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Okay, So I know I promised regular updates but.. I get busy. I'm sorry! I'm currently working mainly on Lilly Bradford, (if any of you actually read that, I'm very proud of it and I have a BIG plot twist in mind as soon as I get a moment to write it D: ) Anyhow, I have my very first ACT tomorrow! *For those of you who don't know, ACT is a college level exam that covers the 4 core subjects Reading, Math, Science and Language, and includes any random skill learned from the beginning of the 9th grade, to the beginning of 12th, usually taken by high school students for better college placement, scholarship opportunities, etc. etc.) I'm taking it for the FIRST time tomorrow, (I'm a Sophomore)... I plan to be a nurse, and tuition isn't cheap .___. My dream-come-true would to be to score an overall 30 tomorrow ^-^ But realistically I'm aiming for 26 xD Anyhow, I know you guys probably don't care about my studying routine or any of that nonsense, but that's why I'm not writing regularly, so I can better myself for a life of bandaging scraped knees and broken wrists x3 Wish me luck. |