Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1971409-In-Honor-of-Nealcrest-Black-Hawk
Rated: E · Other · Animal · #1971409
A tribute to Chief, our Black Lab
In Honor of Chief

If you are a visitor to our home please excuse the dog hair on the floor.  We try to keep it swept up, but it is difficult with an active Labrador.  We hope the working dog aroma isn't too strong, particularly since our canine is as just as likely as not to jump in the water and roll in the most offensive pile in the field.  When you inspect our clothing try to ignore the accumulation of dog hair. 

If you aren't a dog lover you might wonder why two people of average intelligence would choose to overlook soiled floors, foul household aromas and continuous dog hair accents on our clothes.  These little annoyances are a small price to pay for the joy of owning this magnificent creature. 

Our Chief is goodness personified.  Just look into his kind, golden eyes and you'll sense his sweet demeanor.  Offer a few words of praise, and he is putty in your hands.  Pet him and give him a few pats and all 75 pounds of him will try to crawl into your lap.  The rest of the household might not always be in the mood for affection and attention, but Chief never tires of giving and receiving love. 

Black Labradors are among the most popular breed and you might assume that they all look alike, but you'd be wrong.  Some are small with blunt noses and short frames.  Chief is a the Adonis of Black Labs.  His coat is silken, and his features are chiseled perfection. 

Chief is more than a pretty face.  He is a hard working athlete.  Six days a week he is in the field.  Sometimes he performs  practice drills, land marks and water blinds.  His muscles are like those of any disciplined competitor, and our walls are adorned with his awards and ribbons. 

From the time we let him out in the morning when he comes over and to give me a gentle good morning nudge until the time we put him up for the night, I am exceedingly grateful for this fine animal. 
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