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The life of a modern gangster. Looking for feedback. |
FADE IN: EXT. CENTRAL LOS ANGELES -- DAY OPEN TO: Various shots of urban Central LA; crowded streets, sidewalks, a low-rise apartment. Text across screen reads: “Los Angeles, 1991.” The shots last 60 seconds and have an underlying theme of urban quasi-poverty and the sense of community of a small neighborhood within a very large city. The final shot is of a small “gang” of Latino boys, roughly 18 years old, standing by the side of a building. A drug deal may be in progress. CUT TO: INT. A SMALL APARTMENT, LOS ANGELES -- DAY. The apartment is small, dimly lit, and has the unmistakable air of a permanent residence. If ever it were tidy, it certainly isn’t anymore. Two young (5) Latino boys, CARLOS and SHAWN, are watching Goodfellas, in Spanish. It plays for about fifteen seconds, and we hear distinctly, but not loudly, “As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster,” in Spanish. During the line, enter ABUELA, a Hispanic woman of about 55 years old, presumably Shawn’s biological grandmother. At the Spanish word “gangster” (“pandillero”), Abuela hurries over to the television and turns it off, despite the rapid pleas of young Shawn and Carlos (in Spanish). As Abuela walks away, simply saying “No,” the boys follow her, pestering her. SHAWN Como se dice en ingles? ABUELA Que? Cual palabra niño? SHAWN Panderillo. Como se dice? ABUELA No. SHAWN Por favor! CARLOS SÃ, por favor! At this point, both boys begin loudly clamoring for attention and asking for the word, still in Spanish. ABUELA (loudly) Ok, ok! La palabra, la palabra sucia, la palabra mala, en ingles, es (inhales for dramatic effect) “gangster.” CARLOS AND SHAWN (quietly) Gangster. Abuela, disgusted, turns away and leaves the room. The boys look at each other and smile. BEGINNING CREDITS. EXT. SHAWN’S APARTMENT BUILDING -- 11 YEARS LATER -- DAY Shawn and Carlos are standing next to each other. It is noon, and the boys are standing in the middle of the street, which is crowded with parked cars that look as though they haven’t worked in years. There is no traffic. The two begin throwing small rocks at a stop sign down the road, and Shawn hits it on his first throw. We hear a small “tink.” SHAWN (Mocking a sport’s announcer.) Ohhh, and he takes an early lead. Have you ever seen such precision, such finesse, straight out of the gates? CARLOS I’m not worried. (throws a rock) Shit. SHAWN Maybe you should be, throwing that wide left. (Throws another rock. “Tink”). HOT DAMN! 2 IN A ROW! HE’S THROWING FIREBALLS OUT THERE! CARLOS Keep talking, we’ll see who gets the last laugh. (Throws, misses again). SHIT! SHAWN You know that we’re aiming for the stop sign, right? That right there (pointing). Here, watch me (throws, misses). Whoops. CARLOS Ha. Hey, before I forget, when are we going down to that landscaping place? (throws, misses again). FUCK. SHAWN Jefe’s? (throws, “tink”). We can go today, I got nothing better to do. CARLOS It’s the place over by the highway right? (throws, tink) There we go. SHAWN Yeah, and the guy who runs the place has a part in the biggest drug trade on this side of the country. People working for him get respect. Even the guys who just mow lawns for him, (throws, misses) they all get noticed. CARLOS Are you saying what I think you’re saying? A real gangster? Here, in Los Angeles? (Throws, tink). Ooh, 3-2. Catching up. SHAWN No, he’s not a gangster. He’s the mob boss. He hires gangsters, and that’s where we come in. (Throws, misses again). Dammit! Beat. CARLOS You know, I’ve been thinking, and maybe being a “gangster” isn’t the best idea as long as we’re still living here, you know? (Throws, tink). SHAWN We’ve talked about this, and as long as we stick together, we’re gonna be ok. Don’t worry, alright? It’ll be fine. (Throws, misses) CARLOS Cracking under the pressure? (Throws, tink). Oh! Four in a row, and he takes the lead! (Throws his rocks in the air). What a comeback! Stop the presses! SHAWN (Throws, tink). You’re not out of the woods yet pal. Suddenly a heavy-set LATINO MAN in his late fifties, dressed in casual working clothes, walks by the stop sign and turns to face the boys. He has seen this “game” before. MAN (shouting) Ay! What do you think you’re doing? Get out of here before I call the cops! SHAWN (shouting back) Make a move old man! MAN (still shouting) What did you just say? (Starts towards the boys) I’m gonna beat the shit out of you little [Spanish expletive], acting like this city is your playground! SHAWN (laughingly to Carlos) C’mon man. He turns to run. Carlos follows, both boys running out of sight. EXT. A LARGE ON STORY BRICK BUILDING -- DAY, AN HOUR LATER. The building bears the awning/sign heading “Jefe’s Landscaping and Housepainters.” Camera angle switches, to show the backs of Shawn and Carlos, standing looking at the building. CUT TO: INT. JEFE’S LANDSCAPING. -- CONTINUOUS Shawn and Carlos walking in, through the front doors of the place, into a large, well lit, professional lobby, with fluorescent lighting. It does not look like a landscaping business, much less the headquarters of any gang. SHAWN (a bit nervously) This is the place. CARLOS (looking around) Really? Are you sure? SHAWN No. Just let me do all of the talking, ok? No mistakes, got it? CARLOS Alright, fine! I won’t say anything. Shawn walks O.S., Carlos follows CUT TO: INT. A MEDIUM SIZED OFFICE. -- CONTINUOUS JEFE,(53), a very broad Latino man of average height, is sitting in a small office, which has one window directly behind him. He is behind a large, almost empty desk, adorned with a telephone. He has a mean face and he is dressed professionally, but not formally, and he looks relaxed, even comfortable. He is addressing another Latino MAN (28) who is standing facing him, on the other side of his desk. Jefe speaks slowly. JEFE I’ve had enough of his bullshit, do you understand? I’m the one with the transport, I’m the one putting down the money here, so I should be the first one getting paid, right? Is that too much to ask, that he gives me my money when he told me that he would? MAN No, that is not unreasonable, but I was sent here solely to discuss the matter of your vans, coming into our part of the city. JEFE His part of the city? Listen, you tell that faggot that if he ever - MAN Please do not use that word. JEFE (pauses, looking incredulous) Excuse me? MAN I said do not use that word, faggot. It is offensive. Beat. JEFE I know that. I know it’s offensive, don’t I? What, you think because of where I come from, I don’t know the words that I’m using, that I can’t appreciate their impact? No, I know what the word means, I understand what I’m saying. That’s why I’m using that word, muchacho, because I’m trying to offend him. This fucker, this asshole, this cabrón tries to tell me where I can and can’t move my trucks, well FUCK him! And now you (POINTS at Man) come in here, out of nowhere, straight into my office, and you try to tell me what I can and can’t SAY? You’re trying to censor me? Well you know what, fuck you too! How about that, do you find that offensive, huh? You know what I find offensive? I find your attitude offensive. I’m offended that you think you can walk right in here and tell me what to do. I find it offensive that you even had the balls to come here and try to tell me off in the first place. Beat. Jefe calms down considerably. JEFE (CONT.) Get the hell out of here, and you tell that faggot that if either of you get in my way again, I’m shooting both of you. Tell him I said that. Now bye-bye. The man leaves. Jefe pauses, notices Shawn and Carlos at the doorway, and turns away from them to make a call. JEFE (While picking up his phone) And what do you boys want? SHAWN (slowly) We wanted to talk to you about getting jobs, sir. JEFE Yeah? Well that’s not really my problem, so… Adios. CARLOS We want jobs with your business, is what he means. JEFE Ohhhh, you boys want jobs HERE, at my company. I see. I thought you meant that you were looking to become accountants, see, I’m easily confused, my English no es so good. (Beat). You want to find a place where you can be little landscapers, you’re in the wrong spot. Go talk to Stephanie at the front desk.(He points out of the office). Now bye-bye. CARLOS We want to help you with your other business, is what we mean, sir. Shawn looks visibly annoyed by Carlos’ persistence, and yet says nothing. JEFE My “other business?” CARLOS Yes, sir. You know. Your… cocaine trade. At this point, Shawn makes a move to shut Carlos up, but Jefe speaks quickly JEFE Let me get this straight, because I don’t want to get angry over a simple misunderstanding. You think I’m selling cocaine? Where does one hear such a rumor? Shawn starts to say something, but Jefe cuts him off. JEFE Not you. Him. CARLOS I don’t really- JEFE Do not tell me that you don’t know! Beat. SHAWN (looking at Carlos) Sir, if I may, I think I have an idea. JEFE You think you do? SHAWN I do, definitely, sir, and I think it could benefit all of us. You see, we found out, I mean to say, we heard about this, this rumor, but we don’t know where it started. We’re young, we go out, we can find out where these… lies are coming from, sir. And maybe, once we find the source, you can get rid of them. For good. (Beat). Sir. JEFE (skeptically) How old are you two? CARLOS (looking to redeem himself) 16, sir. JEFE Well, I don’t know anything about trafficking cocaine, but I would like to get such a disparaging story off of the streets, and I like that you’re motivated. Be useful and find out who’s tarnishing my reputation, and if you can bring me back a name, then we can talk about getting you a real job. How’s that sound? SHAWN Yes sir. Thank you, sir. They turn to leave. JEFE And if this nasty little rumor spreads any further, you boys might find yourselves in some hot water. Now, bye-bye. Jefe reclines again, relaxing and picking his phone back up. Shawn and Carlos leave quickly. EXT. SHAWN‘S APARTMENT BUILDING. -- DAY -- TWO DAYS LATER Shawn and Carlos are sitting on a stoop in front of Shawn’s building. Across the street, currently in the BG, is a group of girls around their age. Carlos is “reading” a playboy magazine, Shawn staring across the street. CARLOS Bullshit. Complete bullshit. SHAWN (distracted by the girls) What? CARLOS This magazine, it’s complete bullshit. SHAWN Too crass? CARLOS Shut the fuck up, man. Nah, it’s this spread, right here. SHAWN (glancing briefly) What’s wrong with it? CARLOS Look at the title. SHAWN (reads it quickly) So? CARLOS “California Girls,” Shawn. BullSHIT. Where? Where, huh, where are the girls that look like this? In what parts of this dirty fucking state are there girls like this? You’d think after 16 years, we’d have found at least one, ONE, by now, am I wrong? SHAWN (still looking at the girls) There might be a few that you’ve overlooked. CARLOS So go talk to them, if you’re so obsessed. SHAWN (calmly) I’m not obsessed. CARLOS Is that what you tell yourself? Well, whatever rotates your tires. SHAWN What? CARLOS It’s a thing, you know? A catchphrase. I’m trying to see if it works. SHAWN It doesn’t. CARLOS Go talk to them. SHAWN No time. CARLOS What the hell are you talking about, no time? What are we doing that’s so important? Shawn stands up and goes to the bottom of the stoop. SHAWN C’mon. CARLOS (incredulously) You want me to go over there with you? SHAWN Didn’t I just tell you that we don’t have any time? CARLOS (putting down his magazine) So then where the hell are we going? SHAWN To get some cocaine. Carlos Yeah, ok Shawn. (picking his magazine back up). SHAWN (Snapping his fingers) C’mon, are you coming or what? CARLOS (looking at Shawn like he’s insane) What, you’re serious? SHAWN (Gesturing towards the streets) Don’t have all day here Carlos. CARLOS Why the fuck do we need to buy coke? SHAWN Jefe told us to. CARLOS (condescendingly) No, Shawn, that guy told us that if we could give him the name of a loudmouth, we’d maybe get a job. SHAWN And what do you think the fastest way to do that is? CARLOS You can be so fucking stupid- SHAWN Jefe wants a name, and we promised him we would deliver. Now, I don’t want to break a promise to him, do you? CARLOS I don’t really care. SHAWN You don’t really care? Carlos, this guy is the biggest dealer on this side of the country! If he blacklists us, don’t you realize how fucked we would be? Carlos looks skeptical, but after a few seconds, he sighs, stands up, and joins Shawn. CARLOS Alright, but if we get busted, this was your shitty idea. Now, where are we going? SHAWN (looking at the girls again) I’ve got a few ideas. Shawn turns away from the girls, walking down the street quickly. Carlos follows. CARLOS You have to at least tell me where we’re going Shawn. Shawn! Carlos runs to catch up with Shawn. Camera pans up, zooming out, showing the entire street and the two boys walking briskly away from the camera. INT. SHAWN’S HOME. -- DAY -- A WEEK LATER Not much has changed since we last saw the apartment, although it does look somewhat neater. Enter Shawn. We see Shawn’s MOTHER, 39, and Shawn’s Abuela, now 66, both working in the kitchen, cleaning dishes. The house is brightly lit by the sun outside, but Shawn is not eager to stay. SHAWN Hola Mama, hola Abuela He exits to his room quickly MAMA (yelling after Shawn) Shawn! Come here for a minute. (Enter Shawn) SHAWN Si Mama, what’s up? MAMA Where do you and Carlos keep running off to? It’s summer, why are you never here? SHAWN I told you Mama, I got a job. ABUELA (sharply) Over at that landscaping place? I don’t like that niño, I don’t like it one bit. There’s something off about that place. SHAWN What’s wrong with Jefe’s? ABUELA It isn’t right. They’re not right over there. MAMA Well, whatever may be wrong with it, I’m sure you’re smart enough to keep out of trouble. And Carlos too, make sure he doesn’t get caught up with the wrong crowd? SHAWN I don’t know where “the wrong crowd” hangs out, but it isn’t Jefe’s. (His mother glares at him). Ok, ok, I promise I’ll stay out of trouble. MAMA Good boy. She turns back to the kitchen. Shawn puts on a different pair of shoes and searches through a small backpack by the front door. MAMA Are you going back out? SHAWN Yes Mama, I just came home to get my bag. (picks up the backpack). Carlos and I are going to Jefe’s to start painting a house. ABUELA Something’s not right about that place. SHAWN And I promise that we’ll stay out of trouble! MAMA Ok hijo, as long as you’re making honest money and you’re home by dinner. Comprende? SHAWN (nods) Si Mama. I’ll be back by six. ABUELA (as Shawn is leaving) I don’t like that Jefe. MAMA (sighing) Yo tampoco. EXT. SHAWN’S APARTMENT -- CONTINUOUS Shawn walks out of his apartment complex to the street, where Carlos is waiting. It is around noon, and the street is relatively crowded with children and teenagers. The gang of girls is in their usual spot. CARLOS (pointing to the bag) Is everything in there? SHAWN (nodding) I think we should try over by the supermarket again. CARLOS Man, those guys are already told us that they don’t have anything. SHAWN They’re lying. CARLOS And how do you know that Shawn? (noticing that he’s lost Shawn’s attention). Shawn? SHAWN Wait here. Shawn hands Carlos his small backpack and sets off across the street, towards the group of girls. We see him approach a good looking Latina girl of about 18, the ringleader of the group, and he leans against a wall while flirting with her. Her friends begin laughing, but Shawn is undaunted. After about ten seconds, the girl writes something on Shawn’s hand and smiles. Shawn says a final remark and walks back to Carlos, who is still in the same spot with the backpack. CARLOS What just happened? SHAWN (showing his hand) Got her number. Paula. CARLOS (looking impressed) No shit. SHAWN (smiling) Come on, I’ve got a good feeling about the supermarket. CARLOS Well, whatever bags your groceries. SHAWN Wow. Terrible. But wow. The two walk off down the street, in the same fashion that they did when they first began pursuing cocaine. EXT. A SMALL STREET -- AN HOUR LATER Carlos and Shawn walk down the street, which has fewer buildings than Shawn’s street. It is still very bright out. Shawn and Carlos are the only people on the street. Shawn is holding a small plastic bag with a miniscule amount of white powder; it is a dime bag of cocaine. CARLOS I still don’t understand how you could tell that they were lying. SHAWN I still don’t understand how someone who calls himself “the Flash” was this hard to find in the first place. CARLOS I think it was just Flash. SHAWN (punches Carlos’ arm) Shut up. What time is it? CARLOS Almost 4. Why? What do we do from here? SHAWN (seriously) Well, the obvious next step is to find someone else who deals cocaine. CARLOS WHY is that the obvious first step? Shawn smiles widely, and Carlos punches him in the arm. CARLOS (CONT.) Fuck you man, that isn’t funny. SHAWN Yeah yeah yeah. Well… off to Jefe’s I guess. Camera pulls back, showing the empty alleyway as the boys turn off of it. INT. JEFE’S OFFICE. -- AN HOUR LATER Shawn and Carlos are standing in front of Jefe’s desk. Due to the lack of unobstructed windows, it is impossible to tell what time of day it is, but the room is fairly dark. Jefe is smoking a cigarette and is reclining slightly behind his desk. JEFE What do you two want? SHAWN We were here on Saturday, sir- JEFE I remember. It’s not very often that a couple children come barging into my office, demand a job, and accuse me of dealing drugs out of the back of my vans. CARLOS We never mentioned your vans, sir. JEFE (squinting at Carlos) You are either very smart or very stupid. CARLOS Thank you, sir. JEFE I’m fairly certain that wasn’t a compliment. CARLOS Uhh… SHAWN Well, you told us that if we found the source of that rumor, we might be able to get a job with you here. JEFE That sounds familiar. Are you telling me that you do in fact have a name that I could trace this rumor to? SHAWN Yes, sir. There’s a… a drug dealer who lives on Buchanan Ave. who admitted to us that you were his only supplier, with about $800 dollars a week. He also told us when he usually picks up the… cocaine, from one of your company’s landscaping trucks, sir. JEFE Is that all? SHAWN Yes, sir. JEFE And who might this careless gentleman be, if you don’t mind my asking? SHAWN I’m not sure what his real name is, but he goes by… Flash? Beat. JEFE This is troubling. Did you have to pay him for this information? CARLOS We didn’t give him anything. SHAWN He seemed willing to tell us everything that he knew about you. He also seemed, uh, pretty high, sir. JEFE That does sound like Luis, cutting some off the top. Beat. Jefe seems to think he’s said too much. JEFE (CONT.) Well you boys have done a fine job, and I thank you for your service. I have a bit of a staffing issue that needs to be resolved, but if you come back tomorrow, we can talk about finding you something else to do. CARLOS But- SHAWN (quickly) Thank you very much, sir, thank you. Grabs Carlos by the arm and drags him out of the room, closing the door behind them. EXT. JEFE’S BUILDING -- CONTINUOUS Shawn and Carlos exiting via the front doors. In the BG is a small group of boys, slightly older than Shawn and Carlos CARLOS -complete shit. We’ve been running around all week trying to find this guy, and he can’t even give us a few bucks? Or at least reimburse us for the money we spent on HIS cocaine? SHAWN Relax man, you heard him. He actually asked us to come by tomorrow. He’s probably trying to figure out what to do about this Flash guy. CARLOS Do you think he’s going to kill him? The two walk down the stairs at the front of the building. SHAWN (casually) Maybe. CARLOS Do you think WE have to kill him? SHAWN You think he’d trust us with killing someone? He doesn’t even know our names. CARLOS Good. Do you think he’ll at least- Carlos is cut off by the taunting of one of the boys in the BG. He is the largest of the gang, a leader by default, and he has a mean demeanor. GANGSTER 1 You guys trying to get high? (Carlos and Shawn ignore him). You want some weed? CARLOS Do you think he’ll at least have something for us to do when we come back? GANGSTER 1 Ay, I’m talking to you! He gets no attention. He turns back to his group, looking scandalized. SHAWN Yeah, I do. Guy like him, he’s gotta have hundreds of jobs around the city every day. And he’s probably sending someone to sort out this whole problem right now, which means that he’ll be a few guys short for the next couple of days. Another boy in the group, much smaller than the first, begins walking towards Shawn and Carlos. He looks upset and is dressed in a white t-shirt and long pants. GANGSTER 2 Hey, my friend was talking to you two! SHAWN We don’t care. GANGSTER 2 (stopping) You don’t care? CARLOS We don’t want to buy your shit, alright? Get out of here. GANGSTER 2 You trying to start something hombre? SHAWN Why don’t you pick on somebody your own size? There’s a preschool a few blocks that way (He points behind Gangster 2). GANGSTER 2 (Turning back to his friends) Oh! This motherfucker thinks he’s funny! Let’s stab him in the fucking face. SHAWN (To himself) Clever. CARLOS Should we get out of here? SHAWN No, I can take this little fucker. CARLOS I’m not worried about him. I’m worried about his knife. (Beat). His friends look pretty big. SHAWN Relax. I’ve got a trick or two up my sleeve. However, we do not get to see what Shawn’s “ace” may have been. At this moment, CAP (26) a broad Latino man of average height, exits Jefe’s and jogs down the steps. At the bottom of the stairs, he notices the scene before him. Gangster 2 stops upon seeing this man. Carlos looks relieved, Shawn, impassive. CAP (To Gangster 2 and his friends) Leave. (Beat). Now! Gangster 2 quickly turns and runs out of the parking lot, and his friends follow. CAP (CONT.) Little prick. (Turning to Shawn and Carlos). And what do you want? CARLOS We were here to see Jefe. CAP Yeah? What about? SHAWN Some guy named Flash was… spreading rumors. CAP Spreading rumors? No shit. So are you kids working here now or what? Shawn shrugs noncommittally. CAP And what does that mean? CARLOS (a bit dejectedly) He told us to come back tomorrow. CAP Ah, you guys are as good as in! If he didn’t have any use for you, he’d just tell you to get the fuck out. (Cap seems to be lost in thought for a brief moment). Come meet some of the guys you’ll be working with, real upstanding citizens. SHAWN Weren’t you leaving? CAP Relax, there’s no rush. What’s your name? SHAWN Shawn. This is Carlos. CAP Shawn, Carlos, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I’m Cap, but you can call me Cap. (Smiles at his own stupid joke). Follow me. Shawn and Carlos follow Cap as he jogs back up the stairs. It seems as though he is, in fact, in a bit of a rush. CARLOS Who were those guys in the parking lot? The three enter the lobby of Jefe’s building. CAP No sé. You boys speak Spanish, yea? CARLOS (very quickly) No. But Shawn does. Shawn gives him a curious look, which is missed by Cap. CAP Figures. Well, I don’t know who they are, and I don’t really care as long as they stay away from here. The three turn, not towards Jefe’s office, but to the left, down a narrow hallway. CARLOS But why? CAP They keep trying to deal out of our parking lot. CARLOS And that’s a problem? Shawn rolls his eyes, but Carlos cannot see. CAP You ask a lot of questions Carlos. The three turn down another narrow, slightly dimmer hallway. CAP (CONT.) It’s good to make sure that they know who’s in control around here, and it sure as hell isn’t them. That little cocksucker and his merry men think that they run this place, sitting out there for six hours every day and never making a single dollar. They aren’t any trouble, it’s more the principle that counts. SHAWN The principle being that if they don’t work for Jefe, then they don’t have any chance of doing business in this city? Stopping at the end of the hall, outside of a very rusty metallic door. CAP You, I like. Half of the time, it’s the image that matters most. Cap removes a key from his pocket and unlocks the door, which he then pushes open slowly; it is as heavy as it looks. It opens onto an enormous room, larger than the rest of the building combined. Unlike the front of the building, the lighting is not fluorescent, but rather quite soft. Half of the floor is covered with dark red carpeting, the other half, concrete. It has a large television surrounded by brown leather chairs and a sofa of the same make. There is a pool table and a large area of tables and counters, littered with scales and plastic bags, but otherwise clean. There are no windows in the place, and there is a faint Spanish radio station playing, from where we do not know. The television area and pool table are both moderately crowded with about 12 Latino men and two women, all 18 to 28. They are the foot soldiers of the business. There is a large loading door in the BG, the type which is used to bring trucks in and out of a warehouse, and it is always open. It is the “back door.” CAP (Pointing to the counters in the back) Someone clean up the tables, are you kidding me? Pick it up, come on. Two young men quickly run to do the job, while Cap mumbles under his breath. CAP (CONT.) Alright boys, you follow me. I’ll show you where the real business gets done around here. Cap begins walking to one of the back corners of the room, and the camera pans to follow his path. We see a poker table with eight chairs, 6 of which are taken. Around the chairs is a thin but noticeable veil of smoke, but it is unclear where it came from, as no one at the table seems to be smoking anything. The table is set aside from the light, making if difficult to make out details. We see that the men there, and indeed they are all men, are dressed formally, in all black suits or business clothes. One man has a fedora on the table near him. They are currently playing an adaptation of Texas hold ‘em, but there are very few chips on the table. We get the feeling that they aren’t playing particularly aggressively, maybe even informally, with sporadic betting. The chair at the “head” of the table looks purposefully vacated, and the other empty chair, while next to the “head chair,” seems like it is not especially important. As Cap and the boys draw closer to the table, the Spanish music fades out and the sound of quiet talking becomes noticeable. CAP (loudly) Look alive, bitches! TABLE 6 (Random greeting and cheers, mostly in English). MAN/CARLITO Aye Cap, if I knew you were coming back so soon, I wouldn’t have cashed in my chips. I could have taken ALL of your money! Laughter, from Cap as well. It is clear now that at least 2 men at the table have no chips at all. CAP (Smiling) Good one Carlito, really hurts coming from you. CARLITO Yeah yeah yeah. (Looking Shawn and Carlos over) Who’re they? CAP (Pointing to the boys respectively) This is Shawn, and that’s Carlos, quien no habla español (light laughter). Jefe told them to “come back tomorrow” for job placement. Thought I’d show them around. TABLE 6 Hey! Welcome aboard! Good to meet you boys! etc. CAP (To the boys) See? Anyway, (Starting on his left, going clockwise around the table.) This is Carlito, stay away from him, unless you want your wallet stolen. CARLITO (mock offended) I resent these accusations that I’m a thief. MAN NEXT TO CARLOS/FRANCISCO That’s because you don’t want anyone to know that it’s true! Laughter. CARLITO I can still be offended, can’t I? More laughter. Shawn and Carlos join in. CAP That’s Francisco, he’ll look after you if you get into any trouble with the police, his whole family is on the force. Guy spends so much time at the station, he’s practically a cop himself. FRANCISCO Easy Cap, you’re giving us all bad names here! Laughter. CAP (Smiling again) Juangel. Anything that you need to deal, he can hook you up. You can call also him Baby Dreads. Laughter. JUANGEL At your service, asshole. CAP Enrique. He hits the streets everyday looking to keep up. He’s our informant. What you boys did was encroaching on his job, strictly speaking. ENRIQUE Yeah? What did they do? CAP They found a rat. (Beat). Luis. ENRIQUE Flash? CARLITO (angrily) What? What’d he do to you? SHAWN He told us all about Jefe. About… this. Beat. ENRIQUE Well, shit. Good job kid. I could use eyes like yours. SHAWN It was both of us (pointing to Carlos). We did it together. CARLITO Loyal, too! I like that. CAP (Continuing, non-plussed) That’s Benny, he keeps a tight watch on everything coming in and out of here. Anything that we’re moving is Benny’s jurisdiction, more or less. (Benny gives a small wave). And that there is Terrell (Pointing to the final, largest member of the table). We call him the Rhino Killer. You might be able to guess what he’s good for. SHAWN Balancing the budget? CARLITO Oh! This kid’s got jokes! He knows how to make friends, good for you! What about you? (Gesturing to Carlos). You know any good ones? CARLOS Jokes? Yeah, a few. CARLITO (Very seriously) Let’s hear one. Beat. CAP (Looking at his watch, addressing Carlito) I’ve got to get going, you look after these guys. (Carlito waves him off. Cap turns to Carlos and Shawn). You’re with us now. Don’t stay too long, be here tomorrow at around 10, and DON’T come here. Go to Jefe’s office, you know where that is? SHAWN Yeah, we went there to talk to him a few minutes ago. CAP You went into his office? Well, they say fortune favors the bold. Just be here tomorrow. (Turns to leave). And don’t bring anything. CARLOS Nothing? CAP (Walking away now) Just the shirts on your back! Carlos and Shawn turn to face the Table 6 fully now. We see that Carlito is still surveying Carlos. CARLITO I want to hear a joke. SHAWN What? CARLITO Not you Shawn, him. He said he had a few jokes. I want to hear one. CARLOS They’re all pretty inappropriate. Light laughter CARLITO I’ll be sure not to repeat them near any of my nieces. (More light laughter). Come on, we’re all men here, give us a dirty joke. Just one Carlos, I want to hear your voice. Shawn keeps doing all of the talking here! (He winks at Shawn in a friendly manner). CARLOS Alright, I’ve got one, if you’re sure. CARLITO I think we can handle it. Juangel Let’s hear it. CARLOS Alright, alright. How does a redneck know that his sister is on her period? JUANGEL How? CARLOS His brother’s cock tastes bloody. The entire table stops to stare at Carlos. Shawn, blinking rapidly, looks down at his feet. Even the few members of Jefe’s gang visible in the background have stopped moving, staring in Carlos’ direction; it appears that they, too, heard the joke. The silence continues for a very long 15 seconds. Then: RHINO KILLER What the fuck is wrong with you man? What kind of premise for a joke is that? At this line, Shawn starts laughing, despite what appear to be his best efforts to keep a straight face. He quickly looks back at the ground, trying in vain to contain his laughter. Carlito sees this and begins laughing too. CARLITO That’s your kind of humor, huh Shawn? Juangel and Francisco begin to laugh also as Shawn shakes his head but continues to laugh. ENRIQUE Kid wasn’t kidding when he said that it was inappropriate. He and Benny being laughing as well, and Rhino Killer joins in. Carlos cracks a smile. ENRIQUE (CONT.) Where do you hear a joke like that Carlos? CARLOS (Shrugging) Around, I guess. The table and Shawn begin laughing harder, for the first time at a single, identifiable joke: Carlos. CARLITO He doesn’t even know! Shit kid, now I can see why you let this one do all of the talking for you! He points to Shawn, and the entire table cracks up. Carlos joins in, having recognized himself as the butt of the joke, and seemingly doesn’t mind. INT. JEFE’S FRONT LOBBY -- THE NEXT DAY Jefe is leading Carlos and Shawn into the “clubhouse.” They all look rather chipper, relatively speaking. JEFE I heard about your little rendezvous back here yesterday. As long as you’re with Cap, you’re fine, but make sure you boys walk the line while you’re here. (Jefe turns to Carlos). And you, kid, have a very fucked up sense of humor. CARLOS I know, sir. Sorry. JEFE Nothing to be sorry for, so long as you learn when to keep your mouth shut. Anyway, (opening the door to the clubhouse), go find Benny, he’ll hook you up and tell you where you need to be selling today. He’ll tell you who the customers are, and for these first few weeks, you two stick together and don’t sell to anyone that you haven’t been told to sell to. Last thing we need is one of you in prison for trying to deal to a cop, got it? Good. Well boys, welcome to Jefe’s landscaping. (Ushering the boys through the door). JEFE (CONT.) Now bye-bye. He exits back into the hall, leaving the boys in the clubhouse. SHAWN (Turning to Carlos and smiling) We made it! We see the boys walk across the clubhouse, over to the tables, and stop in front of Benny. INT. THE CUBHOUSE -- THREE DAYS LATER Shawn is talking to Carlito, while Carlos is off in the BG. Carlito is showing Shawn a large shelf full of papers and manila folders, and they have the air of boring, tedious work about them. SHAWN So how long have you been doing this? CARLITO I’ve been supervising the clubhouse since January, but I’ve been working for Jefe for seven years. SHAWN And you only got promoted this year? Carlito laughs. CARLITO This isn’t your typical office job, you don’t get “promoted” because you did “great work” on some spreadsheets. You prove your loyalty to our familia, you take a few hits for Jefe, and you keep your cards close to your chest. Matter of fact, sometimes being good at what you’re doing can keep you from moving up. SHAWN Why’s that? CARLITO Well, if you can keep from getting pulled into jail and you keep moving product, why would Jefe take you off the streets? He looks for people who can handle responsibility, and those aren’t always the people that you can trust to sell the most cocaine. SHAWN Hmm. And have you ever thought about… expanding? CARLITO New recruits always have a lot of ambition. Which is good, I suppose. But Jefe is the one in charge of making the big decisions around here. You really shouldn’t forget that. SHAWN I just thought, if you guys try your hand at something other than selling drugs, you could make a lot more money. CARLITO There’s more going on around here than you might think. Shot of the nearly empty clubhouse. CARLITO (CONT.) Jefe has his fingers in a lot of honey jars around the city. But I know what you mean. When I first came on, I thought that being a gangster would mean stealing bank trucks and bribing the mayor, wearing fancy suits, going out to swanky restaurants… But this is work. It doesn’t just happen like this, we need to put in the effort. And it’s not like it was 50 years ago. Then, it meant laundering money and having tommy guns. Now, “gangster” means you’re in a gang. Beat. It’s better this way. SHAWN (Looking around) It definitely seems calmer than I imagined it. Carlito pulls back his jacket subtly, revealing a hand gun in his belt. CARLITO Well, you won’t be seeing any real action until you’ve been here for a while. And nothing ever bothers us here. Shawn looks at the gun and then looks around again, impressed. SHAWN Nothing? CARLITO Nothing. INT. SHAWN’S HOUSE -- DAY -- THE FOLLOWING WEEK. Shawn is in his living room, reading, his mother and grandmother in the adjacent kitchen. MAMA (O.S.) Shawn, your cousin Laura had her baby last week. A boy. SHAWN I know. MAMA Yes, well, she called last night, and she wants you to be the godfather. SHAWN What? MAMA She wants you to be the godfather! She was always very fond of you when you were little, she said you were the cutest baby. SHAWN Me? Godfather? MAMA Yes sweetie. Beat. SHAWN I’ll think about it. Beat. Abuela (O.S.) What did you say? SHAWN (louder) I need to think about it. Enter Abuela, who walks over to Shawn and looks at him. ABUELA What’s there to think about niño? SHAWN It’s a big decision. ABUELA For the parents, not for you! SHAWN I don’t want to do anything rash. Abuela begins hitting Shawn. ABUELA YOU don’t have to do anything! You will say yes and you will thank your cousin and you will be honored! Shawn Cortez, you are not about to turn down this offer! SHAWN OW! Stop! ABUELA How dare you- SHAWN Ok, ok! I’ll do it, I’ll do it! Abuela stops hitting him. ABUELA Of course you’ll do it! Honestly! She turns back to the kitchen. ABUELA (CONT.) Refusing to be the child’s godfather! El chico cree que es Don Corleone! Shawn looks at the camera and smiles. BEGIN A short montage of Carlos and Shawn selling coke, with a moderate paced, Italian song playing. Seven ten-second scenes, the first four of Carlos and Shawn dealing cocaine, across three seasons (summer, fall, winter), the fifth of Shawn laughing and showing a used Italian car to his mother, who looks stricken. The sixth of them [Carlos and Shawn] stopping at a local eatery and getting pizza, the seventh of them standing under a streetlight at night and being surrounded by three police cars. Carlos kneels on the ground, hands on his head, but Shawn is slightly more defiant and refuses to comply, until he has a gun pointed at his face. CUT TO: INT. A SMALL JAIL CELL. The boys sit in an otherwise empty jail cell in a police station. Carlos is blowing frantically ontp a harmonica, which he clearly has no idea how to play. Enter POLICEMAN. POLICEMAN Shut up. Carlos begins “playing” even louder, but Shawn quickly swats the harmonica out of his hand. POLICEMAN Your bail was paid. You two are free to go. Enter Francisco. SHAWN See, I told you we’d be ok. FRANCISCO Thanks Ed, I appreciate it. ED THE POLICEMAN (quietly) This wasn’t a favor Franny. This was luck. These kids were in a school zone. If they had had anything on them, they’d be looking at 20 years. CARLOS But we DIDN’T have anything on us! You had no right to arrest us! ED THE POLICEMAN (To Francisco) Shut him up. He’s been here for less than an hour and I already hate him. FRANCISCO Believe me, I would if I could. Beat. FRANCICSO (CONT.) Anyway, thanks again. ED (leaning in close) Tell Artur that his good graces around here are running thin. These two were only brought in because of where they were hanging out. Francisco nods. Policeman turns to the boys ED Get out of here. He opens the cell. As Carlos walks out, he [Ed] pretends to be about to hit him [Carlos]. Carlos does not flinch, but rolls his eyes. CARLOS Asshole. INT. CLUBHOUSE -- 30 MINUTES LATER Francisco is talking to Jefe in the near background. Jefe appears to be listening intently. After a moment, he nods and Francisco walks away. Jefe walks up to the boys. JEFE So, you boys got into a bit of trouble? CARLOS They only arrested us because we hang out here all the time. JEFE They arrested you because you were stupid and careless. (Beat). And you really need to learn to shut your goddamn mouth. SHAWN They said that if they had caught us with anything, we’d be looking at 20 years. JEFE (Ignoring Shawn) You boys have been doing a fine job up until now, and I will admit that it is impressive that it took you this long to be caught. That said, think it’s about time we gave you something to do other than dealing cocaine. SHAWN You mean it? JEFE For now. Normally, you would be going across the border, picking up shipments, but since you two aren’t 18 yet and have just been arrested, I don’t think that would be a good idea. SHAWN So… JEFE Tonight. There’s a problem that needs to be sorted out, an associate of mine who owes me a few bucks. SHAWN And you want us to, uh, make him an offer he can’t refuse? Jefe stares at Shawn for a few seconds with a look of pity. Then: JEFE Go talk to Cap, he’ll give you (points to Shawn) everything that you’ll need. (Beat. To Carlos) You can drive? (Carlos nods). Then that’s what you’ll do. Shawn, I’m relying on you. And seriously (back to Carlos) keep your mouth shut. EXT. A SMALL BACK ALLEY -- NIGHT It is about an hour later. Shawn and Carlos are standing in front of Carlos’ car, an old machine, which has just been parked and turned off. It is dark. There is a lone streetlight, but it is not directly over the boys. In front of them is a MAN, 50, with very little hair. He is small, an archetypal rat. He is standing, speaking into a doorway that leads onto the alleyway, to an unseen friend. He’s speaking in a very thick, hard-to-identify accent, in Spanish. A car sits in the BG. SHAWN Are you Mamola? The man gestures to his unseen friend, closes the door, and gives Shawn a look that may be either confusion or disrespect, it is hard to tell. SHAWN (CONT.) Is- that- your- name, Mamola? Su appellido? MAN SÃ, sÃ, I speak English. SHAWN That’s you? You’re the guy we’re looking for? MAMOLA What are you looking for me for, a couple of punks like you? What, you kids wanna run with the big dogs? Get out of here, you boys don’t know who you’re messing with, ‘right? CARLOS Cap sent us. MAMOLA Like I give a shit who “sent you!” (Beat. The man thinks). I don’t know anyone named “Cap” anyway. CARLOS Works at Jefe’s. MAMOLA (Smiling) Oh, Cap! How is he? And Jefe, how’s Jefe doing? SHAWN He’s not doing so well, actually. MAMOLA (concerned) Oh? That’s a shame. Good man, Jefe is. That’s a real shame. SHAWN Yeah, he’s trying to hang on, he’s really doing his best, but it isn’t easy. It was a tough year, you know? MAMOLA Hey man, you don’t need to tell me. I know as well as anyone that it’s a nightmare out there. Economy’s rough… Stocks are… Well, they’re all over the place, right? And the jobs… It’s been hard on all of us, no kidding. Carlos points to the car in the BG, what appears to be a very new, very shiny BMW, parked near the street. CARLOS Suyo? [Yours?] MAMOLA Yo? No, I wish, that’s Ronnie’s, he’s the one with the real flair for business, he’s the one who makes most of the money around here. I really just hire and fire people, work the stoves from time to time, but, I-I-I-I I can never do it for too long, my heart, ehh, it’s not good. It’s never been very good, and it’s not getting better with all of the stress around here. (Turning to Shawn) Like you said amigo, t-time’s are tough, for everyone. SHAWN (Nodding) Yeah, they really are. Jefe included, you know? And he’s trying to do everything that he can, trying to make ends meet. He’s booking more clients, picking up more jobs, even running through the books himself, double-checking the office’s finances. And, funny thing, you know what he found? (Beat). He found your name. MAMOLA No kidding. My name, huh? I’m in Jefe’s books, I’m flattered. Always happy to help him, whatever it is that he’s looking for, I’m his man. He knows that, Jefe knows. Anything he needs, he can come to me, and I help him out, no problem, he knows that. SHAWN Really? (Momala nods). Funny you should say that, because, what with all this financial uncertainty, what Jefe really needs right now is about 35 thousand dollars. MAMOLA (whistles) Well, I can chip in maybe- SHAWN (dropping the “polite” act) You’ve owed him this money for a long time. Jefe gave it to you for this (points to the restaurant) little project, expecting that he’d be seeing close to 50 K coming his way, as per your agreement. And lo and behold, this place really looks like it’s become a regular hot spot, this place is really thriving- MAMOLA Yes, it is, I’m so grateful- SHAWN (Cutting him off, getting louder) And yet, here we are. Jefe hasn’t seen a single penny from you. You haven’t called him in months, never wrote him a check, never dropped by to ask for any sort of forgiveness for taking his money and turning your back on him. On us. (He gestures to Carlos and himself). MAMOLA Listen, fellas, I can pay Jefe back, I swear I can, and I will! SHAWN Well that’s good, because like we said, Jefe really needs that money. Matter of fact, he needs it so bad, he told us to make you a little deal, and we figure it’s a win-win. MAMOLA He’s a good man, like I said- SHAWN You give us the original 35 grand now, payable in cash or in fancy new cars (glances to the BMW), and we take one of your fingers. That’s it, just one, and you’re back in Jefe’s good graces. That’s all it takes. Hell, you can even pick the hand. The man looks predictably horrified at these words; Shawn looks pleased, Carlos, uncharacteristically thoughtful. MAMOLA I’m a chef here, I can’t work without my hands, it’s the only way I can make the money back for Jefe- CARLOS (Stepping forward) That really is a shame, right Shawn? Because Jefe told us that if you refused to pay him tonight, then the only other option- Suddenly, Carlos kicks the man in the kneecap, sending his leg inwards. A snap is heard, presumably the man’s leg breaking. He falls to the ground at Carlos’ feet, grabbing at his leg. MAMOLA (Screaming) Por favor, no, NO! CARLOS What? You scared of us now, huh? Looks like someone won’t be running with the big dogs for a very long time. MAMOLA I’m sorry! Shawn pulls out a handgun and cocks it. He and points it at the Man’s head, stepping closer, next to Carlos. The man instantly stops writhing. MAMOLA (CONT.) No, no, please, you can’t do this, I can come up with the money, let me go inside! I can get you 50 thousand tonight, right now! SHAWN So you’ve had the money all along, and still Jefe hasn’t been paid? MAMOLA (Crying quietly) I’m sorry! I just wanted to make some money, I never thought this would happen! This isn’t fair, I never got a warning! Jefe hasn’t sent anyone before you two, I deserve another chance! I deserve more time! SHAWN Pity. Shawn pulls the trigger. The gun is silenced, but still quite loud in the abandoned alleyway. CARLOS Holy shit. Carlos quickly drags the body behind a nearby dumpster. CARLOS (CONT.) Let’s get the hell out of here. SHAWN (Not moving, staring at the dead body) Good call. You drive. CARLOS (Walks to the car) Let’s go Shawn! SHAWN (quietly) Don’t say my name! Shawn walks over to the car; the two get in. Carlos starts the car and turns on the headlights. He pulls out of the alleyway. The camera is now in the car with the two boys. CARLOS Well, that was… SHAWN Yeah. CARLOS And we’re sure that was the right guy? SHAWN Yeah, you heard him. He knew exactly what we were talking about. CARLOS Well that’s… a relief, I guess. SHAWN Yeah. A long pause. Carlos continues driving. SHAWN (CONT.) That was… CARLOS What? SHAWN Well, is it just me, or was that really easy? CARLOS Yea well, Jefe said that the guy wasn’t going to be able to put up much of a fight. That’s probably why he sent us. SHAWN No I mean… We just killed a man. CARLOS (somewhat subdued) Yeah. SHAWN Well, I thought it would be… harder. CARLOS What do you mean? SHAWN Like, I thought that we would have some sort of mental breakdown or something, you know, but I feel fine. CARLOS Yeah, me too. SHAWN Really? Carlos Yeah, I mean, it’s sad that the guy had to die, but I don’t really feel bad about doing it. SHAWN Me neither. Isn’t that weird? CARLOS Maybe. Carlos laughs once. SHAWN What? CARLOS Well… I always knew that we would end up having to kill someone, but I didn’t think it would be like that. SHAWN Like what? CARLOS (Smiling) That guy? That’s the guy that Jefe was worried about? I mean, you saw him! SHAWN (Also smiling) I thought he looked like a bird. CARLOS Yeah, he kind of did, didn’t he? SHAWN And the way he was talking, what was he, Dutch? CARLOS (laughing slightly) I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. SHAWN Right? I couldn’t even tell whether he was speaking English or Spanish! Both Carlos and Shawn are laughing openly now. Over the next ten seconds, as Carlos continues to drive, their laughing becomes louder. SHAWN (CONT.) (Laughing loudly) He could have been telling us next week’s lotto numbers, and we didn’t even try to figure out what he was saying! We just shot him! CARLOS YOU shot him! I just broke his leg! At this point, their laughter reaches a peak in volume and hysteria. They continue laughing, seemingly without any plan of stopping, for twenty seconds before beginning to quiet down. CARLOS (still laughing lightly) Do you think anyone saw us do it? SHAWN I doubt it. Although someone might have heard you, you said my name like four times! Laughter swells slightly, but dies down much more quickly. CARLOS So are we going back to Jefe’s? SHAWN (sighing as laughter ends) I suppose so. He’ll want to know as soon as possible that we actually managed to kill him. I’m not sure if he really expected us to be able to do it. CARLOS Not be able to do it? A monkey could have done that! Laughter starts again, loudly, but at a much more controlled level. Scene ends as we see the back of Carlos’ car speeding down the empty road, hearing their laughter. EXT. JEFE’S LANDSCAPING -- DAY -- SIX YEARS LATER Shawn and Carlos, both 23, are walking out of the front door of Jefe’s. CARLOS (Looking over) Not these fuckers again. Carlos is referring to a group of 4 YOUNG GANGSTERS, similar to the one that we saw outside of Jefe’s earlier, but different kids. They are all 18. CARLOS (CONT.) Should I go get Cap? Beat. SHAWN No, I got this. He walks over to the group of kids, quickly. Carlos follows after a few seconds SHAWN (CONT.) Hey, you kids gotta go. YOUNG GANGSTER 1 Fuck you, man. SHAWN Excuse me? YOUNG GANGSTER 1 I said fuck you. SHAWN Are we gonna have a problem here? YOUNG GANGSTER 2 Not if you leave now, ese. Gangster 1 puts his hand on his back pocket. SHAWN (Walking closer) Tell you what, I’ll give you to the count of 3. YOUNG GANGSTER 1 (To his friends) Is this guy serious? Shawn 1... 2... YOUNG GANGSTER 1 (Over Shawn) This preschool shit, counting to 3, this guy thinks he’s something special. (Turning to Shawn) Listen- SHAWN 3. Shawn swings a quick left hand at Gangster 1, which, despite Shawn’s warning, catches him by surprise. A fight scene erupts over the next 30 frames. Gangster 1 falls to the ground. His three friends rush to quickly overtake Shawn, who is backpedaling quickly and swinging at the closest kid. Carlos enters and kicks the head of Gangster 1 as he passes. He grabs two of the kids by the throat and the three begin a confused grapple A small mall, PEPE, exits from Jefe’s. He sees Carlos in his scuffle and quickly goes to help him Shawn and the one remaining friend square of, and although he is larger than the kid, Shawn is getting hit repeatedly in the ribs. Pepe has succeeded in breaking one of the kids off of Carlos, but is quickly put on the ground by that same boy. Carlos, now free of half of his burden, charges at the remaining kid gangster. He knocks the kid onto the ground, stumbles, then remains upright. He begins punching the prone gangster in the back of the head. Shawn takes a swing at his partner, and the kid ducks it. With his other hand, Shawn hits him with a deft uppercut to the face. The kid stumbles backwards three steps. Gangster 1 stands and drunkenly walks over to his friend who is fighting Shawn. It is now 2 on 1. Pepe rolls and gets back up, only to see that his opponent has pulled a small switchblade and is slowly advancing on him. PEPE Cuchillo! He has a knife! Gangster 1 and his friend turn away from Shawn to look at the situation behind them with Pepe. Shawn very quickly reaches into the back off his belt and pulls out what had, until this point, been a well-concealed, black .45 pistol. He levels it at Gangster 1 and cocks it, which draws the attention of Gangster 1 and his friend. SHAWN Tell him to drop the knife. Gangster 1 does not move. Shawn fires a shot at the ground between himself and Gangster 1, which draws everyone’s attention and stops the knife-wielding kid in his tracks. SHAWN Either he drops the knife (levels the gun at Gangster 1 again) or you die. YOUNG GANGSTER 1 Man, you ain’t gonna shoot me. SHAWN You sure? Because you’re betting with your life here kid. How many times you think you can afford to lose on a gamble like that? Beat. YOUNG GANGSTER 1 (Over his shoulder) Drop the knife Johnny. (To his friend next to him) Let’s go. (They both back away quickly) SHAWN Don’t come back. Gangster 1, his friend, and Johnny pick up their friend at Carlos’ feet and hurry away. Shawn puts his gun away and approaches Pepe, who looks spooked. SHAWN Are you alright Pepe? PEPE Yes sir, I am ok. I will be fine. SHAWN Take the rest of the day off. Tomorrow too, alright? I’ll tell Jefe about this. Pepe nods. SHAWN (CONT.) And don’t worry about those guys, alright? PEPE I am not worried about them. We have shovels and a few small blades in our trucks. Kids running around with knives don’t really scare me. Shawn looks at Pepe for a few seconds. Then: SHAWN Go home Pepe. Pepe nods and walks away, towards the building. Shawn watches him. INT. SHAWN’S CAR -- TWO MINUTES LATER Carlos and Shawn, in the car. Shawn is driving. CARLOS So you have a gun now? SHAWN Yeah. CARLOS I didn’t know you had a license to buy those. SHAWN It was a gift, actually. Jefe gave it to me. CARLOS Oh. SHAWN Yeah, last Friday. CARLOS To keep, then. SHAWN What? CARLOS It’s yours to keep? SHAWN Yeah, I guess. CARLOS Hmm. So does that mean that you’re part of the inner circle now? You don’t have to go out on the streets anymore, right? SHAWN What, because of the gun? I went with you yesterday to collect the debt from that Bulgarian strip club downtown. I’ve had the gun for a week. CARLOS Yeah. SHAWN Something wron? CARLOS No, it’s just… How long have you been working for Jefe? SHAWN (rolling his eyes) Seven years Carlos. CARLOS And how long have I been working for Jefe? SHAWN Seven years. Look, I know you want a “real job-” CARLOS And now more than ever! You’re being pulled off of the streets and into the clubhouse for good, and I’m still at the mercy of the day’s cocaine market. Shawn makes a face. CARLOS (CONT.) I’m serious! Jefe doesn’t like me, Cap doesn’t think I’m anything special, Carlito thinks I’m complete shit- SHAWN So what? CARLOS So WHAT?! They’re the ones who control this entire “business.” And now this is proof! We started on the same day and you’ve been promoted over me! I’m not saying I’m surprised, but it proves what I’ve been saying! SHAWN Promoted? You think getting a gun is a promotion? CARLOS Who does Jefe want carrying a gun Shawn? What type of people? SHAWN What, so you think that’s a plus? Because I’m now officially “one of the guys who has to kill people?” CARLOS You didn’t get a gun because you need to kill someone. You got a gun because Jefe wants to make sure that whatever situation unfolds around you, you’ll come out of it alive. A long pause. SHAWN Look, Carlos, I’m not “moving up,” and even if I am, so much the better for you, right? Then there’ll be someone at the poker table who knows how much you’re worth to Jefe’s! An awkward beat. SHAWN (CONT.) I know this must make you feel like shit, but Carlos, this is what we’ve been waiting for! I’ll have a say now! We’ll be able to change things! We can make things around here the way that they’re supposed to be! We’ll expand, move across state lines, get connections in New York and Chicago, we can start moving something other than cheap coke! CARLOS I guess. SHAWN Trust me Carlos, this is it. And if I have anything to say about it, which I will now, you’re next in line for a move up! It’s smooth sailing from here. (Shawn turns on the radio) Now if you ask me, we need to pay that strip club another visit. CARLOS They still owe us money? SHAWN Nope. Carlos smiles and laughs, and Shawn smiles back. Camera shot from the hood of the car of both boys. BEGIN MONTAGE of Shawn, sometimes with Carlos, with a long line of beautiful women. He is nicely dressed in every shot, and the women all look happy to see him. Their sexual exploits are never shown, but are quite obvious. EXT SHAWN‘S OLD APARTMENT -- DAY It is a few weeks later. There is a car, Carlos,’ parked in front of them next to the curb. It is a dark red and an older model, but looks fairly expensive. Shawn and Carlos are on the same stoop, Carlos sitting, Shawn standing, leaning on part of the building. Across the street, two young women are talking. CARLOS I haven’t been around here in a while. SHAWN Me neither. CARLOS It was good to see your abuela again, I forgot how much she used to hate me. SHAWN She didn’t hate you, she was just annoyed that you never went home. CARLOS Yeah, well, if you say so. Looks at the women across the street. CARLOS (CONT.) They’re good looking, how about them? SHAWN (Looking up the street, away from the two women). Nah, not my type. CARLOS Oh, come on, what are you talking about? SHAWN They look Dominican. CARLOS (surprised) Since when do you care? SHAWN They all have some weird… thing. Whenever I try to ask out a Dominican girl, she ends up sending me to one of her ugly friends. And then that girl sends me to one of her ugly friends, and so on. It is not a pleasant experience. POV switches to across the street, where the two women are wrapping up their conversation. In the background, we see Carlos laughing at Shawn NATALIA No, no, it’s alright, I know where to go. I remember. BG Shawn standing up straight, pushing off of the building, and gesturing largely NATALIA’S FRIEND You’re sure? NATALIA Yes, I’ll be fine. BG Carlos is now quickly pantomiming masturbating, and then tries to hand Shawn a magazine. FRIEND Well if you’re sure, then I guess I should be going. BG Shawn refuses the magazine and begins punching Carlos’ arm repeatedly. NATALIA I’m sure. I’ll see soon then? FRIEND Yeah, I’ll be there at 4. BG Carlos begins hitting Shawn back, and the two start wrestling on the concrete, both standing. NATALIA Are you bringing anything? FRIEND Maybe, I’ve got to see if I have enough dough left to make those little cookie things. NATALIA Alright, call me if you need any help. BG The two boys now have each other in headlocks and are moving minimally, each trying to subdue the other. FRIEND Ok. Adios. She turns to walk away. NATALIA Hasta luego. Her friend walks away. Natalia begins to look through her handbag/purse for something, humming to herself. We see Carlos and Shawn, across the street, pull apart. Carlos points after Natalia’s friend, saying something, and Shawn throws his hands up in the air, walking across the street. He quickly straightens up his clothes. NATALIA (Looking up) Can I help you? SHAW (extending his hand) I’m Shawn NATALIA I know who you are. You used to come around here and hit on all the girls in my building. SHAWN (Pointing) My mother and my grandmother live in that building. And I was saving the best for last. NATALIA (rolling her eyes) Get lost. SHAWN Excuse me? NATALIA You heard me. I’m not going to sleep with you. SHAWN I just wanted to meet you- NATALIA Yeah, well I don’t want to meet you, hotshot. Ever consider that? Maybe I already have a boyfriend. SHAWN Do you? NATALIA Seriously, get out of here, or I’m calling the cops. SHAWN And tell them what, that I came over here without your permission? (Beat. He smiles). Let me take you out tonight. NATALIA I’m busy. SHAWN Tomorrow night then. NATALIA I’m busy then. SHAWN Saturday? NATALIA (Not giving him much attention) Still busy. SHAWN You’re a pretty busy girl, aren’t you? NATALIA Seriously, get out of here. SHAWN One date, that’s all I’m asking. I’ll take you somewhere nice, uptown. I can change your mind about me. NATALIA And I told you, I’m not giving you the chance. SHAWN You don’t need to give me chances. I take them. He smiles. NATALIA (Laughing) That’s it? That’s your best line? That was supposed to close the deal? (Laughing harder) That barely made sense! SHAWN But it did make some sense? NATALIA (Smiling) Barely. SHAWN Well, agree to disagree. Natalia scrunches up her face and shakes her head. SHAWN (CONT.) Come on, I could show you a good time. NATALIA I don’t want to be shown a good time. I want to have one. SHAWN That’s it? That’s your best line? NATALIA No. That’s the kind of line I use when I want to get rid of a persistent prick like yourself. She turns around and begins to walk away from Shawn. SHAWN It barely made sense! NATALIA (Over her shoulder, still walking away). I don’t give a shit! Shawn watches her leave, then walks back to Carlos. CARLOS That didn’t go too well, huh? Oh well, you don’t date Dominican girls anyway. SHAWN It’s Sunday. CARLOS Yeah, why, what’re you thinking? SHAWN Where do you think a broad like that is heading on a Sunday afternoon? CARLOS In this neighborhood? Saint Ignatius,’ about eight blocks that way. (He points in the direction that Natalia left.) You can catch her tomorrow if you’re really so interested. From over here I got the impression that she wasn’t looking to see you again. SHAWN (Looking at his watch) They have a mass at 4, right? CARLOS (Shaking his head) No, Shawn. No. Off limits. We are not going. SHAWN We? Who said we, you don’t have to come. I just figured, since you were the one who told me to go over there in the first place- CARLOS And now I’m telling you to let it go. Come back here tomorrow night, give it another shot. You’ll be prepared, maybe bring her some flowers or something. SHAWN Can’t. I’ve got a date tomorrow night. CARLOS Come on Shawn, you can’t pick up a girl in a church. SHAWN “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs, 16:3. Carlos (To himself) Motherfucker, quoting verses at me. As if you ever went to church. (To Shawn) “WAIT on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land.” Psalm 37. Give it a rest man, miracles aren’t really your specialty. SHAWN (holding out his arms at his sides) Do not doubt me child, for I am Him, and God has chosen me as his instrument. Beat. CARLOS You know what, yea. Go to church, I’m sure they’ll love you there. You’ll be completely in your element, no problem. SHAWN (Smiling) Jesus man, have a little faith. CARLOS (To himself again) Stupid asshole, trying to pick up girls with a messiah routine. Dumbest smartass I’ve ever met, gonna get himself killed. SHAWN I’ll see you tonight. I’ve gotta go get ready to woo a dame. (Shawn walks to the corner store). CARLOS (Waves to Shawn, still talking to himself). Thinks he’s Humphrey Bogart, “woo a dame,” fuckin’ idiot. Camera pans out slightly, to show both Carlos and the street, with Shawn approaching the corner store. INT. A CHRUCH -- AN HOUR LATER The church is large and old, dimly lit, reasonably crowded, particularly in the front rows. There is a mass in progress. Camera angle from the back of the church, looking towards the priest, encompassing entire interior of the church. We see Natalia, sitting with a few OLDER WOMEN, all listening to the priest. In the BG, we see a man, Shawn, walking up the aisle, looking around. He spots Natalia and walks up to her. SHAWN (Feigning surprise) Don’t tell me- NATALIA (quietly) No. SHAWN What? NATALIA (whispering) My answer is still no, especially if you think that you can come and talk to me in here. OLDER WOMAN Natalia, is this a friend of yours? SHAWN (Holding out his hand) Natalia! I’m Shawn, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Was that so hard? NATALIA (Turning to the woman) No, and he was just leaving. SHAWN (nods to the woman, smiling) Hi. (To Natalia, rather loudly) So what do you say? Tomorrow night, I’ll pick you up at around 8? NATALIA (Looking around) Get out. SHAWN (At an even higher volume) Hey, I’m just trying to praise God, just like you, NATALIA! NATALIA No. No no no you can’t come in here. No. SHAWN What, you’re kicking me out of a church? That doesn’t seem very Christian. NATALIA Would you even know? SHAWN I’m familiar with the theory behind the madness. And I know that I’m allowed a spot in your home (gestures around) and in your heart (Clasps his hands to his chest). Give me one chance. For JESUS! NATALIA If you go now, I’ll think about it. SHAWN You’ll “think about it?” NATALIA Get out now. Wait for me outside. I’ll talk to you when mass is over, just LEAVE! SHAWN Your place. I’ll pick you up tomorrow night, 8 o’clock. It was nice meeting you. NATALIA (Hissing, drawing stares, smiling) OUT! SHAWN (Bowing and backing away) If you insist. I’ll see you soon Natalia. NATALIA (staring after Shawn as he exits. To herself) Creep. Camera shows her, smiling, quickly repressing it, and looking back up to the priest. INT. JEFE’S CLUBHOUSE -- THE FOLLOWING EVENING Shawn at the poker table, with Carlos standing behind him. At the table, Shawn, Carlito and Juangel, along with another unnamed man, 30, shifty, dressed down, are playing poker. SHAWN (Putting down his cards) Alright, I gotta go. CARLITO We were just getting started! What, you got a hot date? SHAWN As a matter of fact, dipshit, I do. CARLITO Oh yeah? What’s his name? CARLOS (laughs) Natalia? SHAWN Yup. Gonna try to take her somewhere nice. She seems different, like she’s less of a… CARLOS Whore. Try Salvi’s, uptown. (Shawn nods) CARLITO Salvi’s is shit, don’t listen to this idiot. If you’ve got time, go outside of the city. Or try somewhere closer to the ocean. Santa Monica maybe. CARLOS Santa Monica is 15 miles away. CARLITO So? Is he running there? Are they going on a tandem bicycle? (Turning to Shawn) Are you two traveling on foot tonight? SHAWN (Standing and laughing) Don’t worry about it. I’ve got a few ideas. CARLITO Be safe with this girl. Even with the classy ones, you never know. SHAWN (Taking his jacket) Thanks, that’s really helpful. (He turns, begins to leave) Don’t have too much fun without me! CARLOS AND CARLITO We won’t. The two look at each other for a beat. Carlos takes Shawn’s seat. CARLITO Did I say you could sit there? INT. RESTAURANT -- LATER THAT NIGHT Shawn and Natalia sit opposite each other at a table for two with a large view of the ocean. Shawn is dressed up; Natalia, stunning. The place is quiet. There is wine and bread at the table. NATALIA (Looking around) So this is the place, huh? SHAWN Maybe. What place? NATALIA The place you take your new girls to ensure that you get fucked on the first date. SHAWN (Smiling) I’m not sure you’re allowed to say “fuck” in here. (Natalia laughs, but quickly stops herself) I’ve only taken one girl here before. NATALIA Oh god, you’re divorced. (Shawn smiles) Oh my GOD you’re still married. Shawn laughs outright SHAWN My mother. NATALIA Oh. (looks around) What do you… do you work? SHAWN (Smiling) I co-own a landscaping business. You won’t have to pay for any of this. Natalia (taking a piece of bread) Thank God. The two laugh together. EXT. NATALIA’S APARTMENT -- DUSK -- THE NEXT NIGHT It is two days later. Shawn is standing outside of the building where he first met Natalia, with a small bouquet of flowers. He rings one of the doorbells. EXT. PARK -- A DIFFERENT DATE Shawn and Natalia are sitting on a bench in a small park, throwing large chunks of bread at pigeons. NATALIA Just the two of you? No brothers or sisters? SHAWN You’d think so, given the fact that most of the kids in our neighborhood have claimed to be sleeping with my mother. (Natalia laughs) But no, it was me and her. And my grandmother lived down the hall from us. Beat. And Carlos. He’s basically my brother. When we were kids he spent more in time my house than I did. NATALIA We should go on a double date with him. SHAWN Hmm. The girls Carlos “dates” aren’t really date material, if you get what I’m saying. NATALIA That’s not very nice. SHAWN (Staring at Natalia) I mean, if that’s really what you want- NATALIA It is. SHAWN I’ll ask him about it, but I don’t think he’ll want to. CUT TO: EXT. A DIFFERENT PARK -- DAY Shawn and Natalia are out with Carlos and an unnamed girl, two months later. The change in the season is subtle, trending towards slightly heavier clothing and brisker movement outdoors, but is enough to indicate significant time difference. Shawn and Natalia together in a park, buying food at a kiosk and talking quietly. Carlos and his girl, a light skinned, skinny girl, are off in the BG taking pictures of something. NATALIA What’s her name? SHAWN Rolitsa, I think. NATALIA You don’t know? SHAWN I’ve never met her before! NATALIA He’s your best friend! SHAWN He met her yesterday. I don’t know her name because I don’t think he knows it. I keep telling you that he doesn’t need our company on dates. NATALIA Well they look like they’re having a good time! And she seems… nice. SHAWN Yeah. Carlos and “ROLITSA” approach the two. We see now that Rolista does not look to be Latina, but rather Western European. She is good-looking, and is dressed for much warmer weather than the other three, but her English is that of a native speaker, with no discernable accent. ROLITSA We took a picture of a tree! SHAWN Ohhhh! What type? Rolitsa looks to Carlos CARLOS An oak. SHAWN Yes, well, they certainly are a photogenic breed. ROLITSA What? CARLOS He was telling a joke babe. Don’t worry about it. She [Rolitsa] laughs. Natalia and Shawn look at each other and began laughing with her. INT. THE CLUBHOUSE -- THE FOLLOWING DAY Jefe, Juangel and Cap talking to Shawn near the back door to the clubhouse. Three people putting cocaine bags into boxes in the BG. JEFE He was supposed to be driving the lead off truck. It’s an important job, and we leave in twenty minutes SHAWN I know. JEFE He’s always complaining that we don’t give him anything to do. Well, where is he now? SHAWN I don’t- CAP I just don’t understand why he isn’t here. SHAWN I don’t either. He had a date yesterday, maybe he’s recovering from that. JUANGEL But he didn’t call you, tell you why he wasn’t coming in today? SHAWN Why would he call me? Look, I don’t see what the big deal is, so he’s late. It’s not like we really need him. CAP It’s 3:30. He’s not late, he missed the entire day. SHAWN People come and go around the clock- CAP When we tell them to. SHAWN So maybe he got confused. We normally come in here at around midnight. Juangel sees something O.S. and walks away quickly. CAP You have no idea where he is then? SHAWN He’s probably at home! Beat. SHAWN (CONT.) He might be in Phoenix. CAP WHY would he be in Phoenix? SHAWN He’s been talking about visiting some of his family there. I didn’t realize that he was going today though. JEFE You think it’s a good idea to lie to me? SHAWN (Surprised) What? No! JEFE Then you willingly committed an act that you knew was a bad idea. Is that why you’re here then, to make stupid decisions? SHAWN No! Look, I don’t know where he is, alright? JEFE Enough. Carlos may not be as smart or as successful as you are, but he still serves a purpose here, and he knows too much to be running across state lines without telling me. SHAWN I don’t even know- JEFE I said enough. Call him, tell him to get his ass in here by midnight, from wherever he may be. Beat. Jefe’s expression softens. JEFE (CONT.) I know he’s your friend Shawn. But we’re family here, and familia comes first. Shawn nods. JEFE (CONT.) Good. EXT. JEFE’S -- DAY -- A WEEK LATER Shawn, Carlos, and Natalia walk into Jefe’s via the back entrance. They are dressed casually. Shawn and Carlos are not going to “work,” and Natalia seems attentive. NATALIA So how’s Rosalita? CARLOS I don’t think I’m going to be seeing her again. NATALIA That’s too bad, she seemed like she liked you. CARLOS She liked my money. And she wasn’t much for conversation. SHAWN We didn’t notice. The three have entered the clubhouse. Shawn is looking around, his arm around Natalia’s waist. Natalia is also looking around, with a look of increasing skepticism. Shawn spots someone. SHAWN Cap! Camera pans to show Cap, talking to two young, unknown men. He ends his conversation and walks over to Shawn. CAP I thought you two were off today! SHAWN We are. (Looking around) Have you seen Jefe? Cap reaches the three of them. CAP Yeah, he just went out. (To Natalia) I’m Chris. You can call me Cap. NATALIA (Shaking his hand) Natalia. It’s a pleasure to meet you Chris. CAP (To Carlos) Carlos, show Natalia the front entrance. (Carlos leads Natalia away. To Shawn:) What the fuck is wrong with you, bringing this chick here in broad daylight? Are you kidding me? SHAWN (Surprised) Hey, relax! It’s better than showing her what goes on here at night! And she’s not just some girl, Cap, alright? I’ve been seeing her for almost a year now. CAP So what, you thought you’d bring her HERE for your anniversary, you stupid prick? SHAWN I wanted Jefe to meet her! That’s all. She might be coming around here every now and then. CAP So you’re marrying this girl? SHAWN Whoa, hold on- CAP Because I know Jefe’s told you that only wives are allowed here. I know you’ve been with us long enough not to be bringing around every girl that’s game to suck your dick- SHAWN Watch it. Watch what you say about her. (Beat). How many girls have I brought here, huh? I’ve been here for eight years, have I ever come here with a girl before? Just what the fuck is your problem? A long pause. CAP Jesse and Kevin are dead. Shawn Those white kids who stopped by here last week? CAP They were Jefe’s cousin’s boys. They got in a knife fight with some bums last night and bled to death over on Day Street. They called 911 twice, and then they called here, on the same damn phone. SHAWN Shit. CAP Jefe’s with their parents right now. He won’t be back for a while. SHAWN Cap, I didn’t know- CAP It’s fine. I know you’re a smart kid Shawn, and I trust your judgment. He looks over Shawn’s shoulder and sees Carlos and Natalia returning. CAP (CONT.) But until Jefe gives this girl his approval, bring her in through the front door, alright? SHAWN Yeah, sure. Sorry Cap. CAP No harm done. He leaves. Carlos and Natalia walk up to Shawn NATALIA So where is this “Jefe?” SHAWN Gone. Death in the family. (Beat). Come on, we should go. Natalia and Carlos look somewhat dismayed, but follow Shawn out of the clubhouse, through the front doors. INT. JEFE’S CLUBHOUSE -- A YEAR LATER Jefe is sitting at the head of the poker table. Shawn is absent, but Carlos is there, in Shawn’s seat. Rhino Killer, Juangel, and Luis are there, as well as Carlito, who does not look pleased to see that Carlos is still around. They are playing Texas Hold ‘em, once again surrounded in a thin veil of odd smoke. Jefe is not playing. RHINO KILLER I’ll raise $1000. JUANGEL I’m out. LUIS Me too. CARLOS I’ll call. JEFE So, is Shawn out with that lovely woman of his? CARLOS Yeah, it’s their two-year anniversary. Going somewhere uptown. JEFE I like her. RHINO KILLER I do too. JEFE I haven’t seen her here in a while. CARLOS Shawn was worried that if he kept bringing her around here, she would figure out what we’re actually doing all the time. CARLITO Always looking out for the clubhouse. (He puts down his cards) Why can’t you have that sort of presence of mind? CARLOS Are you talking about me? CARLITO Yeah, exactly. I guess we don’t have to worry about that until you get a girl though, so we should be safe for quite some time. Rhino Killer and Juangel laugh. CARLOS What did I do now? What’s up your ass today? JEFE He’s playing around. CARLOS No, I don’t think he is! He does this shit all of the time, and I don’t think he is playing around! CARLITO You’re right, I’m not. I honestly don’t like you, I think you’re a complete waste of space. Care to do something about it chico? Why don’t you make a move, right here and now? Beat. Carlos doesn’t move. CARLITO (CONT.) Not so brave without your big bad buddy sitting here, keeping the sharks at bay, huh? What’re you gonna do? Beat. Suddenly: CARLOS How about I put a bullet in your fucking head? Silence. Then: JEFE Why don’t you take a walk Carlos. CARLOS Me? Beat. CARLOS (CONT.) What, you’re serious? Jefe nods towards the door. CARLOS (CONT.) Fine. He picks up his own money in a huff and grabs his jacket. He leaves. The camera stays on the table. Rhino Killer reaches over and looks at Carlos’ abandoned cards. Carlito leans back in his chair, watching Carlos leave. CARLITO He was bluffing you Terrell. All bark, no bite. RHINO KILLER (Throwing the cards at Carlito) Pocket kings. EXT. SMALL PARK -- DAY. Shawn and Natalia are walking, and it is the beginning of autumn. There is a WOMAN walking her dog approaching them. SHAWN A lot of people have called it the greatest movie ever made. NATALIA Exactly! I’m just saying Shawn, it wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. The woman walking her dog reaches Shawn and Natalia. The dog stops near Natalia, and she bends down to pet the dog NATALIA (To the dog) Hola bonita, que tal? (To the woman) What’s her name? WOMAN His name is Putter, and he’s very friendly. NATALIA I can see that! (To the dog) Sà Putter, te gusto? Oh, yo sé, Putter. Shawn stands next to Natalia, looking slightly confused. NATALIA (CONT.) Well he’s very pretty. WOMAN Thank you. (to the dog) C’mon Putter. She begins to walk away with her dog. NATALIA Adios Putter! (To Shawn) Anyway, what was I saying? SHAWN Were you speaking Spanish to that dog? NATALIA I always speak Spanish to dogs, they love it. (Shawn looks mildly incredulous) What? SHAWN (shrugging) Nothing. NATALIA Anyway, what was I… Oh yes, I didn’t like it, it focused too much on the whole “national pride” motif. I mean, I get it, you’re proud of where you’re from, but seriously, give it a rest, you know? There are more important things in life, right? SHAWN (vaguely) Mm. Camera pans out, Natalia’s speech fading to being unidentifiable as distinct words. The two continue walking. INT. JEFE’S CLUBHOUSE -- NIGHT The clubhouse is empty except for Cap, Carlos, Shawn, and six other men: Rhino Killer, Juangel, Francisco, and three others, unknown. They are standing near the loading doors, ajar, and are nearly outside. It is dark out, bright within. Camera cuts to Jefe, standing in the doorway to the office, removed from the others. Camera cuts back to the nine, standing in a circle. They are all in black CAP (Slowly) I regret to say it, but it was because he was careless. Shawn nods slightly, Carlos looks disturbed CAP (CONT.) I’m not saying that he did this to himself. I would never say such a thing. But if he had been more aware of what was going on around him, he wouldn’t have been so easy to knock off. We can all learn something from this. Always, ALWAYS, watch your back. Always stick together. We are a family here. (Shawn nods again) We need to stick together. Carlito should be here with us. He was too young to die, even for one of us. (Carlos looks at the ground) And this is exactly what Jefe has always been telling us. When you see this as just a gang, these people become your coworkers, and no one takes a bullet for a coworker. We are familia (Beat). And you can’t get rid of familia. We are with each other until the day we die. Carlito forgot that, and that’s why he died alone. Carlos abruptly turns away and walks quickly out of the loading doors, not looking back. Camera cuts briefly to Jefe, who is still watching, as he shakes his head slightly. SHAWN He really liked Carlito… I don’t think it’s really had a chance to sink in. (Looking to Cap) I’ll be right back. Cap nods sadly. CUT TO: Shawn, outside of the clubhouse, jogging to catch up to Carlos, who has still not looked back. SHAWN Carlos! Carlos, just hold on for a second! CARLOS (Stopping) Are you coming with me? SHAWN (Also stopping) Coming with you? CARLOS Yes. Are you coming with me, or are you staying here? SHAWN Staying here? You mean you’re leaving? Long beat. CARLOS Carlito turned 30 last month Shawn. SHAWN I know. CARLOS And where is he now? SHAWN I know Shawn, I’m going to miss him too! CARLOS Miss him?! Shawn, I- SHAWN But running out into the night isn’t going to bring him back! CARLOS Why the FUCK would I want to bring him back? He was an idiot! SHAWN Don’t say that- CARLOS Why not? It’s true enough, and now he’s gone. He’s dead, and he’s never coming back. Beat. SHAWN (softly) I understand why this is hard for you- CARLOS No Shawn, I really don’t think that you do. He turns away and continues walking, past the camera, while Shawn stands watching him. Camera cuts to the clubhouse, showing Shawn walking back inside. SHAWN (To Cap) I think he needs some space. CAP He isn’t coming back? SHAWN Not today. He’ll be back in a few days. (Beat). This is tough on him. Carlito was the first person that we met, when we first came here- CAP I remember. He gave him shit for that stupid joke that he told. SHAWN Yeah. Yeah, he gave him a lot of shit when we first got here. CAP That was Carlito for you. Always told you his honest opinion, never held back. RHINO KILLER He was straight with you. It’s hard to find people like that, who aren’t afraid of hurting someone’s feelings. He was sincere, all the time. Murmurs of agreement. JUANGEL I guess this would be a good time to say something about him then? Anyone want to start? Camera cuts to Jefe’s back, encompassing most of the clubhouse and the mourners, now 8 in number. After a few seconds, Jefe slowly exit’s the clubhouse through the main door. INT. SHAWN’S APARTMENT -- LATER THAT NIGHT Natalia is in the kitchen, not seen, but heard cooking. Lighting is rather dim in the apartment. Natalia can be heard playing a CD that she bought earlier that day; the music is in English. Enter Shawn, who sits down immediately before greeting Natalia. We see Shawn sitting for about ten seconds before pulling a confused face and rising, moving into the kitchen. NATALIA Oh, hey baby! I didn’t hear you come in. (She continues cooking). SHAWN (casually) What are you making? NATALIA Soup. SHAWN (still casually, after a beat) And what are you listening to? NATALIA What? SHAWN This station, it’s shit. NATALIA It’s not a station, it’s a CD that I bought today. (smiling) I’m guessing that you don’t like it? Shawn picks up the CD case and looks it over. SHAWN You bought this kid’s CD? NATALIA (Looking at Shawn) Yea, so what? It was 8 dollars. SHAWN This kid is white. NATALIA (facing Shawn) Is that a problem? SHAWN (listening) It’s in English. NATALIA (frustrated) What are we speaking right now Shawn? SHAWN (tauntingly, sarcastically) I just thought that you liked Spanish music, that’s all. But, fine, if that sort of thing is too ethnic for you… (shrugs). NATALIA (Turning off the radio) Are you fucking kidding me? Are you really doing this right now? SHAWN (seriously) I could ask you the same thing. NATALIA No, you really couldn’t. I bought a CD. We talked about this Shawn, you’re making a mountain out of a teeny tiny molehill. SHAWN Really? You think this is a molehill? Because it looks like it’s pretty important to me, that’s all that I’m saying. NATALIA Alright, fine, you want to play this game tough guy, huh? What does it look like to you, because to me, it looks like I’m making us dinner and listening to music. SHAWN (annoyed but still calm) It LOOKS LIKE you’re turning your back on everything that we believe in. NATALIA What are you TALKING about Shawn, what am I turning my back on here? Hmm? What am I leaving behind? SHAWN (beginning to lose his cool) Everything! The community, your friends, your past, me- NATALIA Is that why this worries you Shawn? You think I’m going to run off with some, some white boy from the suburbs, is that it? SHAWN (genuinely frustrated) No, of course not! What worries me is that if you get sucked up into this “white world,” you’re going to start ignoring the important things, like your heritage and your famiglia- NATALIA (surprised) My what? SHAWN Your famiglia, Natalia. NATALIA What is that, Italian? (Beat). Familia, Shawn. Fa-MI-li-a. SHAWN Seriously? Like it matters- NATALIA Oh, I’m the one who’s running away from their heritage? Figure your own shit out, Shawn. She begins to leave. SHAWN (angrily) You’re missing the point! NATALIA (matching Shawn’s anger) No, Shawn, I’m listening to a CD. You’re the one running around pretending to be a Mafioso, acting like your grandfather was from Sicily when we both know that he was Venezuelan! YOU are the one who wants to change who they are, don’t make this about me! I’m not ashamed of who I am! SHAWN What’s that supposed to mean? NATALIA Say familia. SHAWN Famiglia, what? NATALIA Get it together Shawn. She leaves to an adjacent room. Shawn watches Natalia leave and slam the door to their bedroom. SHAWN Famiglia. (Picking up the CD case) Familia. He rolls his eyes and puts down the CD case, gets up, and walks to the bedroom where Natalia is residing, opening the door. SHAWN (CONT.) Look, we can keep the CD, alright, but would you just listen to me for a minute? (He closes the door behind him). EXT. CARLOS’ HOUSE -- DAY -- TWO WEEKS LATER A small, one story home, white, with minimal yard and an SUV in the very short driveway. Shawn is on the front step. SHAWN (knocking) Hey, asshole, I know you’re home. (knocking again) C’mon man your car is right there. CARLOS (coming to the door and stepping outside) Relax hombre, I’m coming, Jesus. (Beat). What the hell do you want? SHAWN Where have you been man? We haven’t seen you at the club in two weeks. CARLOS So? SHAWN Don’t be stubborn Carlos, you know you can’t just up and leave. He’ll come after you, and he’ll find you. If you just go and talk to him- CARLOS Then he’ll shoot me. He’ll tell me everything is alright, that it’s fine if I want to stop working for him, and then he’ll shoot me in the back of the head, because he is an irrational man with violent tendencies. SHAWN (Laughing) “An irrational man with violent tendencies?” Shit, how long have you been planning this little speech? CARLOS Fuck you. Carlos turns around. SHAWN Wait! CARLOS What? SHAWN (apologetically) You’re overreacting, just go talk to him. You can’t just leave. CARLOS Watch me. Carlos again moves to leave. SHAWN (somewhat desperately) You need to think about the future! CARLOS (stopping) Look who’s talking. SHAWN What, me? CARLOS (turning to confront Shawn) Wake up, man! You just said it yourself, this isn’t like the movies! Jefe isn’t the Godfather or the Don or anything like that! He’s a 60-year-old man who owns a landscaping business and runs the largest drug ring in Central LA! SHAWN (annoyed) Keep your voice down! Carlos steps onto the “porch,” shouting in Shawn’s face. CARLOS Why? Why Shawn? No one gives a shit! We aren’t talking about Whitey Bulger here, no one is looking for this guy! No one is “out to get him,” no one cares! He has a few dozen kids running around High Street, selling dime bags and making him 400 bucks a day, and you all seem to think that he’s the king of the world! SHAWN (evasively) Look, I know he’s not God, alright? I know. But you can’t just leave, he WILL come after you, and he’ll find you. He’s got connections all over the country, all over the world- CARLOS WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT MAN? Quien? Quien, huh? Give me one name, one person outside of Southern California who works for him. One, that’s all I need, and then I’ll go talk to him. Beat. Carlos takes a deep breath and speaks at a normal level. CARLOS (CONT.) I’ve been looking for a way out for a while, and I was scared, you know, because I thought it would be like it is on TV. Once you’re in, you’re in for life, like it or not. When I went to Phoenix last month, though, I knew it was different. There are over a million people in Phoenix, Shawn, and it seems like every other one of them is Mexican or Colombian or… something. SHAWN (shocked) You want to move to Phoenix? CARLOS Shut up and let me finish, ok? Can I just finish talking? (Beat. Carlos continues). Phoenix isn’t Los Angeles, I know that, but it’s still a huge city, right? And you would think, with 5 or 6 hundred thousand Mexicans living there, Jefe would have a pretty tight hold on the place, right? Or, I don’t know, at least a few associates, or SOMETHING. (Beat). I met at least a hundred people Shawn, maybe more, and they were all just like us. And I mean all of them, 20 year old drug pushers and vandals. Believe me when I tell you that I wasn’t hanging out with Spanish teachers or doctors or construction workers when I was there. And do you want to know something cool about being there? Something that seemed kind of weird at first, but started to make sense when I really thought about it? SHAWN (humoring Carlos) What’s that Carlos? CARLOS None of them knew who Jefe was. Not a single one of them. No one out there has heard of him, or even knows what he does. And it took me SIX HOURS to get to Phoenix Shawn, six fucking hours! Jefe’s reach ends at the city limits man! He isn’t a capo, or, or, or a “made man,” or some shit, operating for a bigger boss. He’s the head of his own little Mexican cartel that moves coke and shitty weed into L.A. in the back of a van. I could get in that car right now and drive, in any direction, until it gets dark out, and I’ll have gone far enough to never have to worry about that obsessive, inner-city dick ever again. I’m tired of being a drug mule, and living this shitty, hated life. SHAWN Hated? People RESPECT us Carlos. They might not know why, but people know that they have to treat us with respect. CARLOS I just told you, Shawn, they KNOW why. And there’s a fine line between fear and respect, and you and Jefe have always been on the wrong side of it. SHAWN What the fuck is that supposed to mean? CARLOS You tell me. You always were the smart one. Carlos turns around to leave and actually begins to walk away, back into his house. SHAWN I always knew you were stupid, but I didn’t think that you were jealous! CARLOS (continuing into the house) Yea, fuck you too. INT. SHAWN’S APARTMENT -- TEN MINUTES LATER Natalia lying is down in the bedroom. O.S. Enter Shawn. SHAWN (entering, putting down his keys). Hello? NATALIA (from other room) Hey babe! Could you come in here for a minute? SHAWN (annoyed, slowly) Ughh sÃ. NATALIA (loudly, still from other room) Leave your attitude at the door. Shawn doesn’t move. We hear Natalia mumbling from the other room as she gets up and enters NATALIA Ay Dios mio, rey del mundo. She enters, stops talking and looks at Shawn. NATALIA (CONT.) What’s wrong baby? Shawn? SHAWN (quietly but audible) Carlos wants to leave. NATALIA Leave? What do you mean, leave? Like he wants to move? SHAWN (laughing spitefully) I guess so, probably. He’s leaving Jefe’s. NATALIA (disinterested, but relieved). Oh, well that’s not a big deal. I’m sure you guys could find plenty of people who would be willing to do that sort of stuff. Look around the high school (turning to go to the kitchen). And you can still keep in touch with Carlos. SHAWN It’s a bit more complicated than that. NATALIA Why? SHAWN I can’t really explain it. It doesn’t matter. NATALIA (shortly) Ah. I see. He wants to leave everything. SHAWN (caught off guard) What do you mean? NATALIA (carefully) Do you mean that he wants to leave the gang? SHAWN The gang? NATALIA Carlos wants to stop selling coke. That’s what you mean, right? He wants “out?” SHAWN I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Carlos isn’t selling coke. NATALIA (jokingly) Not anymore right? SHAWN Never. Why would he be selling cocaine? NATALIA (Laughing) Oh come on Shawn. (Looking at Shawn. Seriously) Oh, come on, Shawn. SHAWN WHAT are you talking about? Why do you think Carlos is selling drugs? NATALIA Because he… works for Jefe. That’s what you guys do. SHAWN (getting angry) What the FUCK are you talking about? NATALIA Relax, Shawn! It’s just (gestures around the apartment) this place isn’t exactly on a landscaper’s budget, and you guys are always hanging around and playing pool, and your “clients” all come to you, which doesn’t really add up if you ought to be going and maintaining their houses- SHAWN (sarcastically) People come into our office, so you think we’re dealing drugs? NATALIA You only work at night, Shawn! You don’t know how to turn on the lawnmower, you get paid in cash, and your “office” is full of scales and countertops instead of paint and leaf blowers! It doesn’t make sense! Shawn, quit fucking with me and just say it! I already know! You’re insulting me if you think that you can fool me into thinking that I’m wrong about this! Long pause. SHAWN Ok. So you know. NATALIA (calmly) Well, sure I know. I’ve known for a while now. I don’t like it, but I respect that this is what you choose to do. SHAWN (ignoring Natalia) Have you told anyone? NATALIA (offended) No, I haven’t told anyone! Not like they need to be told in the first place. SHAWN What did you just say? NATALIA I wouldn’t need to tell them, Shawn. They don’t need to be told that Jefe is selling cocaine out of his trucks, because they already know. SHAWN They? They? Who are “they,” Natalia, tell me, who else knows, huh? Huh? Who’s “they?” And why do they already know? NATALIA (very angrily) Everyone, Shawn! This isn’t a secret, EVERYONE KNOWS! Everyone has always known, Jefe has lived here his whole life and he started selling weed when he was 12! He practically introduced crack to LA, and from what I’ve heard, he used to ADVERTISE with fucking FLIERS that if any one was “looking to score,” they could go to his address! He’s been arrested like 6 times and he spent 10 years in prison, all for drug trafficking! Beat. SHAWN And… when did you find out for sure? When did you know? NATALIA (Calmer) I started guessing when you took me around to Jefe’s. Once I had an idea, it wasn’t hard to figure it out. Like I said, (gesturing at the apartment), this stuff isn’t exactly on a housepainter’s budget SHAWN Yeah? Well fuck you! Fuck this place, all this fancy shit! Is that what pisses you off, this shit, huh? You don’t like this shit, FINE! Shawn flips over a small table. NATALIA Stop! SHAWN Why? (kicks sofa). Why? (throws a book). I thought you liked this shit! He slaps a light fixture, sending glass everywhere. NATALIA FUCKING STOP, YOU IDIOT! She starts blocking Shawn from hitting anything else. SHAWN MOVE! I’m living like a working man, just like you wanted! Natalia, get out of my way. NATALIA Or what, Mister Big Man? (Slaps him, hard). You gonna hit me! Go ahead, hit me asshole! SHAWN Move Natalia. He hits the wall near her. NATALIA (Screaming hysterically) Hit me asshole! I know you want to! What, your stupid Mafia code won’t let you? HIT ME BITCH, your code isn’t worth shit! It doesn’t even matter Shawn, YOU ARE NOT Italian! Shawn hits her in the face. SHAWN Get out. NATALIA No. SHAWN GET OUT! NATALIA No. SHAWN (angrily) Fine. Fine, you stay. He picks up his keys and heads for the door. NATALIA Where the hell do you think you’re going? SHAWN (indifferently) Don’t worry about it. NATALIA Shawn, if you don’t tell me where you’re going, I’m calling the cops. SHAWN (At the door) Oh yeah, what are you gonna tell them? That I left MY APARTMENT without your permission? NATALIA I’ll tell them that you hit me, you stupid fuck! She points to the recently bruised side of her face. There is a long pause. SHAWN (still at the door) I’m going out. I don’t want you to be here when I get back. NATALIA (screaming) Then you better not come back! SHAWN (somewhat condescendingly) We’ll see. Now bye-bye. He leaves. The camera stays on Natalia, who begins crying and walks quickly to the door, putting on the bolt lock. She then begins crying heavily, leaning against the door. Cut to Shawn, outside of the apartment. We can hear Natalia. He pauses briefly, looking remorseful, then continues quickly out of the building. INT. JEFE’S OFFICE -- LESS THAN AN HOUR LATER Jefe sits alone, looking undisturbed. He is writing in his small notebook. We hear something quietly from outside of his office. Shawn knocks once, and enters before waiting for a response. JEFE (surprised, but not angry) Shawn, I’m a bit busy here. SHAWN (loudly) Everyone knows! JEFE (Closing his notebook) Close the door. SHAWN (Slamming the door) Everyone- JEFE Shut the fuck up. (Beat). I was working in here, and you think that you can just run in, without announcing yourself, without knocking, and interrupt me? You think you’re so important that you can just barge in here whenever you want? Well I got news for you chico, you’re wrong. SHAWN (slightly calmer) Jefe, this is important! JEFE Oh, and what I was doing wasn’t important? What, your time is more valuable than mine? You’re SO busy and smart that whatever it is that you have to say is AUTOMATICALLY more important than anything that I could be possibly doing? Is that what you’re saying? SHAWN Of course not- JEFE Because that’s what is sounds like to me, pal. That seems like the long and short of your attitude right now. Am I wrong? SHAWN Jefe, listen- JEFE (insistently) Is that, or is that not, what you just said? SHAWN (conflicted) I suppose, if- JEFE Yes or no. SHAWN No Jefe! I need- JEFE You know what your problem is, hmm? You’re too stubborn, you don’t know when to give in. Here I am, telling you to shut the fuck up, and you can’t stop talking for five seconds to even apologize for intruding upon my work. You need to learn to let other people talk for once Shawn. Learn to listen. Beat. SHAWN I’m sorry. JEFE Thank you. Now, as persistent as you are, I’m assuming that you won’t leave until you’ve said what you came here to say? (Beat). Well, go ahead. SHAWN Everyone knows, Jefe. JEFE (sympathetically) Who is everyone, and what do they know? SHAWN Everyone here. They all know everything. JEFE If you’re complaining about the arrogant shitheads who work here, I would agree, but I don’t see how this qualifies as being important. SHAWN This is serious! Everyone around here knows EVERYTHING about this place! About you, about me! JEFE They don’t know everything. Trust me. SHAWN They know that this isn’t just a landscaping business! They know that it’s a front for a drug trade, that you’re moving cocaine across the Mexican border! JEFE Well of course they know Shawn. We’ve been here for 12 years. SHAWN (shocked) You don’t CARE? JEFE They know, I know they know, and they know that I know they know. As long as we’re all on the same page, they don’t mess with us. SHAWN You can’t be serious. JEFE Why not Shawn? We have 50 kids with nothing to lose running around here, making deals and moving our product. Do you want to know what they’d do if anyone ratted us out? (Pause). They’d hurt the rat. They’d hurt them, they’d hurt their families, and they’d hurt anyone else who they think could be responsible. Any then, these kids with nowhere to turn are out on the streets with nothing but the shirts on their backs and the gloucks in their back pockets. As long as I’m here, dealing coke and weed is all they do. They’re not shooting anyone, they’re not robbing any banks, they aren’t stealing any cars or getting themselves thrown in jail, and they aren’t getting in any turf wars. With me in place, it all belongs to one guy, so we have peace. Believe me, I’m the best thing to happen to this neighborhood in a very long time. SHAWN But you’re bringing drugs into the community, doesn’t anyone care? JEFE Of course they care Shawn, but this is Los Angeles. There will always be someone looking to move another kilo by next week. If not me, ten smaller dealers will come in and throw this entire city into a frenzy. SHAWN (disbelieving) And so… And so that’s why no one has ever turned you in? They’re choosing the lesser of two evils? JEFE (smiling) You got it chico. SHAWN Well then… Carlos was right JEFE (pleasantly) Where is our little friend Carlos? Weren’t you supposed to bring him back here a few days ago? SHAWN I saw him today. We… talked. JEFE Oh? Well, what did he say? Am I going to be seeing him any time soon? SHAWN He wants to leave. He said something about moving to Phoenix. JEFE He wants to leave Jefe’s and he didn’t even come to TALK to Jefe? That is just impolite, wouldn’t you say? Bring him in, I want to have a word with him. SHAWN I tried. I told him that he needed to talk to you, and he said that he wouldn’t. JEFE (Raising his eyebrows) Wouldn’t? SHAWN He’s afraid to talk to you, or even come anywhere near this place. He thinks that you’re going to shoot him in the head. JEFE What, in the middle of my office? He thinks that I’m going to bring him here just so that I can kill him in the convenience of my workplace? SHAWN Pretty much. JEFE Hmm. Maybe he’s not so stupid after all. SHAWN (shocked) W-what? JEFE Carlos knows too much, and he’s not bright enough or loyal enough to trust him anywhere else. SHAWN So… So you’re just going to shoot him? JEFE Well, maybe not me personally, but someone has got to do it. Anyone with a gun would do, especially if they could do it outside. It certainly would make clean up a lot easier… (Jefe looks at the floor, pensive, then shrugs). SHAWN (angrily) You want me to bring Carlos in here just so that you can shoot him dead? Why would I do that? JEFE (almost jokingly, but still sincere) What’s this, now you have a conscience? Now, after dealing for eight years of living outside of the law, after killing a dozen faceless men, this is where you draw the line? Bringing this one idiot in so that I don’t have to send someone to him and waste everybody’s time? THIS is what you object to? THIS is where you make a stand? A pause. SHAWN No. JEFE That’s what I thought. Now go take care of business and get him to come in for a little heart-to-heart. SHAWN (softly) Yes sir. I’ll try to bring him back here. JEFE And if he doesn’t want to come… (makes a gun with his hand and “pulls the trigger”) Bang. SHAWN You… want me to kill him? JEFE Jesus Shawn, you’re going soft on me. You’ve got a gun, don’t you? What did you think it was for? Do your job and kill the fucker if he doesn’t want cooperate, got it? SHAWN Yes sir. JEFE Good boy. Now bye-bye. Shawn exits. INT. A BAR -- A FEW MINUTES LATER This is a small, typical bar, with few amenities and little light. The bar is empty except for the BARTENDER and a lone DRUNK sitting at the bar. Shawn enters and stands near the door, not yet sitting down. DRUNK -only get one shot, you know? BARTENDER Sure. Shawn walks up to the bar and sits down. SHAWN Disaronno, neat. BARTENDER Coming right up. DRUNK And I didn’t realize that until it was too late. BARTENDER (To Shawn) Here you go. SHAWN Thanks. Shawn takes the drink and downs it quickly. DRUNK I was always doing what I was told, but I never really did what I wanted to do. (noticing Shawn) You, kid, what about you? What are you trying to forget? SHAWN The next two hours of my life. DRUNK (To no one in particular) See, that’s what I mean! He knows that he doesn’t want to do it, but he’s going to do it anyway! Why? Because that’s what he’s been told! Keep going like that, and you’ll wake up one day and realize that you hate your life! Hate, hate, hate, with no one to help you out. Only do what you want to do, kid. SHAWN What if we don’t have a choice? DRUNK (Looking at Shawn) We always have a choice. The only thing we have to do… is die. Beat. Shawn suddenly stands up, puts a bill on the bar, and hurries out of the building without another word. DRUNK (looking at where Shawn left) Uh oh. EXT. CARLOS’ HOUSE -- FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER Shawn is walking towards the front door. Shawn runs up the steps, but at the door, notices that Carlos’ car is gone. He pauses. SHAWN Shit. Carlos pulls up in his car. Shawn turns around and sees Carlos, getting out of the car. Carlos sees Shawn and stops. CARLOS Why the fuck are you here Shawn? SHAWN It’s Jefe. CARLOS (laughing) Of course it is. He closes the car door and begins walking towards his house. SHAWN (desperately) You don’t understand. CARLOS Try me, you might be surprised. (Pause). What, did he send YOU to kill me? (Longer pause). He did, didn’t he. And here we both are, how convenient is that? Well, go ahead then, if you’re gonna shoot me, let’s get it over with. Would you like to do this out here, or should we go inside? SHAWN I was wrong Carlos. CARLOS (pleasantly surprised) Wow. That’s new. SHAWN I was wrong about Jefe, about everything that he’s doing, about everything that he’s ever done. I was wrong. And you were right. CARLOS Why are you telling me this? SHAWN (pulling his gun out from his back pocket) Well, because- CARLOS (Stepping back) Are you fucking kidding me?! SHAWN Shut up! I’m trying to tell you! Here. Shawn holds out his gun by the barrel, so that the handle is facing Carlos. CARLOS What are you doing? SHAWN Take it. Beat. SHAWN You were right Carlos, he wants me to kill you. He said that he’s always going to be safe as long as people are… CARLOS Afraid of him, yeah. I know. SHAWN Not just of him, though. He said that the reason no one has ratted him out yet is because they’re afraid of what this place (gestures at the surrounding city) will become without him here. He hasn’t made these people afraid of him, he’s made them afraid of themselves. CARLOS Everyone sees what he does, they’re just too scared to do anything about it. Yeah, that’s what I was saying. SHAWN How did you know? CARLOS (sitting on his front step) Because I thought about it. It took me a while to figure it out, without your help, but it was always there. The people, the way they acted around him, around us, the way people talked about him. Have you ever really noticed what everyone says about him? They don’t say “Jefe, no one fucks with that guy, he’s got a whole gang of pushers and dealers.” They say shit like, “Jefe, there’s something up with that guy,” or “I don’t know why, but I don’t like him.” They all KNOW what he’s doing, they’re just afraid to say it out loud and make it real. But you were part of the family down there, so I guess you never noticed. Beat. SHAWN Carlos, I’m sorry- CARLOS Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault, you just wanted it more. And if it hadn’t turned out like it did, then we would both be stuck there, probably until we died. SHAWN Well then… you’re welcome, I guess. CARLOS Yea, you too buddy. SHAWN So… now what? CARLOS We get the hell out of here. You’ve got money, right? SHAWN Who’re you talking to? Of course I’ve got money! Carlos Alright, let’s go get Natalia then. SHAWN We can’t. She’s gone. CARLOS Gone? Like out-of-town for the week gone? SHAWN We… fought. She kicked me out of our apartment. CARLOS Well, you’ve apologized once today, how hard can it be a second time? SHAWN I don’t think she’ll want to go anywhere with me. CARLOS You can try, right? SHAWN I guess. CARLOS That’s the spirit. Alright, let’s go grab her, pick up as much money as we can carry, and get out of here. Maybe go to Phoenix for now, I know a few people there. SHAWN No. Not Phoenix. Never Phoenix. CARLOS Fine, then we can start by going north. Head for Seattle maybe. At least get out of the state. SHAWN I don’t want to leave yet. CARLOS What? SHAWN We can’t leave right now. CARLOS Fine, sort out whatever you still have to with Natalia, and then we can hit the road. Tomorrow morning by the latest. SHAWN No, I mean I don’t want to leave the city. CARLOS What, are you kidding me? Shawn, Jefe just sent you TO KILL ME! If you stop working for him, he’s going to come after both of us! SHAWN Exactly. If we leave now, then he’ll have us killed. We need to make sure that he never tries to find us. CARLOS (sarcastically) Are you suggesting that we fake our own deaths? SHAWN (looking surprised) What? No, I was suggesting that we start a gang to rival Jefe’s, and we can do it our way. Although, come to think of it, that might be a good way to cover our tracks, at least for a little while. CARLOS IT… WAS… A… JOKE! And if we try to start a coup against Jefe, we won’t have to fake our deaths. He’ll do it for us, and very convincingly. SHAWN Look, Jefe will want us dead either way. Don’t you see that until we give him a reason not to kill us, we’re going to just be a couple of guys who “know too much?” CARLOS Then why don’t we handle this the way that any other sane person would? SHAWN By doing what Carlos? Moving to a shantytown in Argentina, changing our names, and becoming full-time dock hands? CARLOS Wow, we clearly have VERY different definitions of the word “sane.” We call the police Shawn. We do what no one else has had the courage to do in this town for the past fifteen years. We get rid of Jefe once and for all. God knows he’s already had enough on his rap sheet that it wouldn’t be a tough sell! And then we wouldn’t have to get out of here! We could actually make a DIFFERENCE here! SHAWN If Jefe leaves, someone else will just come take his place. Or worse, a dozen someone elses. CARLOS Isn’t that what Jefe told you? Beat. SHAWN (defensively) Just because he said it, doesn’t mean it isn’t true. (Carlos rolls his eyes). I mean, he has a point, there must be some reason that no one is doing anything about him! They all know, and for some reason they just ignore him. CARLOS Because they think that he’s bigger than the law! But this is the right thing to do. This is how we can survive, without getting ourselves into deeper trouble. SHAWN What would we do after he’s gone then? What skills do we have, other than moving coke and advising dealers? What do we know, other than these streets? CARLOS We can find jobs Shawn. Maybe we go back to school, or work lower-paying gigs. Like normal people. SHAWN But we aren’t normal people Carlos! We are gangsters. We’ve been gangsters from the day we were born, and now, we can finally realize what that actually means. CARLOS And how would that help us make a living? SHAWN We do what Jefe is doing, but on our terms! How many times have we sat around talking about how much more he could be making if he did things the right way? CARLOS We were just talking shit, Shawn! We can’t go after Jefe, are you crazy? SHAWN We don’t have to go after him. If we do this, and do it right, we could take over this city in six months, and push him out of here by this time next year. This is what we were always supposed to do! This is what we signed up for almost ten years ago! We can do this! Beat. CARLOS I’ll give you three weeks Shawn. Three weeks before I go to the police. If you can figure something out by then, if you can start up enough of a ruckus to take his mind off of us, then we’ll see. And I’ll do whatever you need me to do. But if this doesn’t work, if we’re still in danger of being gunned down by our old associates, then I’m going to the LAPD station on West Street and telling them everything that I know. I’m serious. SHAWN In three weeks, we’ll have this city eating out of the palm of our hands. CARLOS Alright then, smart guy. What’s first? SHAWN Get in the backseat of my car. Lie down and DO NOT make a sound. Comprende? CARLOS Whatever you say. Carlos gets in the back seat and lies down. SHAWN (Gets in the driver’s seat of the car). Alright. As of right now, you are officially… (pulling out his gun and cocking it) dead. Shawn starts the car. He rolls down the window, points the gun at the ground a few feet away from the car, and fires three times in rapid succession. He begins to speed away, rolling up the window. CARLOS What the FUCK was that for? SHAWN Just making it look like I did what I was sent here to do. I have to stay in Jefe’s good graces if we want to take down his business from all sides. I have to stay as part of his inner circle, and I can’t do that if you’re “still alive.” CARLOS Wow, it looks like you’ve been thinking about this for a long time. SHAWN I haven’t, and now I‘m back to square one. Now shut up, or people are going to think that I’m talking to someone. CARLOS Can you at least tell me where we’re going? Shawn? Shawn? INT. SHAWN’S APARTMENT -- TWENTY MINUTES LATER Shawn and Carlos are in the hallway in front of Shawn’s apartment. Carlos is looking around, keeping an eye out. SHAWN (unlocking the door) Hopefully, she’s still here. (Tries to open the door, but it’s still locked). Yup, she’s still here. (knocking) Natalia! Natalia, open up! Natalia Fuck you, you have the keys! SHAWN You bolted the door! Please, I just want to talk to you! NATALIA Too bad, cocksucker. SHAWN Natalia- NATALIA Leave or I’m calling the police! SHAWN I thought you already called the police? NATALIA I’m serious asshole! SHAWN Just open the door- NATALIA I’ll count to 3, and then I’m calling the cops. (Beat). 1! SHAWN I left Jefe’s! (Pause). Natalia? (light knock) NATALIA (Opening the door) You did? SHAWN Well, I’m leaving, I have to make sure he doesn’t try to kill me when I decide to… resign. NATALIA How? SHAWN Well, the first step is by pretending that Carlos is dead. Which means that he’s going to be staying here for a little while CARLOS (waving) Hola. NATALIA You’re fucking insane. SHAWN Does that mean that he can come in? NATALIA Him, sure. You? No. CARLOS (squeezing past the two) I’ll be in the backroom. Carlos exits into the back of the apartment. SHAWN You’re still here. NATALIA Well, you didn’t really give me a lot of time to leave. I thought I would least have until morning to pack. SHAWN I’m glad you stayed. And I’m not expecting you to forgive me- NATALIA Save it. You can sleep in the guest room. And if Carlos is there, you can sleep on the couch. SHAWN Wow. That was fast. NATALIA I’m letting you back into your apartment, Shawn. I’m not letting you back into my life. I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t want to work with you, and I would like to see you as little as humanly possible. SHAWN (quickly) Natalia, I just want to say I’m sorry. NATALIA Yeah, you’re sorry for the wrong reasons. I hit you, you hit me back. I’m a big girl, I don’t need you to protect me. But I do need you to treat me like I’m not a burden to your gangster lifestyle, and you never did that. So don’t be sorry for this (pointing to her face). You’ve done a lot worse. (Goes back into the apartment). SHAWN (Going in after her) I’m still sorry! INT. SHAWN’S APARTMENT -- THE NEXT DAY It is morning, nearing noon, and the apartment is unnaturally quiet. Shawn and Carlos sit in the kitchen. Natalia enters, and Shawn and Carlos watch her. She opens the fridge, closes it, looks at Carlos, and stops in front of him. NATALIA (Looking at Carlos) I don’t know what you’re doing, and I don’t care. But if you hurt anyone, I’m never going to speak to you again. CARLOS Uhh… SHAWN Natalia. NATALIA (ignoring Shawn) Do you understand? CARLOS (glancing at Shawn, who nods) Yea. I do. NATALIA Good. Natalia leaves the room, not looking at Shawn. Shawn watches her leave and sighs. He waits a few seconds, and then stands up. SHAWN C’mon. Let’s go. Carlos stands up as well, and Shawn leaves the apartment. Carlos stands in the kitchen, looking where Natalia left, and then follows Shawn. EXT. SHAWN’S OLD APARTMENT -- THAT AFTERNOON It is near sundown, but still light out. Carlos standing by the steps leading into the building, dressed formally. The street it almost completely empty. Shawn comes out of the building, down the steps. CARLOS All good? SHAWN Yeah, they’ve agreed to go to Portland next week. I told them that there was a rumor of a turf war moving into these parts, and they’ve always wanted to get out of California anyway. They’ve both been saying that they’re too old to live here since I was 15. CARLOS And you really think this is necessary, moving them a thousand miles just to keep them out of the way? SHAWN Yes. (looking at Carlos) I don’t think that Jefe would be above killing them both once he finds out that I’m actively trying to destroy everything that he’s built. He’d consider us even, at best, if he personally managed to shoot them both. CARLOS You think? SHAWN He’s an irrational man with violent tendencies. To tell you the truth, I don’t have any idea what he’s going to do. I’ve never been able to predict his next move. Beat. I think that’s why he always seemed so smart to me. And I think… that’ll make him very hard to get rid of. CARLOS We can’t just shoot him? SHAWN No. And if we could, I wouldn’t. He said it himself, if he leaves, ten more guys will try to take his place. CARLOS (Skeptically) He said it? SHAWN I know, I know, but he’s right. That’s why he’s not afraid, because he knows that it’s true. There is a long pause. Shawn appears to be thinking something over, while Carlos bends down and picks up a few small rocks. CARLOS (Throws two rocks. The second hits the stop sign). 1-0. SHAWN (Getting up) We should leave. CARLOS (Throws, hits) 2-0. You suck at this. SHAWN (Picks up a rock and throws it without looking) Let’s get out of here. CARLOS (Throws, misses) Not until you get on the scoreboard. SHAWN (Throws another one, hits) 2-1. Let’s go. CARLOS You’re gonna quit while you’re BEHIND? That’s just sad. (Throws, misses again). The rock narrowly misses a heavy-set Latino MAN dressed in casual working clothes, who is walking by; he is the same man who broke up their first “game” in Scene 2. He looks slightly older, 60, and much more upset. He turns to the boys. MAN What the hell are you DOING? SHAWN Relax, old man! (To Carlos) Can we leave now? MAN Get out of here before I call the cops! (The man looks to be moving towards the boys). CARLOS Alright, let’s go. SHAWN No. (Begins walking towards the man) CARLOS Shawn? MAN (looking up, seeing Shawn) Hey, get out of here! I’m serious, you don’t want to mess with me! SHAWN What the fuck are you gonna do old man? Hm? What’s gonna happen to me if I hit you, huh? (Carlos starts walking after Shawn) MAN I’m warning you! SHAWN (Getting near the man now) What, what are you gonna do? (Shoves the man, who steps back) Telling me where I can and can’t go? Gonna call the cops because I came to visit my mother, huh? (Shoves him again) MAN Back off- SHAWN Or what, you gonna have me “taken care of?” You think you own this street, huh? (Shoves him again. The man falls over) CARLOS (Coming up to Shawn and grabbing him) What are you doing? SHAWN (looking down at the man, who looks old and scared) I don’t know. Beat. Shawn holds a hand out to the old man, who reluctantly takes it. Shawn pulls him up and dusts off his shirt. SHAWN (CONT.) Sorry. Sorry about that. MAN (Brushing Shawn’s hand away) Quit throwing rocks. Someone’s going to get hurt. SHAWN Yeah, we will. MAN Good. (Beat. Man turns and walks away) Carlos WHY- SHAWN I don’t want to talk about it. INT. SHAWN’S APARTMENT -- THE NEXT DAY SHAWN (on the phone) Alright great, I’ll pick you up tomorrow and show you the place. Adios. CARLOS Who was that? SHAWN My cousin Ricky, he lives in San Diego. He runs his own housepainting business, and he’s been trying to move it into LA for a while. I told him that there’s an open place a few blocks from here, and that he should check it out. CARLOS Is this still part of your plan? SHAWN Do you remember what Jefe said about the front, the landscaping stuff? CARLOS That they took on just enough jobs to be able to pretend that they were doing something, without having to put a lot of effort into it. So what? SHAWN So, I’m trying to move a competitor’s company into Jefe’s neighborhood. My cousin’s 28, and I don’t think he’s ever even been high in his entire life. If he comes here, he’s going to be committed to actually doing his job, and doing it well. CARLOS So you’re trying to get Jefe to hire more people, I don’t understand. What’s the endgame here? SHAWN I’m trying to make it so that Jefe can’t just laze around and take 3 jobs a week. We’re going to either push him into spending real time and resources on his business- CARLOS (starting to understand) Taking away from his gang! SHAWN (pressing on) OR, if he keeps doing what he’s doing now, then he’s going to be out of business entirely and won’t have a front to hide behind, and that will distract him. He can’t give up his landscaping, even if he wants to. CARLOS And if he has someone else take care of the business, while he runs the trafficking business? SHAWN Well, even if he doesn’t spend any time on this personally, it will be enough to get everyone else there worrying about the police coming around. And if they’re worried, they might be looking for somewhere else to go. Either way, it’s going to stir up some trouble for him. CARLOS Do you really think that’s a good idea though, bringing your cousin here? Won’t Jefe connect the dots? SHAWN Probably. But we need a front too, and by the time he figures out what’s going on, he’ll have much bigger problems to worry about. For instance, the fact that his main supplier of cocaine is no longer selling to him. CARLOS Really? You’re going to turn the guy who has been helping Jefe move cocaine for twenty years? SHAWN No. All that I have to do is go in a separate car the next time we go to Mexico to pick up a batch. CARLOS Why? SHAWN Because by now, the border patrol recognizes Jefe’s vans and they don’t bother to search them. But as long as I’m in a truck in front of them, I can tip of the patrolmen. CARLOS And you think that’ll matter? You know Jefe just pays those guys off anyway. SHAWN Don’t worry, I’ve got some ideas. EXT. HIGHWAY -- NIGHT -- THREE DAYS LATER Shawn is at the wheel of the white pickup truck. He is on his cellphone, and is alone in the truck. SHAWN Carlos? I’m starting. Make the call in five minutes, and make sure that you and Natalia use different phones. (Beat). Alright, good. I’ll call you when I’m back in California. He hangs up. He takes a deep breath, and then dials a number and puts the phone up to his ear, waiting for the other line to answer. He sounds concerned. SHAWN (CONT.) Yes, is this this the route 35 border patrol office? (Pause). Yes, I have received a tip that there’s a large white van heading towards the border, looking to smuggle cocaine into the United States. Cut to Shawn, driving up to the border, showing his papers, and waiting for the go-ahead. The officer who took his passport comes back shortly. SHAWN Thank you. Oh, and I don’t mean to be a bother, but there was a white van driving behind me a few minutes ago that looked as though it was being driven by a drunk man. I’m not sure if he’s heading this way or not, but I just thought that you should be alerted, sir. PATROLMAN (Speaking into a small walkie-talkie on his shoulder) Got another report on a white van, heading this way. Be advised Sergeant Vaines has decided to personally spot check the van in question should it appear at our border station, over. SHAWN You’ve had problems with this van before? PATROLMAN Just tonight, I think. But your complaint brings it up to a total of five in the past hour. Beat. PATROLMAN (CONT.) Anyway, you’re clear to go on through. Welcome to the United States. SHAWN Thank you sir. Shawn drives away. The camera stays on the for a few seconds on the patrolman, who puts a hand on his gun, looking out towards Mexico. INT. JEFE’S CLUBHOUSE -- DAY -- TWO DAYS LATER Shawn is supervising the packaging of cocaine. He walks around, looking at everyone’s table. He picks up a random package, opens it at the top, and subtly sprinkles another white powder onto the top of the package. He closes it. He does this with another package quickly. INT. JEFE’S CLUBHOUSE -- THAT NIGHT Shawn talking to two new recruits, who look about 17 and very eager. SHAWN Alright, if you have any problems, you come to me, if you can’t find me, you go to Cap. You NEVER talk to Jefe. Beat. SHAWN (CONT.) I’ll tell you what, since you boys seem so eager to start here, I’ll give you a good tip. We have another location about a mile from here, and we need some new blood. The two boys smile at each other. CARLOS V.O. And what if these brilliant “ideas” don’t pan out? We see Cap and Rhino Killer, outside of “Ricky’s Housepainters,” talking to RICKY holding a map and drawing lines with a sharpie marker. Ricky nods and seems to be agreeing with the two. SHAWN V.O. Well they don’t have to be perfect! Juangel inspects a large shipment of cocaine, in the clubhouse, and pauses. SHAWN V.O. I mean, as long as no one catches us in the act… Juangel suddenly pokes a finger into a clear bag of cocaine, smells it, looks and it closely, and begins frantically shouting to people O.S. and waving his arms. SHAWN V.O. No one will be able to stop us. And with a tainted, shrinking supply of cocaine… Jefe, in a small dark room, standing and speaking to two young men, who are giving him the keys to their SUV. Jefe hands them a closed briefcase, and then checks the back of the car. We see that the trunk is quite literally filled with large bags of cocaine. Jefe nods and closes the trunk. SHAWN V.O. We’ll run Jefe right out of business. INT. JEFE’S CLUBHOUSE -- NIGHT Shawn walking in to do some unnamed business. He is dressed down. There are only two people visible, two young men, similar in appearance to Carlos and Shawn, far off in a corner of the clubhouse. As Shawn enters he looks around and the camera pans to the right, and we see Jefe, clad in a brown suit sitting at a small table near the doorway, holding a drink. He turns, sees Shawn, and beckons him over lightly. Shawn goes to him slowly. JEFE Come, sit. Shawn sits, looking down at his hands. Jefe surveys him. How have you been Shawn? SHAWN Better. We see here that he does in fact look unwell. JEFE I can see that. And I think, recently, I’ve pieced it together. SHAWN Yeah? JEFE Yeah. I think I know what’s troubling you. (Shawn doesn’t respond) Trouble with Natalia? SHAWN (looking up slowly, nods) Yeah, a bit. She’s been stressing out lately. JEFE I bet. (Beat) And now you have no one to turn to, no best friend to talk to. Isn’t that right? SHAWN (Looking Jefe straight in the face) Yeah, that’s right. JEFE I understand Shawn. I’ve been thinking on it, believe it or not. I’ve been thinking about Carlos, more than I did when he was running around here. (Beat). It wasn’t right, what I did. SHAWN No. It wasn’t. JEFE Asking you to kill Carlos was worse than asking me to kill Cap. I don’t know why I thought you would be able to do it. SHAWN What do you mean? JEFE Doing something like that, killing someone that you know, takes a strength of character that is unusual in people like you and me. I think I always knew that you didn’t have it. SHAWN I think you’ve misjudged me. JEFE Maybe I have. (Beat). Shawn, did I ever tell you why I started this place? SHAWN You… opened it as after you got out of prison- JEFE Yes, yes, but WHY? You know when, you know where (gestures at the clubhouse), you know who… But do you know why I did it? Camera cuts to under the table. We see Shawn is texting someone discreetly SHAWN No, you never told me. I’ve suppose I never thought about it. Camera cuts back to above the table JEFE Lucky you. It’s a long story, to be sure. It started long before you were born. I was unknown at first. I lost everything, I gained it all back, lost it again… Spent quite a few years in jail. I got caught up in this life. I had trouble understanding the world at times. It was the 90s Shawn, you’re too young to understand, but you can probably relate. Everything was starting to get smaller, faster, and I was getting bigger and slower. (he smiles) So what else could I do? I couldn’t keep up, I couldn’t go back to a normal life, so I had to start something else, something that I had some experience with. Only problem was, all I knew how to do was hustle people and paint houses. SHAWN So you chose the latter? JEFE I built this, didn’t I? SHAWN You built it? JEFE Well, I built the front hall. This didn’t come until later, when we had… expanded our clientele significantly. But I spent most of my money and cashed in a few big favors to get this place up to speed. I hired a few illegals, paid them $5 an hour, and we started painting houses. I restored my reputation around here. I convinced everyone that I was on the straight and narrow again, and I was making pretty good money, even before we started mowing lawns. SHAWN But you were still selling cocaine. JEFE Well… that came in time. All in time. (A long pause. Jefe stares into the bottom of his drink) You know, I think it’s a real shame that it’s taken me this long to wise up. We all want the same thing. Men, we want to create something, or discover something, or BELIEVE in something that will make us immortal. But no one lives forever Shawn. It’s only when we accept how mortal we really are that we can ever do anything worth a damn. People waste their entire lives, trying in vain to build something that will stand the tests of time. Their only shot on this Earth, devoted to a fantasy. SHAWN You think so? JEFE In a thousand years Shawn, who among us will be remembered? How about in ten thousand, when our bones and our houses and the lives we lived are gone, the people we worshipped are gone, our leaders and our ideas, surpassed and ignored, where will we be then? For all it matters, we might as well have never existed. (Beat) I used to think that I could make a difference. I knew how to change things, and more importantly, I could change them. I could do things my way, I could be at the top of the food chain. I would matter. (Pause) And isn’t that what we all want? SHAWN I suppose so. JEFE But we can’t all be at the top, can we Shawn? There can only be one boss, one Jefe- SHAWN One of us. They stare each other down. JEFE You can’t go back Shawn. Once you have your name on a building, and people under your employ, there’s no getting out. People will come after you, people will find you, and people will blame you for everything that you do. You should get out while you still can. SHAWN Is that a threat, sir? JEFE It’s a piece of advice. I sometimes regret getting back into this life, and getting this deep. (Beat). I like you. I admire you, Shawn. You aren’t like Carlos. I won’t be going to Carlos’ funeral. SHAWN (Standing up and putting a hand to his belt) No, you won’t be. JEFE Leave, while you still can. You only get one chance in this life, and if you keep doing what you’re doing, no one can win. SHAWN You know what your problem was Artur? (Jefe looks genuinely shocked) You did everything, all of this, on your own. JEFE I had you. Shawn looks at Jefe, turns, and exits quickly INT. SHAWN’S CAR -- CONTINUOUS Shawn is driving and calling someone, waiting for a response. The other line does not pick up. CUT TO: Shawn running up to his apartment. As he reaches his floor, he pulls out his gun and looks around the corner. We see Cap and another large man, both dressed in dark clothing, exiting Shawn’s apartment building. They both have guns out. Shawn quickly levels his gun at the other man and shoots him in the head. The man falls predictably. Cap screams and turns to face Shawn. SHAWN Cap? CAP (Holding his gun out at Shawn) What the FUCK Shawn? SHAWN (Lowering his gun halfway) I thought he was… Someone else. CAP You shot him! You killed Terrell, you stupid fuck! Camera cuts to the dead man, who we see is in fact Rhino Killer. SHAWN Shit. Beat. He drops his gun to his waist. SHAWN (CONT.) I thought he was Carlos. CAP (Lowering his own gun slightly) What? SHAWN Carlos isn’t dead, Cap. (Beat). I told him to skip town, and I faked his death. But Jefe told me that he was seen around here recently and… I told him that if he ever showed his face in this city again, I would shoot it off. When I saw him, (Points at Rhino Killer) I figured that he had come back to find me. CAP Yeah, Jefe sent us to find him. He figured he would be living here. SHAWN Here?? I would never let Carlos back here. If I ever see him again, I’m going to kill him. CAP Jefe told us that you were helping him. SHAWN I helped him by getting him out of the city. I gave him 1500 dollars and told him to get the hell out of LA. But it seems (looking around) that the ingrate has come back here to try and get more money off of me. CAP (lowering his gun to his side) Shit. (looking at Rhino Killer) Shit. SHIT. Fuck fuck fuck. (Looking back at Shawn) We should have told you. I wanted to, but Jefe was sure that you were hiding him in your apartment. (Beat). It looks like someone left in a hurry. SHAWN That was Natalia. She left last night. CAP Shit. We didn’t find anything of his, but we figured that you guys had probably skipped town. SHAWN No, I was just at the clubhouse. As soon as Jefe told me that Carlos was back, I came here. CAP Well, he isn’t here. SHAWN Let’s go. I think I know where he is. He turns to leave. CAP I want to take Terrell. SHAWN Put him inside, he’s not going anywhere. CAP I want to take him. SHAWN Alright, fine. But you carry him. Cap bends down and picks up Rhino Killer in a fireman’s lift. CUT TO: Shawn and Cap walking to Shawn’s car. Cap sets Rhino Killer’s body on the pavement on the opposite side of the street. As Cap approaches the car, almost at the sidewalk Shawn, who is behind him, levels his gun at Cap’s head and shoots him once, through the back of his head. Cap falls to the ground unceremoniously. Shawn walks to the body, lifts it, and puts it in his trunk. He gets in his car, makes a U-turn, and does the same thing with Rhino Killer’s body. He closes the trunk and gets back in the car. CUT TO: Shawn pulling up to Carlos’ house. Carlos walks out with Natalia close behind him. Carlos is holding a hand gun. Shawn turns off the car and gets out. CARLOS Is everything alright? Did anyone follow you? Shawn ignores him and walks to the trunk of his car, unlocking it CARLOS (CONT.) Shawn? Shawn opens the trunk. POV from the trunk, with Carlos looking in and Shawn standing by the side of the car. Natalia comes up behind Carlos, gags, and leaves. POV switches back to third person, on the sidewalk. We see Natalia hurrying back to the house, ignoring Shawn. SHAWN Natalia! She goes inside. Beat. Shawn lifts the bodies out of his trunk. SHAWN (CONT.) Get your keys. CARLOS You want to take MY car? SHAWN They know you aren’t dead, but they might not know that I’m helping you. They went to my place, but Cap believed me when I told him that I was trying to kill you. We need to take your car. CARLOS (Sighs) Fine. Carlos turns back and walks into the house. Shawn looks down at the bodies, and then drags one of them over to Carlos’ trunk. INT. CARLOS’ CAR -- A HALF HOUR LATER Shawn is driving, with Carlos in the back seat. They are in the neighborhood of Jefe’s. They pull up to Jefe’s at speed, quickly turn the car around near the back door, and the trunk pops open. POV switches to inside the clubhouse, with Jefe, who looks as though he is about to leave the clubhouse via the front door. He is looking out curiously. There are several people near the car and the back door. Carlos shoves the bodies onto the ground. Panic ensues. POV switches to the car. CARLOS Drive, Shithead! Carlos uses his handgun to shoot out of the trunk, firing four shots. We see in the BG at least two more bodies fall to the ground. Shawn speeds away, and cries of Carlos’ name are heard distantly. Carlos closes the trunk as a single bullet is fired at his car, but misses by several meters. Shawn turns onto the street and speeds away. INT. JEFE’S OFFICE -- CONTINUOUS Jefe walking into his office, about 30 seconds later, sighing, and sits down. He looks at himself in his mirror, straightens his jacket, and opens his desk drawer, pulling out a pen. INT. CARLOS’ CAR -- CONTINUOUS Shawn and Carlos in the car, about ten seconds later. SHAWN That was pretty damn good. We can probably move onto recruiting more kids now, which shouldn’t be too hard after that. (Beat) Did you hit anyone? CARLOS I think so. I saw a few people go down, but they might have been- Shawn’s cellphone rings as Carlos moves into the front seat. SHAWN Shit. It’s Juangel. Don’t say anything. (Answers his phone) Hey Juangel what’s- (Pause) Relax, who’s dead? What? How? (Pause) When did this happen? (Pause) And where’s Jefe? (Pause) Well, go find him. I can come back in if I need to, but Jefe might be able to get things under control. Just lock the place down, get armed, and stay put, alright? Don’t let anyone leave. Have Jefe call me when you find him. (Pause. Shawn hangs up). Well, they know it was you, but they still seem to trust me. CARLOS Unless they’re trying to lure you back so they can kill you. SHAWN I’m not going back. Besides, once they find Jefe, they’ll know that I was with you. This just buys us a few minutes to get away from here. Shawn turns on the radio. A song begins playing as he drives. The scene cuts out, and we see that we are still in the car with Carlos and Shawn, but a different song is now ending on the radio. Shawn gets another call on his cellphone, turns the radio off, hesitates, and then answers it. SHAWN Hey Juangel, did you find- (Pause) What? What do you mean? (Pause) How do you know? (Pause) Did you see- (Pause) Alright, I’ll be there in five minutes. He hangs up the phone and turns around. CARLOS You’re not actually going back? SHAWN Drop me off a block away from the Jefe’s. I need you to- CARLOS Shawn- SHAWN Listen Carlos! We might be able to take over this city TONIGHT if we do this right. Just go get Natalia, make sure she isn’t going to head out for Mexico or whatever, and if I don’t call in two hours, then leave the city and don’t come back. CARLOS What makes you think Jefe won’t have you killed the second you walk into that clubhouse? You aren’t bulletproof Shawn. SHAWN (smiling) I am tonight. Now let’s go, we’ve got to do this quick. CARLOS (sighing) Whatever pulls your trigger. Beat. SHAWN Hmm. Not bad. CARLOS Really?? SHAWN Not great, but not bad. INT JEFE’S CLUBHOUSE -- TEN MINUTES LATER Shawn is walking into the clubhouse via the open back door. There are no bodies, but a substantial amount of blood is on the floor. Shawn points to a random man, 20, who looks distressed. SHAWN Close this door, what, you want another drive by in here? The man hurries to close the large door, while Shawn watches. The clubhouse seems smaller without the access to the outside. Shawn walks away, leaving the clubhouse via the front door. CUT TO: INT. JEFE’S OFFICE -- CONTINUOUS There is a large stain on the wall behind Jefe’s desk. Juangel and another man are at the door, and Shawn enters behind them. The camera pans the room, and we see that there is a body on the floor. It is Jefe, clearly dead, a gun next to one of his hands. Juangel appears to have been crying. Shawn walks to the body and crouches down. SHAWN Call Benny. Make sure all the doors are locked. Come back here as soon as you can. Juangel exits. Shawn looks at Jefe, and searches his coat. He finds an envelope in the front pocket, with his [Shawn’s] name on it. Shawn looks puzzled, and picks up the envelope. He looks at it, considering it for several seconds, before putting it in a wastebasket next to Jefe’s desk, unopened. Enter Juangel. JUANGEL Benny is on his way, he- (Beat). Shawn? SHAWN (Looking at Juangel) Good. Listen, I’ve gotta go find Carlos. It might take me a while to track him down, but I should be back in two days at the latest. JUANGEL There’s no need. Carlos is dead. SHAWN No, you don’t understand. I told Jefe that- JUANGEL No no, I know man, but he’s actually dead. We sent some cars out to find him and he was going south a few blocks away from here. Rammed his car and then shot him twice in the head. They’re bringing him in now. A long pause. SHAWN Was he with anyone? CUT TO: INT. NATALIA’S CAR Natalia is driving. She passes a large sign that reads “Welcome to Utah!” while Juangel’s voice is heard. JUANGEL V.O. It’s weird, people said that they saw Carlos in the back of his car, but he was driving, and he was the only body that they found. Cut back to Jefe’s office. A long pause. JUANGEL (CONT.) Shawn? Listen, if you need to head home- SHAWN I’m fine. Have someone come in here and move this body. Beat. Go to Lakeshore Road, a few blocks west of here, there’s another landscaping business, Ricky’s. You’ll find Ricky there, tell him that I sent you, and that I want him over here as soon as possible. Pull back all of the trucks that we have out right now, tell all of the drivers that they get the rest of the day off. As soon as you get back, I need you grab a few guys and head down to Mexico, patch up a few things with our supplier. Go with my blessing. I need a car and a driver for tomorrow morning, to go upstate for some personal affairs. Send Benny to me when he gets here, I need to talk to him privately. From now on, only one at a time in here. Oh, and I want the sign out front changed. JUANGEL Jefe’s landscaping? SHAWN Not anymore. “Padrone Cortez.” Here. He writes it down and hands the slip of paper to Juangel. JUANGEL (Confused) Uhh, alright. And the logo? Beat. SHAWN It stays. Now bye-bye. Juangel exits. Shawn turns towards the window and pulls back the shutters, looking out for about fifteen seconds. He goes to the wastebasket and takes out the envelope. He then sits and surveys his desk, eventually leaning back and sighing. He tears open the envelope and removes the letter inside, and he unfolds it and begins to read it as the screen fades to black. THE END |