Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1903524-Just-A-Little-Help
by Israel
Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1903524
Zack tries to help his alcoholic dad to stop wasting his life away drinking.
“I can stop whenever I want,” shouted Ruben.

“Then why don’t you, please dad just stop drowning yourself with alcohol,” pleaded Zack.

“You’ve been like this since-” Zack said cutting himself off.

“Since what, tell me!” demanded Ruben. “Since mom left dad, you blame yourself. You’re not the reason she left”. Upset and frustrated, Ruben left the room leaving Zack in despair.

“I can never get through to him” thought Ruben to himself.

         Sad and hopeless, like every other day Zack went to his room, turned off the lights and put on his Hollywood Undead track. It seemed that music could only explain the way he felt.
         His mom and his dad were together for 15 years. They never had any problems relationship wise, but then things started to change once Ruben started the habit of drinking. They fought a lot more, and they always got into arguments. He was only three when his mom and dad were separated . Ruben always decided to get drunk and he never took care of Zack or Maria. He picked that habit up one day he was at one of his buddy’s house playing cards. Somehow he must’ve been talked into drinking by one of his friends, guessing the fact that he can take all his troubles away by a “Miller’s Lite”.
Zack couldn’t stand to see his only father drinking himself to death every day. It killed him inside to see his dad drink away every second of his life. He works 2 hour jobs, and he mostly drinks throughout the entire 2 hours.

“Why won’t he let me help me?” hopelessly thought Zack.

         He removes his red headphones that have “Z.G” encrypted on the left earpiece. This stood for Zack Guerro. His mom got him those earphones when she was still with his father. It was Christmas Eve. Zack and his mom were at the mall buying gifts for his little cousins, but there was a booth that said
“Without music, life would be a mistake” in bold blue letters and music notes surrounding the words.

“Wow, that’s awesome “Zack said in total amazement. He walked closer to the booth and saw a pair of red headphones, and he knew they would be perfect for him.

“Mom, come look at this” shouted Zack as he was chasing after his mom.

“What is it, son?” asked Maria, Zack’s mom.

“Those red headphones, I love them. Can I get those for Christmas please”, pleaded Zack

“I dunno they’re kinda pricey” said Maria as she was shaking her head.

“Oh Okay” Zack said in disappointment.

         The next morning Zack woke up to his mother singing “Jingle Bells” and he already knew that it was Christmas. In excitement Zack hopped out of his bed and ran as quick as he can to the living room. There he saw his mom holding a present. It was a small red box, which had a shiny white bow on it. In total curiosity he opened the box and there they were, the red headphones he pleaded for the day before.
“Miss you mom” said Zack softly.

“Zack! Zack!” cried Ruben from the living room.

“What?” hollered Zack.

“Dad?” Zack said hesitantly

         No response...
Curious to see why his dad wouldn’t answer Zack gets from his bed and heads to the living room.

“Did you call-“Zack said while cutting himself off.

When Zack turned the corner he was frightened to see his father on the floor with his beer all over the floor. Ruben was bleeding from his mouth and he wasn’t moving. Zack had to do something.
“Oh my god, Dad what’s wrong?” said Zack frightened.

Zack had to call 911, He had to report this. He quickly scrambled to the phone he had in the kitchen and called an ambulance.
“911, what’s your emergency”

“My dad… My dad he...He needs help” Zack says as he tries to fight back the tears that were rushing to his eyes.

“Is your father okay” asked the operator

“I dunno, he’s not moving. Just please come quick” pleaded Zack

“Well we need your street address if we’re going to be able to send an ambulance”, stated the operator.

“3542 Maple Lane, Please hurry!” Pleaded Zack as he hung up the phone to attend his dad.
© Copyright 2012 Israel (obeyizzy96 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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