Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1951289-where-the-moon-rest-Consequences
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Fantasy · #1951289
Storm find herself in trouble
Hank and his team were poised for action. The air had a tense feel to it, the collateral indignation and anger brewing like a storm. And the team was unusually quiet; this was important to all of them. They were surrounding the old warehouse in the middle of the desert. Hank pulled his hand through his red hair and glanced at his watch. There were fifteen minutes left before they could move in.His son and his wolf partner were going to signal them when they were ready.

After two years they were going to close this atrocity of a wolf fighting ring down. Hank's blood boiled at the thought of what Mike and his partner has uncovered. The wolves in their group had an even more determined drive to stop this. It almost bordered to rage. For now the wolves were in their human form.

This was putting not only the wolves in danger of exposure but every other being that was not human. For all their sakes it had to be stopped. Humans could never find out that they were not the main predators in the food chain. Ever.

All the supernatural beings had mostly their own set of rules and codes. There was one thing all had in common; secrecy. The human race was well known for its arrogance, its self importance. And for their reaction to anything that they did not know - they destroyed things that did not fit into their picture or mindset that they were top predator.

And as long as they believed that supernatural's were myth only they were safe. Humans were fragile and more in danger of extinction than their blown up egos would want to believe. No one wanted an interspecies war so it was best that they remained ignorant.

A whistle pierced the air and Hank could feel Mikeal's magic in it. That was the sign that they were waiting for. He turned to the group behind him. "Right lads. Remember we're to make sure no one escape from that place." He laid a hand on one of the wolves' shoulder, "And let's go safe some wolves." They became shadows in the night, the wolves taking on their wolf forms. The grin on the wolf's face before they changed was grim and Hank felt for a second sorry for those in the warehouse. It promised pain and retribution to them. Not for the first time, Hank was thankful that he was not the enemy.

In side a dark room storm was limping around the small holding cell she was in. She was in human form and she could feel her wolf side just under the surface. They carried the wolf that lost the fight before past and the victor was forced into the cell next door. She listened as wolf bones rearranged to human form. His "owner" would collect him and his money shortly. The unconscious wolf was chucked into a holding crate.

"He is alive." The giant next door said, blood still covering him. Storm nobbed her head and stared as her opponent was released from a crate across the room. A huge grey wolf burst into its cell and Storm's shoulders sagged. They had a feral as her opponent. She tugged at the tangled red auburn mop that was her hair. She would have to kill him or get killed in the process. Perhaps it would be bliss.........

Her wolf side pushed her human part further away. "NO! We will survive." She growled in Storm's head. She leaned her head against the wall behind her. The collar around her neck siezed to buzz with the energy that stopped her from changing to wolf.

The small gate of the tunnel leading to the fighting arena opened the collar stopped buzzing. She changed to her wolf form. The giant next door drew in his breath in shock. He thought the kid next door could not be in worse shape he was wrong. Her human form carried horrible bruises and scars and open wounds. The wolf in front of him was even worse. He watched the feral and the kid go down the tunnels. He sat down laying his head on his knees. "Be quick guys." He mumbled under his breath.

Her injuries hurt and Storm felt anger blaze like hot fire through her veins. Her "master" meant for her to die here. And he was going to be very,very disappointed. Storm hoped that Azel and Sarah got to safety. Who thought the hypocrite would blow up so badly when he discovered Sarah had her learning online? He expected the Warlock trainer and his daughter to treat her like he did. Azel and Sarah were the only friends she had.

"Animals do not read," he hissed in Storm's face and more blows rained on her. Her body was already covered with bruises and open wounds. The cuts were made by silver daggers and burned. It also meant that it did not just heal like normal cuts. Her silence made him even angrier. Despite all the abuse Storm was silent. She was not about to give him and his bastards the satisfactions to see her cry or even scream. Storm cut off the pain. Her face was expressionless, though the loss of blood made her skin pale.

Storm doubled over in pain as the collar around her throat buzzed sending a wave of magic through her body. He was forcing her to turn into her wolf. She laid on the ground unable to move as his magic trapped her body in paralyses.

"Put her in a crate, phone Wheeler and tell him I got a wolf I want in the fight this morning. Wait......make it two wolves. This little bitch and Darius." Her "owner" told his right hand man. His voice was cruel and he aimed another kick into an open bleeding cut.

She knew Darius; he was the feral owned by him. Hands grabbed her and dragged her to the crate standing in a corner. She hit the back of the crate and her body screamed silently in pain. He chuckled harshly as his eyes peered into the crate. "And tell him Midnight Storm is to fight Darius."

That was this morning; she was tortured and not allowed to sleep the night before. So he was setting her up to be very dead soon. The buzzing collar around her neck forced her to human when they got here and it took a lot of energy. Also changing back to wolf took energy so he was definitely setting her up to die. Azel trained her eighteen hours out of twenty four for just this; to fight. She was good at this. And she was not planning on that happen today. If she survived this he would most likely sent a silver bullet into her head. She shook the memories away. Concentrate on one fight at a time. She could not change what was about to happen but it would not do to let this distract her.

There was a roar of the crowd out side the tunnel and Storm growled in  response. It was time to fight.

Wordcount: 1,464
© Copyright 2013 nicky Ive (iveson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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