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Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1846625
The legend of Zelda Fan - Fic :) Lemons XXX rated 18 + for sexual content
Chapter one
The Siege.

I can see the top of Goron mountain through the keyhole windows, as I listen half heartedly as Mother and Father see an endless array of complaints, from stolen livestock, and missing shipments of ale, to land permits and Taxes. Far away, at the end of the great hall, a door opens, and heavy steel boots, send echoes across the stone floor. The royal commanding officer, marches in, followed by a small band of soldiers. I look up at him, only for a minute, but even still his eyes meet mine. I see a hint of a grin form on his face, and then it disappears.

He kneels before Mother and Father, holding out his sword before him and putting his head onto his knee. He is still bowed when he starts to speak.

“Your Highness's, has summoned me?” The crowds fall silent, so still I can hear my own breath.

Father stands up from his throne to address him, “Ganon, you have served the kingdom of Hyrule well, for all of these long years…… but your actions in Kakariko Village are……" Father slumps back into his throne, and chokes back a nervous cough before he continues. “You will…. remain here ..for the time being, You are not to leave Hyrule castle, And For now, you are dismissed of your duties” fathers eyes are pleading. His hands are twitch nervously, he is a coward my father.

Ganon rises slowly, his huge frame towering over everyone in the room. He wears his dark steel breast plate and armor and his long red cape dusts the floor slightly. He puts both hands on the hilt of his giant sword so that its tip rests on the white marble floor. I look to my Father, the King of Hyrule, and watch as he shifts nervously in his enormous chair.

Ganon stands as straight as an arrow. “Your…. Highness, how else would you have me collect late taxes?" I see that his huge hands are tightly griping the hilt of his sword.

Father adverts his eyes from Ganon’s impressive form, and focuses on a lose thread on his royal red tunic, “This is a peaceful kingdom Ganon” he says casually trying to mask the fear in his voice.

I watch the exchange, with halted breath. Eventually father will have to deal with Ganon, who i see growing bolder everyday. I fear that it may be someday soon when the shaky friendship finally breaks.

“Very well your highness” Ganon reply’s dutifully, but when he turns his body, I catch the scowl on his face.

The air feels tight and thick, until the door bangs closed at the far end of the hall. Ganon and his soldiers are gone. Father is visibly distressed, and inside I curse the large cowardly man he has become. He immediately rises and takes leave, Mother follows him quickly, only pausing briefly to bow slightly to the crowd. I follow them, knowing I must speak to Father.

When we are alone, just the three of us, I am unable to hold my tongue, “Father, you must do something about Ganon before it is too late”

“Zelda, he is the commander of the army, he has served this kingdom well for many years.” Father’s voice is mechanical, it is the same response I have heard again and again.

“Why don’t you just admit that he has become a problem, and that….” Mother cuts me off mid sentence.

“Zelda! Enough! The room goes silent. “Perhaps, you should go outside, to the gardens, it is a beautiful day.”

“Yes Mother”

I gather up my skirts, and nod politely, but inside I am seething. He must be stopped, or Ganon was going to be more trouble then they realized.

From the walled garden, I can hear the bustling city. The flowers in the garden are beautiful, and when you are in it, at first, it feels like a paradise of never-ending mazes of tall shrubs and marble fountains. Yet, it is not limitless, and it is not paradise, for it surrounded by tall stone walls.

I think of the day that Link came and we snuck under the western rear wall. We spent hours roaming the streets of castle town. Outside its was dirty and congested. There were no topiary shaped as lions and bears or beautiful golden fountains. The ground was muddy and the air sometimes smelled of pigs and chickens, but even still, it had been the best day of my life.

Before Link came, I never thought of the garden and the castle as small, but now the walls of the garden seemed to be crushing me so tightly, I can feel the breath slipping from my lungs. Almost a year ago now, I first saw him, climbing the wall the castle, I had been sixteen then, and Link just a few years older then me. Link came often and told me about all the things he had done and seen. He was always traveling the world, having amazing adventures.

I hear a familiar whisper in the trees. “Zelda”

I look for the voice but see nothing.

“Over here” it comes again.

I see his green tunic, next to a tall line of shrubs. His tousled blond hair under the brim of his green hat.
He steps out into the bright sun and shields his eyes. His sword reflects the sunlight like a crystal. Together, we sneak into the castle store rooms, because they are always deserted. There is no need for soldiers to guard sacks of grain.

Link pulls out his long sword and looks at it long and hard before leaning up against the wall. “I’m going to leave again, something is going on at Lake Hylia, It’s drying up, there an old temple there”

I feel the tears welling up in my eyes, “Your leaving again………”

Link‘s hand is on my shoulder, “Zelda…don’t cry”

He pulls me to him, and kisses me.

I sob into his shoulder. “Why do you have to leave again? I love you”

He cups my face in his soft hands, “Someone has to protect Hyrule, Zelda”

I look at the ground shyly “I know that, its just that… I miss you…and who will protect me when your gone?”

I can feel his hand undoing the laces on the back of my dress. “I’m the only one you need protection from” he jokes

My dress falls to the floor, and I am scarcely aware of his hands unfastening his trousers.

“Don’t be silly link. Stay here, Link please, I can‘t bear it when you are gone"

“Where should I stay, Zelda?” he whispers into my neck.

He is kissing my neck gently, and I am starting to forget my sadness “In the castle, with me…..we could be married.”

“Zelda….. you are a princess, you can’t marry me, I am just a….boy…. From… the forest…” he stammers, as he pushes inside me.

“Oh Link” I moan, the fact that he is leaving tomorrow is temporarily forgotten.

When he is on top of me, I look up at his shaggy blond hair and his soft lips. I watch lovingly as his green eyes close tight, and he groans softly and i wonder, How can I ever be without you?

As soon as he is finished we start dressing. I pull my dress back on and wrestle with the laces in the back. Then I can feel links hands on mine tying the laces tightly, and I start to cry. I can’t help it. I can’t stand to think of being with out Link, even for one day and I know it will be much longer.

“Zelda” his hand is brushing the tears from my cheek. “I wont be gone forever” his thumb wipes away a fallen tear. “Come, lets go before some one realizes your gone”

We sneak back out to the garden and Link kisses me again quickly, before climbing back over the wall. “I’ll be back soon,” he calls as he disappears behind the castle wall. Ever since, the day he had first kissed me, the sight of him disappearing beyond the wall brought tears to my eyes. I had fallen in love with him and seeing him occasionally was no longer enough for me.

I take my time walking back to the castle, pausing to stare up at the sky and dream of the day when Link and I can be together. Night starts to fall over Hyrule, and tiny stars appear In the hazy grey sky. A light rain starts to fall and I take cover in the cloisters. Missing the sun shining through the small windows the stone pathways are almost all dark and so quiet, I can hear the soft steps of my cloth shoes on the stone. I shiver and rub my forearms at the sudden chill brought on by the rain and the night.

A figure steps out of the shadows in front of me. “Hello…… little Princess"

I stop. My heart starts hammering fiercely in my chest, I know that voice, Ganon.
He steps out of the shadows and start walking toward me, his heavy iron boots scraping the stone floor.

My feet instinctively step backwards, I remember Father’s cowardice earlier, and I feel a lump of anger fill my throat “What do you want Ganon?”

“What kind of hello is that?” his voice is deep and thick, fitting for a man of his size, but frightening in the dark. He moves closer very slowly and I know he is toying with me. Time feels like it is in slow motion. I am not of afraid of him, I am not afraid.

“I don’t have time for this” I say, ashamed to hear my voice squeak a little.

He is standing very close now and I can see that he is so tall I would have to look up to see his face.

“I have to go.” I say sharply, stepping to the right of him. He puts his large hand on my tiny wrist and squeezes. I can feel his fingers close around my wrist, and fight the fear that welling up inside me.

“Get your hands of me! I order you to release me at once!” I shout, as I try to yank my arm free, but he is too strong.

His hand tightens on my wrist, “I just want to talk to you”

His voice is a sickening whisper “Can you do that Little Princess? Just talk to me for one minute?” He steps to his right a little so he is once again standing in front of me.

“Stay away from me” I hiss at him, my mind is spinning, “My father told you already, I don‘t want to marry you!”

I yank my arm again but he pulls it back, “Oh yes, I remember, Did you think I’d forgotten, Little Princess? How You turned down my marriage proposal. It’s a pity really, things could have been different between you and me, although honestly I didn’t really expect you to say yes, Little Princess….I just wanted to make a …..lets say easier transition for you…”

“I am your Princess! Princess Zelda of Hyrule and you will release me at once” I say my voice once again becoming strong.

He leans down and I can feel his mouth is next to my ear, “I am truly very sorry your Highness…Princess Zelda of Hyrule...I do wonder though…If you make your forest boy call you Princess Zelda? Do you make him call you your highness, when he is fucking you?”

“Get away from me!” I scream, as loud as I can, and finally yanking my wrist free, I start running and don’t stop or look back until I am safe inside the castle.

“What’s wrong your highness” a guard asks me immediately.

“Ganon! Find him! He is to be.. arrested at once! Find my father right now! I am out of breath so I follow the guards slowly. But I burst through the study door.

“Father! Father! Where are you!” I yell loudly.

“Here, Zelda, I’m right here calm down, what’s wrong?”

“It’s Ganon, he just attacked me, outside, in the cloisters”

Fathers face drops.

“He is out of control!” I scream “you must do something now! He must be stopped!” I show him my wrist which is now turning purple where Ganon had grabbed me.

Hours later, after a search of the whole castle turns up nothing, the castle sleeps uneasily. I know, he is out there somewhere, and the thought of his dark eyes and his large hand on my wrist haunts my dreams.

The next day at court it is decided that he has run off, ashamed and afraid, he had fled the castle. Most likely to the Gerudo camp in the desert. Father, being the coward, I know him to be, excepted this idea wholeheartedly. Even though I felt better knowing that the search for Gannon, turned up nothing, I know his absence is not to be treated lightly.

“We will find him, don’t worry Zelda” the guardsmen swear while we sit at court. Mother and Father sit on the throne. Fathers face is pale and shows the wear of last nights ordeal.

We are having court when the colourful glass windows, grow suddenly dark, despite it being only late afternoon. Howls of wind, threaten to break glass and the sound of pounding rain fills the hall.I see the fear cross fathers eyes and then I feel the familiar lump of fear swell in my throat as well.

The needlework I am working on, falls from my hand, as the giant oak door at the end of the hall, flies open. Strong Winds and bleak darkness pour into the hall, like the raging waters of the stormy sea. Gusts of wind bring autumn leaves swirling across the marble floor, led by Ganon himself.

“Seize him!” Father yells, louder then I had ever heard him.

But Ganon is not alone, his sides are flanked by a small army of….. Un-dead. I I watch in horror as living skeletons wielding swords and toting heavy iron shields cut down the royal guardsmen one after another. I run to mother and father, falling at their knees, as Ganon approaches.

“Move her!” Ganon commands of his skeletal army, and I feel a bony hand clasp on my wrist and I am being dragged away.

“Let go of me!” I scream. The room is spinning, I see the littered bodies of the guards haphazardly skew on the floor. Streams of monsters are pouring in the open door. Farther away, I hear the sounds of fighting and screaming.

Ganon is dressed in full battle armor. His heavy iron boots clanking loudly on the floor as he approaches the throne.

“Ah brave King," he chuckles "always at your throne. If you weren’t such a weak man, perhaps you’d have seen this coming. I’m afraid to tell you, I have out grown my appointment as Tax collector and guard dog of Hyrule. Since you are so fond of your throne I thought I might let you stay here. You may think of it, as…… a thank you for all the years I’ve known you”

I see Gannon hold out his hand flat, and the black magic that is floating up from his palm.

“Ganon, you must stop this! Father is yelling. I hear the clashing of swords, from every direction and I feel like I am underwater.

The black magic is floating toward mother and father. I kick and scream trying to break free from the skeletons grasp.

“No! Mother, Father!!!! Ganon, Stop this!” I cry out just as the first tendrils of magic swirl around their feet. As the darkness rises up I see that they are becoming stone.

The magic crawls up mothers leg first, then fathers, its happening too fast. “Zeld…” Father tries to say but his face turns to stone before he can finish. Mother and father are stone statues sitting on their thrones. Fathers mouth is open, frozen in time, as he tries to finish his last word. Zelda

The skeleton hand releases me and I collapse to the ground, Sobbing uncontrollably. Then I am up and running towards Gannon.

“You killed them! You monster! I can barely see through my tears. I try to claw at his face but he easily grabs hold of arms and restrains me. His hands are on my shoulders holding me steady. I turn quickly, and squirm from his grasp and finally my nails find his face. He shoves me away roughly and I fall to the floor. Gannon’s hands go to his face, and he pulls away bloody finger tip. “Take her to the tower”

A skeleton is dragging me away, and it is hideous patches of skin cling hopelessly to the exposed skull. I kick and fight but can’t break free. “I will kill you for this Ganon!” I scream

Under the watchful eye of monsters, two frightened castle maids tie me to the bed in the highest tower, each foot and each arm.

Chapter 2
In the Tower.

I am alone all day. Except at night when a maid comes and unties me so I can eat and wash. The sky is always dark. I look out once, when the maid has come, at the swirling black clouds that has become the day and night. The whole country has fallen into chaos.

“Help me escape” I ask her, as she unties my arms.

She says nothing and her eyes fall to the floor to escape my own.

“I am your princess!” I tell her.

When she finally looks to me, I see that her eyes are red rimmed.

Finally she speaks and I know all hope of my escape is lost. “My son….He is ten. Ganon has him….. working in the kitchen. If I help you… he will die.” Tears are running down her face. “I am sorry princess… I am … but he is my son….and I can’t let … him die… I just can’t ….”

The maid ties my arms and legs back to the bed posts, tightly, and I ready myself for another night of fitful sleep tied to the bed, when I hear loud steps coming up the tower stairs. Heavy steps. Ganon comes in the room, looking to large for the small space. He walks to window silently, and looks out at the black clouds that cover Hyrule castle.

“Leave” he says to the maid.

The maid, gives me one last apologetic look before slipping from the room. Ganon walks around the room surveying everything with feigned interest before even looking at me. I lower my eyes into slits. Wishing I could kill him right now. I know when Link comes back he will kill him and I am feeling braver.

“That’s a nice scratch you have on your face.” I say looking at the red mark on his face where my nails dug into him. It didn’t look that bad, but still., I had hurt him…. If only just a little. Ganon touches his face where i scratched him and smiles.

“Link is going to come for me you know…”

Ganon turns to face me, “I’m counting on it, Little Princess.”

Gannon sits on the edge of the bed, and my fists tighten into little balls. He touches the side of my face with the back of his fingers and I dig my nails into my palm before I yank my head free and lower my eyes at him.

“He’s going to kill you, Link is the Hero, and the Hero always wins, he will kill you"
Ganon’s hand touches my face again and my skin crawls. His voice makes my stomach turn.

“Not this time, Little Princess. The hero doesn't win this time, This is my time”

I spit in his face and thankfully it lands on his cheek. I can’t help but smile as he wipes it away with the back of his hand.

He stands abruptly, “Like the new sky Little Princess?” .

When he leaves and I am shaking with rage. I lay there with my eyes open for hours. Thinking that If I could somehow escape, and find Gannon, I could slit his throat while he slept. I wonder, Link Where are you?

Dark days and darker nights pass by, until time becomes hard to judge, since there is hardly any sunlight. Hours pass and surely days but it means nothing. I sleep all the time, and wait. Wait for link. Wait for Ganon, for I hope that he wont come again…. And then one day he does, one night after the maid has left, I lay in bed, and I hear heavy footsteps on the winding stair.

He is wearing his full armor, but not his long sword, he flexes one of his large hands. He looks down on me in the bed “Enjoying yourself, Little Princess?”

“It is only a matter of time now, until Link comes and kills you” I say nonplussed, as if I have no doubts, and I can see, Links name has a negative effect on him. His face instantly darkens. He turns his back to me, so all I can see is the back of his cape.

I feel a chink in his armor so I press on. “Is link causing problems for you? He was going to Lake Hyrule you know… something going on there….”

He turns sharply, “You know nothing Little Princess. Your forest boy is just that, a boy and i will dispose of him soon enough”

“But your afraid of him, he is just a boy yet still you are afraid of him”

He says nothing but in In one swift motion he is sitting on the bed, and his hand on my thigh.

I try unsuccessfully to jerk my leg away.

“Are you afraid of me, Little Princess?”

All I can think about is his hand touching my leg, and me, being powerless to stop him.

"I am not afraid of you,” I lie suddenly i am afraid.

His huge hand, lingers on my thigh. He is looking at me, his dark eyes are unflinching, and I fight the urge to look away. I tell myself, I am not afraid but my heart is hammering madly.

“No? Your not afraid?” I feel his hand shift a little higher on my leg and In a horrible instant, I realize what he might want to do to me.

“Your disgusting” I hiss

His hand is still rubbing my leg lightly and all the while he never moves his eyes from mine. Finally, I break and turn my head away. Time starts moving very slowly, but his hand never stops. When I feel a tingle spread through my whole body, my stomach turns violently. My body is turning against me. I try to move my legs and arms but they are tight against the ropes. I have to stop this before it is too late.

I try again to jerk free from the ropes, I am hysterical “Get… away from me!…” i scream wildly.

He watches me struggle, with cool eyes.

“You look like your afraid, Little Princess” he says, his hand moves in slow circles, on my night dress, up and then down. Slowly. Gently.

His hand moves under the hem of my dress, and falls on the bare skin of my leg. I feel his fingers inching higher up my leg and I squeeze my hand closed.

“Get your hands off me,” I say between gritted teeth

“No reason to be afraid Little Princess”

“You’ve killed my parents! You’re a monster”

“Your parents are very much alive, Little Princess.” His hand is still moving up my dress, but, it doesn’t seem important anymore. “I can wake them, Little Princess”

They’re alive. Trapped in stone, but still, alive….And when Link comes we can reverse the spell and we will all be together again, Father….Mother…Me… Link. His hand feels so warm on my bare skin……. I remember, he is rubbing my upper thigh lightly… and it feels really good. My body is tingling and I am starting to squirm.

“Do you want me to stop, touching you, Little Princess?” he whispers, breaking the silence, while moving his hand up higher and higher.

“Yes, stop” I say, regaining my sanity.

“Is that what you really want? I could tell if you were lying, Little Princess.” he says as his hand brushes against my panties. I shiver. My body is truly aching. I want him to touch me again.

“Do you really want me to stop, I will stop if you want, little Princess” he whispers again this time in my ear. I can feel the warmth of his breath on my neck. It feels soft and warm and I bite down hard on my lip. His fingers move expertly on my skin as they threaten to slide under my panties.

I whisper quietly “I do…want you to stop…..”

“ I can tell, Little Princess, if you do want me to stop or if you are lying” his deep voice is strangely soothing.

His fingers are on my panties again, and I feel my cheeks redden because I know he feels that they are wet. This time he stops and runs his fingers over my panties slowly and deliberately. It doesn’t seem real, It’s more like a dream, because this couldn’t really be happening.

“Do you want me to stop? his deep voice whispers to me

I’m aching. “Yes” I breath, but even to me it sounds more like a moan.

He laughs a little, incredulously. “You want me to stop?”

It burns my throat even before I say it.

“no” I say, just as he pulls my panties down slowly and touches my bare skin.

His fingers move slowly, expertly and one of them, slides down me slowly and then inside. In my last flash of reason I know I should tell him to stop, but I don’t want him to stop, so instead, I moan when his finger enters me. I can feel the sheets getting wet beneath me and I don’t care. His fingers are big, and experienced. My toes are curl and I shift against my ropes.

I am too far gone now. I writhe and moan under his touch. I close my eyes tight and make tight fists with my hands.

“Do you like that, Little Princess?”

“Yes” I moan shamefully, as his fingers, speed up. I turn my head into the pillow to muffle my cries.

“Did the forest boy make you feel this good?” he whispers

It feels so good. I close me eyes tight and feel it wash over me. It keeps getting better and better. I hear foreign moans escape my lips, “yes, yes” and my body relaxes.
My eyes are still closed, and I feel his fingers stroking my wetness.

“Did that feel good little princess?”

I know he looking at me, but I can’t bring myself to look at him. I am so ashamed. I turn my head into the pillow, and keep my eyes closed tightly. He takes his hand away. I can feel tears starting to spill down my face and I wish they would stop so he wouldn’t see me cry. I can‘t bear it. To see his smirking face.

I wait for him to say something, but he doesn’t. He just gets up and leaves the room. I cry myself to sleep, thinking of what a fool I‘ve been. All I had to say was stop. Why had I told him I wanted him to continue. Because you didn’t want him to stop. I can feel the wetness on the blankets and I wish I wasn’t tied down so I could move, but mostly I wish I could forget that it ever happened.

Link where are you?

Chapter Three

The next day, the maid comes, and when she leaves, she doesn’t tie me to the bed. I don’t ask her why because I already know. I scour the whole room, from top to bottom and find nothing, except a piece of trim I tear off of the door frame. One edge is kind of sharp, so that night I hold it in my hand under the covers and wait to Ganon to come, but he doesn’t. The old maid Hilda, tells me tales she’s heard. Link is causing lots of trouble for Ganon in Hyrule. Already, he had taken back Lake Hylia and the Goron Mountains.

Days pass, then nights, and then they threaten to turn into weeks, and he still doesn’t come. All he wanted was to make me feel weak… And now he has done that, he was finished with me. I felt relieved at the thought, but sometimes I wonder if deep down, I feel a little sad about it too. Only because I will not get a chance to ram my sharp wood splinter into his eye. At night, the memory of his fingers would creep back in, and I would push it them away, disgusted with myself.

I am sleeping, when I hear it. A shuffling sound by the lowly tower window. Link. I sit up straight and scan the room. I see the shape of a man by the window,. My heart sinks. It’s not Link.

I reach under the pillow for my stick, and hide it in my hand. Ganon lights a lantern and the room is bathed in a soft glow. He is dressed in in his regular tunic but with no amour on, he looks, different.

With his back turned to me, he places the Lantern on the window ledge, “Hello Little Princess,”

I pull the blanket up to my neck and I feel my heart beat speed up.

He turns around, to face me, and I can see his face in the lanterns glow, he looks tired. “Sorry I haven’t come, these last nights, Little Princess, I have a lot of work running my kingdom”

I tighten my grip on my wooden poker. “You have no kingdom.”

He grins, “You were much nicer last time I saw you, Little Princess, when you were moaning and squirming and... ”

I cringe, and feel my cheeks growing hot. “You look tired” I blurt out to make him stop

“And you look lonely… you must miss your forest boy… Little Princess. However .. I am here… and I am, no boy…..”

I steady my hand, as Ganon approaches the bed. I’m not tied down anymore, before I can think, his hand goes to my wrist hidden under the blanket and he pulls the wooden stick from my hand and turns it in his hand.

“What were you planning to do with this Little Princess?” he tosses it aside. “Are you that upset with me for being gone?”

“I’m not tied up anymore” I say, as I skitter away from him. "you tricks wont work on me now"

His eyes never leave mine, “Honestly, I think it would not have made any difference, Little Princess…. I asked you didn’t I? I asked you, if you wanted me to stop…..” His hand falls on my leg and instantly I feel my body start to tingle again “Did you want me to stop?”

I jerk my leg from his touch and leap from the bed, “It’s not going to happen again”

He stands, rising up to his full height, and starts, slowly walking toward me. I back up, quickly until my back is against the stone wall. He towers over me, my eyes are only level with his chest and I feel tiny in comparison.

“Little Princess, he whispers in his deep voice, with his lips next to my ear. I feel like I might drift away in the wind when I hear his voice. His massive hand is touching my hair. I am very aware of my sheer gown, and his large muscled body so close to mine. His hard chest…. And I feel the tingling growing inside me more powerful every second that passes. My heart is beating fast and my breath is ragged and quick. No, I must stop this…

I look up, at his face and see the hint of a grin on his full lips and I know my moment to stop it has passed. His large hand is between my legs and I know its too late.

A moan escapes from my lips and I wish I could take it back, and push him from me but I can’t. I feel his hands lower and lower, and then he is kneeling in front of me. My gown is pushed up, and his head is between my legs. He is licking me gently. Time seems to slow down and my legs start to wobble and I feel faint and dizzy and amazing all at once. I throw my head back and moan deeply.

“Oh my god” I mummer

“No, Not god, Little Princess, just me"

He picks me up and carries me to the bed. After he takes off his tunic I stare at him, greedily, his chest is hard and thick with muscles, I feel his body with a outstretched hand. He hastily, removes his trousers and I see that….he is hard and his penis is……bigger then I thought they could be.

He is touches me slowly, and I try to touch myself, but he pulls my hand away, roughly.

“No, not yet Little Princess…..he keeps touching me slowly, torturing me. “Do you want me to fuck you, Little Princess?”

I say nothing but i arch my back as i feel his hardness pressing against me.

"say yes Little Princess.."

I whisper quietly, "yes"

“Are you sure?” he says pressing it in a little further

“Yes….. Yes,” I say “I do”

I feel like I can’t wait any longer. I arch my back hungrily. Wanting to feel him. He is watching me intently, with his green eyes, eying me mischievously.

“Maybe you will change your mind later, like last time, Little Princess” he says, reaching down to touch me between my legs just enough to make me whimper.

“Please” I say “Please I want to, I know now…..I want to very badly”

“Tell me…Tel me what you want Little Princess?”

“I want you….. to fuck me.. ..”

I can see the grin on his face, as he pushes it inside me. It is so big, I cry out instantly. Ganon sighs deeply. He moves steadily. Rhythmically. Slow and then fast. Ganon touches me as he moves, and my body shakes.

“Does your forest boy fuck you like this?” he growls, as his hips rise and fall on top of me.

“No” I moan truthfully

“Does it feel like this, when he fucks you little princess?” He is going faster now…. Harder.

“No, not like this” I manage….it never felt like this

He stops then and pulls me up, “Turn over” he commands. I don’t know what he means but I turn over anyway. I feel him enter me from behind. I’ve never done it like this before but it feels good. His hand is on me, touching me making me cry out and I feel the build up begin again.

“Oh my God, oh …yess! … oh Yes yes….Oh Ganon…”

I hear Ganon is chuckling from behind me, his hand rubs me while he enters me, steadily.
“Is that good Little Princess?”

He pushes hard and suddenly I feel my whole body explode, and get wet, but he doesn’t stop touching me, and riding me rhythmically and soon I feel it coming again.

“Oh, ye…ah…, yes” I whimper, I know its coming again.

“mmm… do it again… one more time little princess..” he whispers
I am panting hard, and sweating, Ganon's fingers move gently, and I am getting closer and closer.

“mmmm….ah, oh god…..” I feel myself get wet all over again…

Ganon starts moving faster behind me, his hand falls on my shoulder, pulling me into him. He groans, loudly and I feel the wet splash on my back. I collapse on the bed, the room is spinning in circles. I am completely naked, but I am too tired to care, I try hopelessly to catch my breath. I close my eyes, and take deep breaths, feeling more relaxed then I ever have, finally I let out a heavy sigh and open my eyes.

He is sitting on the bed, and just looking at me intently, with a strange expression on his face, that I can’t read … I see a small grin tugging at the corners of his mouth, but His eyes….and the way they are looking at me… I feel suddenly very naked so I pull the blanket around my body to hide. I see something flash behind his eyes, but then it is gone and he is up and starting to dress.

He says nothing. I pull the covers over my head, but peak out. I see can the muscles in his hard chest, in the glow from the lantern. He looks different from link. Powerful. Incredible. His arms are thick and covered with soft hair. His face looks strong and chiseled, and is covered by a thick red beard. I gape at his body from under my blanket, mesmerized by him. I search his face, for the flicker behind his eyes I saw earlier but is gone, I pull the covers up again and Then I hear the sound of the door locking. I hear his heavy footsteps on the stairs, one, two. I feel so sleepy, There is time, to hate myself tomorrow.

© Copyright 2012 KBurrows (kburrows at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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