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Rated: · Sample · Dark · #1881165
Leslie Barnes loves the paranormal, but has no idea how much it loves her.
    I looked in his eyes and saw a dark place. A place filled with so much pain and so much anger,  such evilness and hatred, so unpure and tainted, cries of the dead rang out in his gaze upon the world.  I felt the hairs on my neck stand up. I knew then he was created to destroy. He spoke to me in emotionless tones,and his words felt like the cold icy storms of winter. He called himself Vengence. He told me horrific tales of death and murder.


        I awoke that morning startled and drenched in sweat. My heart was racing uncontrollably. I experienced teribble visions in my dreams that night. They were so real. It felt like it actually happened. I try to gain my composure and bring myself down a notch. I get up shower and get dressed then its off to school.

        School is the most important thing in my life right now. Im the head of my class, and I got the best instructor on campus. Parapsychology is my course of study. There's not a lot of believers of the subject, but I've been fascinated with the paranormal since I could understand what it was. I want to break the doubt of disbelievers. The idea of discovering beings on a whole new spiritual level is exhilerating! How can there be life before death but not after? Every human being has a soul. When that soul leaves the body it travels to a higher plane of existence. Jesus was the spirit of god inside of man, so how can there be doubt?

        I arrived to class ten minutes late and rush quickly and quietly to a desk. 

"Ms. Barnes I take it you know my class starts at 8a.m. and not 8:10a.m.?"

"Yes Professor I know, and it wont happen again. "

"Be sure that it doesn't. "

"Yes Proffesor it definitely won't." I say taking down notes as he continues his lecture. This is gonna be a long day.

    I was driving home from school when my car began to give up on me. I guess I have to make time to get my engine checked. Id hate to be stranded in the middle of nowhere. I pull in to the nearest gas station to fill up and have my engine checked. Perfect I say to myself, no one but me. I can be in and out in no time. I get out and go inside. Walking across that empty lot gave me the feeling I wasnt alone. I could feel a cold presence near me, and it wasnt the wind. Deaths breath was on my neck and I knew he was there just for me.  I pay for my gas, fill my tank and drive off.

        When I got home all I wanted to do was sleep. I know something was there, I could feel it. It wanted me. I dont know why but it did. I was deep in thought when my phone rang.


"Hey girl, whats up?"

"Who is this?"

"Its me Alexis! Dont tell me u forgot your best friend."

"No Im just tired."

"Oh. Well, are we still on for this weekend? Everyone is dying to see you. I got a special surprise for you too!" 

"Sure Lexi, I cant wait. Im going to take a nap, so call me when you guys on the way."

"Okay Les. See you soon."


Holy shit, Im going to be late! I still have to pick up Tommy and Rachel. Leslie is going to be so pissed. I run down the stairs of my townhouse to grab my bags and leave. As I reach for my keys, I notice a dark shadow floating in mid-air. I turned quickly to see what it was and it leapt on me full speed. I screamed as loud as I could but no one heard a thing.I lay there pinned to the floor struggling to get away, but the effort was useless. I cried out for God to save my soul, but all I heard was a cold heartless whisper. I am your God now!

        I jumped to my feet, nearly falling on my face. My phone was ringing off the hook, and I knew it was none other than Leslie. I had been out for hours. I answer my phone and immediately try to explain myself, but they didnt want to hear it. They said I was so inconsiderable and I'd never grow up. The nerve of those self-righteous motherfuckers. I'll show them. Lets see how they feel when they're dead. Hahahaha! Oh God what am I saying. I cant hurt my friends. I brush the thoughts aside and go pick up Tommy and Rachel.

    Tommy was acting like such a jerk when I got there. I wanted to punch him in the face. I guess I'll have time for that later. So much to do in so little time. I cant keep sweet Leslie waiting.

    It Starts

I was walking down a wet foggy road, the wind was full of rage, and all I could feel was death. The rain poured like raging rivers wrecking a ship and its crew. Through it all I saw a man. He was just standing there waiting for me with open arms. There had to be some type of magnetic field because I couldn't turn away. The closer I got the more I could see, but what was I seeing? His face was horrifying and very grotesque. He called out to me in a voice so dreadfully familiar. As he took my hand my skin began to rot and wither away. Suddenly we vanished into the darkness. The next thing I know Im in class with Professor Abernathy staring down at me.

" Now Ms.Barnes, you shouldnt make a habit of this. You have been falling asleep in class for the past few weeks and it cannot continue."

"Sorry Mr.Abernathy. I just cant help it sometimes."

"Well you better figure out why and get it together and fast. I'd hate to have to fail you for this semester."

"Yes sir, I will do all I can to stay awake."

      As I leave the building Mr.Abernathy stops me.

"Leslie you really need to get some rest dear. You are a bright young lady and you cant let things get in the way of whats most important to you. Is it your dreams again? How can I help?"

"Thanks for the offer Professor, but I really dont have the time or patience for this right now. I have a lot to do . See you after spring break."

Just like in my dreams, I vanish to my car.

      I got home just in time to catch Alexis' call. She told me she would be here at seven, and she really needed to talk. I told her we should just order in for tonight. I needed to rest and ease my mind. Ive only got three hours of sleep, and I cant take it anymore. I had to get some real sleep in before I lose it. I laid down on the sofa and shut my eyes.

      I stood there in the darkness afraid to move. I could smell the torture and rage in the air. It was like being in a mortuary, death owned the place. I began to walk slowly and with caution. My only thought was to find a way out,to escape the fear that I felt that very moment. I put my hand out to feel for a wall or the door. I felt nothing but emptiness.

  Off in the distance a strange light began to glow brighter and brighter. The room began to lighten and there were bodies scattered everywere. There was so much blood. All I could do was scream. Blood, guts, and intestines litered the floor as I puked hard at the site. There was a altar covered in blood and strange markings. The darkness began to swarm into a ball of fire, chanting my name. I turned to run and fell face first into a pool of blood. Then the darkness became one, and there stood the creature that plagued my dreams night after night.


    He slashes me across the face knocking  a chunk of flesh from my cheek. I cried out in pain holding my face as my blood added more color to the floor. As I look around searching for my salvation and an end to this torrid nightmare, a single beam of light appears shinning brightly between my eyes.  It gets hotter by the minute burning a hole into my forehead as i scream in pain knelt before this cloak figure. The more I moved the more it burned.  Next thing I know Im laying on the couch, screaming hysterically. Tommy, Rachel, Lexi and Andrea standing over me.

"Are you okay Les? Lexi,asked with a slight smile. Looks like you had a nightmare, see any ghosts?"

"Ha ha, very funny. You know one day you guys are going to wish ya'll listened. My dream aren't exactly comical. I was horrified, you have no idea wat i see when my eyes close, nor the pain i suffer and its real I tell you. This is why I'm afraid to sleep. How was the drive here?"

" Great said Tommy. If you like listening to Rachel sing."

"Oh boy, Im glad I wasnt there."

"I have you to know Im the best singer in the world." Rachel snarls.

"Yea in your dreams. Speaking of dreams, as was saying before,          I been having some bad ones. I cant even sleep sometimes. There's this thing in my dreams, that always come for me. Its like...."

"Can we get something to eat or what, Im starved. Lexi said with a rude tone." "Dude whats your fucking problem. Les was trying to tell us something."

"Its okay Tommy, it can wait. Lets eat. You guys get comfortable and make yourselves at home. Oh and theres plenty of booze in the fridge."

Tommy smiled and said; "This is going to be my type of weekend."

Damn that bitch try to reveal my secret. I cant be exposed! Not yet! In my time I will tell all! I will continue to use this body until I can find another where I can move as I desire. Until then me and little miss lexi will b close. Just thinking of the destruction forth coming amuses me so. Hahahahaaaaa! Leslie will never know what hit her.


    She walked into the room to find everyone waiting for her.

"Lexi what the hell took you so long? We been waiting for thirty minutes!" Tommy said tapping his watch. I immediately take over.

"I wouldnt talk if I were you sir quickie! You never last past five bozo!"

Everyone just stares mouths hung open. "Wow Lexi that was rude. Whats up with you? You been acting weird since you picked us up."

"Rachel you have always been weird and not to mention a whore. Now lets get this party started."

"Oh wow Lexi that was way harsh. Anyways, Les lets play with the ouiji board. We can call some of those spirits you study."

"I dont know Rachel, its not nice to toy with the spirits. Its not supposed to be a game guys. Its a communication tool."

"No way dude its been a game since I could remember. Maybe you're just scared."

"Dont be a fool Tommy! Why would I be afraid. I....I....I just dont think we should toy with the dead. We could meet some very dangerous ones and....."

"So its settled said Lexi! Break out the board. Lets release, I mean lets call some demons."

"Ok guys you know what to do right? Lets ask the first question. Are there any spirits here with us tonight?"

The cursor moves slowly spelling out yes. Okay next question. Are you a good  spirit? The cursor spells out no.

"Wow I think we should stop said Leslie." No lets keep going this is getting fun. "Are you a bad spirit?" The cursor spells out yes. We all stare at each other looking confused. "Tommy are you moving the cursor trying to scare us?"

"No way Lesi it wasn't me I swear! Lets keep going guys."

"What's your name?" Slowly it spells the word death.

"I think we should stop guys this is getting way to weird. We have no idea what we're dealing with here."

"Youre such a fucking baby Les. Lets just finish the game and get this over with. I got shit to do Lexi hisses!"

"What the hell is your problem Lexi? You are so tripping out right now."

"Whatever, next question. Can you give us a sign that youre here?"

  The cursor rises up in the air and spins around. Then a black mist rises above the candles and spins out into a small tornado. Then it spreads out and disappears.

  "What the fuck was that? Did you guys see that shit man? I am done with this shit!"

"Really Tommy? Is the baby scared? says Lexi with a nasty grin."

        Suddenly, the mist reforms with a loud roar, and all hell breaks loose. Terrible screams echoed from the walls, glass shattered everywhere, and darkness formed around the light. Alexis' body is thrown hard into the wall behind her and begins to tremble and jerk violently as a dark entity arose from her body, taking the shape of a man. For a second he flashed his face to me. I knew then what all this meant. Death was here, and with death there was Vengence. Waiting.... for me.

      Alexis slowly came to her feet nearly falling into the glass coffee table. She cries out to me tears flowing like a river. "Leslie he wants you, he wants to sacrifice you! He tried to use me to do it, but I had to fight. I couldnt let him hurt you! Im so sorry Les." Lexi says sobbing face buried in her hands.

"Its okay Lexi, I know who he is. He's been after me.  I see him in my dreams night after night."

"Looks like I picked the wrong time to visit."

"Are you serious Rachel? Youre supposed to be my friend! How could you be so cold?"

"Honestly I never really liked you. I just hung out with you to sleep with your brother. Since I accomplished that goal, Im so out of here. Later loosers!"

She walks off without even giving us a second look and slams the door behind her. I cant believe what just happened. "You guys are my friends right?"

They looked at me and says, until the end. I thought to myself, thats exactly what Im afraid of.


I cant wait until the time comes For I will be the whispers in the darkest shadow. The weapon in the hand of a serial killer. I'll be the keeper of souls. When all is right, I will reign supreme over all of mankind. I am the bloodstained vessel of torture and I control the darkness.

Ive roamed the streets in every corner of the world, and I still hunger for sorrow. Ive slaughtered countless numbers of the weak and pathetic victims whos only selfworth in life is anothers misery, savagely feeding on their hateful and envious blood. For years I have been a myth. A childs ghost story,but after this weekend, I will be everybodys nightmare. Leslie Barnes will be my sacrafice, then my salvation.

I awake to the night hour like a bird to the sun, and think of all the ways I can make my desires materialize. A short chubby woman passes me and I sense fear! So delicate and fragile, so I feed!

I have always been the knife waiting in a dark alley. Just waiting for some unsuspecting prick to pass by. Then two sharp jabs to the liver by the hands of a drunken junkie. Make no mistake, I am the dark terror of the night. Weapon of all weapons. People dont kill, I DO! I must have blood now!! I need more souls!!!

© Copyright 2012 Maria Greene (dalight at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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