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by Kyle
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1891353
Maera O'Carrick and her best friend since she can remember Kian McMurray are inseparable.
This is still in the beginning stages. I'd love feedback but try not to be too harsh as it is a work in progress. Thank you! Hope you enjoy! :)

“All she wanted for her birthday was a new bike, and I failed to get it for her.” Her mother was heard to say woefully.
              Little Maera O’Carrick had just entered her junior year of high school when she passed away. Maera was a girl with blond hair and blue-green eyes. She had freckles dusted across her nose. Little wasn’t just a pet name. Maera was incredibly short and slight in frame.
Maera had been on her way to the local pub known as Connor’s Brew.  On her way she had come across a bike, almost in pristine condition.
Maera had wanted a bike like this for ages and had asked for one for her recent birthday. She had ended up with things she found completely useless instead.  She detested her new stereo. She detested her new skirts. She detested her new sneakers, but most of all, she detested her old bike.
              Said bike, had transported Maera to and from school since she was ten years old. She was known to wave and holler out a greeting to any being she came across. Everyone had come to know her warm and lively smile.
                Maera stood coveting this nearly new bike. She wanted it for her own. Maera was half debating stealing the bike when her best friend Kian McMurray showed up. He put one hand on the bike, unknowingly showing Maera that the bike belonged to her dearest friend.  Kian smiled at her with his warm, engaging smile. Maera forced a smile back at him and hoped it looked natural on her face.
              “Oh, please, let him buy the smile. Just for today.” Maera thought.
              Kian looked at Maera doubtfully for a few moments but then shrugged it off.  Maera let out her breath.
              “Hey, Maera, I’m stopping by Granny’s for a bit. Want to come with?” Kian asked of her.
Maera thought about it.
              “Kian, I would but it’s such a long walk.  By the time we get back it’ll be dark and I won’t have a ride home either. Sorry.” Maera said truly feeling remorse.
Kian smiled.
              “Don’t be silly. You can ride on the handlebars the way you used to when we were kids and you didn’t bring your bike. “Kian replied easily.
              “Well, I don’t know. I’m kind of wearing a skirt.” Maera said.
Kian laughed at that. Maera smiled at his easy laughter.
              “When has that ever stopped you before Maera O’Carrick? Come on. It’ll be just like old times again.” Kian coaxed.
Maera gave in. She did want to ride on that bike.
“Oh, alright McMurray, but you had better get me home before supper or my mother will skin you alive.” Maera threatened.
              Kian smiled.
“Oh, that I know, Little Maera. I used to frequent your house quite often now didn’t I?” Kian said with a bright smile.
Maera had just made the decision that would end in her death but she didn’t know that quite yet.
Maera sat on the handlebars and hung on the way she had when she had been little. Kian started to peddle and off they went.  They were halfway to Kian’s grandmother’s house when a group of tourists stopped them to take a picture. Maera and Kian hopped off of the bike to take the picture. Maera took the camera and waited while the tourists got themselves ready.  Kian stood by with another camera that had been produced.
              “So, what is it like living in Ireland?” A female tourist asked.
              Maera responded with “Quiet and peaceful but only if you’re not with one of the McMurrays mind you.”
Kian responded with “Aye, quiet and homely, as long as you don’t get caught up with the O’Carricks.”
Both Maera and Kian laughed when the tourists looked stumped.
“Maera O’Carrick, the blond haired she-devil with sea goddess eyes.” Kian said pointing to Maera.
“Kian McMurray, the dark-haired daemon king with grey faerie prince eyes.” Maera said pointing to Kian.
The tourists started laughing at that. Maera raised the camera and got ready for the shot, as did Kian. One of the tourists gave a thumbs up and suddenly Maera’s world went black.
Maera awoke after her body was slammed into the floor. She felt herself moving before her eyes actually opened. When her eyes finally did open, Maera caught a glimpse of wildlife going by through a closed window. Maera recognized it as part of her homeland. That meant they were still in the Eire, they couldn’t have made it too far.
Maera suddenly remembered Kian. He had been there with her. She started to panic. Was he alright? Had he been hurt? A flood of emotions flew over Maera.  She relaxed when she heard a familiar groan of discomfort.
“Kian?” Maera whispered.
“Maera? Is that you?” Kian asked.
Maera replied with a quaint “yes”.
“Quiet back there!” A deep masculine voice snapped.
Maera and Kian didn’t say another word the entire ride. If they had, they might have been spared in the end.
The ride finally ended after what seemed hours to Maera. She felt the car stop and heard a car door open. Moments later she was being dragged towards a large Victorian style house. Maera could hear footsteps behind her. She hoped they were Kian’s and that he hadn’t been taken elsewhere.
                Once in the house, Maera was even more amazed.  The inside was splendorous and magnificent wherever your eyes happened to wander. Maera had to wonder why she was being taken here of all places. What type of kidnappers would hole up in this kind of place? Maera decided the majority of the kidnappers would have to be female to choose such a place as this. She couldn’t have known how wrong she was.
                              “Move.” Maera’s captor ordered.
Maera started forward. Her captor led her through a series of halls and stairs that were of a complexity that Maera had never dreamt of. Maera stared slack mouthed as she was led through this maze, taking in everything as she went.  All at once, Maera found herself in front of a large wooden door.  Her captor opened the door and shoved her through its opening. Her small body thudded to the ground.  As Maera tried to lift herself from the ground, something slammed into her body, causing her to fall again.
All of the breath rushed out of Maera’s body. The heavy mass that had knocked her to the floor rolled off of her. Maera lay there, trying to catch her breath.  She could faintly hear the sound of another person’s breathing.
“Kian?” Maera asked timidly.
“Maera?” Kian’s voice replied.
Maera sat up and found him lying on the floor; blood was splattered across his face.
“Oh my! Kian!” Maera called out.
Kian sat up slowly and smiled that everlasting grin. He wiped some of the blood from his face.
“Relax, Maera. Most of this belongs to the brute who threw me in here.” Kian said easily.
“And the rest?” Maera asked worriedly.
“Split lip. Punched me in the mouth, he did.” Kian reassured.
Maera threw her arms around him tightly. She started to weep.
“Oh you bloody fool, Kian McMurray. “ Maera sobbed.
Kian held Maera.
“I know, but you still adore me.” Kian teased.
Maera thought back to all of the time they’d spent together as children. She remembered the day that she and Kian had finally finished their tree fort. She remembered the day that they had both learned to ride their bikes. She remembered the day that Kian had broken his arm and gotten a cast on it. Maera remembered trying to break her arm as well to match Kian. Maera had always had Faerie luck on her side though. Maera remembered when Kian was fifteen and he had kissed her in their tree fort. Maera remembered the day she and Kian had gone to watch fireworks together. Maera remembered every last memory.
Maera looked into Kian’s eyes and kissed him with everything she had in her tiny body. Kian kissed back. He was shocked by Maera’s ferocity. He had never known her to be this passionate. Kian pulled back and looked into her eyes. Maera chewed on her lip and looked down, tears in her eyes.
“I guess this would be a good time to confess, huh?” Kian asked.
Maera looked up at that.
“Confess what?” Maera asked in a whisper.
“I love you Maera O’Carrick. I always have. “Kian admitted.
The heavy wooden door swung open and Kian was ripped from Maera’s arms.
“Say good bye princess. He won’t be coming back.” One of the captors snarled.
“No!” Maera screamed.
Maera ran at him but he knocked her easily aside. Maera went to get up and the captor delivered a swift kick to her abdomen. Maera tried to get up again.
“Maera! Stay down. It won’t do any good to fight anymore. We’re done.” Kian said defeated.
Maera looked up at him, taking in every one of his features for the last time.
“I love you Maera.” Kian called as he was being dragged away.
“I love you too Kian Mc Murray!” Maera called as Kian was being dragged away.
Kian closed his eyes and let his sweet smile play across his lips one last time.
Maera memorized that smile, along with his chiseled features, dark brown, almost black hair, and his grey lively eyes. She memorized the way his clothes sat just right on his body and the way his hands were artistic even at rest.  And then he was gone. Maera knew she was next and came to peace with it.
The captors came back.  He led Maera to a small room. In there she told her story to a young writer and then was shot in the chest. Before her heart stop Maera was heard to have said one word, a name.
© Copyright 2012 Kyle (kyle3067 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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