The blood in my veins drains and pours heavily down my legs, pooling at my feet. I am now a hollow shell of who I used to be, Along with my blood he took my sanity. He took the part of me I gave to him. But not to keep! Only to hold for me. I trusted his hands I trusted him. So I gave myself to his entity. I couldn’t handle my mentality alone. I had too many thoughts, Too many dreams, Ideas and beliefs. My form could not hold such an amount of weight being forced onto it. I needed relief. I needed hope, And then he came And I shoved my being into his So that he could help handle me. We walked alongside, hand in hand and both halves of myself connected For a while, but then his grew weaker. Ours fingered slipped slightly in our grasp, He walked a little faster. Then he ran, still holding me, but barely, until our arms were outstretched and reaching for each other, or I for him. He was ahead and I behind, we ran still, away and to, our shoulder fell out of socket. We screamed and we ran, one ahead and one behind. The flesh that was holding our arms to our bodies tore, I started to call after him, But he ran ahead and I behind. My arm broke off, his fell to the ground and dragged lazily behind his form as he ran ahead but I stopped. I called for him to turn around. But he ran ahead and I watched As he took my other half. I am a hollow shell of what I used to be. Before I wasn’t able to contain myself, Now I struggle for my person and mortality. I am a hollow shell of what I could be. I still cry at night. In my dreams, I hear his footsteps running ahead And they beat me in my sleep. I still cry at night. My voice screams silently as I watch from behind, His form leaving my stare in and dissipating into the blurred horizon. I am a hollow shell. |