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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1890077
Chapter 9: Flames of Darkness
Chapter Nine
“Why did you come here? It’s really dangerous out here at night.” Zero said, standing underneath the large tree. “I went to your hotel room to go check on you, but you were gone. Plus, all the Red Moon Demons were missing. I was worried about you.” The girl answered. “You were…worried about me?” Zero asked, and the girl simply nodded. “I’m surprised. The whole time I’ve been here fighting Red Moon Demons, nobody’s ever been worried about me. I’ve nearly died in almost all my most recent fights.” Zero said. “Plus, it isn’t over yet. There are still four more Red Moon Brute clones left. They get stronger and stronger with each one. I’ll need to step up my game if I want to survive these four.” Zero thought.
Red Moon Demons were crowded around the main base of operations for the Red Moon Brute clones on the mysterious island. “I find this rather annoying. The Red Moon Crystal had such important news that he had to get every Red Moon Demon to return to the island.” The Shadow Rider said. After a few moments, the Red Moon Crystal walked onto a stone stage, appearing unharmed. “Everyone shut up!” the Red Moon Crystal yelled. In an instant, every Red Moon Demon quieted down and listened. “My fellow Red Moon Demons and Red Moon Brute clones. Due to an unfortunate mishap, the Red Moon Shadow is dead.” The Red Moon Crystal said. Nearly every demon was surprised to hear the news of the Shadow’s fate before the Red Moon Crystal continued to speak. “Now, in his last words, the Red Moon Shadow handed command over to me. I will be your new leader. I will lead the Red Moon Demon forces into a new age where we will rule over the humans. We will be superior!” The Red Moon Crystal added.
“I really do owe you one from earlier. If you didn’t show up, I would’ve lost control of myself. I’m in your debt.” Zero said. A strange memory of a beast flashed through his mind, but he couldn’t see it since the area was covered in darkness and blood. When Zero snapped out of it, he noticed the Red Moon was starting to go down while the sun started to rise. “Sunrise. It always reminds me that I’ll only have to spend another night fighting demons alone.” Zero said. “You don’t have to fight them all by yourself. There’s going to be something worse than just the new demons. I can feel it.” The girl said. Zero said nothing as the sun started to rise. “I should get going. Everyone controlled by the Red Moon Psychic’s powers will be waking up soon.” Zero said, starting to walk away. Although, after just a few feet, the girl turned Zero around and pressed her lips against his. The kiss was short and unexpected at the same time. Her lips parted his, and Zero stepped back. Before he could say anything, the girl dashed off as fast as she could, leaving Zero alone underneath the large tree at the strike of dawn.
“Today on the Star City News, a strange cult gathered around the clock tower for some type of meeting, or maybe even a slaughterfest of some kind. Sean Andrews has the report.” The news anchorman said before Sean was on screen in a blue suit with his minimal injuries from last night’s case with the Red Moon Psychic. “Last night, the mysterious cult seemed to have some type of motive at the clock tower. I have a recording of the events that transpired there. Let’s watch.” Sean said before showing some of the important bits of recording from the previous night. “In other news, a mysterious act of arson on Star City’s cryogenic laboratory. Does Star City have a bigger threat than just Red Moon Demons? We may not know for sure.” Sean added before talk about sports was on. Sean walked towards his dressing room, focused on what he saw Zero do the previous night against the Red Moon Psychic. “That kid…something’s up with him…”Sean thought.
Zero was too distracted about the kiss to go to school, so he spent his day with letting his injuries heal to prepare for the next Red Moon Brute clone. “The graveyard is where you’ll find me. Try to face me if you dare.” Zero remembered the Shadow Rider saying. “The graveyard is where I’ll find him. The Shadow Rider. Plus, there’s what the Red Moon Psychic said before disappearing.” Zero said while walking around until the memory of the Red Moon Psychic’s last words crossed his mind. “So, this is how I go down. It sucks I won’t be alive to feel the power of the eclipse.” The Red Moon Psychic weakly said. “What eclipse?” Zero asked, but the Red Moon Psychic laughed as the light of the Red Moon started to shine again. “Figure it out…yourself.” The Red Moon Psychic said.” Zero stopped moving at the Star Bridge as he remembered the kiss again. “This is so confusing! What does it all mean? Ever since last night…since that kiss. I’m not even sure anymore.” Zero said.
Zero walked by the Star Bridge and noticed the door to the Town Hall was opened up a bit. “The mayor finally opened up the door.” Zero said, running towards the front door of the Town Hall. He pushed the door open once he got near it, and a cold chill of air quickly hit Zero. “Man, it’s really cold in here. Does the mayor leave the heat off or something?” Zero said, walking inside. Some things were damaged from the fight between the Red Moon Shadow and the Red Moon Crystal, and things were destroyed completely by crystals. Zero walked around, looking for the mayor until he saw a large amount of crystals in one room. Everything was made of crystals, and in the center of the room, incased in many crystals was the Red Moon Shadow. The two red marks on its arm were blue instead of red, and it was unmoving. “Whoa. Who did this to the Red Moon Shadow?” Zero said before the hearing the front door open up. “Somebody’s here.” Zero thought, getting his sword out.
Zac was standing on a nearby rooftop from the Town Hall, reading through the Book of Fear. He was also wearing a wireless headset. “The target has taken the bait. Although, a pedestrian has also entered the Town Hall.” Zac said into the headset. “It doesn’t matter. Forget the pedestrian. Just use the curse written in the book so we can ambush the target.” The Red Moon Crystal said to Zac through the headset. Zac flipped to a page in the book he left a bookmark at, and found the curse. “As darkness hides away from the light, the endless curse of the Red Moon may be able to be controlled during the day. Give us five minutes to trap the target in the Town Hall. Unleash, the Red Moon Dimension!” Zac read from the Book of Fear. In moments, a red and black cyclone surrounded the Town Hall, but it was invisible to humans outside its range. “You have five minutes. Capture the target quickly.” Zac said into the headset before closing the Book of Fear.
Looking out the nearest window, Zero noticed the area looked like it would be like while the Red Moon was in the sky, but darker. “What happened? It can’t be dusk already.” Zero said, walking towards the exit until he bumped into something in front of the front door. A sturdy wall of crystals was blocking Zero’s way out. “Naturally, some type of object blocking my way out.” Zero said until he turned around and saw the same girl from before. The two looked at each other with shy looks before Zero finally spoke up. “Listen, about what happened back at the tree…” Zero said before he was cut off before he could finish his sentence by an incoming attack. Zero quickly grabbed the girl and hit the floor seconds before three throwing knives made of crystals flew by above them in the sky. “The enemy is near.” Zero quietly said. He got up off the floor and unsheathed his sword when he thought it was safe. “Stay here.” Zero simply said before walking into the next room.
Seconds after entering the room, the Red Moon Crystal, the Shadow Rider, and a mysterious, cloaked Red Moon Brute surrounded Zero. “Damn, the whole thing was a trap.” Zero said before the Shadow Rider took out his scythe while the Red Moon Crystal created more crystal throwing knives using its powers. “Two against one really isn’t fair. I don’t really have a choice but to fight.” Zero said before dodging a throwing knife from the Red Moon Crystal. “Remember, we’re on a deadline. Weaken him, but don’t kill him.” The Red Moon Crystal said to the Shadow Rider. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of him quickly.” The Shadow Rider said before charging at Zero. The Shadow Rider tried landing hits on Zero with his scythe, but Zero was luckily able to block some of the attacks with his sword while trying to avoid throwing knives from the Red Moon Crystal. Zero tried going at the Shadow Rider, but before he could attack, the Red Moon Crystal put his hand on the wall. In moments, a crystal fist emerged from the wall near Zero and knocked him away from the Shadow Rider.
“Face it, kid. You can’t fight two Red Moon Brute clones at the same time all by yourself. Now, just give yourself up and we won’t be forced to kill you.” The Red Moon Crystal said as Zero got up from off the floor. Zero hit the Red Moon Crystal with his sword, but it didn’t seem to have any effect. “Pathetic human. My body is made of solid crystal unlike the other six clones. “You can’t even do as much as dent me.” The Red Moon Crystal said before kicking Zero into a wall. Afterwards, the Red Moon Crystal picked up Zero and put a crystal sword to his neck. “Let’s hear you suffer, kid.” The Red Moon Crystal said before the cloaked Red Moon Brute walked into the room holding the girl in one of its hands. “I found this human sitting around in the other room. Should I finish her off?” the cloaked brute said. Zero quickly reacted as a red aura started coming from him again. “Let her go…” Zero simply said as the mark started faintly glowing. “There’s that same energy wavelength coming from him. He’ll lose control soon.” The Shadow Rider thought.
Zero’s rage grew to a higher point as he grabbed the crystal sword from the Red Moon Crystal, and used it to smash the Red Moon Crystal’s other arm to free himself from his foe’s grip. “This is too much of a problem now. Set him on fire. Char him, but don’t fry him to death.” The Red Moon Crystal said to the cloaked brute. A fireball soon appeared in its hand and the attack was launched at Zero, setting him ablaze. After only a minute of letting Zero burn a bit, the Shadow Rider swung his scythe to put out the fire. Zero had burn marks on some parts of his face and body, but he was still standing, yet unmoving. He was looking down at the floor, and his eyes appeared lifeless. “How the hell is that kid still alive after that?! His entire body should’ve been fried.” The Red Moon Crystal said until noticing the mark on Zero was faintly glowing red before the entire glow stopped. “It’s the mark. It protects him from fire.” The Shadow Rider said.
“You guys got less than two minutes left in there. Hurry up and capture the target.” Zac said into the headset. “At this rate, we already have the target captured.” The Shadow Rider said. “Ok, just grab him. Reaper, go make the gate.” The Red Moon Crystal said, repairing his destroyed arm while the Shadow Rider used his scythe to make a tear in the dimensional fabric. “Drop the girl. She has no further purpose to us.” The Red Moon Crystal said. The cloaked brute nodded and dropped the girl. “Is this kid dead or something? He’s not even moving.” the Shadow Rider thought. “Take the kid into the gate. We’re done here.” The Red Moon Crystal said, reattaching its new arm before entering the gate. The cloaked brute walked over to the gate and entered it without a word. Before the Shadow Rider walked over to grab Zero, he looked around. “A Shadow Battle occurred here. I can feel it. Although, there’s no reason to have one here.” The Shadow Rider thought before wrapping Zero up with chains and pushing him into the rift, following seconds afterwards.
“The boy is quite the problem so long he contains the special mark.” A voice faintly said. “It seems to have spread significantly since I last saw it when he was using it in the clock tower.” A voice Zero’s heard before said. “It matters not. Throw him in the cell. He will be dealt with later.” Another voice said before loud footsteps started fading away out of Zero’s range of hearing as he was dragged off.
Zero awoke several hours later in a cage inside an old temple. It was too dark to see anything around him. “The boy is a problem. He’s already killed three Red Moon Brute clones.” A voice said. “That depends on whether he can control the mark or not.” A voice sounding like the Shadow Rider answered. “We’ll test him. See what he’s made of.” Another voice said sounding like the Red Moon Crystal. After a few moments of silence, Zero could hear a set of footsteps starting to move away from the area. “Hybrid, where are you going? I ordered all Red Moon Brute clones to report here.” The Red Moon Crystal ordered, but the loud foot stepped thing turned around to face the Red Moon Crystal. “I only take orders from the Red Moon Shadow.” The Red Moon Hybrid simply answered. “You foolish demon! I am in charge of the Red Moon forces. You are supposed to listen to my commands. The Red Moon Shadow is dead, and nothing will change that.” The Red Moon Crystal shouted. “You’re wrong. You were the one who sealed up the Red Moon Shadow in a crystal seal.” The Red Moon Hybrid said, and the Red Moon Crystal punched a hole in the wall. “How do you know?” the Red Moon Crystal asked, stepping back. “It’s pretty simple. You’re the only one with such abilities to be able to seal up the Red Moon Shadow just so you can take command of the army.” The Red Moon Hybrid said, but the Red Moon Crystal simply laughed and walked outside.
“You fool. This was all a part of my master plan. I had to get rid of the Red Moon Shadow in order to proceed with my own plan. I’m going to take over Star City before the Red Moon Shadow ordered us to wait until the eclipse. Tonight, when the army heads into the city, I will assure that we have it in our grasp, and that kid with the sword can’t do a thing about it this time.” The Red Moon Crystal said. “So that’s why we captured the kid? You must’ve gained that human teacher’s insanity.” The Red Moon Hybrid said. “You wouldn’t understand a thing. Just stay out of my way.” The Red Moon Crystal said as its crystal body became red while he jumped down into the forest. “So that’s what he wanted this whole time. The Red Moon Shadow ordered us to wait…” the Red Moon Hybrid thought, walking into the room where Zero was trapped. The brute ripped open the bars of the cage and started walking away. “Get back to Star City. You will find out what will happen when it occurs.” The Red Moon Hybrid said before walking away. “Wait, you’re one of those Red Moon Brute clones.” Zero said. “Try as you might. I will not face you yet. Our time will come when all the other Red Moon Brute clones are dead.” The Red Moon Hybrid said before leaving the room.
The Red Moon Crystal walked through the forest while radiating a cursed energy, heading for the beach where all the regular Red Moon Demons were waiting. “You aren’t going any further, Red Moon Crystal.” A voice shouted from the sky. The Red Moon Hybrid crashed down while cloaked in flames to break the landing, setting a few trees on fire. “So, have you decided to come along?” the Red Moon Crystal asked. “Not a chance in hell! I’m going to stop you before you ruin the plan constructed by the Red Moon Shadow.” The Red Moon Hybrid said. “It was nothing more than a regular Red Moon Demon that acted like it was the boss of us. I’m a superior being, and I’ll show you here and now.” The Red Moon Crystal said as two large crystal spikes came out of its back. “Let’s play.” The Red Moon Crystal said. “A Shadow Battle, I’m guessing.” The Red Moon Hybrid said while the Red Moon Crystal nodded.
Zero fought his way through the Red Moon Demon temple on the island, getting through the temple as quickly as he could until he got outside. A guy in a straw hat was waiting for Zero, tripping him and causing him to fall down the stairs while dropping his sword. The straw hat guy jumped up high and landed in front of Zero. “So you’re the one they call Zero. Not quite the powerhouse.” The guy in the straw hat said, picking up Zero’s sword and swinging it around aimlessly. “A primitive human sword. Not much of a weapon in a time like this, human.” The straw hat guy said, dropping the sword on the ground and looking at Zero. “I guess finishing you off right here will save some time for us in the long run.” The straw hat guy said, picking up Zero’s sword. Zero regained consciousness as the straw hat guy aimed the sword at Zero’s throat. “Say goodbye, human.” The straw hat guy said, thrusting the sword down at Zero, but he managed to dodge it by rolling out of the way, causing the straw hat guy to get the sword stuck in the ground.
“I had a feeling that such a primitive weapon would be useless against a human like you. I guess I’ll have to do this the right way.” The straw hat guy said as his right eye started glowing red while the Red Moon’s light shone down on the straw hat guy. He threw off his hat as hair started to cover his entire body. His teeth became sharp fangs, his long brown hair became spiky at its ends, and it appeared that he was blind in one eye. Once his transformation was complete, he had become a werewolf. “Now you see the might of my true form. Behold, I am the Red Moon Wolf, the sixth Red Moon Brute Clone.” The werewolf telepathically said to Zero due to his inability to speak English in his wolf form. The Red Moon Wolf let out a loud howl, and the two were taken away by a strange red light.
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