Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1899077-newtons-fourth-lawchapter-01
by mirror
Rated: E · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1899077
An invention effects the world more than a scientist intends to....


         This is my favorite place. I loved to sit at the mountain top and watch the sky and clouds, always in peace and harmony with each other. The greenery on earth just made the place more pure. Sky felt like a huge blanket protecting me from the rest of the unknown world.
         I want to invent and create things just as beautiful as this. I want to be a scientist. When I said to my father, “I want to make earth a better place to live in”, he said,” do what you want, but don’t make world a more miserable place to live in, than it already is”. I nodded thoughtfully, though I didn't understand what he meant.

After 20 years…
         Another boring press meet. It started with my friend Fred's speech. He was a handsome man. Standing nearly six feet tall, he looked good in a black tuxedo. He started by welcoming the guests, which included the reporters and me, of course. He went on to tell them about my fantastic new invention, the humaprosthesis.
          “Prosthesis", he said," the artificial body parts is already been in use in the medical field, but the one ROBERT CRUZ invented is very much similar to human body parts and almost replace it in every way. It’s almost impossible to differentiate original body parts and humaprosthesis without medical tests. My company has started the production of humaprosthesis. They are very economical and will be available all over the world. I want my friend, the inventor to continue the speech. Robert please takes over”. He gave me the mike with a mocking smile on his face.
         All I want is to be in my lab, doing what I enjoy, my work. I took the mike and strolled to the center of the stage lazily. I gave a friendly smile and started saying, “As said by Fred Humaprosthesis is very similar to normal human parts not only in the way they look but also in the way they function. If fixed once just acts as normal body part. They have skin and blood in them and are exactly similar to normal body parts. But the only difference is they do get injuries but don’t hurt. I wanted people using mechanical body parts to not feel different or any inferiority or comfortless. So that made me invent this. And one more important advantage of this is it don’t have any disadvantages. It can’t be hurt by any pathogens, even if effected can be identified and replaced immediately”.
         OK that’s my limit of saturation. So I took a deep breath and gave genuine smile controlling my irritation and continued,” so, not wasting any more precious time of yours. Any questions? ”
         After six to seven stupid similar questions, one reporter asked, ” you are being called as a fantasy scientist. Any comments?”
         I liked her for three reasons.
One- she finally asked a useful question, not forcing me to give explanation about humaprosthesis again and again.
Two- she called me the fantasy scientist.wow.
Third- It’s impossible not to like someone who is so beautiful.
         OK, now the answer! Looking at her a smile came on my face without my permission. “Fantasy is the correct description for the work I do. More than need and desire, I like to fulfill people’s fantasies and dreams. Prosthesis is satisfying the need of people suffering with deficiency of body part, but humaprosthesis is the dream or fantasy of people using prosthesis and that is what I do. So I accept being the fantasy scientist. And I’m proud of it too. Thank you” I said giving one more involuntary warm smile.
         She has a lean frame of average height with blush on her cheeks. Her black eyes were sparkling with excitement and wonder. She looked lovely. I waited for her to ask any other interesting questions like this, but I guess she didn't have any. I wanted this press meet to end with a good question and since she is not planning on asking any more questions, I decided this is the end. And at last I said those last two relieving words ”thank you” and left the stage. Fred and I moved toward the exit together.
“You kinda liked her, didn't you?” he said. I rolled my eyes for his benefit, but was that so obvious on my face? One of the biggest disadvantages of lacking acting skills. With a last long glance at her, I left the room unwillingly.
         After reaching his car, he said, “This is going to be another revolution in medical history. What are your plans now?”. Suddenly my phone rang and I was surely surprised and happy to see that number on my phone after a long time. I immediately answered it excited, “hey dad!!”
“Hello son, congratulations.”
“Thanks dad. Finally I made something without any disadvantages!! Just as you told me”
“Hmm. What are you planning to do next?”
“I’m starting work on a humacyborg, similar to cyborg but difficult to identify and of course with super features in it!! I’m so excited about it!!”
“I was afraid you would say that son. There is nothing in this man made world that has no disadvantages”
“Yeah, of course except my humaprosthesis” I said with a sour expression.
“You are a good scientist but not good enough to have a vision of how every new invention affects the future”
“What are you trying to tell dad? Tell me any one disadvantage of humaprosthesis please?”
“Even if I tell you, should have some power to understand it. When time comes you will know by yourself. I just hope when you realize it not too late”
“Remember one thing. Your invention affects the world more than you intend. Bye son”
I said,” Bye” to the empty line.
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