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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1843279
A collective story about what happened when the Capital fell...
Turmoil in the Capital
It is the year 3788, The City of Shanksville, the Capital of the Galactic Republic. The Skyscraper City by its name, has its share of turmoil, but nothing compared it when the Capital became besieged by Former General Moralis. Leading his somewhat Confederacy, He lead a massive seige to Shanksville, and held the city of Shanksville for 2 years before the Galactic Republic. It was after this event that Republic kept a closer eye on their generals. This depicts the moments inside the city at the time of the attack.

This story arc is a collective story of other artists from DeviantArt.com, to find the actual article visit my DeviantArt Page listed below.


General Adrian Smith-Solanos General of the Shanksville Airforce Base and surrounding airspace above Tretris.
General Abraham Moralis- Leader and General of the Confederate Systems of Republic, He is an former Republic General turned rogue, after the Oltanians bombarded his homeworld of Meridum, after the war Moralis snapped and went on a murderous rampage to "cleanse" the Galaxy of every Oltanian good or bad.
Captain Draxavian Blazenko: Earth Captain, General of the First Fleet, the most powerful infantry team in the Republic.
Supreme Chancellor Micheal Solanos: Name says, He along with the Queen of Chancellory Solanos, are the two leaders of the Galactic Republic.
Commander Parker: Second in Command of the Confederate Systems, He is leading the attack on the city of Shanksville
SPD Officer Frank Tenpenny: Head of the Shanksville Police Department, He is one of the defending forces in the city during the attack.
Gregory Callahan: One of the engineers working on the Defensive systems in the city.
Vivian Chance: A Sergeant in the Defense of Shanksville
Carlos Sympathy: Another Sergeant in the Defense of Shanksville
CSR Soldiers
GR Soldiers

Turmoil In the Capital Act 1 Before it happened
Scene 1
<Sector 2, Old Town of Shanksville, General Adrian Solanos and General Blazenko among with other generals are at a restruant enjoying a meal>
Adrian: There's no way Pierce you can stick that many straws in your nose!
Pierce: Try me! I bet you 50 Morgas if I can do it.
Adrian: Deal!
Drax: This should be intresting...
(Pierce sticks about 55 straws into his snout before sneezing a storm)
Adrian: Groossss.... *wipes the snot* But you didn't beat your saying of 60.
Drax: Nice.... *wipes the snot off his face*
Adrian: Ah come on Drax! You need to have fun!
Drax: How are you guys are having a blast while the Republic is under red-alert thanks to this Moralis character.
Adrian: Well Moralis is important target, but there sometimes you need to relax and blow steam. Being General is an important role for the Republic, but theres sometimes we need to relax like now.
(Enter a Waitress)
Waitress: Well here you all go you Republic Heros, The Crescent Balidix for the Earth General, Oakutarui Souffles for the Korus General, and Shanksville Special for our own Republic General. Enjoy!
The Three: Thanks!
Pierce: Hey Adrian, you think I can ask her out?
Adrian: Dude your crazy!
Pierce: Speaking to the youngest Republic General.
Adrian: *Pout face* Lets just eat.
Drax: Should I even asked why I ordered this meal?
Adrian: Well its like...Sorta....Hmmm.... I can't recall it.... Judging it, it looks like a Croissant with a variety of meat, cheese and vegetables
Drax: (whispers) Shocking not even the local doesn't even know about this aswell.
Adrian: We better hurry, the Supreme Chancellor is asking for our presence
The Three: Yea.
(They finish their meals and leave the restaurant)
Scene 2
<Sector 2, Chancellory Towers, the Capital Building of the Galactic Republic, Senate Chamber>
(Senate Chamber is full of chatter from almost every remaining Senator that hasn't left the Republic)
Senator 1: This is an outrage!
Senator 2: Why would the Chancellor drag us across the galaxy for a meeting! I have people on my planet that are dying!
Senator 3: This better be a good reason!
(Enters Adrian, Pierce, and Drax)
Adrian: Well looks like the entire Republic has arrived,
Drax: Clearly...
Pierce: This way!
(Exit the three generals)
(Enter Supreme Chancellor and the Queen)
Chancellor Solanos: Order! I ask for order!
(The sound escalates even louder)
Queen: (loud) I ASK FOR SILENCE!!
(The sound dies)
Queen: Now! We ask for silence! I'm pretty sure that my husband has a reason that we've summoned the Republic here!
Chancellor Solanos: Thank you my dear. Now, If I may continue. Senators of the Galactic Republic, I have gathered you all here as a warning and offer protection. As many of you all know, the CSR is an ever growing challenge and takes Republic Worlds every day, but as a united family we shall take control of the CSR, and fight back!
(A brief pause, suddenly the chamber becomes aloud again with angry commenter's)
Senator 1: You drag us to hear that!
Senator 4: What a waste of time!
Senator 2: We were dragged across the galaxy for this!?
Senator 3: What a load of crap!
Queen: Silence! *stops her cane*, The next senator to interrupt my husband's speech will be dealt with the full force of the Galactic Republic, now SILENCE!!
(Chamber starts to slow)
Adrian: Wow...
Drax: Agreed...
Chancellor Solanos: Thank you again my dear. Now as I was saying, The CSR are outside our borders, and I believe that its time we need to stand up and actually fight back! We cannot have small defending forces above selected homeworlds. We need to stand up and fight back!
(The chamber starts to loud up in approval)
Drax: Wow... Is this how you guys settle things?
Pierce: Not all the time, its just another speech by the Chancellor, shocking though, he didn't ask you stand with him Adrian.
Adrian: Just because I'm his step-son doesn't mean I'm always part of his politics. I have to run my Republic Base.
Drax: Yea. S.A.F.B. while I have is an outpost outside my city.
Adrian: If you were actually given a base the size of S.A.F.B or Pierce's Base, you wish that you would've have that outpost.
Drax: . I'll take into consideration.
Adrian: We better leave before the Chancellor suddenly calls me up for a new strategy.
Drax & Pierce: Why you afraid they'll embarrass you in front of the Galactic Senate?
Adrian: Exactly...
(Exit the Three generals again)
(Speech continues in the background, followed by many cheers of the Senate)
Scene 3
<Miles above the capital planet, are several fleets of the CSR armada. General Moralis or Chancellor Moralis stands alone on the Redeemer his warship>
Moralis: They are fools... Not letting to Oltanians be extinguished for their crimes they did against the Republic, allowed them to burn my homeworld... Now... they will pay!
Officer: General Moralis! We've entered Tretris's Orbit.
Moralis: Excellent... Contact the Supreme Chancellor... I want to deliver him a special message.
Officer: As you wish! Channel should be coming up now.
(Enters Chancellor Solanos)
Chancellor Solanos: General Moralis! Why have you entered our private channel!
Moralis: Oh be silent Supreme Chancellor. I want you to know that your Invincible Fleet is no-longer of concern, because I'm here to conquer and transform your Republic into an assault force.
Chancellor Solanos: Your a fool Moralis! The city's defenses will defeat your armada!
Moralis: Yea... tell that to the destroyed cruisers that used to defend your planet.
Chancellor Solanos: Moralis! *ends transmission*
Moralis: Prepare for the land invasion...
Officer: As you wish Chancellor...
Scene 4: Invasion
<Sector 2, On one of the billions of Starship Landing Pads, is General Drax and General Adrian>
(Enters the two Generals)
Drax: Well that lightens up my mood.
Adrian: What?
Drax: That Korusian General, what was his name? Peter? Paul?
Adrian: Pierce?
Drax: Yea. That was it. He gave me the creeps.
Adrian: Well Korusians are those mix avaian fish species, but they provide us with most of the ships you see that protect our planets.
Drax: Is that what you called it? I thought they were a mix of worms and birds, but that fits it even more. Hehe.
Adrian: You do know how to make a laugh Drax, anyway we better hurry before we miss that meeting on Earth, what did you call it?
Drax: You mean Christmas? Shocking you guys have a Christima De Celeb but not a Christmas.
Adrian: I know what Christmas is! Its just... just...
Drax: (under his breath) Celebrated it... hehe...
Adrian: HEY!
Drax: *laughs*
Adrian: *grumbles pushes the last of the crates into the ship* Ok its loaded, we better hurry?
(Sirens suddenly blare, as falling debris enter above, and several CSR cruisers enter as well.)
Drax: Well that's something you don't see everyday.
Adrian: Yea.
(Suddenly both of their comm wrists suddenly ring)
Both: What the?
Supreme Chancellor: General Solanos! General Blazenko! The capital city is under attack by General Moralis, the dang CSR has made their move we need your tactics at the City Defenses ASAP!
Both: On it *clocks out*
Adrian: Lets go Drax! To Sector 5!
Drax: Coming!
(The two enter the shuttle and blast off the pad heading to Sector 5)
(Sector 5)
(Shuttle comes to a stop on a landing pad)
Adrian: This way!
Drax: Stop running so fast!
*The cruisers starts to fire on city sections, citizens scream and buildings fall*
Drax: Who's Moralis!
Adrian: He's a former Republic General, you can say you filled his role after he left the Republic. Well to make a long story short, during the Intergalactic War, The Oltanians bombarded his homeworld of Meridum, and since then he's snapped and began a genocidal campaign to eradicate the Oltanian Species. He could also be after you since you did take his spot after he left"
Drax: Oh great... Another person after me...
Adrian: Well there were others but Moralis killed them all.
Drax: ....
Adrian: Sorry to tell you!
Drax: Nevermind lets just get rid of these cruisers before your city is flattened!
(The two run off into the crowd heading towards the two Hypervelocity Cannons in the background)
(Scene Ends, Act 1 ends)
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