shuts it a few times before speaking.
“Um, I thought you were going to be buried in those ratty old sneakers.”
With a giggle she puts her arm through mine and starts us walking again.
“I wish, my feet are killing me already.” That’s no exaggeration either. Grandma’s note flashes through my mind. Oh very funny grandma. I will endure the pain. I stumble a little.
“Not used to heels huh?” Lindsey said with a snicker.
“Your hilarious Linds, I've never worn heels a day in my life and you know it.”
“I know. I also know that you should wear a little more makeup too.”
She stops me before we head into the library, searching through her purse for who knows what. Grabbing my face she tells me “pucker up” as she takes the lid off a lipstick tube.
“You really should show off your best features and your full lips are one of your biggest assets.” I roll my eyes at her as she smears the lipstick on my lips.
“I have no reason for all of these things. I have no one to impress here. Even if I wanted to impress someone I wouldn't.” I tell her.
“Well we’ll test your new look on Avery. If he notices the new look stays. If not then you can wear whatever you want, Deal?”
I really hate when she brings my major crush on Avery into things.
“Deal, but he doesn't know girls exist. Maybe he’s gay Linds.”
I know that’s not true but that doesn't stop my mouth from saying it. She gives me a look that says she knows it isn't true either.
“Uh huh…Let’s go with that. You’re not getting out of this bet.”
It was worth a shot…Right? As she walks into the room she gives me a head nod. He’s already in there. Here goes nothing. He won’t notice me. Do not get your hopes up crazy girl. I slowly walk to my desk. I take a quick glance at everyone. Mary gives me the evil eye. That’s not new. Avery is staring down at his notebook. I knew it. He doesn't even hear the clicking my obnoxious shoes are making. Mr. Lee takes notice.
He looks at me and says, “Why Crystal, don’t you look all grown up. You look beautiful.”
That gets Avery to look up for about a second and starts writing something down.
“Thank you; the shoes were a birthday present.”
He looks down then back up at my face.
“Lovely, take your seat, Happy Birthday. I don’t think I’ll have the pleasure of seeing you on your actual birthday.”
Grandma paid a butt load of money to get this guy to teach us. She assured me I deserved the best education in the county, mega eye roll. That’s also how she got Lindsey’s parents to agree with them being taken out of public school and attend class with me. Mary sees it as a curse, being stuck with only us but who cares. I got blessed with Lindsey. I sit down. I turn and stick my tongue out at Lindsey. That’s code for I win. She doesn't look fazed though.
“Since this is our last day we are going to watch a movie. They’ll be a questionnaire afterwards though so you might want to pay attention. No napping. You may talk but only if it’s about the movie.” Mr. Lee said.
He turns on the small TV and starts the movie. Lindsey scoots her desk closer to mine so they’re touching.
She leans in and says quietly, “You think you won. Well I say the day isn't over yet.”
And then she points towards Avery who is standing up and asking Mr. Lee something. Avery starts pulling his desk towards us. He situates it next to Lindsey’s.
“Hi guys. How’s the party planning coming?” Avery asks.
“Grandma hired a party planner to help us.” I said.
I try to catch what’s going on in the movie. There’s no point when he’s this close.
“That’s cool, so Hollywood theme huh? Who came up with that idea?”
Lindsey answers him. “I did. I thought it would be awesome to dress up all glam and have all the hotties from the high school in tuxes. Kind of like prom but way better.”
She smiles at me.
“I’m going to find crystal a boyfriend at this party. She’s so pretty though it won’t be hard.” Lindsey said.
Wow. I can’t believe she said that.
“Thanks Linds.” I said.
Talk about embarrassing moments. A subject change is in order.
I’m about to speak when he says, “Good luck with the “hotties” Lindsey, Those guys are all douche bags.”
Avery never talks bad about other people. What got into him?
“Okay, how would you know all the guys that go there are douches? You have a boy hobby we don’t know about?”
Lindsey asks and gives him a stare with eyebrows raised waiting for a good answer. He looks away thinking carefully about his response.
“Seriously, I’m just trying to look out for the both of you.” Avery said.
He’s quiet for the rest of the movie. How he can go from being social to non-talking in the same conversation astounds me. Lindsey and I proceed with party talk.
“It’s going to be amazing. You just wait. There will be guys all over you. Not to mention all the girls will be trying to be friends with you.” Lindsey said.
Oh man this party sounds exhausting.
“I don’t want guys all over me. I’ll settle for being able to talk to just one.” I said.
I thought I saw Avery roll his eyes. Maybe I imagined it. Maybe he did it towards something in the movie. I’m clearly not watching it like I should.
“Having options is a good thing.” Lindsey said.
The movie credits start rolling. I fill out the questions about the movie as best I can. When everyone looks like they’re finished Mr. Lee says, “Avery would you mind gathering up the papers for me?” “Sure.” Avery said. He stands up and picks up his and Lindsey’s paper first. Then he goes around Lindsey’s desk to mine and bends slightly to pick mine up. He shocks me by whispering something in my ear.
“The sneakers were more you.” He said.
Holy crap he did notice. He walks away all casual to get Mary’s paper. I must have my mouth hanging open because Lindsey pokes me.
“Are you trying to catch flies?” She asked.
I close it slowly.
“You win Linds.” I tell her.
She has I-knew-I-would look on her face. She starts laughing and doing a victory dance in her chair. Ugh she’s always right. I don’t know how to take what he said. Was it a compliment? Was he flirting with me? Maybe he was just stating a fact. My lack of experience with this kind of thing makes me groan out loud.
© Copyright 2014 Aimerz (simplyaimerz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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