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First Chapter of my Book Reiki 11 |
I shall start this story the day it all started, although Matilda ’ s whole life had been leading up to it. A shaft of light pieced the darkness of Melissa's bedroom and woke her from her sleep. She momentarily opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling. The beam of light was just catching the outer edge of the rotating orbs that floated above her bed every night. She watched as another gently spinning blue orb gently rotated round, catching in the light briefly, followed by a pale red orb. Although these orbs had guarded Melissa’s soul threw time and her many lives, she had not been able to see them until she had recently become a reiki healer at master level. As orbs are transparent, she could however only see them in dim light and there was some light catching their outer edge. She knew they were orbs of ghost cats and one of them was the ghost of her cat, because occasionally it materialised in front of the fire on a cold night. This green orb Venus that had been her cat, would sit on her lap. The other six orbs cats would materialised into much large cats. There was because they were from an ancient race of cats that had lived, before time started, as you know it. In orb form each was a slightly different colour and size, so Matlida could tell them apart. They moved about Matilda’s house by gently rotating around the largest one who stayed in the centre. It was for this reason and that one was already called Venus, Matilda had knicked them her “Planets “ and had name each of the others also after a planet. The orbs spent most their time resting in the day in the airing cupboard. They would come out in the evening and go around in a little group together, spinning as they went. This morning after watching them briefly she went back to sleep, but was awaken again by her living cats Anubis, patting her on the cheek to gently wake her. Anubis had also been sent to guard Melissa too. Melissa had found him thin and emaciated on her doorstep near death. I say this but Annubis is , was, is ? an immortal cat that cannot die, unless. Unless I say, because at this point in my story I did not know that an immortal cat could be killed. However I do know as I tell this story, but to tell you how would be giving too much away, which I already have !It seems that I must though. or you would have no idea what I am talking about. Back to my story . It was the morning after she had moved in to the house she now lived in, that she had found Anubis on her doorstep. What Matilda found intriguing, was he was wearing a beautiful blue collar, with a tiny gold statue dangling on it. This was of Anubis the egyption guardian to the underworld. What Malilda did not know, was that this was real gold and of a high carat. If she had known, she might have tried harder to find his owner. After a few weeks had gone by, and nobody had come for him, she had decided to name him after this gold Anubis. She did thin it could have been his real name, since he actually came to it. Of course this was not his real name. He had been told by his real master that his name would change many times while working in the different dimensions. I would not be able to begin to prenouce his real name. For it is more of a summoning from his master in a tone and vibration you and me cannot hear. For only part of it can travel into your physical dimension. As with every night, Anubis had sat on the windowsill all night gazing out at the night sky. Listening intently in to the darkness and watching the rabbits hopping around the garden in the moonlight. They new they were being watched by him. However they had by now, realised he would never come out to hunt them, at least, not at night. Ever since he had arrived, though he was exhausted from starvation, he had sat on guard all night and every night. Unknown to Melissa, who would find him lying almost by the foot of her bed every morning. She would pick him up and put him on her bed. She kept a bowl of water and food near by, so he did not have to walk far, while he was recovering. Over a few weeks she had nursed him back to health with tasty snacks. She had also used Reiki healing energy to speed his recovery. Melissa was a reiki healer recently reaching the master level and now having greater healing powers than she had ever had before. She used the healing energy on all her pets, plants and even inanimate objects. With the reiki healing Anubis recovered quickly. He soon had a coat that glistened with health in the slightest light . This morning as with every morning Anubis carefully negotiated the many plants in pots on the windowsill before jumping down to the ground. He glanced over at another of Melissa,s cats Tarot ( who was sitting watching him threw a half opened eye), and then strolled over to Melissa’s bed. Tarot is a white cat with the most beautiful soft fluffy coat and huge saucer sized blue eyes . This is Melissa's only white cat, the other two being jet black. Tarot too had arrived on the door step only a few months after Anubis had. He had also been very thin and seemly homeless. Every night, he too guarded Melissa by lying by her bedroom door. He would appear to be asleep, but infact he only had his eyes closed and was totally aware of all his surroundings. Sencing the darkness all the time with his whiskers and listening for the slightest sound. Seeing that Anubis was now no longer on duty he too felt he could let his guard down. Letting another of Melissa's three cats Pluto, take over the job of keeping lookout. He followed Anubis, springing up onto Matilda's bed and sat next to him. Anubis was by now gently patting his owner’s face with his soft paw. Melissa was woken up every morning in the same way. She reacted in the usual way, by pulling the sheet over her face and turning over and going back to sleep. To this Anubis and Tarot would always lay down somewhere on her bed and wait until she woke up, as they did this morning. They soon went to sleep, tired after their night watch, while outside, the birds finished their dawn chorus. About an hour later, the silenced was shattered by the alarm. Anubis, and Tarot hardly stared. They had now been joined by another of Melissa's cat Pluto. Now Pluto also guarded Matilda, but seemed to spend a lot of his time playing with the orb cats, who seemed to be their favorite out of Matilda’s three living cats. He had boundless energy and would chase the orbs threw the house when they were not floating above Matilda’s bed or resting in the airing cubboard. A playful cat with the character of a kitten, who also took guard every night, coming into Melissa's bedroom after she had gone to sleep. He would sit on the small bookcase amongst all the indoor plants that were kept on top of it. This bookcase was opposite the window and had shade loving plants growing in pots on top of it, since it never caught any sunshine. Pluto would sit amongst the pots, occasionally chewing on a fern leaf or the end of a spider plant leaf. He new he was not allowed to do this, but could not help himself from grabbing hold of one , when a slight vibration from bookcase made the leafs move about. Some times Venus and his gang would hide among the leaves and send Pluto crazy, and he would occaisonally knock of a plant, which would go crushing to the floor. The orb or ghost cats loved him the best for his playfulness. They were ignored by Tarot who took his guard duties very seriously and treated them as though they were just annoying flies. Pluto and Anubis were the only ones of Melissa’s cats in physical form that paid them any attention. As with the other cats Melissa did not know he was guarding her either. She would find him asleep on her bed every morning with the other two cats. Pluto was one of her original cats that had moved with her from her apartment. He had only started to guard her when she had moved to her new home, in the country. Although he was pleased to be in the countryside, he too_like the other cats knew he must protect Melissa from the danger that existed all around her new home. Danger that could come from any direction and indeed was going to. A while after the alarm started going off, Melissa reached her hand out of the bed and pushed the button down to turn off the alarm. Doing this without looking, she knocked the alarm onto the floor. This steered her to sit up in bed and then reach to the floor to pick up the alarm. She picked up the alarm and then decided she might as well get up, as she was Sencing the darkness all the time with his whiskers and listening for the slightest sound. Seeing that Anubis was now no longer on duty he too felt he could let his guard down. He followed Anubis, springing up onto Melissa's bed and sat next to him. Anubis was by now gently patting his owner’s face with A playful cat with the character of a kitten, who also took guard every night, coming into Melissa's bedroom after she had gone to sleep. He would sit on the small bookcase amongst all the indoor plants that were kept on top of it. This bookcase was opposite the window and had shade loving plants growing in pots on top of it, since it never caught any sunshine. Pluto would sit amongst the pots, occasionally chewing on a fern leaf or the end of a spider plant leaf. He new he was not allowed to do this, but could not help himself from grabbing hold of one , when a slight vibration from bookcase made the leafs move about. Some times Venus and his gang would hide among the leaves and send Pluto crazy, and he would occaisionaly knock of a plant, which would go crushing to the floor. The orb or ghost cats loved him the best for his playfulness. Some of the other cats took their work very seriously and ignored them as though they were just annoying flies. Pluto and Annubis were the only ones of Melissa,s cats in physical form that paid them any attention. They spent most their time resting in the day in the airing cupboard. They would come out in the evening and go around in a little group together. They liked to be with Pluto most of the time and he liked to be with them. He had boundless energy and chase them threw the house most of the night. When he was on duty guarding Melissa the ghost cats left him alone. From here he could guard the inside of Melissa,s bedroom As with the other cats Melissa did not know he was guarding her either. She would find him asleep on her bed every morning with the other two cats. Pluto was one of her original cats that had moved with her from her apartment. He had only started to guard her when she had moved to her new home, in the country. Although he was pleased to be in the countryside, he too_like the other cats knew he must protect Melissa from the danger that existed all around her new home. Danger that could come from any direction and indeed was going to. A while after the alarm started going off, Melissa reached her hand out of the bed and pushed the button down to turn off the alarm. Doing this without looking, she knocked the alarm onto the floor. This steered her to sit up in bed and then reach to the floor to pick up the alarm. She picked up the alarm and then decided she might as well get up, as she was now more or less vertical. As she got up, she noticed the usual pile of sleeping cats at the bottom of her bed. She stroked each of them, but they did not stir. She noticed how beautiful Tarot looked against her new violet bedspread. This had come from one of the charity shops in town. When she saw it she had thought how well it would go in her bedroom, which was painted lilac. Indeed the whole house was lilac, with purple and violet curtains all over the house. This had not been Melissa’s choice, this color scheme was already in the house when she brought it. ‘ You lot have had a busy night I take it ‘ she said to the cats as she stroked them. They only moved their bodies in tune with her hand, as she run her hands down their backs. Their eyes remained tightly shut. While Melissa looked for something to wear, she thought she should really have done some healing on herself and had a shower. However, since always loving her sleep, she usually chose to sleep in rather than to get up earlier. Being a reiki healer at the master level she should spend at least half an hour healing herself, as well as have a shower every day. This was to cleanse her auras.Since energies and enter-ties that are actually making the everyday people ill, are naturally drawn to reiki healers. Now that Melissa was at master level, her channels were now a magnet to anything from the unseen worlds existing in the same space and time as our physical world. Melissa too had the knowledge to travel to any dimension in her grasp and she could certainly send anything in our physical world back to where it came from. She was also had the power, but not yet the knowledge to herself travel to any of these unseen worlds or dimensions. A fact that, many other energy beings and inter-dimensional travellers, would soon become aware of. When they did they would try to stop her. Since the beginning of time they had been keeping humans in the physical dimension they come from. For should humans also become inter dimensional travellers they would learn too much. The beings that controlled them would no longer be able to control them and the balance that had rained in the universe since before the of time would be turned around. Melissa new nothing of this, except that she new the was some battle going on. The fact that she had not healed herself or showered to cleanse her auras this morning , did not concern Melissa. This was because she knew all they could do would make her feel a bit tired, well for the first 48 hours anyway. As long as she showed and cleansed herself every other day, she should be all right. A day was not long enough for anything to get hold of her and make her ill. So she never bothered to do any of the cleansing rituals before she went to her part time job which she attended every other day. Instead she preferred to have a little lie-in, since she loved to sleep, before her tiring day at work. So this morning as usual she got up and got dressed without a shower. She had a very ecelectic way of dressing which had a hippy emphasis and resulted in a completely frumpish look. She felt she was rebelling against her mother, who dressed in trampish way. Wearing low cut tops , short skirts and stiletto heels. Melissa thought of her, as very much, mutton dressed as lamb. Her mother was extremely rich and wore designer cloths. She lived in the biggest house in the town. She also wore real furs, which Millissa so, did not approve of, and she made a point of telling her, every time she saw her. She had masses of expensive jewelry, but Melissa chose to wear none. She eventually decided on a blue flowery dress she had found in a charity shop a few days ago. It was a big baggy dress which she pulled in at the waist with a plaited leather belt, This was also brought from the charity shop, where she brought pretty much all her cloths. After dressing she went over to the window and drew the curtains carefully, so as not to knock over any of the plants which crowded the windowsill. Melissa had endless house plants growing in every available space. They were all extremely healthy since Melissa used reiki energy on them to help them flourish. Since she had become a reiki healer she had become very tidy. Although her plants looked untidy, they helped to keep the room clear of negitive energies, which was the whole point of being tidy. Negative or bad energies can hide behind and cling to objects. However they do keep clear of healthy plants, as the energy of healthy plant cansuck them up. As she drew the curtains something purple caught her eye through the window. From her window she could see that the purple was from a small patch of spring crocuses. It was the start of spring and plants were just starting to sprout after the winter months. Melissa did not know what exactly would be coming up in her garden, as she had only been there for the winter months. She should perhaps have known, since she had seen this cute little bungalow since she was a little girl. However she had not seen the house for many years, because she too, like her cats could sense the danger. The danger that seemed to emanate from her closest neighbour. She often wondered wether she was actually doing the right thing buying this house, considering the bad feeling she got anytime she was near the location her new house was in. She had kept away from it most of her adult life, but now had actually brought it and was even living in it. She had to keep running over in her mind the reasons why she had brought it. These were , for one, the meditations that she had done, where the image of the house kept appearing to her. For another, the fact that although sensing the danger she was still very drawn to it and had been for as long as she could remember. For another, that the Reiki master who had taught her, had told her she would never come across anything in her life, that she could not be able to deal with. So she felt she would be able to deal with the threat next door should it ever threaten her.Indeed she completely believed she had the powers within her to deal with anything that the universe would throw at her. So she did not worry too much (well only for a few seconds) that there was someone something bad living next door. Reiki healers are taught that there is no point in worrying and indeed it is one of their rules not to worry. A most difficult rule to keep. Another reason for her not to worry was that her Reiki master had told her, that she sensed it was Melissa's destiny to live in this house. As she looked out of the window her thoughts dwelled again on these reasons, but these were suddenly interrupted by the sight of her neighbour's car coming at great speed down her lane. The sight of it made her feel sick with fear. It was a very old classic black ford car that shook all over the place on the unmade up road. |