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Rated: GC · Other · Crime/Gangster · #1933241
The title says it all.
Confidence Men Dont Need Drugs to Date Rape
         by Zachariah Bennet Douglas

I noticed how popular story characters are often a guy that has no problem in lying to women to get laid.
[ In lieu of Logic, I dont want to take the opposite side. I dont want to  believe in the validity of any opposite but mine.]
This isnt a criminal act in the USA. Well, it is and it isnt, right?? If a couple of friends got together and talked about what had happened in the week since they saw & talked to each other last...and both had a one night fling with a guy that said his name was Samuel. He flashed a lot of cash in large dollar quantities. Everyone wants to be the type that gets approached by a big spender.....someone that thinks a decent drink between a stranger should cost no less than $100. He was a terribly cool and kind fellow. Nothing he did was sinister....except lie to them completely. In the bedroom, he was fully adequate. Passionate, strong, attentive....they both thought they were in love. He had called both from his phone at the bar to make sure they had his number right. When they called....no answer.
Each woman was kinda devastated. You search so long for the right person in your life and then you meet some creep that has no problem lying to you....he had let them fall in love with him. Modern women know that sometimes anonymity is paramount. If you are out there dating and willing to screw a stranger on the first date, well, you understand that there are risks involved. Maybe the sex is rushed and the date ends in awkward ecstasy. They hadn't even been privy to their own sexual prowess that night. Just went to the bar after work to loosen up because it was a stressful day. Even the guy at the supermarket gave her a bad look. All in all, after an odd sexual experience you find yourself in a heightened mood and you forget all about it. You think about the weirdness and you kick yourself for letting it go so fast. Some people are just weird when it comes to sex. They kinda ruled it as his loss for not being mature enough to at least have a follow up date.
They both feel cheated and conned. After asking around, they found that there were no less than 6 other women that met the same guy. He had different names but after the one victim showed a picture she snapped without his noticing everyone knew it was the same guy.
[the guy's perspective]
8 women in one county. I did that. All I had to do was flash some money and these women basically took their clothes off. Quick fucks that left me wanting more strange. I travel the country and mind my own business. I live in a motor home. A nice one like a rockstar would have. It's not flashy or anything like that. It's ambiguous.
It all started about 15 years ago.
I stopped into a supermarket in Ypsilanti and wanted to fuck every other woman in the store. Gorgeous women. I thought my eyes had betrayed me. I bought my provisions and left. Out and off to the bar I went. It was happy hour and I wanted a beer or 2 before I got started driving. I had intended on going straight on to Lansing but something told me I should scope out the talent at some random bar. Once again, gorgeous women. I met this woman, Cassidy, and she told me, flat out, that she would only fuck me. Not sleep with me nor ever want to date again. She said she wanted to stay at the bar until she got good and drunk.
I thought about it and decided to go along with it. We went out to my motorhome around 1am and we had some interesting sex. It wasnt ridiculously amazing but she was beautiful and temporary. By 3am she was sober enough to drive home, I guess. She told me it wasnt my business if she got arrested or killed a kid. Women have this line they draw and one minute you can have her clit in your mouth and the next she'll yell "RAPE!!" if you touch her and that shit holds up in court.
Anyways. I drove to a rest area on 94 and caught some z's. When I woke up, I thought weird. I felt older. Cassidy was my first fling. I had been with a few girls but it was always a boyfriend & girlfriend experience. I had felt honor in not knowing any different...almost a religious piety that I justified because it felt good to be so ignorant. Anyways, you know how it feels when you conquer a fear?? You feel bold and stronger...older....well, that's how I felt after Cassidy. I realized that sex didnt have to mean that much.
I drove for a couple weeks...stopping here and there...until I found I really wanted to get laid. I stopped in a bar and hit on a few women. No avail. I drove to another bar....no avail. This went on for a few days. Finally, I got really wasted and told this kinda-hot-kinda-ugly woman that I was a guy named Samuel and I published books for a living. I told her that I knew some famous authors. She was drunk too. By the time I got her naked in my motorhome, we had drank way too much and I dont really remember the encounter. I did snap some pics, tho.
The short version of the drawn out story is that I started going from state to state banging random women as this Samuel guy. It didn't always work but I had more to do than just encircle my life with concerns of getting laid. I got better. I started renting cars and paying for nice hotel rooms if she didnt have a place to fuck. The best idea was to park my motorhome at some campground outside of a larger city and drive the rental to town or some surrounding city. Sometimes I'd go bowling, sometimes I'd go to a local ball game. Smaller towns love their baseball leagues. I even went to a little league game once. I told this woman that I was on a go-nowhere journey and cant help but love to reminisce on my own little league games. Truth: I've kept my old baseball card in my wallet ever since I started carrying one. When I first got that card, I felt so cool. My name wasnt on the front of the card like in the way some pro cards are....had the woman flipped the card over and read my name, she would have known I was a fake but she just gave it a big "Awe!!!" and handed it back. Her name was Leslie, if I remember correctly. She let me take pictures of her. Some women dont. Others arent worth taking pics of. Some of the girls just get so wasted that fucking them wasn't even good.
Years pass. I've slept with almost a hundred women as Samuel. My job will send me a huge bonus and I spend some time in a different country. When I get back...well, I keep fucking around as Samuel.
I dont understand why that is so reprehensible.

[she, the always victim]
I was at a bar one night and some guy told me I have daddy issues. I hate myself for being obvious. Mental illness drapes over the patient. I cant forget the things I dont want to tell you. It's not your place to know. But it's always there. I dont go out much because the sleaziest guys flock to me. I dont have many friends. I usually just go to work and come home, watch some tv and grocery shop. I try to think of my life as small instead of simple. Everything my father did to me is always somewhere in my mind. After growing up how I did, I dont have the same a priori as most.
I had a few good weeks at work. My meds evened out. I was smiling in a way I normally didnt so I went on up to the bar I tend to go to and had a drink with a girlfriend. We were talking about leaving and this guy walked up to us. He introduced himself as Samuel and said....in the most honest way....that he had seen us come in and was mustering the courage to talk to us...to me. He made a point to really focus on me. It was weird, at first, but I really started to like him. My friend had to leave, which is why we were leaving in the first place, but I decided to stay and hang out with this guy.
He was a bit older than me but it wasnt a weird age gap, or anything. We hung out for hours. I told him things I had never told anybody. We fell asleep on a beach. I woke up a few hours later wrapped in his arms. Those kind of moments dont usually happen to anyone. For the first time in my life, I felt really okay.
When he woke up, I made love to him. There on the beach with no one looking, we shared a moment that transcended time and location. Afterward we swam for awhile...lingering toward each other....kissing slowly ....never too far from one another. The sun came up and he took me back to my car. He made me call him before he left. He promised he would show up at a restaurant that night. He never did. I never saw him again.
I never go out much because I am a cutter. I'll have a breakdown and give myself many small cuts on the parts of my body hidden by my uniform. Sometimes I cut again before they heal. Other times they heal and I feel good enough to go out and try the world on for size.  As far as what happened to me after Samuel...well, it's not your job to know.
[tv executive]
If it sells, it's supposed to. If I dont come up with a character myself and society has an archetype they hoist onto their shoulders, it is my duty to give them the best example of that archetype. I put on my shows what I know is the best of what's out there. If you want a dance star, I have many. If you want a brunette bombshell with a sassy attitude, I've got one with 4 seasons of box sets. If you want action and suspense, I have you covered.
Until the government deems something illegal, I'm going to show it if I want. People are all up in arms about everything these days. You cant use racial slurs, you cant belittle women, you cant glorify bullying, so on and so on....jeesh. The fact is that men and women lie to get some sex.  You can watch a family sitcom and wind up seeing the episode where the good looking brother takes 2 girls to the dance. He lied to women and it didn't cause an uproar. We think it okay because in the end he wasnt half the playa he thought he was, the girls found out, and he got slapped twice. Lesson learned.
Thing is: Sometimes some guys pull this stuff off. Not everyone is all about monogamy. Some people are sex freaks. You gotta think of the positives...all these model/actresses that dont fit in their home towns cuz they're too good looking....they get to play the temporary interest in popular tv shows. We launch careers by creating the ideal woman to lie to. Some say that doing so stigmatizes good looking girls as stupid and slutty. If women weren't this way, no one would fill these roles. Dont come at me with accusations and paranoid theories about the government. I dont wanna hear them.  I got things to do.

[a random victim's brother speaks out]
You gotta understand one thing first and foremost: I love my sister more than anything in the world. More than my wife...more than my kids. Our parents died when we were young and eventho we lived with loving relatives, it's always been me and her. We aren't meddlesome in each other's lives. She is an adult and she can live life how she wants as long as she dont start hurting nobody.
So I came back from defending our country overseas and I surprised my sister. I wasn't supposed to be back until the summer but there I was that morning, shoveling snow, when that asshole dropped her off. She looked hungover but happy, ya know...and not just happy to see me. She seemed excited about what she had just went thru the night before. Over breakfast, she told me she met this guy named Sammy. He said his name was Samuel, but she convinced him to let her call him Sammy. He made her laugh. If you make my sister laugh, you're right by me.
She was just so head over heels with this guy and he never called her back. My sister, the beauty queen, couldn't get a second date. I came to figure that she had slept with the guy and that he probably wasnt who he said he was. You lie to my sister, and you aint right by me.
When I was coming up, my folks told me that I should treat every woman and girl like they could be best friends with my Granny and I aint know it. I thought those were good words to live by. Surely, Granny was no saint but she was still a lady. You dont have to lie to a beautiful woman because lying to them only makes them look ugly. It's disrespectful. If I badmouthed a woman in the presence of my father, I got backhanded. My daddy told me that some men were raised by fools. A fool's son is a fool. If a fool ever, ever makes your sister cry, you make him cry.
But these days it aint exceedingly common for a man to respect a lady as a lady. They get called girls and what gets talked about is their physical beauty. Her tits. Her ass. Blowjob lips. Shame too. People seem to really be missing the point of having humans of the opposite sex.
If I ever meet this Sammy guy, I'm gonna beat the shit out of him. My daddy also told me that a man gets filled with anger. Life aint nice all the time and when things turn sour, you gotta take that anger and keep it away. Put it all in a place way back in your mind and hope you never have to open it. As good things happen, you forget bits and pieces of the anger. But, if I ever need to summon the courage to confront someone, take that anger and use it on them. Some people need to have a lesson beat into them.

[the friend, the enabler]
The first time I was asked to be a wingman....that was a few years ago. I was out at the bar and my friend, who was always smooth with the ladies, called me over to meet these 2 girls. Both smoking hot. Way out of my league. Anyway, so I walk over and he whispers in my ear that the 3 of them decided that they are gonna have anonymous sex but under fake names. Be anyone I wanted to be. It was all a big joke. Like improvisational comedy.
That night, I nailed the hottest chick I have ever nailed.
Come to find out a few nights later that the girls didn't know we weren't telling the truth. Deep down, I felt bad but I purposely left that girl's number on her bed stand cuz I thought it was a joke, ya know? I've looked and looked for her...just to apologize, but I've never seen her.
Every now and again, he pulls me into a situation where he's neck deep in a lie. What do I do? Usually, I try to let the girl know but not by directly telling her that he's a lying sonofabitch. He's one of my best friends so it's not like I wanna ruin our relationship over some chick he doesn't feel the need to show his real self to.

[victim, victim...who's got the victim]
I dont like to talk about it but I will say this: If I see Samuel again, I'm going to cut off his dick.

[you are not a victim]
Tv makes it funny. If it's funny on tv, it is funny in real life. Really, it aint no more different than the guys that always hit on waitresses and clerks. Mild perversion disorders aren't bad because the affected patient isn't considered a creep by society. If you sit outside a woman's house and write her love letters when she couldn't care less about your existence...if you stare at people in public....then you are a creep. Guys that lie to women just to fuck them are not creeps. They're assholes. Unfortunately, being an asshole isn't illegal. It's not con artistry because they aren't taking anything from anyone.
Why shouldn't we place these men on pedestals of envy? Guys want to fuck a bunch of different women. We dont want to be satisfied in monogamy. The ghetto culture celebrates pimps. It's very obvious that it aint about women as intelligent creatures. Give them equal pay and whatever...but when it comes down to the vaginas, men should be able to do whatever it takes to get off...within the limits of the law.
Some women go on about how it's wrong and should be illegal, but it's not ALL women. At the end of the day, the cameras have panned over to the women that dont mind being lied to. We all love the feminists that are so wrapped up in women gaining power that they think sexual liberation is the key to enlightenment.
If these "victims" were actual victims, we would watch the tv shows and movies and be appalled. We wouldn't laugh hysterically. No rational person could justify lying to a woman just to have sex with her. Yet, rational men do. Rational people accept that their friends are doing this stuff. Even the crazy-religious people aren't saying much about it. If it's against your religion to lie to a woman just to fuck her, then great. We're happy for you. All in all, nobody cares if some woman gets used by a man that was smart enough to convince her that he was someone worth sleeping with.
Dont hate the playa, hate the game....nigga.

[journal entry of a victimized woman]
I think I made a big mistake tonight. Kathy and Rebecca asked me to go out to the bar. I told them I didn't have any cash but they said they'd buy me a few drinks. Okay. I had that dress I bought last month...just hanging there in the closet with the tags on it. I was pissed about work because the manager says nothing to the regulars that come in and talk dirty to me. Some people just dont listen. Usually I just come home and smoke a bowl. It helps me forget and put things into context. I'll be out of school this spring. Hanging out with Kathy and Rebecca is usually just as relaxing as weed.
The bar was as it usually is. They like the dive bars because the drinks are cheaper and it reminds them of growing up lower middle class. Barry said he'd pick us up so the shots started going down as soon as we got there. Rebecca got a promotion so it was one of those nights. After an hour or so I was good and drunk. I excused myself to the bathroom. Written on the stall wall was this:" If there was no game, there'd be no playas." So true. So true.

If I had only paid attention.
I wash my hands and walk out to the table and I get ogled by a bunch of bros. These idiots. They think that being handsome, well dressed and decently hung makes them interesting. They all look like they haven't read a book in too long. One guy said something about how sexy I am but those lines dont work on me.
More drinks. More drinks. More drinks and by 1am I am obliterated. That drunk where you know the chances of being sick in the morning are all too good. I head back to the bathroom and force myself to puke. I used to be bulimic so I got a lot of the booze out. I'm just glad I don't have long hair anymore. Gross....
Right away, I start to feel better. But, like always, the alcohol has made me really horny. If I could have just went home I would have been okay, but of course, Barry wasn't supposed to be around til after 2. On the way back to the table, a guy approaches me. Hello Samuel. I could have swore I seen him before. I asked if he knew my brother and he said yeah...we had met at that one party. Didn't talk long but we did meet. That's what he told me.
I invite him over to the table. He charms us all. Kathy and Rebecca weren't at that party but they both gave me the "fuck him or I will" eye. So I start rubbing his leg and he starts playing with my hair. Fast forward to an hour later and I've got my legs around his head. Here in my bedroom, I swear he made me climax 3 times. Around 4 he told me that he couldn't stay the night. My buzz was stabilized but my head was swimming from the sex. He wrote down his number and told me to call him tomorrow.
A few minutes after he left I realized that I had forgot my shoes in his car. (Was I really that drunk??) I figured he was just down the street so I called him real quick to see if he could bring them back. The phone rang a few times and then a woman answered the phone. She sounded groggy. I had woke her up. I asked if she knew a Samuel and she, angrily, told me she didn't know a fucking Samuel and hung up the phone. I checked the number on my cell and compared it to the one he gave me and they were the same.
He didn't ask for my phone number. As I write this, the reality of the situation dawns on me. I wanted to believe that he was a nice guy but now that I think about it, there was something seedy about the guy. I guess that's what I deserve. Fuck.

[the accomplice]
If a chick is dumb enough to believe half the shit I was taught to say, then she deserves to be used. I met this guy one night...he said his name was Samuel, but who the fuck goes by Samuel? He was a White guy. No White guys go by Samuel. That's a fact. So I was just sitting there at the bar and this guy was next to me giving a bullshit line to some broad at the counter. She didn't buy it and he turned to me half chuckling.
He looks at me and tells me that women are stupid and good for one thing...pussy. I tells him he's right. Personally, I aint never met a woman that had anything interesting to say. My mom...my sisters...all dingbats. My pops told me that there are men and there is women. Men's concerns couldn't be understood by women, so don't burden them with anything. I used to watch my pops hit my mom and I wondered why she acted like she shouldn't be hit. She was always out of line with opinions and whatnot.
So Samuel starts telling me about how he's been going around the country banging strange from border to border. He says it's easy. (Keep in mind, I do fine with the ladies. I am open to tips, tho.) So he tells me all about how he does it. Usually, he just acts sophisticated. He goes to dive bars and acts like he's too good for the bar. Like he stopped in the bar to check it out, ordered one drink and realized it's not his thing. Then he walks up to a drunk broad or a group of twits and starts treating them like they're too pretty to be in a shithole dive. He said it worked most of the time.
Other times he just starts flashing money. His parents died and he was left with a big inheritance. Also, his job keeps him on the road so he really don't have a home. He told me that some girls just want to have a crazy night worthy of regretting in the morning. He said that he loves the USA but it's really fucked up. Doing stupid shit is a rite of passage...a certain percentage of young women need to fuck around to feel like they're living their youth to the fullest.
This Samuel guy looked like he was in his thirties but he told me that it works to his advantage. These 19 year old hardbodies...lots of em aint never had anything but their high school boyfriends. Maybe they only slept with the one guy and he fucked her like a teen would. When he starts laying on his game, these women instantly cave. They want to be sluts, if only once. They want the confidence in themselves gained from being with someone older. They are innocent and they hate being innocent. He said that he helps these girls. I told him that he's just helping himself...we laughed and he bought me a drink.
He told me that we should experiment. He said that when the lights go out, a 5 is an 8...if I taste of the low hanging fruit every now and again it shows. You look kinder. You aint shallow. So we approach these two women that really weren't that good looking. He introduced himself and me as Tim. We worked at a magazine. He said I was too reluctant to talk to them because I'm shy. I aint never been shy a day in my life, but I went along with it. The girls seemed intrigued by my demeanor. After one drink with these women they were all over us but Samuel said we had to go. Thanks for the experience ladies.
We left the bar. He told me that uglier women want nothing more than to be singled out. Make them feel special. Ignore all the stereotypically gorgeous women in the bar and fixate on their pudgy faces and terrible clothing choices. Dont act desperate. Make them want you more than you could ever want them. Cuz the thing is, desperate women are the sluttiest of them all.
He told me that he had to go and that if I wanted to, I could go back into the bar and probably bang both of the 5s. I didn't, tho. I thought it better to do as my man Samuel would: Only fuck the ones you want...fuck with the ones you dont.

[take a magnet to a moral compass]
If you think it's okay to treat women in this manner, then you are a fucking idiot and deserve to be beat to death. You aren't adding to the world in any kind of positive manner. You are a lying piece of shit. The law may have nothing to say about these serial offenders but I do. In the USA, one of the big arguments against some Middle-Eastern cultures is that they make women walk behind men in public and disallow them to show their faces and hair in public.  Is that really so terrible? American men lying to women just to fuck them is laughable...it's something karma will take care of. Either a pissed off brother will find you (something you could probably win a lawsuit over) or you'll contract a STI. Maybe one day you'll die a horrific death but the law aint gonna do shit to you.
You would really have to be a truly terrible person to make society, as a whole, see you lying to women just to fuck them as illegal. You would have to leave a trail of emotionally scarred women a million miles long to make anyone cringe. Since the offender is anonymous and most women aren't going to consider it rape or worth reporting, then the offender will never be held responsible. In fact, if a woman reported this kind of con, would she even be taken seriously? At the end of the day, it's  not a police matter.
Personally, I don't get it. I don't know why some men think it's a rational thing to do. I don't know why people turn a blind eye to it. What recourse do victimized women have? The sad truth is that most of the guys that lie to women just to fuck them aren't doing it on a mass scale. Maybe it only "works" once or twice. Maybe it works a couple dozen times.
The problem is that these tv shows and whatnot don't show chivalrous men. They should show sleazebag fuckers getting the shit kicked out of them...they should show lying fuckers without a slew of friends. What needs to be shown are real men...men that would tell a friend that they are full of shit for lying to women. Instead of complacent friends that laugh it off, there should be clear lines of common decency drawn. "If you go lie to that woman, not only am I going to beat the shit out of you...but I'll never speak to you again. I will sully your reputation for as long as I live because there are very few things worse than lying to a woman just to fuck her."
In my head, there is no difference between conning someone out of a million dollars and conning someone out of a night of sex. There's no difference between date rape and lying to a woman just to fuck her. Only a sociopath can reduce the human experience to nothing. Only a sociopath can be that narcissistic.  If you think that it isn't completely and unquestionably reprehensible to lie to a woman just to fuck her, then there is something wrong with you.
Yeah, in this life there are fights that aren't your own. You may not ever protest anything. Speaking your mind on a subject may only take one sentence.
If you think that, for any reason, it's okay to lie to a woman just to have sex with her then you are a plague on humanity. If you are an actor that portrays this character as anything but a criminal, you are just as guilty as a common rapist. Men, as a whole, are not weak and slaves to their dicks. Some men are weak and, for whatever reason, society has been conditioned to laugh at these modern dragons that have no respect for humankind. They have no rational understanding of peace and we let them get away with thinking it's okay.
But don't you dare, for one moment, think I or anyone else is going to take the blame for the actions of a few assholes.

The End

© Copyright 2013 Z.B. Douglas (zbdouglas at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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