Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1951117-Chance-encounter
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1951117
One never know whom you may meet in a forest.
The wind turned raindrops into vicious small spears. The birds were even smart enough to not be out in this weather. Being under the Dark Forest canopy meant that Drean was under a little shelter but it was only a marginal advantage. His travelling cloak was soaked through. The horse under him blew it's breath out, miserably snorting her disapproval.  And Drean stroked her neck to comfort her. He almost shared her feeling but the promise of being paid by his client cheered him up. Most people would avoid the Dark Forest but he was in a hurry to get to Xavier's Inn. His mother always told him to never keep a Warlock waiting. They tended to......overreact if one did.

He breathed a sigh of relief when they left the forest. Now that they were not protected by the trees, his mare struggled a bit and he could almost sing when the sign board reading: Xavier's Inn came into view. From the out side Xavier's Inn looked like a double storey mansion. It had outbuildings and a stable lad dashed out to take his horse into the stables. Drean whistled and the lad turned to him. His small hands shot out to catch the two golden coins Drean tossed at him.

Inside a warm fire was burning in the fireplace. Lanterns hung from the ceiling basking the room in inviting light. A bar occupied the one half of the room with tables and chairs filling the other half. A wooden staircase led up to the upper floor with the inn rooms for the guest. The wooden floor shone as did the bar counter. Drean went up to the bar and smiled at the girl behind it. "Mead please." Drean noticed her small frame and when she reached for a bottle from the shelf behind her, she tipped her head back. Her blond hair fell back revealing two pointed ears.

Drean accepted the drink she poured from it. "Merry eve sister kin," He spoke in High Elvin and watched her first blush before she greeted him back in High Elvin. "Just lift thee mug if it needs refilling." She said still in High Elvin as he turned and walked to one of the furthest tables in one of the corners of the room.

The girl looked after him with appreciation as he walked to a table with his mug of Mead. His long blond hair was caught in a ponytail and his grey eyes made her heart beat a little faster. Not that he notized her. She sighed in disappointment but drew her mind back to her job as another customer lifted his empty mug in the air.

Steve Hawk detested going through The Dark Forest. Because the trees were so close to each other, it was always darker. In the forest as their home and playground. In his seven hundred years of living he never allowed rumors to dictate his actions. Even though the body guards he hired ran off, he kicked his grey gelding onwards. The animal fought him right till they left the forest for the coddled road. The animal  was sweating when he tossed the reins to the old stable hand that appeared at the sound of his horse's hooves on the stones. Steve stomped his way through the door leading to the interior of the inn.

Drean kept his face expressionless as the Warlock's searching gaze went through the room and finely fell on him. He was pleased to see the Warlock at least heeded his warning about trying to not stand out from the normal inn patrons. The only reason they met here was that it was halfway between both their homes. And the last place anyone would look for Lord Steve Warren Hawk.

Even though he toned his dress down, the man was not able to tone down his personality down. The raven black haired, blue eyed, bulky built Warlock could pass as a farmer was it not that people shied away from his presence. He did not look happy at all.

Drean reached into his pocket as he sat down across from him. Drean laid the medallion he acquired for Steve in front of him. The agitation left Steve's face and his shoulders relaxed. "You found the Orland medallion!" Drean just nod his head. This was not the first transaction between them. Drean lifted his half filled mug and the girl scurried closer. Steve ordered a drink for himself and they talked about the temple Drean had to crawl around to get it.

Steve dropped a bag on the table. He added another and Drean lifted an eyebrow. That was double they agreed upon. The old Warlock leaned back and chuckled. "I got another job for you. Would you mind going with me back to Hawk Hall? I got the maps and other information you'll need there. My horse might be less spooked if we have someone with us. I will make it worth your while." He pointed to the extra bag of coin.

Drean has never been an elf to turn his nose up for honest earned coin. He smiled and leaned back, his grey eyes weighing the extra coin. And Greta, his chestnut mare didn't mind travelling through the forest. He reached out and snagged both bags. Both bags got tied to his belt under his cloak. "I would be honored to do so." They sat at the inn for a few more hours, waiting the storm out.

The Storm has passed and left huge puddles of water all over. Rashan deftly stepped over them. Her boots not making a sound on the leave littered forest floor. She had her bow slung over her shoulder and her sword strapped to her side.

Rashan has lived in Lunar Wood all her life. Being surrounded by four big brothers and an over protective father meant that she was not very ladylike. She acted more like a boy. That was why she slipped out of their cottage to hunt. It was her moment of freedom. It was not like she was defenseless. Her family taught her how to use a sword, bow and daggers. Rashan loved the way the moon would shine through spots where the forest was not so close together. It upset her that people could not be bothered to call her home by its true name; instead they called it The Dark Forest.

Rashan moved with all the stealth her family has taught her. She could hunt in her wolf form but after her brother's remark on how her skills in hunting in human form was far from desired.......She saw it as a challenge hence her stalking a herd of deer on two legs.

There were voices to her right so she hid herself behind a tree trunk. She hunched down and listened. "I saw the guy go to Xavier's. I'm positive he will return this way. I could hear the coin on his belt and that horse can bring us a fair amount of coin." Rashan cursed her luck. Road robbers, of all people she had to stumble onto them. She contemplated going home to fetch her family but the traveler could come back while she was gone. So instead she sneaked away and positioned herself in a tree waiting. If she could warn the traveler, it would frustrate the robbers.

Two horses entered the forest and she growled as they galloped past her tree. She jumped down and using her wolf speed followed them. The robbers laid an ambush in a clearing in the forest where they forced the horsemen to a  halt. She burst into the smallish clearing and as she passed the two men on their horses she yelled, "Draw your swords! They mean to kill and rob you." Her own sword was drawn and she flew at a scruffy dressed man holding a club.

Drean opted drinking Java after his initial mug of Mead. It was close to midnight when they had their horses brought to them. They headed towards Hawk Hall. They were deep into the forest when Greta tossed her head in agitation. Somethingwent cold in him when four men dressed in scruffy garments appeared in their way. They were forced to pull their horses to a halt or risk running the men over.

Before anyone could say anything someone sprinted past them and shouted the warning. Drean sight was excellent even in the dark. A girl was busy fighting one of the men and Drean and Steve wasted no time joining the fight. She had long hair it was too dark to make out the color though. Her skill with the sword was amazing.

Drean thrust his sword into the robber's chest and kicked at him sending him flying backwards. She retrieved her blade from the dead robber and spun around. The girl has forced the one robber down when another holding a club appeared behind her. Drean reached for one of his throwing knives and send it spinning through the air. The robber grabbed his neck in shock as the knife struck. The girl looked back and nodded her head in thanks.

The last robber's cries died as Steve hurled an ice spell at him freezing every cell in his body. The girl that warned them caught their horses for them. Steve cast a Mage Light spell and studied their rescuer. Her hair was reddish brown and two yellow eyes blinked as she tried to adjust to the light. Their savior was slender in built and dressed in leather pants and what looked like a male's black shirt and boots. Her eyes told Steve exactly what she was. A wolf shifter.

"Why would you help us." He asked her as he took his horse's reins from her hands. "Because not all of us living here are bad or evil. Being dark does not make you evil. And I detest the road robbers." There was just a hint of extended teeth showing as she smiled. He reached for the purse on his belt but she shook her head. "No need sir." She said as they mounted their horses. "A merry eve to your gentlemen." She said before she disappeared into the forest.

Drean and Steve looked at each other before they kicked their horses into a gallop. Both of them had a shocked look on their faces. As they moved to get to Hawk Hall, Drean remembered his mother's words. "Never judge a book solely on its cover." The girl looked weak yet risked herself to help them. An old lesson imparted by a chance meeting in the woods to heart.

WORDCOUNT: 1,780 words

Prompts used: Draw your swords. AND The Dark Forest
© Copyright 2013 nicky Ive (iveson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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