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Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1889296
A woman finds the courage to leave her old life behind for one healthier for herself.
Lexi had had enough. She stood, silent, in the small house she shared with her Labrador and a roommate. She scanned the living room carefully, all the while her dog watching and panting as it sprawled carelessly nearby.

Working in an office overran by rude, obnoxious men had finally taken its toll on her. One too many leering innuendos had gotten a stapler thrown at the man’s head for his trouble and she had quit on the spot. Add in an increasingly annoying roommate and the need to flee had won. When Neil had left after berating her for quitting her job Lexi pulled out any bags and suitcases she could find and started packing. Now it was all down to the small, easily missed items scattered throughout the house.

Anything that had any kind of sentimental value to her was taken and packed away; pictures, knick knacks, books. Lexi didn’t care about the more practical items such as appliances and the furniture in her bedroom. Her truck could only hold so much anyway and she didn’t feel the need to bog herself down with the unnecessary.

After she was sure she claimed everything she wanted Lexi sat at the desk in the study and wrote Neil a note; it was more than she felt her roommate deserved but she felt better for getting it all out. Her dog sat faithfully at her side until she finished, folded the paper and put it in an envelope. She left it where she knew he would find it then gathered up her keys and bags, and whistled for her furry companion. She felt no worry for the immediate future while she threw the bags in the back of the truck and got the Lab settled in the passenger’s seat. It was a feeling of calm relief that washed over her as she started the truck and drove off, leaving the hassles of her old life behind.

When he got home at the end of the day Neil was already grumpy and muttering to himself. He thought it strange not seeing Lexi’s truck in front of the house but shrugged it off; just avoiding him, possibly. As he stepped inside the house seemed to have a different feel and he frowned, tossing his keys down on a table. Not hearing the usual sound he looked down and arched a brow upon seeing the envelope with his name on it. He snatched it up and dropped down on the couch while tearing it open to unfold the paper and start reading.


In case you haven’t been able to tell yet, I’ve left. I packed up, took what was
mine, and drove off. Feel free to find someone to replace me in the house and on
the rent, I won’t be coming back. No matter how things go for me, no matter how
hard life may try to be for me, anything is better than dealing with you and your crap.

Have a nice life.


He sat and stared at the note, flipping the sheet of paper around a number of times as if to trying to determine whether or not it was a joke. Abruptly he stood and rushed down the hall to the room that had been hers and shoved the door open; initially all looked the same but a glance to the open closet and open drawers told otherwise. He spat a curse and stalked back to the living room to grab his cell phone and call the familiar number, his already foul mood worse as he listened to the seemingly meek rings.

On the highway Lexi glanced at her phone as it lit up and chirped insistently. Once she saw the name on the caller ID she calmly rolled the window down further and threw the cheap phone out, not even bothering to watch as it shattered on the asphalt. Later she would have it cut off and get a new phone, and number. For now she left the window down, let her long hair tangle in the wind, and let the music blast. Finally, as she and her dog flew down the highway, a smile graced her lips.
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