Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1960910-Break-Providence-Chapter-5
by jazjaz
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1960910
Yuki attends orientation but Magician's Pentagram is on the move with their special drug

Chapter 5


8:00 am

Yuki and Cher are riding in a car. Cher is gripping the steering wheel in frustration because of the huge traffic jam. They have been stuck for almost thirty minutes and Cher patience is growing thin. Yuki is detecting the atmosphere as Cher is about to burst.

Yuki smiles and gets Cher's attention "Hey sis what would you like for dinner tonight? I've been looking at the convenient store in the apartment and they have a lot of different ingredients"

"All the pots and pans are dirty and burned up, so cooking is a no" Cher said with her face calming down

"The same convenient store has pots and pans too. We can buy a few later" Yuki said

"I can't cook so there's no point; let's just eat at the diner downstairs. I know the owner so I can put the bill on a tab" Cher starts cringing again as she looks forward at the unmoving traffic

Yuki takes out a white card from his wallet. "Its ok sis, mom gave me this card to put my money in."

Cher focuses her attention at Yuki, the loud buzzers from the other cars made her cover her ears. "Is this a debit card? I thought mom never gave you an allowance?"

"That's right; mom gave me all the money we earned with our catering business" Yuki smiles and blushes

"What business?" Cher asked surprisingly

"I've been learning cooking so mom and I decided to make a catering business. All the money we earned is in the bank that we can withdraw with this card" Yuki said

"I-I see" Cher's eyes widened with surprise

A stoplight turns red just when the car in front of Cher's crosses the road.

Cher stops her car and pounds on the wheel in annoyance "DAMM IT"

Yuki sweats and almost jumps in shock. He takes a deep breath and said "Sis, calm down it's still a little early for class so we can wait a little longer"

The moment is interrupted as a giant ball of fire swoops in front of Cher and Yuki going from left to right. The fireball collided with the car that just crossed the street and blew it up.

Cher and Yuki gets pushed back in shock. Cher starts sweating "T-that traffic light just saved out hides."

Everyone around the area start evacuating the scene in panic as Cher and Yuki looks to their left and sees a green haired boy in his teens wearing a black jacket and black pants. His eyes are red and irritated.

"Take that bitch" The boy then laughs so hard like he's busting a gut

"Yuki stay here" Cher gets out of the car and runs to the direction of the boy

"But sis" Yuki calls out to Cher

Cher turns around and screams to Yuki "I said stay put"

Yuki stays put and sits in anticipation.

"HEY MORON, FREEZE!" Cher screams at the boy to call his attention

The boy stops laughing and looks at Cher with his menacing red eyes. "HAH, can I help you?" The boy says sadistically

Cher gazes at the boy while scanning him from head to toe; she then speaks in a serious voice "I'm from Providence. Surrender"

"Pardon? Providence?" The boy says while rolling his eyes

Cher bows her head in annoyance "Long story short, I'm a cop and you're under arrest."

"Oh I see" The boy smiles and clasps his hand I think NOT!" The boy fires another fireball straight at Cher.

Cher evades very easily and runs toward the boy with a fist. The fist is only an inch away from the boy's face when the boy screams in pain. Cher got surprised and stops her punch as the boy kneels on the ground in pain.

Yuki is surprised by what he saw "W-what's going on?"

The green haired boy faints on the ground as Cher squats down to check up on him

Yuki looks around. On his left sees a gold haired little girl a few feet next to a building.

Yuki stares at her with surprised eyes, he recognizes her as Lily. The same girl he saved from the burning apartment building just a few days ago. Yuki gasps and stays silent; he wants to scream to Cher but is afraid of what Lily might do.

Lily sees Yuki and smiles and waves at him. The moment is silent but Yuki gets a comfortable expression as he sees Lily kisses her hand and blows it to Yuki.

Yuki blushes as he looks at Cher who is carrying the boy in her hands. When Yuki looks at Lily's direction again, he is surprised to see that she has disappeared.

"Yuki what's wrong?" Cher said as she looks at Yuki inside the car. Cher puts the unconscious green haired boy on the back seat.

"SIS, that's her." Yuki screams to Cher and then points to where Lily was

"Who are you talking about?" Cher asks as she looks at the direction Yuki was pointing to.

"I saw Lily, she was right here" Yuki said in a serious voice

"The girl Alex thinks started the fire in the apartment? She was here?" Cher said then she looks around in every direction and sees no one around.

"She's gone now, but she was just here..." Yuki looked frustrated, and then continues talking "Um how is he?" Yuki points to the unconscious boy

"I'll take him to a hospital and question him." Cher said with a curious expression

Cher then looks seriously at Yuki "I'll take you to school, you'll be safe there"

"O-ok" Yuki said

Cher rides back in her car and starts driving. "Hey Yuki" Cher calls Yuki's attention "Try to make some friends ok? And call me during your break" Cher smiles to him

"Sure" Yuki said then he begins getting a dumbfounded expression as he looks forward. "Sis, how are we getting out of here?"

Yuki and Cher are dumbfounded as they see the empty cars on the road. The drivers ran away because of the earlier commotion and now the whole area is empty

Abayant College of Engineering

9:00 am

Inside a classroom on the second floor

Yuki is sitting on an armchair next to a window; his bag is on the floor. He is looking around nervously seeing multiple people talking to each other.

"I don't know any of these people." Yuki said as he keeps looking around. Yuki then looks outside the window to see a garden of roses below.

Yuki calms down and stares at the roses. "Ah they look so pretty"

Yuki then uses his powers to make a very small hand size duplicate of a flower from the garden. He then smiles as he sees the sparkle of the ice rose

Then he hears a female voice behind him. "That looks gorgeous" Yuki is frazzled and so he crushes the ice flower with his hand.

Yuki nervously looks in the direction of the female voice in front of him to see a boy with golden spiky hair wearing a gray shirt and blue pants and a green haired girl wearing a blue shirt and skirt.

"Hey we saw that." The girl said smiling

"Ah no this is" Yuki nervously tries to think of an excuse

"It's ok, it's not a crime is it?" the green haired girl said

"There are power users here too. In fact they're everywhere. So you don't need to be afraid" The gold haired boy said

"Y-yes" Yuki says while still slightly nervous

"My name is Amber Grey; you're not around here are you?" Amber said while smiling

"N-no I came from the islands, I just moved here a few days ago." Yuki said still blushing

"See I told you so." The gold haired boy looks at Amber then he looks at Yuki "It's always the kids from the islands who are as nervous as you are in first days like this."

"Yes I'm not used to too many people like this in a classroom?" Yuki said

"My name is Dylan Martin, nice to meet you too." Dylan said

"Yes, my name is Yuki" Yuki introduces himself as he starts calming down


In a hospital

The green haired boy earlier is lying in bed still unconscious, Cher is sitting on a chair with her arms crossed together and she is tip tapping her feet with agitation.

The door opens behind her, Alex and another boy with purple hair in his teens both come in.

"How is that boy?" Alex asked

"Still unconscious, I can't take the wait anymore" Cher said as she stands up

"How about testing? Did you figure out why he screamed in pain?" Alex asked

"He tested positive for some kind of drug and it must have been the side effects of said drug" Cher said

"What kind of drug was it?" Alex asked

"I don't know the tests can't identify it. But I saw the guy clearly; his eyes were red and irritated. He was swaying like he's high and as I was fighting him he suddenly screamed in pain and fainted." Cher said

"You said that Yuki saw that girl again standing there?" Alex said

"Yes I didn't see her myself but Yuki was so sure it was her." Cher said

"Yeah Alex also told me about her. Let me guess, that little innocent looking girl is a member of Magician's Pentagram?" The purple haired boy said

"Alex, who is this kid again" Cher asked with an amused expression

"Oh sorry, this is Kaito Phelps from North Providence. I called him up here to act as Yuki's bodyguard

"Bodyguard, so he knows?" Cher asked in surprised

"Yeah, he can be trusted. He's the son of one of the best members of Providence" Alex said

Kaito blushes and smiles "You give me too much credit"

Alex and Cher is staring at Kaito strangely.

Alex then looks at the notes of the green haired boy's medical tests on the table and shrugged "The tests showed that this guy isn't even a power user." Alex said

"What? Didn't you say that this guy threw fireballs at you?" Kaito said surprisingly

"Yeah that doesn't add up, what's going on?" Cher realizes

Abayant College of Engineering

11: 30AM

Orientation already started and the teacher is sitting on the teacher's chair. While all the arm chairs and each student are paired by two's and are arranged facing each other. Yuki is facing and talking to Amber.

"Oh so you can make ice? That's so cool. I mean literally." Amber said while clasping her hands together

"I guess it is," Yuki giggles while scratching his head "How about you? Amber"

"I don't have any powers; I just use this little gadget." Amber points at an armband she is wearing. "This thing gives me super strength."

"Really, that's so neat; you're just like my older sister." Yuki states, "My sister is sort of like a lifter too."

"Wow, I have a big sister too." Amber says then she gets sad for a moment. "Though I can't see her anymore"

"That's so sad." Yuki gets sad

"Don't worry, she's not dead. She just ran away from home because of a family problem" Amber smiles

"Oh, I see" Yuki smiles in embarrassment

At that moment the teacher sounds a horn. Then she says, "Alright class, five minutes are up, switch partners."

"Ok see you later" Amber stands up and moves to the chair to her clockwise.

"Y-yes" Yuki says

Then after Amber leaves, Dylan sits to where she was sitting in front of Yuki

"Hello again Yuki" Dylan pats Yuki on the shoulder, "You gotta love these introductions, you actually get to talk one on one with people."

"Yes I heard colleges in the city have them." Yuki smiles

"So you said before you came from the islands, why did you move here when it's so peaceful there?" Dylan asks

"Well I wanted to live with my sister." Yuki blushes. "So Dylan how about you, you lived in the city all your life?"

"Yeah, I'm staying with my father." Dylan says

"You don't have a mother?" Yuki asks

"Nah just my dad and a few other kids. It's like an orphanage" Dylan said smiling

"You were adopted? And Dylan you have powers too or gadgets?" Yuki asks

"Yes and Nope." Dylan said

The teacher sounds the horn again. Ok class its time for lunch break. Be back at 12:40.

Everyone stands up from their chairs. Amber then comes to where Yuki and Dylan are.

"Hey Amber, Yuki, how about we have lunch together" Dylan said while smiling.

"Sure I'm hungry, let's go Yuki." Amber smiles

"Yes" Yuki blushes

Back at the hospital

The boy in the bed is waking up as Alex, Cher, and Kaito eagerly approach him

"W-where am I?" The boy opens his eyes, and then he gets nervous when he sees Cher, Alex, and Kaito standing over him looking serious

"YES, w-what can I do for you?" The green haired boy said

"You have a lot of questions to answer kid." Cher said

Back at the school

Yuki and the others are running down the stairs in a hurry and past the hallway. They then just got into the cafeteria. As they entered, they saw that there is barely anyone in the room. Yuki, Dylan, and Amber are catching their breaths and panting.

"Good we can get good seats." Dylan said

"Wow you were right Dylan." Yuki said with a thrilled look

"The basic strategy in a lunch rush, get here faster than everyone else." Dylan said

"Amber, why don't you sit down and get us a table? We'll buy the lunch for you." Yuki says while smiling.

"Ok, I'm good with anything so get me whatever." Amber said while sitting down on one of the empty tables.

Yuki and Dylan proceeds to walk to the bar and grabbed trays. As they proceed closer Yuki notices that there are only people on the cashier

"Huh there isn't anyone serving?" Yuki gets curious

"It must be a self service canteen. We get everything ourselves and just pay for them there." Dylan says

"Really? So that's why you wanted us to be first." Yuki said

"Of course" Dylan puts his hand over Yuki's shoulder and says "These things are my specialty."

Back at the hospital the boy is still sitting on the bed answering the questions Cher and the others asked.

"I'm telling you, I really don't know anything." The green haired boy moves his head left and right.

"Alright alright, start from the beginning." Alex said slightly annoyed

The green haired boy calms down and starts telling his story.

"I'm a student at Abayant College of Engineering. I was walking to the college when a kid my age came to me and asked me if I wanted to be a power user. He gave me some kind of pill and said it would give me powers" The green haired boy said

"So you accepted the pill and drank it? What if it was a poison or an illegal drug?" Cher said angrily

"I know, but I failed the test and I've wanted powers for so long I was that desperate." The green haired boy said

"Test, what test?" Kaito asked

"The power user test, people are tested if they can be compatible with getting powers and only a chosen few can pass" Cher explains to Kaito

"Oh I see" Kaito said as he clasps his hands

"Why is a member of Providence not familiar with this?" Cher asked

"I'm not a power user, my dad tried making me one with one of these tests and that was a long time ago" Kaito said

"I see so you flanked the test too" Cher said snickering

"Anyway, what does this pill look like? And what did he ask you in return?" Alex asks the boy

"It's a red circular tablet around the size of a chewable vitamin and he just said for me to skip class today and do what I like." The boy said

The boy bowed down his head and he starts shaking. Alex, Cher, and Kaito stare at him in silence.

After a moment, the boy catches his breath and continues talking "I'm sorry."

"You don't have any identification on you?" Kaito asks

"Eh no, when I tried out the pill I dropped my bag on the ground. "I couldn't remember anything else after that." The boy said

"We're going to have to ask you to stay here until we can confirm your identity. What's your name kid?" Alex asks

"Its Dylan Martin, I'm on 1st year class 5 and I'll also give you the number to my house." Dylan said

"1st year class 5 you say?" Cher says nervously

"What's wrong Cher?" Alex asks

"That's Yuki's class." Cher says softly with a look of worry in her eyes.

Abayant College of Engineering


Dylan is standing in front of Yuki on the line. Dylan has his lunch on his tray as he picks up the ladle to get juice.

As he is returning the ladle inside the juice container, he secretly grabs a handful of red circular pills from his jacket's pocket and puts them all on the juice container with a sadistic look in his eyes.


Lily is running on the road, she has a phone on one ear and she is talking to someone.

"It went as expected; but they got the kid you duped. It would only be a matter before they find you out. Alister" Lily said seriously. "

In the classroom the fake Dylan Martin or AKA Alister is on the phone. He looks around him to see students are entering the classroom.

"I know, by then I would have done what I came for." Alister said and he smiles as he sees Yuki entering the classroom.

"Yes your boyfriend just came in. Alright I'll talk to you later. Meanwhile you know what to do with his backup correct?" Alister smiles

Present Cafeteria

Alister has just left the cashier with his lunch. Yuki is about to pay for his lunch too.

At the same time about a dozen students have just entered the cafeteria and just went behind Yuki in the line.

As Yuki is standing in front of the cashier, Alister interrupts him

"Oh Yuki I already paid for yours and I have Ambers lunch too. Take a look" Alister showed his tray to have doubled the amount of food than Yuki's and two drinks.

"Oh thank you very much" Yuki said with a thrilled expression.

"So let's go back to the table." Alister said as he puts his arm on Yuki's shoulder

"Oh thank you." Yuki smiles happily as he thinks "I can't believe I have two friends already, I can't wait to tell sis"

Yuki and Alister reach their table with Amber waiting patiently. The boys put their tray of food on and sits down only for Amber to notice that they don't have any spoons and forks

"There are no spoons and forks." Amber points out

"That's right my bad." Alister said as he looks around and points to the area with the utensils "It's over there."

"Ok I'll get them" Yuki says cheerfully.

Yuki goes to the utensils table and grabs 3 sets of spoons and forks. After a while he gets a sensation and images pop into his head.

"It's a vision, is something going to happen?" Yuki thinks to himself as the images become clear inside the cafeteria, three students, two males and one female are using powers and attacking each other, the cafeteria and other students. They all have red irritated eyes and are attacking with fire, earth, and water elements respectively.

Yuki recovers from the vision and takes a deep breath

"Hey move aside" A male voice said which gets Yuki to turn around and look at him

Yuki turns around and said "Oh I'm sorry" but suddenly looks in shock at the teenager's face. Yuki recognizes the teenager as one of the attacking students that he saw in his vision.

Yuki just looks in silence as the teenager walks past him to grab some spoons and forks. The teenager walks past Yuki again and approaches a table with two other students

"That's them." Yuki said as he recognized the other two students that are on the table.

Yuki then grabs his phone from his pocket and makes a call.

Back at the hospital

"That's Yuki's class; he might be in danger now." Cher says with a worried expression on her face. She then gets a call; she looks at her phone to see that it's from Yuki.

The name "little bro" and Yuki's smiling picture flashes on the phone as Cher answers it.

Cher answers the phone immediately with a worried expression, "Yuki where are you? Are you alright?"

"I'm ok sis, and I'm in the cafeteria now, what's wrong?" says Yuki is on the phone

"Yuki stay calm and listen. Members of Magician's Pentagram are after you. They already infiltrated the school and are in your class." Cher says nervously


The cafeteria is filling up with people and the noise of their conversations is starting to get louder.

"What sorry sis I can't quite hear you?" Yuki said in a loud voice which gets the attention of some nearby students.

Yuki starts walking back to his table as he tries hearing what Cher is saying. Yuki covers one ear and starts asking Cher to repeat what she said

"Sis, who is after who and what did you say about my class?" Yuki asked on the phone

Alister notices Yuki approaching and is shocked to see a phone on his ear and Yuki looking nervous. Secretly he waves his hand while under the table and creates a bump on the floor Yuki is about to walk on.

"AHH" Yuki then trips and falls on the floor. The phone went sliding next to Yuki's table and the utensils he is holding scattered all over the place.

"Yuki" Amber screams and looks at where Yuki is.

Alister also pretends to be worried and stands up from where he and Amber are sitting.

As Alister is running to where Yuki was, he intentionally stomps at Yuki's phone on the floor as he is running. The phone is crushed.

Alister and Amber then run to where Yuki is and checks up on him. Yuki is trying to get back on his feet and winces in pain as he realized a scrapes on his knee and hand.

"Yuki, are you alright?" Amber says as she helps Yuki stand up.

Back in the hospital

"Yuki, Hello, Hello", Cher tries to call Yuki again but this time it says "subscriber can not be reached."

"Cher what's wrong?" Alex and Kaito said

"I've lost contact. He might be in danger now. Let's go." Cher is increasingly worried and runs to go outside.

"Cher, wait up" Alex said while he and Kaito follow her outside.

The real Dylan on the bed interrupts them with a question "Wait please; the guy was definitely an earth user."

"Huh what makes you say so?" Kaito asks

"He showed me his powers to convince me to use the drug." Dylan said

"Ok I'll leave an officer here with you. We'll be back." Kaito said then continues outside the door to follow Alex and Cher

Back at the Cafeteria

"You should be careful Yuki, that's an easy way to break a leg." Alister said

"Y-yeah I didn't see where I was going." Yuki grabs his knee in pain and smiles

"So what did she say?" Alister asked

"I couldn't hear her, the noise was too loud" Yuki scratches his head and tries to say a word but then gets surprised as he realizes something

An explosion suddenly happens behind them which startles the group and got their attention

Yuki, Alister, and Amber look to the direction of the explosion and see a burning table with people all over is panicking. They immediately see three students running wild with fire, earth, and water powers and are shooting the elements all over the place."

Yuki and the others hide under a nearby table in a frazzle.

"WHAT on earth." Alister said

"What are they doing?" Amber is panicked

"It's just like my vision, its happening already" Yuki said with a scared expression

"Huh what vision? What are you talking about" Amber said as she shrieks because of another explosion.

"Yuki, what's going on, you know something don't you?" Alister asks, and then continues "What did your sister say?"

Yuki gets surprised again but he dismissed it and swallows his breath

Yuki pauses for a moment to catch his breath and proceeds explaining "I can see the future and those students may be after me"



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