Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1885571-An-Ability-to-Change
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1885571
Commission: A high school kid struggles with his newfound ability to change form.
It was the end of another long summer alone, and Gordon sat up in his room browsing his computer. "This sucks," he murmured, clicking through the Facebook profiles of all the cute girls at his school, none of whom even knew that he existed. He was a loner, sure, but it still seemed like nothing he tried could ever get him closer to finding a girlfriend, or even finding a girl who would be his friend. For the entirety of his life, he couldn't manage to get any girl interested in him, and now, two days before the start of his senior year of high school, life hadn't changed.

As he slipped into his bed to begin another night of lonely sleep, he couldn't help but let out a long, exasperated sigh. "I wish I could understand girls," he said. "I wish I could do anything to be close to them."

What powerful words.


Sunday morning came and Gordon crawled out of bed, none the wiser that his life was suddenly about to change. He began his day as he always did; slinking over to his internet and looking for a girl on Facebook he could focus on for his... um... morning routine. Searching through a few profiles, he stumbled on one of his favorites — Jenny Adams, a junior at his school, one of the premiere members of the cheerleading squad. Gordon had always had a massive crush on her — her perfect, long brunette hair, her luscious lips, her piercing eyes. Just one of the countless girls he dreamed of being closer to.

Click by click, he navigated through her page, eventually settling on a picture of her posing at a football game last year. He just sat, starstruck, gazing at her picture, lost in his own world, daydreaming about being with her. Had Gordon been perceptive, though, he might have realized the bizarre change that was taking place — his body was morphing to mimic her own! His hair fell to shoulder length, popping into the style which Jenny had worn in the image. His clothes folded into a replica of Jenny's purple and red cheerleading outfit, fully equipped with short skirt, revealed midriff, and white tennis shoes. His chest ballooned out to match her delicate B-cup breasts, and his face molded to mimic her eyes, nose, cheeks and lips.

Still locked on the picture, and feeling turned on, Gordon slid a hand down to his pants, before realizing that his pants felt much more similar to a skirt than he would have ever previously admitted. Glancing down at his body, Gordon leapt up from his seat with a loud "What the fuck!?" Even his voice now matched the tone of Jenny's peppy cheers. He turned to look in his mirror, and to his utter surprise, he looked just like Jenny Adams. He was Jenny Adams.

He shut is eyes tightly, wondering if he was merely hallucinating, and when he opened them again, all had returned to normal. He was back to his regular 5'7", wearing his normal clothes, with his normal body. Unsure how to process his current predicament, Gordon turned again back to the computer. Did he really take her shape? He leaned over and stared once again at the picture of Jenny still on the screen, focusing on her body like he did before, and sure enough when he looked down at his own image, he had changed again. "Oh my god," he muttered in his Jenny voice. He reached his hands down to gently caress his new breasts, his smooth thighs. This was incredible.

Soon Gordon had an idea, and wondered what the limits of this ability actually were. He clicked to go to the next image of Jenny, another one of her favorites, with her at a BBQ wearing a white tank top and jean shorts. After again focusing on this image, Gordon looked down, and just as before he was now a copy of her image. His clothes, shoes, even hair had changed to mimic what he saw on screen. "This is incredible," he said, moving to look at his new perky body in the mirror. Then, thinking about his experience before, decided to shut his eyes tight. Once again, upon opening them, he was back to normal.

Gordon's mind was racing. What should he do? What could he do? Should he tell the government, or the police? Or his family?

Unfortunately for him, he didn't have much time to think before he heard a knock at his bedroom door. He had completely forgot that his older brother's girlfriend was going to take him school shopping, and before he had time to react, Tiffany bursted into the room. "Come on Gordon, we're going to be late," she snapped, before stopping dead in her tracks. Gordon had mimicked her form.

Tiffany was gorgeous, but she had been dating his brother for years, and Gordon thought of her more as family than as a potential love interest. She was 23, worked as a bartender, and was generally considered to be way out of his brother's league. Most of the time, she acted like a bitch towards Gordon anyway, so the two never became very close. Until now, when they were as close as two people could possibly be. They were the same person.

At the moment, Tiffany was wearing tight jeans and a decorative blue t-shirt. Her hair was cut short, and she was treading around in pink glossy sandals. And when Gordon looked down to see his new body, he realized all of this was now duplicated on him. He looked up into Tiffany's stare, with a complete look of shock on her face, mouth wide open. What would she say? Should he start running now?

"...Awesome!" she shouted. Gordon was met with a mix of surprise and relief. Tiffany continued, "What the fuck, who are you? Gordon, is that you? You look just like me!"

Gordon tried to explain, but found himself at a lack of words. "I woke up this morning and... with the computer, but..." And before he could really get out an explanation, Tiffany bounded across the room to interrupt.

"Can we make out?"

"What?!" Gordon shouted in surprise.

"Yeah, I've always wanted to hook up with myself, you know, to see if I'm a good kisser." Tiffany took another step towards her double before Gordon leapt away.

"No, back off," he climbed over his bed to get away. Thinking quick, he shut his eyes like he had before with Jenny, and sure enough was able to turn back into his own body.

"Holy shit that's amazing," Tiffany said, "What the hell happened to you?"

Gordon found it easier to explain himself this time. "I'm not sure, but when I woke up I realized I can, I don't know, morph into girls. What should I do?"

"Anything you want!" Tiffany shouted. Gordon had never seen his brother's girlfriend this excited before. "Dude, you're like a superhero. Go do awesome things, or get revenge, just don't sit in here and let it go to waste. Can you change into anyone?"

Honestly, Gordon didn't know. "I've only had this power for about 15 minutes, and I've only turned into two people."

Tiffany grabbed a picture that Gordon had on his dresser. "Try turning into Bryan," she said, handing over the frame. Bryan was her boyfriend, and Gordon's brother. Taking the picture, Gordon stared over the image the same way he had done with Jenny, but nothing happened. "It doesn't feel the same," he said. "I think it only works on girls."

"Okay," Tiffany went on. "Then try turning into me again."

Gordon was hesitant. "You're not going to try to kiss me again, are you?"

She let out an exasperated sigh, "Fine, I won't try anything. But you've got to admit, it would be kind of hot." Gordon gave Tiffany a disapproving look, but he did trust her to keep her word. Gazing up over her body again, he felt his form shift, and once again he matched her image completely. Tiffany spent the rest of her day with Gordon in his room, helping him master his abilities. Using the internet, the two would challenge Gordon to morph into various girls, then back into Tiffany, and back into his own form, just to push his limits. He realized that he could literally duplicate any female image down to the most infinitesimal details, but that he needed to have recently seen the image in order to make the shift. He also gained a little more control, being able to gaze on girl's images and maintain his previous body, which would be important if he was going to make it to school tomorrow. And Tiffany did keep her promise, but still managed to cop a few inappropriate gropes with her twin. "I've got such a great ass," she would say anytime Gordon turned his back to her. He liked this new power, and he loved being in the form of girls. He couldn't wait until tomorrow.


Just to play it safe, the real "Gordon" would call in sick today and miss the first day of school, that way he couldn't possibly get mixed up in the havoc he was sure to cause. Before leaving his house in the morning, he found a catalogue online with a cute girl posing on the cover and morphed into her form. This is who he would pretend to be... for now.

As he made it to school, he was eager to find his first target. Not even knowing her name, he spotted a blonde girl in a cheerleader outfit skip towards the bathroom and go inside. Perfect. Entering the bathroom after her, he saw the girl fixing her makeup in a mirror. Silently, Gordon began to change — his jeans riffled up to match the girl's purple skirt, his chest ballooned outwards to mimic her breasts, and his hair shined into a replica of her blonde color. Then, without saying a word, he stepped up to the mirror next to the girl and began mimicking her actions. For a full minute, there were two identical girls, doing identical actions, standing only three feet apart, and the original had no clue.

"Can I borrow some lip-gloss?" Gordon asked, breaking the silence and turning to look at the girl. It didn't take very long for the original to scream in shock and run from the room.

Still wearing the cheerleader's form, Gordon left the bathroom and began walking through the now empty hallways of the school. Turning a corner, he saw a lone girl standing at her locker — his next target. He focused on her tight jeans, and his skirt lengthened down his toned legs to mimic the fabric. His cheerleader top dissolved into the pink T-shirt the new girl was donning, and his hair whipped up into a duplicate of her ponytail.

But Gordon knew he didn't want this girl to run screaming like the last one, he needed a better approach. He decided to pretend like he was the original. "Oh my god, who are you?" He shouted. "You look just like me!"

His target was taken aback, staring wide-eyed at her new doppelganger. "What's going on? Are you... me?" She reached forward and started touching Gordon's new hair and clothes. "Why are there two of me?"

Gordon couldn't help smile, his plan was working perfectly. "I don't know, but we're the same person. What should we do now?" But that's when the plan derailed into awkward silence. The two identical girls just stood there in the empty hallway, staring at each other, but hardly speaking. Gordon was hoping for a fun interaction, a girl who would be energized by her clone, not awe-struck. After a few more uncomfortable seconds, it was unbearable. "Okay, you're boring me," the girl heard her clone sigh before walking away down the hall.

Now as classes were getting out and the hallway was overflowing with a mass of students, Gordon decided to take another approach. He pinpointed a girl in the crowd walking towards him from down the hall — dark skin, long black hair, wearing a plaid skirt and vest. As Gordon walked straight towards her, surrounded by other people, he began his transformation, until there were now two identical girls walking straight towards each other. His target noticed fairly quickly and stood stagnant, staring at her approaching duplicate, and Gordon merely flashed a coy smile at his twin before walking past.

Throughout the day, Gordon approached 15 more girls, all trying different strategies for confrontation. Mostly, he just wanted to see their reactions, and whether it was shock or admiration, it was usually entertaining. He had 6 more screamers, a handful of dumbfounded silences, and two girls who, like Tiffany, had seemingly gotten turned on. During his lunch break, he found himself in the auditorium making out with the school's most notorious drama queen, donning her identical form. He was intrigued by their interaction, and through trying to mimic her personality and behavior found himself unwillingly seduced, but even he got bored with that before too long.

Gordon did realize one trend emerging through his behavior though; he did manage to morph into almost every single member of the cheerleading squad. As the day wound down, he knew that to best understand the effect he had on these girls, he needed to crash their practice.

He found an old picture of their coach in the locker room and took on her form, a tough yet gorgeous woman wearing athletic clothes, a red baseball cap, and dark sunglasses. Using this body, Gordon walked into the gym where the cheerleading team was assembled, and he could overhear the murmurs from the group... "copy of myself"..."I've always wanted a twin"..."would it be incest or masturbation?"...

"Alright, settle down everyone," Gordon shouted at the team. "I've been hearing a lot of rumors about a shapeshifter today, and all I can say is that —" but before Gordon could finish, he was interrupted by a ferocious scream.

"Who the fuck are you!?" Shouted the real cheerleading coach from across the room. "Grab him!"

The entire gym full of girls leapt to tackle their coach's impostor, and through the scuffle, Gordon slammed his head on the gym floor, getting knocked out.

When he woke up, he was back to his normal body, tied to a chair in a dark room. "Finally, we've got you," he heard a cheerleader say from behind him. "Now it's time for our revenge."

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