Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1968855-Differences
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1968855
Poem: Why do we dislike people who are different?

He’s gay, he’s straight,
He’s different, let’s hate,
He’s fat, he’s thin,
Let’s put a label on him.

He’s a sissy, he’s butch
He says too much,
He’s white, he’s black,
Let’s talk behind his back.

He’s slow, he’s bright,
He’s tough, he won’t fight,
He’s fit, he’s lame,
Let’s call him a name.

He’s rich, he’s broke,
He’s a creepy kind of bloke,
He’s a red, he’s a Tory,
Let’s make up a story.

He’s posh, he’s a tramp,
He’s macho, he’s camp,
He’s a liar, he’s true,
Let’s take him down a peg or two.

He’s odd, not like us,
We don’t like what he does,
Let’s link him with a crime,
Let’s give him a hard time.

It feels uneasy, it feels queer,
We don’t like it when he’s near,
He’s a toff, he’s a duffer,
Let’s make him suffer.

How shameful that we think this way,
Such horrible things we often say,
Who are we to judge one another?
Every human is our brother.

There’s one thing I’d like to say,
What is ‘normal’ anyway?
Everyone’s different, everyone’s queer,
We’re all unique and have a right to be here.

Why blame someone for something they can’t help?
You wouldn’t criticise a dog for its canine yelp,
Change your mind, diversity embrace,
Accept your brother with good grace.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1968855-Differences