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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1867610
The beginning of a story of a traveler who seeks adventure in every opportunity he finds.
“ What’s that in the distance?” asked Adam as he looked out at a nearby island. Adam was a young warrior who traveled the world in search of adventures and today was another one waiting to happen. From his ship, he could see a rather small island in the distance and in the center of it was a giant cave. It looked like it went pretty deep inside the island itself, he wanted to go check it out. He made sure his ship was close enough to the shore before he got off. Not knowing what could be inside the cave, he took out what he thought he’d need.

He equipped a number of weapons and other materials on him to prepare himself for whatever lay inside the cave. Once the ship had reached the shore, he had it shrink so that he could fold it and put it in his pocket to keep it safe. After doing that, he started to walk towards the cave to explore it. Upon entering the cave, his first observation was that it was incredibly dark so he fixed that by taking out his sword. His sword had the ability to blaze fire when someone it deemed worthy weld it and it had considered Adam wealthy when he first found it. The flame was bright enough to help him see much better as he continued to walk further into the cave.

Unknown to Adam, the cave was occupied by a small family of vicious people who didn’t like to be disturbed with the most vicious of them being a man named Vachel. Vachel was a tall and muscular man with long blonde hair that he never brushed. His thick muscular body was covered in hair and made him look more like an animal than a human. He picked up the scent of someone approaching and began sniffing the air.

“ What are you doing father?” asked his son.

“ I think someone’s walking in here…smells like they have a torch with them” he got up from where he was sitting and left to find the source of the smell.

“ Do you think its uncle Laban?” his son asked.

         “ No, I heard he’d been kidnapped by Lacey anyway. This one smells different” He walked toward the entrance of the cave with his son following behind. The closer they got the more careful Vachel was to make sure he remained quiet. When he believed they were close enough, he had his son hide behind him as he watched the visitor approach.

The visitor was Adam, a young boy who looked very built for his age and carried a number of items with him. It was clear to Vachel that whoever the visitor was, he had combative experience.

“ Why are you hiding from me?” said Adam. Vachel couldn’t believe he’d been spotted; he made sure to hide in the shadows so he wouldn’t be able to see and yet somehow he did. Cautiously, Vachel and his son appeared before Adam who smiled at them.

“ Hi, I’m Adam. Sorry if I intruded on you, I was just wondering what I’d find in here” he said.

“ Well unfortunately for you, you did and no intruder gets out of this cave alive” said Vachel. He opened his jaw and showed off razor sharp fangs at the same time he detracted claws from his fingers and toes. Adam wasn’t the least bit scared and was still smiling, that made Vachel even angrier.

“ What are you smiling at? Are you really that cocky?” He pounced like an animal at Adam with his fangs and claws out. Adam fought back with a burst of flame that shot out from his sword and covered Vachels entire body. Vachel groaned in pain as the searing flames burned his body. His son didn’t look concerned at all about his father being burned and looked at Adam with a straight face.

“ How did you find this island?” he asked.

“ I just saw it while on my ship and thought I’d take a look at what was inside the cave. I didn’t think I’d have such an unpleasant welcome” Adam looked at Vachel, who was now getting up and walking while still on flames.

“ Haha, if that fire sword is the best you have against me then you’re as good as dead. I’m a regenerator, I can take anything you throw at me and recover from it” said Vachel. Adam sighed to himself. Throughout his travels, he had met plenty regenerators and they all had the same arrogant attitude because they all thought themselves invincible. Adam already had a way to counter their so-called “invincibility.” He took out a very thin string and threw it at Vachel who laughed as he threw it.

“ String? Is this how desperate you’ve become?” Adam stuck out his hand and struck Vachel with a bolt of lighting and stunned him. While he was stunned, Adam quickly took the string he had thrown and wrapped it around him then pushed him over.

“ What are you doing? You already saw how father could heal from your attacks” said his son.

“ Just watch, you’ll see” so they both did and to the boys surprise, his father was actually struggling to get out of the grip of the string.

“ Ugh…what is this…this string?  It’s too strong…I can’t get it off!” Adam smiled and walked up to Vachel.

“ This string is actually a very strong chain I acquired on one of my adventures. It’s called Gleipnir and it’s stronger than anything you’ve ever encountered in your life.” Adam said. Vachel refused to admit defeat and continued to try and shake off the chain but it was too strong for him and he eventually gave up.

“ Now that you’re done trying to kill me, I’d like to know if there’s any other inhabitants on this island besides you two” said Adam.

“ There’s the rest of my family” said Vachels son. “ And the people who live past the island forests but you probably shouldn’t go there.”

“ And why not?”

“ They’re ruled by a man called Kane”

“ Who’s that?”

“ He’s a really strong man who works for Macauley” Adam had heard mention of Macauley before. He was a man from a very wealthy and regal background who had a strong vendetta against humanity.

“ What would Macauley want on a small island like this?” the boy shrugged his shoulders.

“ I don’t know but that Kane guy is strong and I don’t even know if you could beat him, my uncle tried to stop him but he hasn’t returned since he left” Adam looked over at Vachel on the ground in the chains and at his son, he had a better understanding of why they were hostile at first.

“ How about this, I go in there and rescue your uncle from this Kane guy?” Adam suggested. The boy didn’t look convinced Adam could do it and Vachel snorted.

“ Good luck with that. You may have special abilities from all that special equipment but Kane doesn’t need any of that, he’s pure strength,” said Vachel.

“ I haven’t even fought him so until I do I won’t know if he’s tougher than me, will I?” Adam took the chain off of Vachel and started to leave the cave.

“ Wait!” the boy called out. “ I want to come with you too”

“ Son, why?”

“ I don’t know if this guy can beat Kane or not but if he does I want to see uncle Laban first when he’s realeased” Vachel looked hesitant to let his son go with a boy who just attacked him but decided he could go since Adam wasn’t’ all that bad.

“ Just know that if he dies, you’re next” he warned Adam when he left.

“ Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of him” When they came outside of the cave, Adam could see that it would take some time to get through the forest and that was something he couldn’t have at the moment.

“ Are you comfortable with flying?” he asked the boy.

“ What?”

“ Hold my hand” the boy did so, unsure of what was going to happen. He quickly found out when he felt both him and Adam beginning to lift off the ground.

“ What’s happening? How are you doing this?” he asked in a panic.

“ I’m using the winged sandals to fly so we can get past the forest faster” said Adam. The boy looked down at his feet and was stunned to see that his shoes had wings that were flapping as they flew. He looked down as he was carried across the forest and seeing it from a whole different perspective. They quickly went through it and reached the center of the island where Kane reigned. Adam could see the small houses scattered throughout the area and had a good idea that the larger building was where Kane was houses.

“ This is it, huh? Doesn’t look very lively” said Adam. He noticed how there seemed to be no people outside.

“ It’s because they’re too scared of Kane” said the boy. He looked around for any sign of his uncle but had no idea which of the many houses he was in, if any.

“ We should probably go inside somewhere and ask around about your uncle” said Adam. He went up to what looked like a bar and knocked on it. A slot in the center of the door opened and a pair of eyes looked at him.

“ Who are you?” the person asked.

“ I’m Adam, I came here with this boy just now” he said. The eyes looked at Adam and the boy then unlocked the door so they could go in. The inside of the bar appeared to be where everyone went to socialize. People of all ages were everywhere talking, joking, arguing with one another like they were at a park.

“ So what brings you here?” the man who answered the door asked them.

“ This boy here said his uncle came here but never came back” said Adam. He put his hand on the boys shoulder to show the man who he was talking about.

“ And how’s your uncle”

“ His name’s Laban” At the mention of his name, the man grew silent and stood still while the rest of the bar continued to talk loudly.

“ Do you mean…the short hairy guy with the temper?” he asked.

“ Yes! That’s him!” The man shifted his eyes in both directions and then leaned forward to whisper.

“ You should probably come with me to my office. I have to tell you something” He led both Adam and the boy into a room that was next to where drinks were being served. It looked like an ordinary wooden door surrounded by drunks guzzling down alcohol and screaming profanities. The man unlocked the door and walked in with Adam and the boy behind him. The office was in pretty good shape considering how the rest of the bar looked. It had a clean carpet and everything.

“ You said you uncle was Laban, correct?” he asked the boy. The boy nodded.

“ I’m afraid he’s been captured by Kane”

“ What?” the boy was so upset by the news that he nearly fell out of his chair.

“ It wasn’t that long ago when he came. He had to be both the stupidest and the bravest man I’d ever met. He came in here and went straight to Kane; none of us could believe a guy like that existed. Well, Kane accepted his challenge and ended up winning. He’s now holding your uncle prisoner in his building.”

“ So he’s alive?” the boy was still holding on to the hope that he was.

“ Probably but the building isn’t easy to get into and even if you do, there’s Kane to face”

“ Don’t worry about us” said Adam. “ I’ve fought guys like Kane before and as for the building, leave it to me” he gave the man a wink when he said that.

“ You shouldn’t be so cocky boy. I can see that you have some very fine looking weapons but it’ll take more than those to stop Kane”

“ Don’t worry. I promise I’ll stop Kane and come back alive” Adam held out his hand so that the man could shake it to confirm his promise. The man looked at Adams hand and then at his face. He knew from looking at both that Adam was indeed sincere with what he was saying and somehow that sincerity gave him hope.

“ Okay…I’ll trust you return”

“ Great, come with me” Adam said to the boy. “ It’s time to rescue your uncle”

“ Now wait a minute, is it really safe to bring a child with you?”

“ I don’t care how dangerous it is. I want to see my uncle” said the boy.

“ Very well, be careful both of you” They left the bar and walked over to the building where Kane was. It wasn’t very hard to spot since it stood taller than all the other buildings. It was the biggest and most advanced building in the small village, but that wasn’t saying much. Other than it being made of bricks instead of wood like the other houses, the only other big difference Adam could see was that there was a large and wide electric fence around it.

“ There’s no way we can get past that” said the boy. He looked up at the massive fence with a clear look of doubt.

“ You forget who you’re with,” said Adam. He stood still while looking at the fence and as he did so, the fence began to bend open for them.

“ How are you doing that?”

“ If I told you how I could do everything I could, it’d take a while” With the fence now open for them, they walked through the fence and toward the building of Kane. The door proved to be locked but Adam got past it by kicking it open. The inside of the house had no lights on at all and was one giant room with many rooms in it.

“ Do you have heightened senses like your father?” said Adam. The boy shook his head; he was too scared to talk.

“ Okay, let me try then” Adam focused his senses of scent and hearing to try and find either the boys’ uncle or Kane. He picked up a very smelly and unclean scent; it was probably the boys’ uncle.

“ I think I’ve found your uncle”


“ Yes, but I haven’t picked up Kane. He’s either here or he’s very well hidden” He could feel the boy squeezing tightly onto his hand. Adam walked into the empty house and to his left into one of the rooms. The inside was pitch black but the stench was getting worse as he entered it, it was so bad it almost made him want to puke. He took out his sword so that he could see better and saw that the room was used as a prison. There were a couple very small cells with rusty bars that held a couple people in them. Each one Adam looked at appeared to be too disturbed or depressed to pay him any mind, all but one. A short man with wild hair and a beast like appearance looked right at him with a smug expression.

“ Who the hell are you?” he said.

“ Uncle Laban!” the boy said.

“ What? Gabriel?” said Laban. Gabriel pressed his face against the bars and looked at his uncle. Even as a prisoner bound in chains, he still retained his respectable appearance by not succumbing to the atmosphere of the room.

“ I’m Adam, I came here to rescue you” Laban scanned Adam up and down then nodded.

“ You look like you know how to handle situations like this. You here to fight Kane as well?”

“ Yep” Laban smiled and chuckled to himself.

“ Even though I just met you I already like you” Adam broke the chain apart with his hands and freed Laban. Laban stumbled a little at first from not having walked for as long as he did but quickly got over it.

“ Since neither of you know where Kane is, I can lead you to him” he offered.

“ Fine with me, you can even help me fight him if you want” said Adam.

“ It’s good with me, I’ve been itching for some action after being stuck in there for so long” Adam noticed that Laban was more animalistic than his brother. He walked in a hunch like a chimpanzee wherever he went. He led Adam and Gabriel through a maze of rooms that led to some other section of the house until finally reaching Kanes. It was the largest door in the house they’d seen and it was solid gold.

“ I’ll give you the honor of opening it” Laban said to Adam. Adam wasted no time and kicked the door open like he had at the entrance. He waited as the door hit the ground for any sign of Kane but found none.

“ Are you sure this is where kane is?” he asked Laban.

“ Yeah, he’s always in here” Adam took out his sword and walked into the room and looked all over for signs of Kane.

“ Pretty interesting sword you got there” said Laban

“ It’s nothing compared to the other items I have” Adam said while still looking around. His flame was bright but it wasn’t enough to see everything in the large room. So far he had seen a mirror, a dresser, a large bed, and something in the corner next to the bed. It had no definite shape and didn’t move, definitely suspicious looking enough for Adam to give it a closer look. He slowly walked up to whatever it was and when he got to it, very carefully touched it to see what it was.

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