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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Supernatural · #1848348
Tanner and her husband Jack spend some time together. Ceasor teases Rocket, Tanner's dog

          Math 18:20; for where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.


          Working out on the elliptical gave Tanner the time to process the case without her husband thinking she was obsessing.  As long as she took time to work out and paint, he felt like she was letting her mind relax.  She knew her mind was doing nothing but working overtime but if it made him feel better, she was all for it.  She was watching the crime thriller Bones on DVD as she worked out, but her mind kept going over the real case yet to be solved. 

          Forty eight hours had passed and they were no closer to catching the killer.  The two suspects they had, both cleared.  No other person of interest had been identified yet. They had a partial print on the abortion pamphlet but no match had been found.  The killer either had no prior criminal record or the print had not hit the right match yet.  Kendra’s family all had alibis that checked out.  Kendra had no enemies that anyone knew of. 

        Saturday had been another exhausting day that turned up nothing of substance.  She had gone with Tim and combed over the crime scene again for anything that they may have missed.  They found nothing.  John and Doug had finished their reports, gone over the medical examiners final report, and reviewed the evidence found. They had no new news to report.  The only thing left to do was go to the abortion clinic and talk to everyone that was there on September 1st at and around 9:00a.m.  The clinic had not been open on Saturday due to a bomb threat, two different times that day; the culprit was found...a patient on the psych floor of Mystic General Hospital. The staff assured the Chief that the patient was a long term resident who had been with them for weeks. 

The manager of the Woman’s Clinic was not home the two times Tanner and John attempted to visit.  Monday, she and John would pop in and look around. 


            Ceasor occupied the living room couch as he watched the perimeter of the trees that surrounded Tanners home from their large living room windows.  Rocket had not wanted to go on his walk this morning; he was too interested in pestering Ceasor.  A small poke from the end of his sword had persuaded the old dog to take a hike for a few minutes, leaving Ceasor to focus fully on his charge.  He could sense the evil ones watching this house.  They were being more cautious than usual, this was disturbing.


            Jack finally convinced Rocket to go for a walk with the temptation of a treat.

            Tanner let her mind focus on how her body was feeling as she drove her feet into the elliptical pedals faster to match the pace and depth of level five.  By minute twenty, her legs were burning and she was covered in sweat. Breathing in a rhythmic fashion as she climbed the level six hill, she felt the pressure of her lungs filling faster with air to match the exhalation of carbon dioxide to keep her head steady.  Sweat dripped from her hair onto her shirt and caused a wet spot that was growing bigger at her neck and back.

          Working out was allowing her forty two year old body to look a bit younger and match the way she felt.  When Jack came in from walking the dog he made a point of whistling at her.  She smiled and tried to focus.  She had purposefully worn the exercise outfit he liked instead of the ratty old one she liked.  He noticed and that made it all worth it.  It was not like the outfit was obscene or anything, just Nike black and white shorts with a matching black Nike tank top.  For some reason he preferred matching work out wear to her sweat shorts from 1990 and a t-shirt that did not match.  Men, she thought with a smile. 

            The DVD thriller, Bones, ended and so did her workout.  Stretching her stiff muscles helped her to relax. It felt good, so Tanner took her time on the floor mat.  Lying on her back, with her knees pulled up to her chest, she laid there trying to keep her mind clear.  She felt herself totally relaxing.

          The aroma of bacon drifted into the living room just as she finished stretching. 

        “You’ve got time for a quick shower before breakfast is ready,” Jack said as she peeked around the corner to the kitchen.

          “Thanks babe,” Tanner said with a smile.

          The hot water from the shower lightly drilled against her back as she prayed.  The shower had always been a place of safety and solace for her.  It had provided her with solitude from her parents when she was a young.  The ritual was well ingrained now that she was older.  Praying for her family, her marriage, her finances, her friends, her case….whatever was weighing on her mind. 

            This morning she prayed thanks for her husband and her peaceful home.  She prayed thanks for the blessing of health and wellbeing for friends and family.  She prayed for safety and insight into the case, and for Kendra’s family.

            The smell of bacon once again drifted through the air and into her nose as Jack opened the bathroom door.  “My masterpiece is done so hurry the heck up!”

            Tanner’s prayers went straight to the ears of God.  He was listening to his daughter as she spoke with him like a friend this morning.  She was thankful for Him and all He had done for her.  She wanted His support and intervention in her life.  She appreciated Him for who He was. The God of the universe smiled with every word that exited her mouth and drifted into His ears. 

            “Be still and know that I am God,” He said to her.  Her heart received the word of the Lord.


            Ceasor could feel the power that was imparted to him from the prayers of his charge.  She was really talking to God this morning.  He could feel his blood pumping faster and his muscles bulging with strength.

              “Thanks, Tanner girl,” He said out loud.  Rocket turned to look at him, but did not leave his station of begging for bacon.


              Putting on her thin, white bathrobe as she went to the kitchen, she reveled in the feeling of being clean.  Jack put the plates piled with breakfast on the table and turned his attention to her.  Pulling her into him, they stood holding each other for several seconds, just enjoying the feeling of one another.

              “Let’s eat before I forget I’m hungry for food,” he said smiling as he grabbed their coffee mugs and set them done. 

              She sat down kitty corner to him at the end of the table, took a sip of her southern pecan coffee with cream, and stared at the beautiful plate he had prepared for her.  Fresh kiwi slices lined the left edge of her plate. Scrambled eggs that were fluffy, not runny filled the center. 12 grain toast with a thin layer of peanut butter, and three strips of well- done bacon took up the remaining space on the plate.  Perfect.  She dove in and savored every bite of this breakfast made with love.  Rocket lay on the floor at their feet, begging and hoping for a scrap to fall his way.  Drool slowly slimed out of the corners of his mouth before landing on the floor. 

              “Honey, this is so good.  Thank you so much,” she said to him as she touched his forearm. 

              “You are welcome, my lovely bride. I wanted to show you what a big breakfast looked like,” he grinned and looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

                Tanner laughed as she filled her mouth with eggs.  She knew he was teasing.  They had compromised on the cooking a long time ago.  She pretty much stunk in the kitchen.  He was a great cook.  She cleaned and kept the house in order.  They liked it this way.  Her father would never have been so accommodating to her mother, but this man was nothing like her father.

                Tanner finished the dishes and ironed her clothes for church as Jack got into the shower. She tried to stop the ache that was starting to settle in her chest.  Was it so awful to want your husband to come to church with you?  Dreaming of this was something she had always done.  Jack was not a Christian, at least not in traditional sense.  He believed in God.  He saw the difference it made in her life.  He had told her this many times.  “I’m not going to church. I’m sorry if this hurts you,” He had said on several occasions. 

          She finished dressing and put the last touches on her makeup when Jack came out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

          “Are you sure you do not want to come to church with me today?” she asked as she grabbed her purse. 

          “Nice try, but no. I’ll be home after golf. By the way Mrs. Quinn, you look beautiful,” he said as he patted her behind.

          “Have fun playing golf. Love you,” she said as she kissed him and headed out the door. She did not linger on the heavy feeling in her chest or the tear that slipped from her left eye.   

          Driving to church, she prayed for her husband. “I just want him to know your saving grace.  I want him to want to be your child…” 


          Ceasor and the other two guardians rode in silence as they listened to the emotional, heart- felt, prayer that Tanner was sending up to heaven.  Ceasor knew this was something that weighed heavy on Tanner.  He wished he could lift that burden somehow.  He saw that Jack was so close to becoming a Christian, this he knew for sure.  Her prayers were serving a purpose so he did not intervene.


          Pulling into the church parking lot at exactly 10:30 a.m. did not leave her with the best parking spot.  She was quite a distance from the entrance. Walking in the shoes she chose to match her dress was not really what they were made for. Her feet were already throbbing in a loud protest.

          The Evangelical Free church had become very popular over the years and they now held two services every Sunday, each one with several hundred people.  The pastor was a wonderful teacher.  He followed biblical teachings to the letter.  He made no apologies for the word of God. Tanner had been attending this church for ten years now.  She wished she could say she served God with her whole heart since giving her life to him at age twenty six, but that would not be the truth.  She could honestly say that the last three years she had truly begun to see that she was a child of God, not perfect but still loved.  She felt herself growing from her weekly bible studies and from the studies she had been attending with the women of the church.  She felt like God was guiding her life and bringing her closer to him. 

          Peace was something new to her, something wonderfully new.  She knew in her heart that God had forgiven her of her sins.  His word told her so.  Working on the guilt that invaded her was what she needed to work on.  She was also working on forgiving herself, something that was proving a little harder.


            Ceasor got out of the Rover with Tanner and the other two guardians went to the church entrance.  His eyes quickly surveyed the parking lot.  People would be shocked to see the amount of demons that lurked here, waiting to attach to their charge when they exited the building.  They kept their distance from the building.  Getting too close could prove to be deadly to some of them.  The spirit of God was here, they could feel it.  Some of the larger demons dared to hiss at Tanner and Ceasor as they sped by.  Ceasor did not bother with these demons.  They were weak.


            As Tanner power walked across the parking lot, in the midst of several other stragglers, she had the odd feeling she was being watched.  She shook it off as the feeling of someone being late and feared the whole congregation’s eyes.  Entering the church and closing the door, tranquility washed over her.  Open the eyes of my heart Lord; was being sung in unison by several hundred people, and it was beautiful.

            Before actually entering the worship service, she quickly grabbed the bulletin and several announcement flyers from the welcome table and put them in her bible.  Tanner smiled to herself as she found her empty seat waiting beside her friend Celeste.  Celeste was standing with the others, singing and raising her hands up to God, with her eyes closed.  Tanner stood at her seat and joined in the worship of her Lord Jesus Christ. 

            When the song was over, the congregation was instructed to take a seat for the announcements.  Celeste smiled at the presence of her friend.  She whispered.

            “I’m so happy to see you, I was afraid the murder case would keep you.”

            Tanner whispered back, “I was granted a few hours reprieve for today.  My boss knows Jesus.”

            She turned her attention to the assistant pastor as he continued to relay the announcements.

            “A missions trip to Haiti is being planned for this coming October.  The children’s ministry is collecting new and semi used bikes for a bike drive down town, and the men’s ministry is meeting tonight for an emergency prayer session…”

          Tanner felt her phone vibrate in her purse and quietly checked her message. 

          “Eagle… 3rd hole…  Pray for another…” Jack texted her.

          She showed the message to Celeste, who replied with an appropriate roll of her eyes and a grin.    The sermon started as Tanner put her phone away and focused on the words of the God she served.  Pastor Dan was teaching a series on the book of Jonah.  He never failed to bring forth information that Tanner had not seen in the text before.  She appreciated his knowledge and care in delivering his messages.  As he wrapped up his sermon, he asked the congregation to stand in prayer for the family of Kendra Mills and for her killer.  He led them in prayer. 

          “Father, we come before you today as your children.  We ask you to comfort the family and friends of Kendra Mills.  Our small community mourns her loss, Lord.  We are asking you to comfort those who knew and loved her.  We ask you to protect our community from the evil that has penetrated it.  Lord, help law enforcement to find the answers to this crime.  Help justice to prevail.  We also ask that you would be with her killer, Lord.  Help that person to know they have done wrong and to come forward.  Be with his/her family as well when the killer is revealed… In Jesus’ powerful name, amen.”

          Tanner and Celeste were each lost in thought as they filed out with the others and exited the church.  The sun was blinding for a few seconds as each of them shielded their eyes and looked down as they walked to Celeste’s car. 

        “How are things, girl?” she asked Tanner as she leaned against her blue ford explorer.

          “Good, other than trying to solve this awful murder,” Tanner said with a smirk and a wave of her hand.

          “Oh yeah, I sort of heard about that.  Was this a random thing or should I lock my hot self up and wait it out?” 

          Laughing, Tanner crossed her legs so she would not pee her pants. 

          “Stop it!  You’re awful,” she said to her as she continued to laugh.


          Ceasor watched Tanner with her friend.  They were laughing and enjoying each other’s company.  He liked her.  She was a woman who loved God, but was like Tanner; real.  She did not pretend to be something she was not and she was not afraid to speak her mind.  He had watched their friendship start and grow over the years.  God actually was the introducer.  He had planned all along for Celeste to be the preceptor of sorts for Tanner.  She was strong, like Tanner.  They were quite a pair. 


          “Seriously, how are things going?”  Tanner asked.

          “I’m good.  I have been accepted into this Semesters class for ministry and I have taken a sabbatical from work.  Things are falling into place for me and the future God has mapped out.” 

            Tanner hugged her and smiled. “You will be a fabulous woman of the ministry…you already are and now you will have the credentials to back it up!”

          “Thank you miss thang…I know you are busy with this murder Tanner, but I miss you.  Please be careful and call me with a lunch time you could squeeze in.  My lunches are all open. Oh and by the way…hot shoes,” Celeste said as she opened her car door and hugged Tanner with her left arm. 

          Tanner hugged her back and shut the door for her as her friend finished settling into her seat.

          They said their goodbyes as Celeste started her engine.  Tanner turned and started walking to her Rover.  Her feet were screaming.


              Ceasor was scanning the parking lot.  He and the other two guardians could feel eyes of evil on them.  The heavy wings that hung down Ceasor’s back were usually hidden but now they started to emerge to give him an even broader, stronger silhouette.  The gold Gladius sword that was strapped to his right hip began to shine brighter in the sun.  Heat radiated from his figure.  He got into the Rover with Tanner and the other two guardians. 


            Tanner was in the Rover when she again felt like someone was watching her.  She scanned the parking lot but did not see anything that was suspicious.  There were many people milling around talking and a long line of cars trying to get out of the parking lot.

          “Lord, I feel like someone is watching me.  Protect me this day, In Jesus name.” 

          Pulling out of the parking lot Tanner headed to McDonald’s to grab a diet coke for the drive home. The air was cool and the sun was bright.  The feeling of slight fear had now left her heart as she pulled in to the drive through.

            Listening to the Christian radio station and sipping her diet coke, Tanner felt peaceful and relaxed.  Ceasor sat beside her with every muscle taut.  The other two guardians could hear what Ceasor heard.  Demons were planning an attack against Tanner.  They were winding up their charge with thoughts of suspicion and hate against her.  The war was raging.


        Isaiah 1:18; though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow:  though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

        Tanner checked her phone as she drove home from church and saw that Jack had texted to let her know the golf tournament was going to take longer than expected.  He was sorry, but he would not be home until after supper.  She let him know that was fine and went home from church with determination to release some stress by painting. 

        When she parked the Rover in the driveway, Tanner began to feel an odd sensation of fear.  She stayed in the Rover and looked around.  The yard was normal. There did not seem to be anything out of place or added.  She watched the windows in the front of the house to see if any movement was obvious.

        “Father in heaven, I feel a slight sensation of fear…but I do not know why.  I’m not afraid exactly and I do not feel alarmed or the need to run but I still feel unsettled.  Show me what to do. I feel the need to ask for extra protection today, Lord.  Send your guardian angels to surround my home.  In Jesus name, the most powerful name I know, Amen.”


        Ceasor saw the reason for Tanners fear.  There were two, massive, black demons retreating to the woods as Tanner drove in her yard.  They were new to this area.  Ceasor addressed the two guardians. “Get out and go the perimeter of the yard, one of you on each side, I’ll go with Tanner.” 


          Tanner got out of the Rover and headed up her walkway.  She could hear Rocket barking his greeting.  The bark was for her and not of alarm.  The hair on the back of her neck did not stand up and her heart was beating normal, so she continued to go into the house.  Rocket ran around her feet and whined.  He wanted her attention.  Tanner quickly forgot her thoughts of fear and sat on the floor and loved on her dog.

            “Oh baby boy, you missed mama didn’t you.  I missed you too my brave boy…ohhhh I love you, you old smelly dog.”


            As Tanner went about picking up the house and talking to Rocket, Ceasor began instructing the twelve new guardians that had arrived.  God heard Tanners prayer and responded.  Ceasor gave each of them a post around the perimeter of the Quinn’s home.  He and the other two guardians stayed inside with Tanner.  There was evil lurking in the woods surrounding their home, waiting for the battle cry.


          Once the housework and the dishes were done, Tanner changed into some old sweats and a Red Wings t-shirt and headed to her upstairs art studio, a room converted years ago after no children came to fill it.  She had started painting after she took an art class that inspired her to be more creative.  There were times when she painted a new piece every month and times when she painted nothing for months on end. 

        She stepped through the art studio door and smiled.  She loved this room.  Jack had helped her paint the walls a deep brick red.  The floors were covered with new dark stained wood that seemed to glow in the shadow of the track lighting.  Three big bay windows let in bright sunlight from the east wall.  The curtains were a woven silk design that muted together the colors of black, red, gold and green.  The ceiling was high and the room was large enough to hold many empty canvases and all of her supplies, without seeming cluttered. 

        Tanner lit the linen candle that sat on the stand by the windows and opened the center window to let some fresh air in.  She inhaled a long slow breath and turned to face the four foot by four foot, blank, white canvas that was leaning against the wall.  She cleared her mind. Her housework was done, the dog was napping, and she was not on call. Bull promised to call if there was a break in the case. It had been quite a while since she painted anything she was pleased with.  It seemed she always wanted to redo an existing piece, or rework the details somehow. 

        Arranging her paints, brushes and solvent jars helped to start the creative juices flowing. As she laid out the large sheet across the floor so she would not drip paint on the new floor, she promised herself that the blank canvas was the project.  As she stood before it, she closed her eyes and was still, waiting for an inspiration to strike her.  Her heart whispered to God; show me what to paint. Her heart felt the inspired words of God. 

        My daughter, your sins are forgiven and you stand before me, like this canvas, white as snow.

          Slowly picking up her favorite medium sized, round bristle brush with her right hand, she reached over and dipped it in the scarlet red oil paint, swirling it around and around to gather as much paint as possible.  Standing and bringing the brush to the canvas, she closed her eyes and spread the paint over the canvas, letting the color release itself as it wished.  After several turns of her wrist and brush, she once again dipped the brush into the scarlet red paint. Trying to let the paint create a picture of nothing preordained was proving easier than usual.  She let the brush fuel her mind, instead of her mind fueling the brush.


          Ceasor sat in the corner of the small art studio and watched his charge.  He prayed for her.


        The brush continued across the canvas, as if on its own, as she lost herself in memory after memory.  She saw herself as a young girl going to church with her mother and brother.  Wearing one of her blue ruffled, Sunday dresses, she carried her children’s bible to Sunday school with pride.  The Sunday school teacher, Mrs. Whittier, praised her for knowing the lesson and for being able to recite the verses.  Tanner recalled needing the reward of pleasure from her teacher.  Her mother did not study with her.  Her mother did not talk about the bible stories with her.  She just remembered them from the lesson and from her own reading.  She was supposed to know them, so she did. 

        Her father did not go to church with them, but his words of admonishment, “to behave,” were ever present in her mind.  She rarely disobeyed.  Tanner and her younger brother went to Sunday school and then met their mother in church for the service.  They always sat with their Nanny and great grandmother.  The pew was full of her mother’s family. 

        They went to the only Baptist church in the small town of Skowhegan Maine.  The small white building was old but in good shape.  Paint was peeling off the back side from the steady sun, and the steeple was slightly tilted to the right.  Each Sunday the Pastor chose a child to ring the bell to mark the beginning of the service.  Being picked was like being chosen for the all star team.  She was picked often.     

          Dipping the larger brush into the sepia brown paint she again swirled it around to gather the most paint possible for a longer stroke.  Putting the brush on the canvas and looping it back and forth in a long arm sweep, gave her the feeling of power over the feelings that were invading her. The cross was appearing as the brush detailed the grain of wood.  She once again closed her eyes and let the canvas pick up the shape it wanted, and let her mind wander.

          Tanner took a deep breath and let the smell of oil paint and turpentine mix with the clean linen candle.  She smiled as the smells brought comfort to her mind.  The room was silent.  She felt a cool breeze lift through the room.  Knowing that the paint would dry faster in this weather, she kept going.

          Coming home late on a date was not allowed.  10:00p.m. was the curfew.  That night she came home at 10:15p.m.  The drive home from the movies was agony.  She wished her date, Jack, would drive faster.  Sitting in the passenger seat of the red Toyota pickup, she prayed for God to change the clock back so she would not be late.  Each minute was like an eternity.  Her father was waiting for her.  Her mother was not. 

          “Where have you been?” came the accusatory tone from her father.

          “The movie didn’t get over until 9:45 and we came straight home,” she said as straight faced as she could. Even though she was telling the truth his accusatory tone made her feel guilty.

            Standing up from the coach and moving quickly towards her, he stood over her with his finger in her face, blue eyes bulging to match the vein on his forehead. Growling at her through clenched teeth, letting the aroma of beer hit her before his words did, “Get pregnant and do not come home!”

            Afraid to breathe or speak, she stood as still as she could and waited for him to finish his threats.  His threats said, he stormed off to the bathroom and slammed the door.  Shaking violently, she ran up to her bedroom, slowly shut the door as quietly as she could and buried herself in the closet.  Once safely inside, she let the tears come.  When she emerged from the closet she gently folded herself into her covers of her bed and tried to sleep.

            Wiping tears from her cheeks with the back of her brush filled hand, Tanner continued to paint.  The picture before her was taking shape. The memories that kept coming seemed to not want to end today, so she gave herself over to them both.  Stopping only to let Rocket outside twice, and blow her nose, she forged ahead. 


            Ceasor gave orders to the other two guardians to stay at their posts down stairs.  He continued to stay with Tanner in the studio.  He looked out the bay windows and saw the perimeter of her home lined with large, angelic beings that stood proud and ready for anything that may try to disrupt this home.  He praised Yahweh for his love, compassion and unending care of Tanner. Ceasor turned his attention back to Tanner.

            She was in a quiet mood today and he wanted to be close to offer words of encouragement if they were needed.  This murder case had served as a catalyst to take her back in time to memories that she needed to sort out and deal with.  This left her sullen and quiet.  Today she would paint, and find peace.  As He watched her he was mixed with both sadness and awe.  The memories were causing some pain, but the pain was creating a beautiful portrait of the Savior.  He wanted her to feel no pain, but he knew that the pain had made her who she was today.  The pain had given her the desire to be closer to God and to serve Him with passion.  Once again sitting on the floor in the corner of the studio, he rubbed rocket’s ears.  The dog gave a moan now and then to let him know he was hitting the right spots. 


              Tanner chose a small, stiff brush this time.  She was moving her hand in a circular motion and then using short quick strokes outward from the perimeter of the circle.  Thorns.  A crown of thorns.  As Ceasor watched, his heart was washed in pain as he recalled the crucifixion of his beloved Lord Jesus.  She was capturing the agony in His face wonderfully.  The sun had started to go down but he did not think she was aware of place or time right now.  Her face was contorted, wet with tears, and her brush strokes were fast and determined.

          Becoming pregnant at seventeen was not in her plan.  Captain of the cheerleading squad, class president and plans to go to nursing school were what she had in mind.  She did not have the strength to disappoint her parents and family.  She was the good girl.  Her boyfriend Jack, now her husband, had plans too, and a baby was not one of them.

          The choice of abortion was given to them by the school counselor and they took it. The fantasy of having and raising a baby was only entertained for a brief moment until the realization of the matter took over.  The day she decided to have an abortion was the day she stopped listening to the inner voice of God.  She blocked Him.  She could not love and serve God and make this choice.  The guilt and shame was too much to bear. She let the voice of the world fill her mind.

          “It’s not really a baby yet. It’s just a mass of tissue.”

          “It’s your choice… you’re not ready or mature enough to be a good mother.”

        “Once you finish school and have money for a house you can have a baby.”

        “Get pregnant and don’t come home!!!”

        “Get pregnant and don’t come home!!!”

        “Get pregnant and don’t come home!!!”

          Jack stood in the doorway of the art studio and watched Tanner as she painted, cried, and painted some more.  She had no idea he was there.  She was gone, gone into the place that held pain and creativity all at the same time.  His heart hurt to watch her face pinch and release tears that she did not even wipe off her face anymore, like she did not know they were there.  The portrait she was creating was amazing.  It stunned him as he realized it was of Christ being crucified.  He was hanging, broken, on the cross.  The cross had intricate detail in the wood, with swirling grains, and stains of blood.  His body was covered in blood, His face bruised and broken.  The crown of thorns stuck into his head, piercing it all around as blood dripped from his hair into his eyes.  He did not understand all that this meant but he knew it was huge to her.  “Christ died a horrible death for me, for my sins and for yours.” She would say if he asked.

            The tears were no longer for the painful memories that she now held once again in the back of her mind.  They were of thankfulness to her Savior, Jesus, who took the punishment of death that should have been hers.  She thanked him and cried for the immeasurable grace and forgiveness that was awarded to her on the day she chose Christ as her Savior.  Her dark life of sin was forgiven and because of Christ she now stood before God as white and pure as snow.  Opening her eyes and looking at the painting before her, she smiled.  Seeing Jack in the corner of her left eye, she jumped and let out a scream.

            “You scared me! Oh my word, Jack. How long have you been standing there?”

            “Just for a minute,” he lied.

            “What time is it?”

            “Seven o’clock and all is well,” he proclaimed in the best Australian accent he could muster.

            “Do you like the painting?”

              “I love it.”

              Wiping her hands off on the old turpentine rag, she moved to the love seat that sat on the back wall by the bay windows, and sat down.  She patted the seat beside her for him to sit.  As he sat, she told him of the memories and the way she just got lost in them and the painting.  He let her talk and never said a word. She laid her head on his left shoulder and kept talking. He did not know how to comfort her.  He wanted her to stop beating herself up over the abortion.  He wanted to take the pain away. 

            He wanted to understand how she felt Jesus took the punishment of her sin, but he did not get the point of that.  The memories of her childhood haunted her at times, and it made him angry to see how it affected her.  He wanted to protect her, to take away her pain, and to understand her.  He listened and said nothing.  As he listened and stroked her hair, his heart said a prayer.  “God, if you are real, please ease her pain.  Help me to know how to help her.  Protect my wife.” 


            Ceasor jumped up and rejoiced with the multitude of angels in heaven who had also heard the prayer.  Jack Quinn was coming close to accepting the saving grace of the Father.  His love for his wife was bringing his heart to feel the very real love of Jesus.  He did not know it yet, but his heart believed.  His mind just needed to catch up.


            Michael and Yahweh stood together at the portal of heaven and laughed with joy over the simple but heartfelt prayer of Jack, husband of Tanner.  This man would soon join the family of The Most High God, and they could not be happier.

© Copyright 2012 MysticValley (bobbijean at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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