Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1962838-a-War-between-two-colors
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1962838
a short story about a dream i had once.
I had just joined the war. things were bad already when i had arrived. most of us were dying already. the Sniper was trapped with the Mechanic in the Enemy base. the team medics were trying to keep the psychotic one from bleeding to death, and the scouts where reporting that the enemy side was building more lethal contraptions to keep us out. we needed a plan. and we needed it fast. i had made one of my own, however the others found it a plan of suicide. incase you are wondering, it was this:

1. get in and rescue the Mechanic and sniper.

2. steal some of the enemy medical supplies.

3. retrieve their intelligence for our HQ.

4. Deliver a bomb and detonate it at a safe distance.

i was preparing to get going when i felt a extreme pain in my shoulder, i had taken a large knife out of my shoulder and turned to find a enemy infiltrator holding a revolver to my head. right when he was about to pull the trigger however, a fist, the size of my head smashed him into the wall.

i had turned and saw the Team's Heavy weapons man cleaning blood off his fist. he told me he thought my plan was interesting and worth a shot, and that he'd help me if i helped rescue his friend from the enemy prison. i had agreed and followed him. he lead me through a underground sewer that surprisingly lead inside their base. i had carefully removed a sewer grate and saw several of the enemy snipers at the windows and a normal enemy soldier patrolling the hallways. next thing i knew the Heavy weapons man who joined my invasion party had started killing the snipers, before the soldier could react i quickly charged and knocked him out with a shovel i took from the wall. when things calmed a bit, we interrogated the soldier, he spilled the beans quite quickly when my new friend threatened to remove both his legs and everything in between.

he had told us the prison was 2 floors below the basement. the heavy had very quickly left after that. knowing where he was going. i went down a different hallway. after several hours of sneaking and killing, and taking several bullets to the arm or torso. i finally found the sniper and mechanic, they were badly injured, blood everywhere around the small place they made into a makeshift fortlike room.

i told them of the sewer and they stumbled off, taking the spare medical supplies i gave them. i looked around for anything useful and saw a partially damaged Rocket propelled Grenade launcher. i took it, seeing as i might be able to find something to repair it with. i proceeded through the enemy base and down a few floors, reaching the floor that the HQ was supposed to be on. so i wandered a bit, then stopped. finding hundreds. of bodies, all of which belonging to the enemy soldiers. i presumed my friend...the heavy weapons man, had caused this. and continued on. when finally.

i had reached the HQ. i walked towards the intelligence. then stopped and ducked under a Rocket and turned to one of the entrances, seeing a enemy rocket soldier entering the room. he said no words. but i knew what he wanted. he wanted a fight. and i was going to give him one. instinctively dived behind the desk as he fired another rocket where i was. i took a grenade from my pocket and threw it behind the desk. i presumed he lived because i heard him shout "HOPEFULLY YOU WILL BE A BETTER FIGHTER THEN THE LAST!" and heard the reloading of a shotgun. panicked. i quickly shoved a grenade into the damaged rocket launcher i took earlier. and preying that it works, aimed and fired at him, then dashed at him as he dodged the rock, and with a quick slice. cut his throat open with a very sharp shard of glass.

as he fell bleeding to death. i stumbled back, being burned in the leg from his first rocket. and grabbed the intelligence, dropping a bomb on the desk and armed it for 3 minutes, and left the base as fast as i could. when i arrived back at my teams base. i saw my friend the heavy, helping a wounded explosives expert into the team base. i followed them. and as the bomb went off. i swear..i could hear a very evil laugh come from behind. when i turned to look what was there. my vision had gone completely black. i felt cold. and i could not move... later..i had awoken in the teams medical room. the others were celebrating their victory. when i asked what happened they said the intelligence showed the location of their main HQ. we can finally finish this fight

. they said that they assumed i had fallen unconscious from blood loss. i doubt it..i know what i say...it was...not human...solid purple eyes...green pentagram for a pupil on the left eye...completely black skinned...like a stick figure...but wearing robes...cloak...and carried a staff....i cant get that laugh out of my head...even to this day it still haunts me. but, either way. we won this battle. the heavy got his friend back. and i helped my team to victory. that's all that mattered. but this will not be the end of my story. i still...have many things to finish.
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