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Rated: E · Other · Other · #1945904
Two unlikely friends just like toy story but better YUHHH
Wearing a tight blue blouse, blue pants, and hair pulled back in a low ponytail except for a few stray hairs, Dr. Elizabeth Pritchard sat in a dimly lit corner of a local cafe while waiting on her patient, Mark Adams.  This would only be their second meeting; a mutual friend had introduced the two, suggesting the doctors practice to Adams.  He was hesitant at first, but after much persuasion bit the bait.

Mark walked tot eh table and sat down with his usual meal, potato soup and Tahitian green tea.  Dressed in khaki pants, a blue plaid button up, and lovingly worn leather boots he looks more like an overworked architect, than a student of psychology, and anthropology.  Aged 25, but the years had treated him too well,leaving him with a cherubic face of eighteen.  Dusting his brown hair from his face, and adjusting his glasses he looked at Dr. Pritchard, "I made it, sorry I'm late.  I almost didn't come."

"I noticed, nice of you to show.  It shows dedication."

"Hardly" Adams said as he took a first spoonful of soup that was still too hot.

"You don't give yourself enough credit, Mark." said Elizabeth while tucking a lock of sandy blond hair behind her left ear revealing a princess cut diamond earring.

"I give credit where it's due. Why did you want to meet with me, did Mattias tell you about my 'episode' last night?"

"Yes, he did.  I was concerned, as was he.  I was more concerned about other things, which is why I asked to meet today."

"Okay." Mark said while looking at his iPhone, which in recent years had become more of a nuisance than a helpful contact source.

"You're proving to be a difficult case for me, Mark."

"Oh, how is that, you're the one who called me."

"I'll cut to the chase...You're an intelligent person.  It's visible to the eye of anyone, but the true intellect you keep hidden, I can see it though.  It's a dangerous intelligence, and hiding it away so long is finally taking it's toll on you...with the help of someone else.  I'm worried, I'm afraid for you."

"Don't be, you barely know me.  How can you possibly be worried and afraid for someone you don't even know.  Oh, and thanks for the compliment."  he said as he ripped small bite size chunks out of the loaf-soup bowl, and dipped them.

"The reason is because you've made a friend with the one person I didn't think was capable of retaining an honest friendship... That's that I asked if you had romantic feelings last time we-"

Adams cut her off; "Because two men can't be close friends without it having some ulterior homosexual motive, isn't that right Doctor?"

"No, it's not that Mark, it's that you two both have become the closeset I've seen him to a legitimate honored friendship in the seven years I've known him.  Your mindsets are built more to... scheme, and manipulate, to conspire, and lead.  You both defy the book by meshing yourselves together, rather than butting heads. That's what confuses me." She said leaning back in the chair, nervously tapping her pen.

"Well, maybe we see ourselves in each other, and can combine to do something great."

Dr. Pritchard hesitated.

"Or... something terrible."

"Terrible?  I don't think it'd be terrible"

Doctor Pritchard watched Mark fan his tea to cool it to a drinkable temperature.  His face was flush, and skin looked clammy.

"And out of all those thoughts that jolted to your mind after I said that... about this involuntary collaboration between you two.. you didn't flinch."

"Why would I flinch?"  He asked while dipping a finger in the tea to test the temperature. 

"Because none of those thoughts, or ideas seemed terrible, or odd to you... That's the part that scares me, Mark."

"I don't think I understand."

"He knows how you think, because he thinks the same way.  he's trying to pull that suppressed emotion out of you. He wants it to be seen."

"Are you fucking crazy. Did you actually pass the boards? Holy shit."

"Nothing seems off to you? "

"I mean, he doesn't blink but.. that could very well be a nerve problem, or a strange compulsion. I don't see how that matters...It's just like how I don't enjoy anything being on the left side of my body."

"Look, this is all confidential, it always is... but I have to get going.  I have appointments starting in a half hour.  Just take a look at this when you get the chance? It may explain more to you. It's aimed at you both."  She got up from the table, and put a book in front of Mark before walking out the door."

Mark reached for the book, and got soup on the cover. He wiped it on his pants.
"The Psychopath Next Door: Who is the devil you know?" read aloud to himself, " You have got to be kidding me."

He laughed, and tucked the book into his messenger bag before finishing his meal, and departed the cafe.

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