Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1866204-Living-in-the-House-of-Hell
by Gojira
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1866204
A family's new home with a cemetery is terrorfied by satanic forces that roam the grounds.
My name is Michelle, and I used live with my parents who are close in a divorce. My whole childhood was nothing but aggervation and abuse from them but most of it came from father. They would get into fights both mental and physical. I could do nothing to stop them from what they feel and do. After all these years I am getting a chance to have a family away from my abusive parents. My boyfriend, Lewis and I have two kids. The oldest is Martha, a 16 year old who like to go out late at night and party with her friends. My youngest is Judy, a 7 year old girl who is kind and shy with hardly and friends except the family dog, Ruffus. Ruffus is a pit bull and adopted Judy as his master and friend. Martha likes to keep to herself and listen to punk rock music from her iPod she carries around. I myself is ready to start a new life in St. Louis, Missouri. I had looked up houses in that area and finaly found one in the country side of St. Louis. It's a two story victorian house that has been built over 300 years ago. I didn't worry so much on the background only that it was once a mental institution for the crimenly insane. That never really didn't bother me so I bought it and we all got into out van and went on our way and not looking back at my parents again. After three days or traveling on the road we finaly arrived to the house on a large praire in the countryside of St. Louis with a large sized pond on its right. There I got out to the gate blocking our entrance. I pulled out the key to gate and unlocked the lock. I opened it wide open from both sides. "Honey, I'll walk from here." I told him. He drove up to the house as I went to look around the praire. Then I noticed a sign at the edge of the woods that read Cemtary Grove. The sign stood above a path inside the woods. I entered and walked my way on a old stone walk way. Then stopped at a gate that had been brocken. On the other side was the cemertary. It looked abandoned for a long while ago. The tombstones had lost the names and most dates of the graves they stood apawn. All round the cemetary and along the path and walked on was gloomy and had an uneasy feeling possesing the surroundings. Then I looked down and found a dusty book and picked it up I wipped the dust off with my hand and there written on the book was the title called Epilost. I then placed the book under my arms and headed my way back to the house. Ariving back at my new large home, I walked in and was astounded by how beautiful it was designed. Lewis walked out of the kitchen and gave me a kiss on the cheek and showed me to the the large living room. An elderly lady and man stood there in the middle of the living room. He told me that they are the maid and butler and come with the house. They introduced themselves just as Mr. & Mrs. Rubarb and left until until tommorow. Judy and Martha were already unpacking their stuff in their new rooms. Furniture, paintings, and other decor were in the house that only needed dusting. I left Lewis to continue fixing lunch for the girls and went upstrairs where I stopped at a blanket covering a door. I uncovered it and there on the door wrote the words in paint that was almost unreadable. I pulled down the blanket and placed it on a table next to it in the hallway. Then Ruffus was behind me and started wimpering and growling at the door. I tried to make him be quiet be he barked and then ran quickly downstairs. I shook my head and went for the door knob. I opended the door slowly and it was dark and very quiet, an unusual silence. I switched the light on and walked in. The room was painted purple and there were odd paintings. One of which seemed to be a hanging of people. Another of which had a group of six men wearing black hoods neeing to black figure of which he had two horns and a pentagram on its chest with candles lit in the background. The last one I looked at was a painting of people being burned by walking skeletons who all held syths and pichforks. In the middle of the entire room was a large pentagram which looked like it had been burned to the floor. It even had a sword with dry blood on it stuck in the middle of it. There were no windows in the room and no other door. There were unliten candles surrounding the pentagram. I dropped the book and walked back out shaking my head. I knew this had to be a room for things satanic and thats why the door had been covered. The light bulb in the room busted and the door slammed infront of me and I ran down stairs and went to Lewis who was still in the kitrchen. I explained to him about the evil things in the room I found. He followed me to the room. But when I went there to show him there was no door and the book was outside of where the door was at. Even the blanket that covered the room was gone. He told me it was just my imagination. Then asked me what is this book. I explained to him I found it in Cemetary Grove. He asked me if we can all go there to check it out in a few days. I wasn't sure but still said yes. We walked me back into the kitchen and handed me a turkey sandwich went out to give the girls there sandwiches as well. I was thinking about if there was no room there then how could I see it and how could a dog get crazy of it before I did open it. The only thing I could think that it might be stress, but why must I have to see something sinester that stress caused, or did it? I put the satanic room behind me and went on. For the past two days, the Rubarbs dusted the house and I also helped organize things where they might go and rearange furniture and paintings. One day I showed Lewis, Judy and Martha the way to Cemetary Grove. Judy and I stood together a few feet from the cemetary itself. Lewis and Matha entered through the gate. Judy walked into the cemetary and stopped infront of a large tombstone. She stared at it for a few moments and called me to look a something she sees on the grave. I was a little reluctant to go in but I did and went to and neeled down next to her. She pointed at it and there was a burnt pentagram on the tombstone. I took her away and quickly and she asked what was it mommy. I just said its something very bad and not good for nice people just for very bad people. It came back to me about the burnt pentagram in the room that was never there. At the house, Mrs. Rubarb were heading down to the basement to start cleaning it and see what might need fixed another day. She turned on the lights and went down the stairs. The only things that were in the basement were equipment that was used when its used to be a mental institution into a pile. She began to mop the floor old floor. In the living room, Mr. Rubarb had found the book called Epilost on the coutch. He set down the broom and began to read the book. The beggining of Epilost read, "Hell brings death and destruction into the world. This house is the gateway into Hell and those who live there will experience the damnation and death into their lives. The house will summon demons and the souls of Cemetary Grove and they will terroize the inhabitants and all those who they know who live in the house.They shall become demons and Satan's imps will cause havoc. Nightmares will plage the grounds and devilish forces will shake the very existance of life to the bottom of Hell. Satan will come in the form of a black figure and kill a woman in the basement. Then he will kill the man reading this book right now in the living room." Mr. Rubarb dropped the book in the floor and became fightened. Mrs. Rubarb then looked over at a chair what looked like an electricution chair and there sitting in it was a faceless black figure who got up and red glowing eyes appered where there was no face. Its hands has claws and it breathed very hard. Mrs. Rubarb was frightened and lifted up the mop and tried to hit it. With one hand it snatched the mob and broke it in half throwing it to the floor from side to side. She screamed and the black figure grabbed her throat and lifted her up chocking her. It lifted its other hand and spreaded its fingers out with the claws and pulled its hand back. She screamed once more as the lights in the basement went out. Mr. Rubarb still shuken up heared the blood curdling scream from the basement. He looked at the book and knew that Satan killed her. Then he saw a black faceless figure wilth red glowing eyes and blood stained claws. He yelled out to the figure to leave Satan and leave this house alone. The figure laughed at him and walked towards him. Mr. Rubarb pulled out a cross and lifted it in front of him and the figure stopped and pointed at him and made an unhuman growling sound and faded away. Mr. Rubarb whipped the sweat from his face and collaped onto the recliner behind him from the preasure the black menace put on him top get rid of it. He then thanked God and kissed the cross looking up for God's support. the family and I walked in and I noticed Mr. Rubarb on the recliner shaking and sweating with a silver cross in his hands. I went over to him and asked him whats the matter. He could barly explain to me but did when the others went to the kitchen to eat dinner. He told me that after reading the Epilost book that I found. It told strange and evil things that could plage the house and us. Then told me that a black figure which is Satan will kill the woman in the basement and then kill the one reading this book in the living room. The woman was Mrs. Rubarb and the one reading Epilost was Mr. Rubrab. He was close to death but having the cross with him saved him from Satan. He descrbed Satan appearing as a black faceless being with red glowing eyes and claws. He even noticed blood on it, which he expected it to be the blood of Mrs. Rubarb. I left him alone in the living room and went to look if Mrs. Rubarb was really down there. I opened the door and the lights were turned off. I switched them on and there laying at the bottom of the stairs was Mrs. Rubarb, clawed to death with her eyes widdened. I had screamed loud and Lewis came to me and seen her there as well. Half an hour later after Martha called 911, the police and the paramedics arrived and carried her away. An officer questioned everyone including Mr. Rubarb who was the only person in the house at the time. He was considered a suspect and only suspect. He was taken away to be further questioned and what he may know. Two days later I got a call from the same officer who was here the other night. He called to let me know that Mr. Rubarb was killed in the questioning room after he left the room. I was shocked and asked him how did her die. He told me he was clawed to death. After hanging up I was starting to connect Cemetary Grove, the satanic room that vanished, the pentagram at a tombstone. the mysterious book Epilost, both deaths of Mr. & Mrs. Rubarb, and what Mr. Rubarb described of the black faceless figure that he considered it being Satan that was said in the Epilost book as not a cowinsidence but something very evil roaming the grounds. It seemed just like things trying to frighten us, but also starting to kill and might harm my children. Martha was blow drying her hair after taking a shower and flies just started blowing out of it onto her. She screamed and they then vanished without a way to get out. Then she looked at the mirror seeing if she could see any flies on her head. Then her reflection changed from herself to the black faceless being. She screamed and it started to crawl out of the mirror. As she opened the door it lifted its hand and slashed once down her back. She screamed in pain and fell out of the bathroom to the floor. The being went back into the mirror when it heared Lewis and I comming up the stairs. It made a roar and was gone before we arrived. I neeled down to her and we both saw the five long claw marks down her back that drew blood. Lewis helped her up and took Martha to her room where he cleaned her back. I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Though it was gone for now, I still gave it a piece of my mind. I told it, if you harm anyone in this house especillay Judy and Martha I will find a way to torment you and have you sent to Hell for good and leave us alone. Cause you will have to go through me to kill again! Got it, Satan! I've had enough of your acts of evil! I then said a prayer and left to Martha. That night when we were all asleep, the tombstones of Cemetary Grove began to shake and rattle very hard. Steam broke from the graves and a green glowing light flicked from the ground around Cemetary Grove. A large green glowing fog rolled in from out of the cemetary and started to surround the house. The glow got into my eyes and interupted my sleep. I thought mabey someone was outside. I began to hear strange whispering in the house. I awoke Lewis who was half asleep and looked at the window and saw the glowing fog that surrounded our home. The tombstones crumbled to the ground into dust. Then boiling blood spewed out of each grave site creating themselves into beings that were homocidal demons. Ruffus began barking and wining in Judy's bedroom, waking her Judy up. Martha beggining to wake up opened her eyes and screamed as the black faceless figure was over her body. It had her pinned down and rubbing against her. Lewis left to Martha's bedroom. Once he did, the door slammed behind him and the window in my room exploded outward into the room. Wind blew in with an ugly sounding wail. Then I could see a person or what I thought was a person standing in front of the window. It wore a black robe and had a burnt pentagram mark on the robe. It lifted its head up and it had a burnt face with bones showingall around. I screamed and it moaned at me reaching its arms to me. I lifted up a lamp and ran to it, bashing the lamp into its face. It fell into the glowing fog making a loud unhuman roar. Lewis went into Martha's room and found the black figure over her. He yelled at it after picking up a rod in the corner. The black figure looked at him with red glowing eyes. It jumped onto the ceiling when Lewis tried to hit it with the rod. It crawled like a spider on the ceiling so un human-like. I opened the door and hurried to help Lewis. The black figure jumped from the celing to the wall in front of Martha's bed. Then jumped onto Lewis after making a roaring sreech. It scratched his face from left to right making Martha scream out to him. I opned the door and I grabbed the rod on the floor and swung it, hitting the black figure's head knocking it to the floor. It jumped right back up pointing its finger at me and making a hissing laughing like sound. Judy came in and screamed after glancing at the red eyed black figure. Judy ran away and the figure walked through the wall chasing Judy down the stairs with her screaming and crying. I yelled in anger and ran after it. I screaming to it "NO!" over and over. I then fell half way down the stairs hurting my head and leg. My head bled and my leg was strained. Judy fell in the living room in front of the lit fireplace. Judy began to cry at the sight of the black figure. She covered her eyes. The Ruffus clamped down its jaws into its right arm bringing out green and red blood. It smacked it off its arm. Ruffus got back up and jumped onto it clamping it jaws into its neck. It began to rip through it. They fell onto the coutch with them in a fight. I tried getting up and started limping my way into the living room hearing the struggle between the figure and Ruffus. I saw the book Epilost and the fireplace. I yelled to Judy to get the book and throw it into the fire now. Judy still shaken got up and ran to the other side of the living room and grabbed the book. The window in front of the book shattered when a hooded demon tried grabbing Judy. She and the book fell to the floor with a scream. She snatched the book and ran for the fireplace. The black figure lifted up Ruffus and slammed him to the floor killing him. Judy threw it into the fire and it began to burn. It made an unhuman scream and went to Judy and smacked her across the floor turning her unconcious. I became angry and went over to it and began to beat the figure with the rod over and over. It smacked me to the floor. It went to grab the thick burning book. I grabbed its leg causing it to collapse to the floor. As it tried reaching for Epilost it made a scream like roar as it was in pain. Then the book was reduced to ashes and the hooded demons outside vanished but the menacing glowing fog outside still roamed including the red eyed black faceless figure. It stood up and growled at me as it stood up and I still in the floor hurt. I then plunged the rod into its hear and it roared and fell into the fire burning up. As it screamed in pain, it began to wither away into green flames that went away. The fog began to fade as it did. The windows in the house started shattering. The house began to rumble with objects in it fall off and breaking. Wind blew into the house blowing stuff away. When the black figure faded away with into death, everything unnatural had ended. The dark preasence had destroyed and a peace lifted into the area letting that negative preaure off our shoulders. I dropped the rod to the floor. Lewis and Martha slowly entered the living room as I covered my eyes with my arm and began crying, not in saddness but in relief. Martha went over to Judy and woke her up and Lewis helped me up and I still was crying, but glad that this enity had been put to an end and that my family was not taken by the hands of the evil Satan.
© Copyright 2012 Gojira (3dmonsters at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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