Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1979207-If-At-First-You-Dont-Succeed
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1979207
A woman wakes up in a grass field and has a lot more to her than it at first seems.

Daily Prompt


Drake Lashly

If a first you don't succeed, "try, try again ..." she thought... and that's exactly what she vowed to do. This was a new day, a new time, a new life. Once again she stood up, her new long black hair curled and danced with the wind. The sun reflected off her skin and she lifted her chin to the warmth and basked in it. Her hands defied gravity and slowly raised absorbing the new day and the first light of the hour. She opened her eyes revealing the blue ocean to the world, dousing any fire in her path. The grassy field tangled and held her by her toes as if it wanted her to stay. She couldn't fall to the temptation though, she knew her path and she began to walk it.

The white dress that wrapped itself around her body flowed at the end and twisted in the wind, mimicking her black hair. The wind pressed her face back towards the comfort of the field, but that was behind her now. Ahead of her was the city, buzzing with people and their machines fuming into the sky. Her pace picked up for she was determined to get it right this time.

As earth turned into pavement the ground was still cool. The sun warmed her path guiding her on her way. The infinite fire that burned in the sky was always her guide. It led her to the largest of all the buildings. Made of glass windows, shooting the sun back at the world and piercing the sky stood their tall and untouchable. She approached the large glass doors, oblivious to the eyes the peered at her behind shades.

She walked in and bee lined to the elevator, not needing directions. The button glowed as she pressed it and she waited. The lobby of the building was busy and everyone seemed to see her, but not notice her. The elevator doors opened and a tall dark man approached the open doors. She moved to the side and let him go in first, then she followed. The doors shut, and silence set in.

"What floor miss?" the man asked politely. She looked at him, reached past him and pressed the floor forty-three button. The man stiffened his posture and didn't bother to push another button, he was heading to the same place. "So you're part of this political nightmare too then huh? These constant meetings to decide how our money should be spent is pointless. The money never touches where we want it to go, George always makes sure of that." The man said with disappointment. He looked at her, but she didn't share any interest. Her eyes were locked with interest on the screen telling her the floors that passed by. The man reached into his back pocket and pulled out a blank ID card and waved it. "I'm glad I remembered my card. Speaking of which, I don't think I've seen you at any of these meetings before" his voice held a skeptical tone and shot it at her demanding some response.

The elevator came to a stop. The door slid open and she walked out with the ID card in her hand. The elevator doors closed with the man still inside, lying on the ground unconscious. She made her way to the conference room. The soundproofed glass room set in the far left corner of the room guarded by two men in suits. As she approached the two she waved the card in front of them. Like obedient dogs they did their job and opened the door to the girl.

She walked in and looked around. The meeting was already going on and she was an interruption. Instead of taking a seat like a late member she stood there, opposite of the long oak table and the man standing on the other side of this table. The meeting paused and business was at a halt. "Yes, can I help you miss?" the opposing man said with question spewing from his tongue. Realization hit him and he again spoke with confusion, "How did you get in here?"

In one fluid motion she dove on the table, sliding towards her opponent on her knees knocking off papers and spilling coffee. She reached into her dress through the collar and revealed two hidden blades. One in each hand she leaped when she came close to the end of the table. She landed on the man, thrusting one knife in each side of his collar. The both hit the ground with a force stealing away both their breaths. She regained hers and stood up, whereas the man lost his breath for all eternity in an ocean of his own blood.

The nearest man attempted to grab her, but she deflected him with her foot pushing him against the window. She ran and jumped into him, breaking the glass sending both of them into gravity's grasp. She held tightly to the man's body, keeping him beneath her. She closed her eyes and fell to the end of this world.

The grass was cool and warm as it breezed in the sun. The sun guided the wind and the wind moved the grass. A girl laid there in the tranquil scene, waiting for the sun to show her a path. Her curly blonde hair was spread out on the earth. As the sun started to rise on this new day she thought, "Try, try again..." and she walked the sun's path.

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