Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1846816-The-Birth-of-Love
Rated: · Short Story · Supernatural · #1846816
in a moment before time 8 Gods reign supreme. 1 has a secret .

before time. before good . before it ALL. there were entities that only new destruction . destruction for the sake of more destruction. with the power to create it seemed they had it all at their fingertips. but all they knew was to destroy . create a planet just to destroy it with other things they created it was a circle of life only one filled with nothing ness can live with. The multiverse was just a playground for these entities or Gods. they would each have their own plane but all enjoyed the company of each other. they would hold competitions of who can make the best explosion or destroy the most in the shortest amount of time etc. Until one day one of the Gods created a creature that didnt look like other gods creations. this one gave the god a certain feeling that he could not explain or put definition to. for a while he kept this creation to himself. allowing it to grow and play in a planet he created for it. in the meantime his urge to destroy began to weaken . the others all realized this and were curious but he would not budge. soon enough he wouldnt even show up any more only to stay in his realm and “play” with this creature; which had no idea he existed. he created lesser creatures[monkeys;apes] for the thing to play with. He called his creation LIGHT as it shined with many colors around its body. different colors depending on its mood. the god would make it rain deprive him from food . give him plenty of food or even create an earthquake experimenting with all the many colors it would display. one planetary day the god paid a visit to see light and could not find him in any of his usual spots. he looked until finally he spotted him in a cave crying. It seems an animal friend that was only meant to keep the ecosystem alive died do to an earthquake. it seemed to the god that light had grown a liking to this particular animal and felt not happy when it died something so unfamiliar to the God. they were always happy just doing what came natural to them . creating just to destroy. seeing light cry made him start to cry or whatever gods do when they feel sadness for the very first time. it was so loud it shook the planet and light realized this and looked up as if someone was there. The God quickly hid as if light could actually see him. frightened the god left out of his plane and stood away for awhile. when he returned light (not affected by death) created a whole [WOODEN] city for him and his animals . he discovered how to draw sculpt and do little godly things of his own. The god saw something else that hes never seen before with the toy “life”, all the gods so naively play with; the animals would worship him; all gather to hear him play music ; bring the sick for him to heal ; and the mammals would all come to him to watch him and learn to be smarter like he was. Light was changing the ecosystem to his liking just as a God would do~if they didnt destroy all the time~ . it gave the god a feeling he again could not describe . proud of his creation maybe. Happy of its success with what was given to him. as the man harnessed the power of steam to travel and fire to fly in a ballon he created sanctuaries all around the planet. there was nothing this man couldnt do. except destroy. all he would do was learn better methods of survival . learn how everything around him worked. it was an amazing sight that he had to share with the other Gods. but not yet. During this time he would catch the man looking up and towards him as if he knew something was out there. at night he would stare at the stars and chart their patterns. He even started working on a telescope. The God was truely amazed. He decided to go into his head and see what he thought .. he was that interested. to his surprise the man was unhappy. He was lonely and only built all those amazing things to get the God to notice him. It was his life goal. In the mans mind he thought of how the God looked and it amused the God. mixtures of animals. it was all the man knew. It wasnt time yet . not knowing who the god was was the mans only motivation if he revealed himself now the fun would stop. The God wanted to see how far This man would go to earn his recognition. And Light showed no signs of stoping. He went through a wood stage . then to a stone age. The God wanted to see what he would do with the metals found in the ground so he crashed a meteor into the planet unearthing metals. the man gathered them and not knowing what to do with them he just placed them in a stone bowl. one day as he was running home from a storm ; lighting struck the metal that the bowl was in and melted but then hardened into a new shape and uniformly strong. stronger than anything hes ever felt. The man thus started to experiment with metal and its freeform properties. he created better weapons to hunt with and even completely eliminating the need to hunt with setting traps. the man eventually harnessed the power of electricity ; this is where the real fun started.
He started to mix his inventions. making a steam engine for boats and crossing the vast oceans . and used electricity to light the night . with his animal helpers nothing was impossible . The God was soon thinking who the real god was in this relationship.


As the God was in his own realm the other gods started to wonder what has been consuming the gods time so vigorously. They got together and started to think and talk . in there world of no rules they decided to send a spy to go see whats going on . one that wouldnt be detected by the god and would blend right in to The Gods world. they knew he liked animals . soft looking ones unlike there beastly creatures. so they made a serpent that would slither into the gods universe . and when it did it noticed the god looking down at this particular planet and decided that whatever was consuming his time thats where it would be. it slithered around and around past all the normal animals until it came across a wooden box...
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