Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1922112-Wish-Come-True-2
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1922112
Michelle must now live with her new assets, with more to worry about than she thought...
To celebrate the first story getting over 1,000 views, I thought I'd make a second part. I hope I can do as well as the last. For a refresher, or to get caught up, there's a link to the first part below:


Wish Come True 2

Michelle held her ass in her hands, feeling it slowly swell to larger proportions. They tingled and a great sensation of pleasure coursed through her as she gripped.

"No! Stop, please!" She pleaded with her body. She finally let go, the sensation too much for her. Her butt still grew, but started slowing, then halted altogether. In a matter of seconds, it deflated to its old size. "Huh?" Michelle questioned in confusion. She took hold of each cheek firmly, and felt the sensation take hold as her butt slowly grew once more. She let go, and it deflated to normal once more. "Weird...so, my butt will go back to normal, but..." She looked at herself and her gargantuan gifts in the mirror. The ones she had hexed upon herself so foolishly. "...I guess I'm stuck with these. Shit." She went to bed, knowing that the next day at school was going to be an ordeal. She tossed and turned, her breasts feeling so strange and new. Somehow or another, she fell into a very uncomfortable sleep.

She awoke, hating that the daytime had arrived. She went into her closet, going through outfit after outfit, nothing seeming to even get past the bottom of her breasts. She also didn't have time to go out and get a bra. She wanted to call in from school altogether, just avoid the whole mess, but her Spanish final was today, and God knows her teacher wouldn't let her miss that. The bitch that that teacher was. Her grade couldn't take the hit, and this being her senior year, she wouldn't be able to graduate. This was of utter importance, mega boobs or not.

She settled on a sweater that barely covered her boobs, revealing most of her midriff, and straining to the max. She rubbed her flat stomach. "Hmph...well, I've seen most of the other girls at school wearing way worse than this, so I suppose this'll do." She put on a pair of yoga pants, keeping in mind her affliction, then she walked to school, only being a few blocks from her house. It was early enough in the day to avoid any sort of confrontation from the general public. School wasn't going to be easy and she knew it. She walked in the door and she couldn't get more than a few feet without the first guy she saw's jaw dropping. She ignored them as well as she could. Michelle was never one to seek attention, especially for her assets. She did get the occasional look even before she got these things, but she didn't mind those. But now, guys were drooling, staring without any sort of care. She felt like a sideshow character at a circus, and she hated it. She quickly slipped into class. She unfortunately didn't have any friends in her Spanish class, so she couldn't converse with anyone about it. The only person she kind of knew was Lyza. Michelle had always envied Lyza for her breasts her long black hair, and her perfect ass. All that had changed in a way, but not the way Michelle had wanted.

Michelle sat, ready to start her test. Her teacher, Ms. Hammond handed them out without barely saying a word, not even noticing Michelle's massive knockers. She was oblivious to most things around her anyway. Lyza sat next to Michelle and leaned towards her.

"When the fuck did you get those?" Michelle shrugged.

"Grew in this morning. Crazy, right?" Lyza looked at her suspiciously.

"Coulda swore there was some sort of recovery time on implants..."

"They're real, Lyza, ok? Butt out."

"Quiet, please." Ms. Hammond announced in her usual monotone voice. Michelle redirected her focus to her test, but she couldn't help feel a tingling sensation in her ass. It dawned on her.

'Damn, even when I sit?' She thought. She looked down and saw that the growth was very slow, almost unnoticeable. The tingling wasn't building up, but it was there. 'I have to sit here for two hours for this...what am I going to do?' Michelle shifted from one cheek to the next, trying to concentrate on the task at hand, but she was still incredibly distracted. She wobbled around, trying to keep her butt under control, but it had slowly grown an additional fourth to its natural size. Michelle started to panic a bit. She stood, pretending to stretch, letting her butt shrink back to normal as she lifted her legs and stretched her arms.

"Michelle, please, sit down." Ms. Hammond said in the same voice as before. Michelle went red.

"Sorry Ms. Hammond. Had to get it out of my system." She sat back down, feeling the sensation slightly prod her once more. She shifted from one to the other once more, occasionally holding herself up slightly in her chair, which was very difficult with the added weight of her titanic chest. Somehow she managed to ride out the entire class without having an ass the size of two basketballs. She stood and walked out, feeling it reduce to its regular size.

Michelle walked the halls to go home, Spanish being the only class for the day. She tried to avoid all the gawks and stares she got, almost rushing without looking where she was going. Her back was starting to hurt, the weight of her rack starting to hunch. In her hurry to home, she accidentally bumped into someone. She almost knocked him over.

"Oh God, I'm so-" She then saw who it was. It was Kevin, a guy she had liked since her freshman year. He looked back at her, then straight down at her chest, like every other guy. Typical. He quickly rerouted his eyes up to her face.

"Oh, uh...h-hey Michelle." He said with a bit of confusion.

"Hey Kevin. Sorry about that."

"Oh, uh...its...its fine. Yeah." Kevin tried with all his might to avoid staring at Michelle's chest. The sweater she had still let some massive cleavage show, and it was all Kevin really wanted to see. "Hey, are you doing anything tonight?" Michelle shook her head. "Well, I'm inviting some friends over to hang out. Feel like joining?" Michelle thought about this. He probably only wanted her to come because of her recently attained gifts. But...

"Are you still seeing Lyza?" Was her response.

"Wha? Lyza? No, we...we broke up ages ago. That's all...ancient history now." She looked at him skeptically. She couldn't tell if he was telling her everything. But this WAS Kevin after all. The guy she dreamed of getting for the longest time. She couldn't pass up the opportunity, breasts or no breasts.

"I'd love to come."


Michelle went into Kevin's house, the party at full force. Music loud, rooms packed crowded, the smell of beer, and everyone dancing extremely close. She went in a bit worried, but the reason she actually showed, aside from getting close to Kevin, was to forget she ever had any worries. Walking in, she could make out only a few recognizable faces, most of them zoned out or just looking over and giving nod from where they stood. Kevin soon spotted her, and went right over.

"Hey! You made it!" He smiled. Michelle smiled back.

"Yeah, for sure. Pretty sweet party." They yelled into each other's ears in order to hear their own conversation. They danced for a bit, getting real close and moving to the beat. Michelle couldn't even tell where she was anymore. She was losing herself to the music, to Kevin's movement, to the stench of booze. All of it surrounded her, and she lost herself...

"Hey, wanna go upstairs for a bit?" Kevin suddenly spoke in her ear. She nodded instinctively. They climbed up to a more silent place, free of most anyone else, save for the select few in the upper hallway making out. Kevin opened a door to what looked like his bedroom. "C'mon. In here." They went in without even turning on the lights. It hadn't been more than a few moments in there alone before things got heated. Kevin got close quick, and soon they were playing with each other's tongues, stumbling around and bumping into furniture. Michelle soon felt a sweep of pleasure flow through her. It was from Kevin, his hands gripping her breasts. She couldn't help but moan. "You okay?" She nodded, no words to speak, and they were quickly lip locked again, Kevin massaging Michelle's breasts with his fingers, stroking them in circles. Soon, she felt him drift his hands toward her butt. She felt a pang of worry, but she was in so much ecstasy she couldn't bear to say anything. She felt his hands grip hard, and the sensation she had previously felt had changed. It felt as if something much bigger was coursing through her, a feeling much more intense and indescribable. She felt her ass slowly inflate in Kevin's hands, and Kevin felt it too.

"What the...?" Kevin didn't take his hands off of it, he just observed as it slowly grew to much larger proportions. They inflated and inflated, like filling with air. Michelle felt a sort of pressure building in her body. "Wh...what's going on?" Her ass had almost doubled in size.

"Yeah, Kevin, what IS going on?" Kevin dropped Michelle's ass and whipped around to see Lyza standing in the doorway.

"Lyza! I..uh..this isn't-"

"The fuck it isn't, you shit-head." Michelle looked in horror, her ass deflating to its regular size.

"B-but...you said..." Michelle blubbered in confusion.

"You are fucking dead, Michelle. When I'm done with you, you'll-" She didn't get the chance to finish her threat before Michelle darted past her and out of Kevin's house back home. She had tears in her eyes. She had her doubts, and unfortunately, they were true.

Now she had more than just an inflatable ass. It was one with a target installed on it.


Now Michelle had even more to worry about. She had to get her test scores back from Ms. Hammond today, but she didn't want to run the risk of running into Lyza. So she went after school, when everyone had left. She checked in and asked Ms. Hammond.

"A C+. You passed. Congratulations." She said, barely looking up from her laptop. Michelle shrugged, then left. It wasn't what she was hoping for, but as long as she had passed, she didn't care. Now her main concern was getting home without running into any trouble, but she had to use the restroom first, and the only one open after hours was the one near the cafeteria. She made her way to it, and tried to open it. It jammed. It then opened a crack, and she only saw a brief sliver of someone's face before the door flew open and two hefty girls had her by the arms. They dragged her in, a third girl posting a sign on the door that read "OUT OF ORDER", then closed it. Inside were two more girls. One Michelle didn't recognize, the other one she knew very well: Lyza. She tried to yell, but she knew it was pointless. Nobody hung around the cafeteria after school hours. Not even teachers.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to stop by. I was hoping you would. I thought it would take at least a couple of days before I could pull this off, but you made it so easy by coming on the first day." Lyza rounded to Michelle's front. The two girls holding her had thrust her down into a kneeling position.

"Look, Lyza, I'm sorry. I-I didn't-"

"Save it, bitch. I don't care. You tried to fuck MY man, and now, I'm gonna fuck YOU over. Brittany, will you do the honors?" The girl she hadn't recognized was standing behind her. She stepped towards Michelle and gripped her ass hard. Michelle squealed. "Kevin told me all about last night. How your ass just decided to blow up right in his hands. At first, I didn't believe him. I thought he was just drunk or something. But I thought 'couldn't hurt to try'. If this didn't work out, I was just gonna bruise your tits or something. But..." She peeked around to see Michelle's butt inflating at a slightly rapid pace. "I don't think that'll be necessary now." Michelle tried to wriggle out, but the two muscle-heads were too much for her. She felt the sensation building and building, a pressure returning into her body once more. But now it began to focus on her breasts. She felt her butt slowly swelling to twice it's size, then three times as large, her hips wideneing and her thighs thickening. She couldn't hold back the moans, as much as she hated what was happening to her.

"You make a lot of fuss, don't you?" Lyza continued to taunt her to her face. "I'm gonna make sure you never walk again. Your ass will be so huge, you won't even be able to sit!" She sneered, patting her face. The pressure mounted, pushing more and more upon her breasts. Michelle had never experienced this sensation before, not even when her ass or breasts had grown for the first time.

"No...stop. Please..." Michelle said weakly. Her ass had gotten four times it's original size, the size of two basketballs, hips widened and thighs at least ten inches in diameter. The pressure seemed to be mounting even more, and she soon felt a sort of wetness on her breasts. At first she thought it was sweat, but it soon became a constant stream flowing down her chest, originating from her nipples. It dawned on her. It wasn't sweat: It was milk. She was lactating for some reason. As her ass reached an incredulous size, she felt her breasts pumping milk at a steady stream. Lyza seemed to take notice of the dampness on her sweater.

"You've got some gargantuan tittes, Michelle. Wonder what they look like..." As Lyza reached down to pull down Michelle's sweater, Michelle felt the pressure and sensation reach a climax, the pleasure coursing through her like the greatest orgasm she ever experienced. She screamed in orgasmic pleasure, as Lyza pulled down her sweater to be sprayed with milk from Michelle's breasts with the force rivaling a fire hose. Lyza flew back, choking on the milk she consumed, and all the other girls leaped back in surprise. Michelle took the opportunity and shoved the girl guarding the door out of the way and rushed out the door as well as she could, her ass the size of beach balls with hips and thighs in proportion.

She could only hear the screams of shock and disgust fade behind her as she ran.


Michelle went home and locked herself in her room. She was drenched in milk, her ass swollen to way past acceptable proportions, but her breasts had actually shrunken down to their normal size, before the whole mess had happened. She looked in the mirror in her room.

""Ugh...not a good tradeoff." She clenched her ass cautiously with her hands, but no sensation ran through it, and it grew no further. 'Well, looks like I'm at the max...uhh...wha?" She felt something hit her fast. Faster than any of the sensations she had ever felt. "Woah...woah, woah, woah, no! NO!" She felt the familiar growing sensation course through her breasts, and instead of a slow and gradual buildup, they seemed to plump up all at once, refilling with all the milk they had used just a little while ago. She shivered and squealed, then looked at their fully swollen figure. They were even bigger than they had started out with. Rivaling the size of her ass. "Oh shit. Just what I needed. Just when I thought I had enough to worry about, I get even bigger tits. Great. Just fucking great!" She lifted and tossed them down in anger, feeling the arousal she had before, along with a leaking of milk escape her nipples. "What from just that? Oh God..." She thought about it. "If I let them drain...will they just refill even bigger again? Damn. I can't mess with this. Now what?" She heard a knock at her door.

She went to see who it was. Through the peephole she could see a fish-eyed version of a very soggy Lyza. She backed off quickly.

"I know you're in there. Get the fuck out here so I can kick your ass for drenching me in your tit milk!" Michelle backed away, not wanting any more to do with her. "Dammit, I'll break the window! I will!" She was silent for a bit, but Michelle could hear a soft mutter from outside. She cautiously approached the peephole again, and saw Lyza gripping her voluptuous figure. She could hear her muttering. "Wh...what is this feeling? What is going on?" She held onto her breasts as they began to ripen and grow. "Holy shit! No! No way!" She was shaking in pleasure, gripping her ballooning bosoms in her hands. They were soon the size of softballs, then small globes. Lyza banged on Michelle's door. "I know you did this to me somehow, goddammit! I'm gonna kill you for this!" She rushed off, leaving an image of her clutching both her boobs and butt, both inflating to much larger proportions. She was gone from Michelle's home. Michelle stood there for a second, then looked at her own boobs.

"What...what are these? What have I done to myself...to Lyza?" She remembered the book of spells. She rushed to her room and went to her desk, opening to the page with the spell. She hadn't noticed it before, but written on the bottom was a note next to a star.

"This is the one. Be careful though, it may be a bit unstable. I haven't fully developed it.

-Tiffany A. Massing"

'Tiffany, eh?' Michelle went on her computer and looked up the name. As it turned out, Tiffany had her own shop right nearby downtown. Mysterious Curiosities. Some kind of antique store for magicians.

"We're gonna have a little chat, Ms. Massing."


Well, that's all for now. I will be finishing this in a while, but I need to fully develop it first. Until then, I'll be working on some of my other projects. Expansive Thinker, out.

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