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Rated: · Fiction · Religious · #1901159
chapter 3 of novel "Lost in the Land of the Midnight sun
Chapter 3. Plans
Angelica stood at the kitchen sink drying dishes and staring out the window at the mountains in the distance, lost in her fantasies.
“An Exciting day today!” Nana placed another dish in the rinse water. “You’re 18th birthday. Such a big day! You must be anxious to find out what wonderful things you will be getting as gifts.”
“Mmmm hmmm” Angelica was not really hearing what her Nana had said, only sensed a response was needed.
“What!” Angelica shouted, startled out of her reverie.
“You have not heard a word I have been saying to you. You are an adult now; you must stop your childish daydreaming. And do not shout at me again!” Nana plopped the plate in her hand too forcefully into the rinse water sending a plume of it up and all over the front of Angelicas shirt.
“oh…” Angelica exclaimed, and rushed to her room to change so her Nana wouldn’t see the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. Leaving her Nana to finish the breakfast dishes alone, Angelica sat on her bed and pulled a book out from under her pillow. Bowing down close to the page and writing feverishly, she added the latest part of her elaborate escape plan to the pages of her journal.

“Angelica…” Her nana called a little later from the kitchen.
“Yes Nana, coming!” Angelica called, hiding her journal back under her pillow, quickly pulling on a dry shirt and hurrying out to see what she wanted.
“Since you left me to finish the dishes alone, you can go to the trading post and get these items I need for your party tonight,” Nana said, holding out a list written on the familiar homemade paper they made from tree bark every fall.
“Of course Nana, I would be happy to” Angelica took the list from her Nana and went to get her beaver trimmed beaded moccasins and cape made of the tanned skin of a mountain goat. Closing the door carefully so the brisk south wind would not blow it open she headed north through the camp toward the trading post. Though it was late spring on the Alaskan Tundra the air was nippy and soon turned Angelicas cheeks and nose a rosy red. It would soon be time to break winter camp and leave their cozy cabins just inside the tree line at the base of the mountains of the Alaska Range. They would head west toward the Kuskokwim River for a summer of fishing and living in tents. The journey to the river was an annual time of celebration. It was a time of freedom unlike any other time of the year for Angelica. The men and women would travel separately from each other in large groups, sleeping in communal tents at night, the women following a trail blazed by groups of their men in the daytime. This was when Angelica had decided would be the perfect time to slip away unnoticed. If things worked out like she hoped nobody would realize she was gone until the journey was over and they had reached the river and set up the more permanent camp, each family returning to their own tent.
“Where are you headed all by yourself on this beautiful spring day?”
Angelica looked up to find Adrian standing in front of her and inwardly cringed. All the girls admired him for his almost feminine good looks, his shiny dark hair hung over his forehead almost to his eyes and never seemed to fall out of place. A set of puppy dog brown eyes and full red lips served to make him one of the most popular young men in the whole camp. Angelica however, was not interested or impressed with his charming ways. Of all the bad Birthday luck, she thought as she sidestepped him and kept on going.
“Personal business.” She called out vaguely behind her as she continued on her way. “
“Well, perhaps I could escort you. You may need help with your ‘personal business’” Adrian said with a wink and a smile.
“That’s ok. I won’t need any help.” Angelica called and picked up her pace toward the trading post, hoping that he would not follow.
Unfortunately, she soon heard his footsteps behind her as he trotted to catch up. “Well I’m headed this way anyway so I’ll just keep you company on your way.”
‘Great, just what I need.’ Groaned Angelica silently.
“Whatever”. She mumbled.
“You know Angelica, you should try to be nicer to me. Rumor has it our fathers have made a marriage contract, and they were heard toasting their good fortune and newly formed family ties. I certainly can’t have my bride being cold and standoffish to me on my wedding night, so perhaps you should start practicing treating me with affection now, that way when the time comes…”  He left the sentence hanging in the air between them and Angelicas rosy cheeks heated to a deeper shade at the innuendo.
“I promise, you will never have to worry about my affection for you, or lack of it, on your wedding night.” Angelica smiled and thought to herself. ‘Because it will not be me who will be your bride, I will be long gone by the time that ever happens.’
Angelica suffered Adrian’s presence for the rest of the walk to the trading post, and he continued to follow her through the small building as she gathered the things on her Nana’s list. He insisted on carrying the bundles home for her, and since she had no choice but to put up with him, she figured she might as well give herself the luxury of not having to carry anything. Adrian continued to make remarks regarding their future married life and it’s possibilities. Angelica refused to respond and instead filled her mind with plans for her escape, and the beginning of her search for her mother and the man Jesus. Adrian carried the bundles into the cabin and greeted Nana warmly, kissing her on each cheek.
“Thank you for your help Adrian.” Angelica held the door open, hoping he’d take the hint and leave quickly.
“Anything for my future bride.” He whispered as he passed by her and out onto the porch.
“See you tonight!” He called from the bottom step, and before angelica could reply, he had bounded down the trail and disappeared.
“What did he mean by that?” angelica sputtered as she turned to where her grandma stood opening her bundles.
“Your father has invited Adrian and his parents to your birthday party.” Nana informed her.
“Oh great; Just great.” Huffed Angelica
“Young lady, you need to grow up and lose this childish attitude. Your father has your future in mind. You ought to be grateful. Now come and help me put these things away.
“Yes, Nana.” Angelica complied with her Grandma’s wishes, but inside she secretly longed for the day when she would be free from this place, out from under her father’s thumb, and even free from the code. Guilt rose inside her as she relished the thought of  freedom from the code; but it wasn’t enough to keep her from wanting that freedom, so she pushed it back into the recesses of her mind..

The party was just as bad as Angelica imagined it would be. Even with a spray of her favorite tundra flowers nestled among evergreen leaves decorating the mantle above the hearth the room seemed uninviting and cold. She could smell the Caribou Sausage sizzling from the hearth stone and it made her stomach rumble, but when the hunger pangs mixed with the sourness of her anxiety it only served to make her feel sick to her stomach.
Angelica put on a happy face for the sake of her guests. Her father seemed to be watching her more closely than usual. When Adrian and his family arrived Anthony met them at the door with enthusiasm, grabbing Nicholai ?’s hand and enveloping him in a hug like they were long lost brothers. The two men sat together of to one side near the hearth, laughing and toasting each other with their mugs of hot Russian Tea.
Young men and women she had sat in the same one room schoolhouse with all her life greeted Angelica and handed her gifts wrapped in homemade paper died various shades of pink. None of them would have dreamed of not attending a party at the High Priests house, but none of these kids had ever been considered Angelica’s friends. Some of them had made attempts at friendship but Angelica had always been able to see through their act and knew it was only because she was the High Priests daughter that they made the effort. Therefore, over the years she had slowly withdrawn from them. She couldn’t understand their giggling whispers about the boys from the good families, and the malicious gossip about other girls that they felt were beneath them. Those other Girls were not invited to the party by her father; because of who their families were. Angelica felt she had more in common with those outcast girls than she did to any of these girls from the ‘upper crust’, but the few times she had made a friend of one of them her father had disapproved so strongly that it just hadn’t seemed worth effort to maintain the friendships.
The time dragged on forever and soon people began to get restless to leave. Angelica would be glad to see them all go so she could retreat into the solitude of her room, write in her journal and dream about her plans. Adrian moved to her side and grabbed her hand, tucking it into his elbow. “Smile Angel, and brace yourself, here it comes.” Before Angelica could ask him what he meant by that, both of their fathers rose from their seats and began clinking their spoons on the side of their mugs.
“Excuse me everyone, if we could have your attention”, boomed Adrian’s Father. “We have some very special news for everyone tonight… Rabbi…” Adrian’s father turned and bowed to the Rabbi who stepped forward to speak. Angelica felt her knees go watery and there seemed to be a rushing sound in her ears. She groaned aloud without meaning to. Adrian put an arm around her waist and gripped her hand in his, keeping her on her feet seemingly only through the power of his determination. “Hang on; it’ll all be over in just a minute.” He whispered.
“I would like to announce to you all the betrothal of my daughter Angelica to the Son of ??, Adrian. They will be married two months from now in August beside the Kuskokwim River. I am very proud to count Adrian and his family as one of our own and welcome them into our family “
“And we welcome you to our family as well Rabbi, it is our honor to do so.”
The guests all applauded and called out their congratulations. Angelica was too wrapped up in her despair at the announcement to notice the jealous looks or shaking heads of the other girls when they found out the camps most eligible son had just been promised to the High Priests daughter, a girl who didn’t even seem to want him. “It’s so unfair.” They whispered to each other as they gathered their things to leave.
Adrian escorted Angelica out the side door off the kitchen and into the yard.
“Are you ok Angelica?”
“I don’t want to get married! I’m not ready for that! I barely even know you!” Angelica stammered.
“I can see that.” Replied Adrian soberly.
“I’m sorry.” Angelica said as the cool air calmed her and cleared her head. “I don’t know why I reacted like that. I knew what was coming, I don’t know why I wasn’t more prepared for it. I guess I panicked, please forgive me.”
“Don’t worry about it. I understand. You know, I’m not all that eager to be tied down for the rest of my life and plagued with a family myself. I just don’t see that either one of us have any choice in the matter. We may as well make the best of it, don’t you think.” Adrian pulled Angelica toward him in the moonlight and lowered his mouth toward hers until their lips very softly touched. Angelica gasped and jumped out of his embrace. Then lifting her deerskin skirt in her hands she turned and rushed back into the house. fleeing to the sanctuary of her room.
Adrian stood out in the yard for some time after Angelica had fled back inside. He hadn’t been all that thrilled when his father had informed him of the marriage he had arranged. Adrian understood that having their family united to the family of the high priest was a big deal. Since the high priest had no sons, Adrian’s own potential son would someday be the High Priest. It was a very big deal indeed. Adrian however had no desire to be stuck in a loveless marriage; he enjoyed the presence and charms of the softer sex far too much. He preferred their passion to match his, and did not relish the thought of having to force his affections on an unwilling wife. Angelica was beautiful after all, and he had always been able to charm the most beautiful girls. Judging from the reaction he’d just witnessed, two months would be more than enough time to win this quiet girls heart. He would simply have to tread softly and take things slower than usual. Pleased with himself Adrian headed home, whistling softly, and with a spring in his step.
Angelica lay in bed for a long time that night thinking about what had happened. She couldn’t understand why her dad would make arrangements for her to marry and then announce it to everyone without ever talking to her about it. She was smart enough to have figured out that their two fathers were making plans and talking about it, but to actually make an agreement without her having any say or even being informed. This was just one more reason why Angelica couldn’t wait to get away from this place and out from under the infernal code. Her mind wandered to the moments in the moonlight with Adrian. He had seemed genuinely concerned. Looking back at his actions Angelica realized he knew exactly what was going to happen and he also knew she had no idea. He had held her up when she couldn’t stand and had whisked her away and into the privacy of the back yard. His voice had been kind, and up until the moment when his lips touched hers she hadn’t questioned his motives at all.
Heat flooded Angelicas face at the memory, and it seemed she could still feel the warm brush of his lips on hers. The tightening in her chest and fluttering of her stomach worried Angelica. She was not one of those silly giggling girls, she was different, she wasn’t a fool easily swayed by a man turning on the charm, or a handsome face. It was a good thing she would be leaving soon, a very good thing. Angelica forced her thoughts to future possibilities and dreams of finding her mother and eventually fell asleep.
© Copyright 2012 TinaBambina (tinabambina at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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