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Rated: · Other · Action/Adventure · #1843281
A collective story about what happened when the Capital fell...
Turmoil in the Capital
It is the year 3788, The City of Shanksville, the Capital of the Galactic Republic. The Skyscraper City by its name, has its share of turmoil, but nothing compared it when the Capital became besieged by Former General Moralis. Leading his somewhat Confederacy, He lead a massive seige to Shanksville, and held the city of Shanksville for 2 years before the Galactic Republic. It was after this event that Republic kept a closer eye on their generals. This depicts the moments inside the city at the time of the attack.

This story arc is a collective story of other artists from DeviantArt.com, the characters belong to their rightful owners, to find the actual article of this Act please visit my DeviantArt page listed below.


Act Three: Occupation
(Enter Commander Xane, Vivian Chance and Carlos Sympathy)
Xane: Sergeant Chance! We need those men on the East Wall, they're landing on the forest side!
Chance: Roger that! Men flank on the East Wall get your positions!
Xane: Artillery Archers! Ready! Aim! FIRE!!!
*Archers fire a volley or explodable arrows on the enemy forces in the forest area*
*several bright explosions dot the area, making the artificial forest ablaze*
Chance: Keep firing men! Flare Cannoneers aim at the drop ships! Riflemen aim at the paratroopers!
GR Soliders: You heard her! Move! Fire!
Xane: They're breaking the wall! We need to get rid of those units now!
Chance: We're trying Xane, our forces are too few many against their fleet!
Xane: Bring in the Flare Brigade!, We need to stop them from penetrating the lower city!
Chance: But Xane those will damage the wall!
Sympathy: I have to agree with her, if we use the Flare Pistols the AOE will damage the walls and give them the advantage!
Xane: Well are Artillery Archers are trying to stop them, and we have no other option, our cruisers are destroyed, the Space Rings haven't been able to make contact because the CSR has blocked our tranmission. We have no choice!
Sympathy: If we do resort to the Flare Cannons then our strongholds here in the East Wall will fall!
Chance: We just got word from Sirus, The Supreme Chancellor and the Senate managed to escape from CSR. Moralis's main purpose here has been foiled!
Xane I'm glad that the Surpreme Chancellor managed to get away, that only means General Solanos his son, is the leading the power of the Republic here.
Sympathy: Where is that kid when we need him! The city is falling apart!
<Holo-radio sparks to life>
Adrian: (Faded/Garbled) Need... Help!... Fallen Captain need support here!
Xane: Sympathy continue the bombardment of those troops, Chance try to increase the signal
Sympathy: You heard the General! Keep firing! Missle Squads! Aim for those transports!
GR Soliders: On it sir
<Scene shows a solider fires a missle and destroys a transport>
GR Solider: H*LL YA!
Sympathy: Don't celebrate yet until we can get CSR out of the city!
<Suddenly the area becomes bombarded by CSR Cruisers>
Xane: Look out!
<Several more explosions>
<Parts of the wall begin to fall, GR Soliders scream as chunks of the ancient wall fall>
Chance: Xane! Look out!
Xane: What the! <gets hit by a bombardment shell>
Chance: XANE!!! <begins to moap>
Sympathy: Vivian we need to get going! The wall is collasping!
Chance: Xane!!! Why!!!
Sympathy: He gave his life to save the Republic, We all have to make sacrifices for our Republic, we need to hurry!
Chance: Why.... Xane.... <moaps>
Sympathy: Lets go Vivian! <Starts to drag her off the wall>
<Scene ends with Vivian moaping, and the sounds of explosions going off>

Scene 2: Abduction
<Sector 5 near the now destroyed Hypervelocity Cannons>
(Enters Captain Blazenko and General Solanos)
Adrian: You have to wake up! Come on Drax you have to wake up!
<Drax gives off some sign of breathing>
<Adrian does a heavy pound to Drax's chest>
<He comes to and open his eyes>
Adrian: Oh Thank the Intelonians he's awake!
Drax: Ugh... What happened...
Adrian: Your cannon took a large beating, a turbolaser blasted it to pieces, I pulled you out of the wreckage and started doing CPR.
Drax: And I survived that blast?! I must've been lucky.
Adrian: Yea, normally when those cannons go the gunner doesn't survive.
<Akward Silence>
Anyway! We better hurry to a surviving hospital, if there are any left.
--Onboard the Redeemer--
Officer: We have them in our beam radius!
Moralis: Excellent, bring them up, I want him and his new "Oltanian" friend to see the fall of the Capital City.
Officer: As you wish sir.... Activating Beam Teleporter!
--Back on the planet--
Adrian: Come on we better get out of here before the CSR Armada finds us.
Drax: Yea.
<Suddenly a large blue beam incases the two, the area around becomes electrified and begins to lift off the ground>
Adrian... Whats going on here...
Adrian: How the h*ll should I know!
<The two suddenly begin to lift off the ground and disappear>
--Back onboard the Redeemer--
<A bright light appears in the center of the bridge, the light reforms into Adrian and Drax>
<Regains thought>
Adrian: Whoa... Never experienced that before... advanced for the Republic.
Moralis: Looks like you still have that adventurous attitude, just like during the Intergalactic War.
Adrian: Wait... I remember that voice...
Moralis: Shall I give you a hint?
Adrian: Moralis! <Draws Flare Pistol>
Moralis: Oh... Young little boy... Lets not go drastic, you were the same like during the Intergalactic War. Oh and you brought an Oltanian... How perfect...
Adrian: Moralis! What the Cragdarks have you brought us here!
Moralis: Isn't it obvious child? I wanted the Republic to fall, So that I can reform it into assualt force I always seen it be. Exterminating every single Oltanian in the face of the Galaxy! They will pay for what they did to Meridum, and your friend here will be the billions of his species slaughtered thanks to me.
Drax: <Angered> Look Moralis! I am not an Oltanian! I don't even know what an Oltanian is! I don't even know whats going on here!
Moralis: I can clearly see that your an Oltanian! You Reptilian species are always cruel, stealthy and evil! Burning and destroying innocent worlds that wished not to be involved in the Intergalactic! But you do look different than the standard... You're red, not blue... a rare species...
Drax: <Angered> I am not an Oltanian GOSH DANGIT! I AM A DRAGON!
Moralis: Oltanian or not! You have almost the qualities of an Oltanian, and that makes it clear! Now be silence before I kill you infront of your friend!
Drax: (Growls in discreet)
Moralis: Adrian please refresh your friends memory about the Intergalactic War, and why Oltanians must pay.
Adrian: I will do no such thing you psychotic a**hole!
Moralis: <Grabs Adrian's head> You will tell your friend or I will personally throw you out into space. <Lets go>
Adrian: Ugh... Drax... I think I should tell you about the Intergalactic War... And why Moralis is going every single Oltanian in the galaxy. <A series of faded pictures of the war begin> The Intergalactic War was a series of massive battles started by the Oltanian Empire, they were ruthless people that like Moralis said were cruel and evil. They made their assualt on the capital and began the war. They lead massive genocidal attacks across the Galaxy. Many worlds were destroyed, I almost lost Haylin during that war. Well in terms, The Oltanian Empire made their true mark in history when they bombarded Moralis's homeworld of Meridum a moon above the Capital Planet. The bombardment killed everyone on the moon, it destroyed the atmosphere, Moralis at the time was starting Commander in the war, he liked the Republic he supported it, but when he saw how the Republic reacted to the bombardment he snapped. His anger against the Oltanians began fueling his hatred towards the Republic, immediately after the war, Moralis left the Republic and founded the CSR, at first was a small attack force that would attack our shipyards, but when he started taking control of the Old Oltanian Territory thats when he made his mark. During his reign in power he slaughtered innocent Oltanians, he murdered men, women and children. He showed them no consent, he even personally killed them, It was a genocide.
When we began to notice the sudden decline of the Oltanian species when the CSR began to become public, the Republic after finishing rebuilding Meridum began hiding species throughout the galaxy. We hid them across uncharted worlds hoping they won't fall victim to his reign, and already its still working. After we learned that Moralis was the leader behind the genocide we begged him to stop, and told him that his homeworld was rebuilt, he didn't stop, he just kept killing all those innocent Oltanians. As of now, he won't stop until every single Oltanian is wiped off the galaxy...
Moralis: Now didn't that make you feel better?
Adrian: I kept it a secret, I knew you weren't an Oltanian, but I had a feeling that If I told you, you would freak out.
Moralis: You see young dragon is it? You will fall like all your brothers and sisters...
Adrian: He is not an Oltanian! Don't you see! He is not an Oltanian Moralis!
Moralis: I've heard enough! <Draws a laser pistol and points it at Drax> And now you will fall along with the rest of your species...
Adrian: No!
<A shot is fired>
<Adrian falls to the ground>
Drax: Adrian!
Moralis: Oh pity... Looks like the last line of the Solanos falls atlast... Guards! Take this Oltanian away! As for Adrian, I have plans for him...
Drax: <Angry> You sick bastard!
Moralis: You will meet your fate young dragon... just like your species.
Scene Three: The Line drops
--Planet Sirus--

(Feels a great feeling and depression)
Chancellor: Oh...Oh... Gragnarks... Something... terrible has happened...
Queen: Dear... You felt it too...
Chancellor: Adrian... Dear...Gragnarks... He's....
Queen: Dead... I know... I felt it too...
Chancellor: My son... why...
Queen: I... Don't... how... But I felt his light... die... It was horrible...
Chancellor: He... He... doesn't deserve to die... Moralis... that killer...
Queen: Moralis? He was behind his death?
Chancellor: I think so... I felt it... just before his death... I can't believe that murderer would do such a thing...
Queen: If Moralis is... He will pay for his actions for our son... He will pay...
Chancellor: Somehow... I believe you dear... Moralis will pay for what he did...
Mistress Azul: Excuse me, but I heard you all talking about something, is something the matter?
Queen: Oh no Mistress... Something just happened, and its something that we must handle infront of the Senate.
Mistress Azul: By all means, what happened?
Queen: Its not of concern, If we told you... you would be <interrupted>
Chancellor: He's dead...
Mistress Azul: Who?
(Corro comes in over Azul)
Chancellor: Adrian... The Queen and I felt this... It was like a candle flame being blown out never to be a lit again.
Mistress Azul: <shocked> Thats...Thats... sad... (Corro overhears and becomes sad)
Chancellor: I know you and Adrian we're friends, He was an important Republic figure,he was like our real daughter Haylin. They were both respected in the Republic, everyone loved them... and now... now...
Its over... the Solanos line is over...
Mistress Azul: Wait... Adrian wasn't your true son? \
Queen: In law he isn't, see he grew up in Shanksville, He saw the full scale of Capital City, you can say his ancestry line leads back to the founding of the Republic. His ancestry is infact the founding members of the Republic. He lost his parents in the System Wars, he was raised by his uncle. Immediately after the war, he joined the Republic, he raised through the ranks quickly. By his early teenager years He became General of SAFB, the youngest general in the Republic. He soon found our daughter Haylin Solanos. They were close, they loved each other. Just before the Intergalactic War, Adrian was 17, and Haylin was 18, they professed their love and were secretly married. Adrian felt actually belonged when he joined our family. He felt as if he had a family, it was tough for him to grow up without actual parents. During the war, we wanted all of his history erased, we wanted to make sure that he was part of our family. Adrian was soon becoming our son, not step son, we actually felt that we did something good, but when Haylin died on Avalar, he felt lost... He felt alone, Haylin was like the life of his world. When she died, he isolated himself from the Republic. He was lost, he couldn't focus on the road ahead. We managed to hold on and made him turn back onto the road, but it was hard. It was hard for him to recover. Until now, Adrian says he's our step-son but we try to convince him that he's our son, we didn't want him to relinquish the memories when he saw his parents get killed. I believe we've tried our best for him, it was hard. You can just say, Adrian had a hard life to grow up. Just now... he's gone... I can't believe it... he's gone...
Mistress Azul: Wow... I never knew he had the hard life... growing up without parents...
(Corro nudges his head on Azul's shoulder)
Mistress Azul: Its ok Corro... So he's dead?
Queen: Me and the Chancellor felt it... it was horrible...
Chancellor: My dear... I think its time for the Senate to hear our next course of action.
Queen: Yes... Yes of course...We better hurry...
Mistress Azul: The senate has gathered in the stadium where you landed, I forgot to mention that.
Chancellor: Its ok Mistress, we better hurry and address the senate,
Queen: Right...
--Later at the Sekra Stadium--
(Senate clamours all together wondering whats and how happening)
Senator Belinning: I can't believe that pyscho Moralis has almost slaughtered every single Oltanian, He is a mad man! There's only a few scattered colonies left across the galaxy, including our secret colony on Earth!
Senator Zolus: The Republic has a plan to defeat the CSR, <Looks to her side> Look! The Supreme Chancellor and the Queen has arrived.
(Renters Chancellor, Queen and Mistress Azul and Corro followed behind)
Senator Belinning: Chancellor what news you have? Is the Republic going to fight back?
(Chancellor walks past them silent)
What wrong with him?
Senator Zolus: What do you mean?
Senator Belinning: The Supreme Chancellor would always tells us whats happening, but now something has happened and he won't tell us.
Senator Zolus: Maybe he'll tell us soon, look he's getting ready to address it.
Senator Belinning: I hope so.
Chancellor: Senators! May I have your attention... Something terrible has happened today...
(Senators gasp at the thought)
I know that CSR has forced us out of our capital city, but today, something very terrible has happened. You all know of my son, Adrian Solanos, well I just got word that he is dead...
(Senators gasp in horror)
We learned that he was killed by the hands of that malignant fool Moralis. But today's not the day to sorrow and mourn for his lost. We must turn our sadness into anger, The Republic will stand up and fight against this terror! We will defeat Moralis and his CSR scum!
(Senators cheer in glory)
Senator Zolus: I can't believe what has happened, the last line of the Solanos is gone, I remember they lost Haylin, it was hard for them to recover especially Adrian, he felt alone.
Chancellor: Senator Zolus! The queen and I require your presence!
Senator Zolus: As you wish Chancellor.\
<Seperate away from the Senate>
Chancellor: Catherine, I know that you are one of the few senators that know about Adrian's History and that he and Haylin were once married. I just don't want everyone know about Adrian's true history, the only intel they have was that he was born in Shanksville, nothing else. We wanted everyone to accept the fact that he was born into our family, if the word got out that Adrian is not our real son, then it will be chaos.
Senator Zolus: I.. I understand... I'll try to keep this hidden.
Chancellor: Thank you Catherine... I don't want the Republic to become even more crazy, with all of this happening. I'm sure that we'll take back the capital and hopefully the war with CSR will be over.
Senator Zolus: I agree with you Micheal, We don't want everything to fall apart. I'll talk to some senators later on and see if we can make a sizeable fleet to attack the CSR. We will take back the Capital, and hopefully recompense for those that were fallen in its defense, like Adrian.
Chancellor: Thank you Catherine, you have always been a trusted ally to us, I knew you would betray us, just like back in Highschool.
Queen: Dear, we just got a message from the Capital, should you see it.
<Enters a Hologram of Moralis>
Moralis: Supreme Chancellor Solanos and Queen Solanos, your capital has fallen, your Republic is squandering for control, your warships have fled, your son is dead... face it... you lost...
Chancellor: I will not surrender the Republic you monster! <Clenches his fists> You killed him! You killed my son! You brute! <Some senators and Mistress Azul gather nearby try to hear the conversation>
Moralis: Your son sacrificed his life to save another, just like his petty little wife...
<Chancellor becomes aware>
Thats right Micheal... I know of their history together, and now with him gone he won't be a nuisance for my plans to destroy the Oltanians and the Republic!
Chancellor: We rebuilt Meridum you monster! Isn't that enough! You go and murder him and billions of innocent Oltanians that weren't part of the whole war!
Moralis: Rebuilding Meridum brought back some hope, but it didn't fill the hole in my mind, I wanted the entire species to suffer, I want them to suffer the fate, to feel the pain I felt when they bombarded Meridum... My family didn't deserve to die in that bombardment! So in return they will all pay!
Chancellor: Moralis! You monster! You won't get away from this!
Moralis: Oh I will Chancellor, say goodbye to your Republic... Or should I know call it the New Republic now? <laughs> <exits>
Chancellor: Moralis!
--Leaves the room--
Mistress Azul: Chancellor... Is it true? Have you truly lost the Republic?
Chancellor: <grabs breath> I'm afraid its true... The Republic has truly lost... we never came this point, some close calls like the Xeno Wars, or the System Wars, but it was never like that... The Republic... is gone... lost to Moralis... I can't believe that we actually lost a war... we have never lost, not to even our forces like the CSR.
Mistress Azul: Its hard for something like that to recover, but in due time, maybe you can actually reclaim the Republic.
Chancellor: Somehow... I trust you Mistress... I must rest... right now... I'm still recovering over Adrian's death...
Mistress Azul: I understand... <exits>
(Scene Ends)
Scene Four: The Republic Falls
--Tretris Oakutarui, Shanksville, Isle Corona, Chancellory Towers overlooking the platform containing the tower--
(Enters Moralis, and high ranking officers)
Officer: Moralis... <clears throat> Sorry... Supreme Chancellor Moralis... The ceremony is ready.
Moralis: Excellent... The New Republic will be the most unstoppable power in the galaxy. But I must address my people...
<Exits onto the platform infront of a large crowd of CSR followers>
<The crowd cheers as Moralis becomes visible>
My loyal followers! Today has finally been a long waited achievement! The Galactic Republic has finally fallen, and now we shall transform our Republic into a powerful, killing force that makes everyone fear us! <Crowd cheers> The Republic will make everyone suffer, the ones that supported the Empire, that supported the Xeno Wars! The Oltanians! Will be executed once and for all! <Crowd cheers>
Supporter 1: Death to the Oltanians!
Supporter 2: They deserve to die!
Moralis: As of now! I will be the new Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic! Anyone who dares to disobey my order are considered a traitor to our new reign! and shall be punished! For the Galactic Republic!
Crowd: <all in unison> FOR THE REPUBLIC!!!
(Act Three Ends)
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