Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1842988-Seijyun-Gakuen-Ep-1-Part-2-of-3
Rated: 18+ · Other · Nonsense · #1842988
The continuation!
What’re you lookin’ at, huh? You got a problem?

Who said you could look at us like that? Huh? You gonna answer?

[The BULLIED STUDENT is too terrified to answer, only whimpering in fear.]

I take it those are some of the delinquents you had mentioned?

Yeah. That’s Shiryu and Gouryu. Not their real names I’m sure, but that’s what everyone around here is told to call them. If you ever see them coming, just don’t pay them any mind, or they might corner you like that too. They’re the lieutenants in Tsuki no Kodomo.

What a bunch of punks.

[Panicked] Not too loud Hizuki-san, they might hear you!

[The bigger goon, Gouryu, smacks the student on the head, making his glasses fall off and clatter on the floor. The lens cracks in the right frame.]

That poor guy…

I can’t watch this anymore, let’s get out of here.

[BAN, AKI and KAHO walk the other way while KEN starts to walk towards the bullies, but TERU grabs his arm. KEN turns his head around. TERU is concerned, but he shakes his head lightly.]

Not now, Ken. Remember what Ryouzu said.

…Hmph. Alright, let’s get going before I lose my temper.

[KEN and TERU catch up to the others. They’re going up the stairs to the second floor.]

That really pisses me off! I can’t believe that’s going on in the school and nothing’s being done about it!

You’re not the only one. There have been plenty of others who have tried to do something, but they are ignored by the teachers or worse, one of the gang members hears about it.

What about rival gangs? There aren’t any others around who want to put them on a leash?

Of course, but no one here is strong enough to take on the whole gang. Well, that’s not exactly true…There are two people here who could beat that gang. There’s one guy enrolled here, he’s supposed to be one of the best fighters in Tokyo, but he refuses to get involved in any of this. Apparently Kotsu tried to “encourage” him to join them, but he refused. We also had another student protecting the school three years ago…he was really strong. We called him the “School Hero”. But he left suddenly, and no one ever knew why or who he really was. The theory that gets tossed around is that Kotsu defeated him and wounded him so badly that he couldn’t return to school. The only thing backing that up is that Kotsu wears these really expensive sunglasses…those were the Hero’s, part of his mask he wore to hide his identity.

So this School Hero…he was a masked vigilante then?

Yep. He would stand up to the gangs that were around at the time, protecting the students and making sure everyone was being treated fairly. He saved me once, actually…some gang members from another school came here and were beating up guys in my year. They had me cornered and were about to start kicking my ass, but then the Hero showed up and defeated them all…I’ll always remember that moment…

[We see a flashback of BAN on the ground as the hero, a towering, thin figure stands with his back to him, ready to face the other boys. The HERO’s head is wrapped in a red cloth and he is wearing sunglasses to hide his eyes. Apart from that, he dons a regular boy’s Seijyun uniform.]

Gangs…abuse…crooked politics and masked vigilantes…It sounds pretty rough here.

[Laughs] Sometimes. But look around you, everyone’s enjoying themselves, there’s just a few people who have the unfortunate luck of being picked on constantly by Kotsu and her lackies. I’m sick of talking about them, let’s focus on the finer points of the school. This is where most of the homerooms are. Did they tell you which homeroom you’re in yet?

I have 2-B.

[Gesturing towards TERU and herself] Us too!

Awesome, I’m in that class this year too. We’ve got Yamazaki for our teacher. He’s a great teacher, but he can be kind of a hard-ass if you slack off. He teaches Economics and Philosophy mostly. How about you, Aki?


Oh, you’re in the same homeroom as my little sister.

You’ve got siblings?

Just her. Her name’s Fumiko. She’s kind of shy, so I’ll probably have to introduce her to you all. Come on, I’ll show you where that room is, and maybe we’ll meet her while we’re there. She was with me earlier, but I’m not sure where she’s gotten to…

Hey Ban, where are the washrooms?

There’s a set on every floor. Just go down the hall that way, they’re right around the corner.

Thanks. You guys go on ahead, I’ll meet you downstairs.


[KEN goes off to the washroom as the others go downstairs. Cut to him washing his hands. He dries them and then exits the washroom, turning right. He stops dead. Down the hall, about ten feet from him and coming his way, is a large group of “tough looking guys” led by a girl with a lip ring, purple eye shadow and purple tips in her shoulder length black hair. It’s KOTSU and her goons!]

Hey Boss, check out that guy. He’s wearing a different uniform.

So he is.

You lost, kid? You don’t look like you belong here with the rest of us!

[They continue walking towards KEN, many of the goons laughing to themselves and muttering things. KEN puts his hands in his pockets and keeps to one side of the hallway, walking slowly. Upon seeing him closer, KOTSU stops.]

Say, you’re kind of cute. New here, huh? What school are you from?


Not the talkative type, huh? What a bore.

Hey, she asked you something, you bastard! You can’t disrespect the Purple Vixen like that!

I just did.

What the…! You son of a bitch!

[The GOON rushes at KEN, pushing other goons aside. He pulls back his right arm and goes for a punch. KEN calmly, without removing his hands from his pockets, turns around and slides one foot sideways, leaning under the punch and driving his shoulder into the crook of the GOON’S right shoulder. The force of KEN’S blow knocks him backwards into other goons, knocking four of them over. Long shot of KEN standing with a stern look on his face. This serves as the realization point that KEN is not what he seems. After a few moments, KOTSU bursts out laughing.]

That’s more like it! What’s your name, new guy? It’s not every day that I meet someone who can knock one of my best on his ass like that.

Is he one of your best? Hm. It’s a wonder anyone is afraid of you if that’s the case.

[KOTSU moves incredibly fast through her own crowd and throws a punch at KEN’S face, a devilish smile crossing her lips. She pulls it and her fist stops inches in front of KEN’S nose. KEN, however, remains completely un-phased by this and keeps his cool composure, still standing with his hands in his pockets.]

You’re lucky you’re so handsome, otherwise I’d be smashing your teeth in right about now. I’ll be keeping an eye on you, new guy. [Regains her calm.] Next time, you’ll be the one on the floor. I guarantee it. Come on, boys. Let’s go find the baby.

[KOTSU turns back around and walks through her group of lackies. They all stare KEN down and mutter under their breath about him. They all turn around and follow KOTSU down the hall as KEN stands defiantly, still staring at them. Cuts to KEN coming down the stairs to meet with the others again. They are standing in the hall speaking amongst themselves.]

There you are. What took so long?

…Nothing. Was your sister there, Ban?

I checked in the class, but she wasn’t there. We were just discussing what we should do next. I think what we’ll do is have lunch now and then I can show you guys the rest of the landmarks and important classes after we eat.

I like the sound of that. Where are we going to eat?

There’s an awesome spot out in the courtyard, and the roof is always a good place, too. Your call.

Let’s try the courtyard today.


[BAN takes them outside again and they find a nice, cozy place to sit in the grass near a tree.]

Alright, you guys wait here, I’m going to run to the cafeteria and get myself something for lunch.

No need. I have an extra bento you can have.

Really? I haven’t had a homemade bento in a long time…are you sure?

Of course. It’s the least I can do after you took the time out of your day to show us around. Here.

Thank you so much!

[He takes the bento and sits next to TERU. He opens it up, as does everyone else, and they all start to eat. BAN takes a bite and freezes. He slowly gets an incredibly pleased look on his face.]

You alright?

It’s so…good…

Thank you…I’m glad you like it.

[BAN remains frozen as the others look on in embarrassment.]

Looks like your cooking has made a lasting impression, Ka-chan.

[KEN gets a strange feeling and turns around. He once again sees the SAD GIRL, this time walking alone, clutching books to her chest. We get our first good look at her. She has light brown hair done in a very peculiar style; almost like a bowl cut on top, with two long styled strands that hang on either side of her face, hiding her ears. She has bangs on her forehead that stop just above her eyebrows and the hair is just above her shoulders in length. She also has one long braid on the right side of her head that is a little longer, resting somewhat on her shoulder. She has sad eyes and freckles on her face. She has brilliant blue eyes. She is quite beautiful. She walks towards a group of girls who are excitedly talking aloud. One of these girls has long green hair and wears glasses. Another has brown hair with one large pigtail on each side of her head. The third girl has long, wavy blonde hair. When she gets close, they stop and look at her. She gives them a weak smile and they all suddenly look sad, reluctantly turning away from her. The SAD GIRL looks down at her feet and then keeps walking.]

Who is that girl, Ban? Do you know her?

[Breaking out of his food induced trance] Hm? [Cranes his neck to see who KEN is talking about.] That’s Maika Kanzuki.

Does she always look so unhappy?

…Remember when I said there are some students who get targeted by Kotsu and her thugs? Well, Maika’s their favorite target.

What did she do?

That’s the thing, she didn’t do anything. Kotsu just decided one day that she didn’t like her. I don’t know Maika personally, but I know that she grew up with another girl named Shizuko, and they were inseparable. They were both in my homeroom together…I’ve never seen two closer friends than those two, always goofing around and making everyone laugh. But then about two years ago, Shizuko had to leave the school suddenly, and no one really knows why. Maika tried making new friends, and that’s when Kotsu noticed her. At first it was just little things like muttering names to her when she passed by in the hall, or spreading gossip. But things got worse and worse as time went on. It’s gotten to the point where other people are afraid to talk to Maika because they think that Kotsu will start to pick on them, too.

That’s horrible…that poor girl.

[As BAN talks, we cut to MAIKA going into the Arts building. We don’t hear anything as we see what is happening to her except for BAN and the others narrating over top. MAIKA walks down a hall and turns left, walking right into KOTSU and her gang who are blocking off the hallway, waiting for her. MAIKA clenches her books tighter as KOTSU approaches her slowly. Two other girls are watching these events at the other end of the hall. KOTSU shoves MAIKA to the ground hard, and then grinds her shoes into MAIKA’s books, tearing up the pages and the covers. She then crouches down and grabs MAIKA by the hair, yanking her head to one side. She whispers into MAIKA’s ear. MAIKA begins to cry softly, tears running down her face. KOTSU then slaps her across the face with enough force to make MAIKA fall over onto her side. She immediately covers her face and curls up into a ball on the floor. KOTSU grins sadistically as her goons laugh. She then rises and motions for her group to leave with her. The other girls who witnessed this think for a moment but ultimately choose to walk away from MAIKA and not help her. There’s a far off shot of MAIKA curled up in a ball on the floor, her ruined books scattered around her.]

Yeah…I’ve tried talking to her before…she doesn’t say much, but she seems really nice. I feel really bad for her…after two years of abuse, I always figure one day she’ll finally have had enough and transfer to a different school, but she never does. Last year she was gone for a few months, we heard that her mom got really sick and she had to take care of her. Everyone thought she wouldn’t come back after having a break from the abuse, but she did…I guess she must really like the school or something, because no one else who’s dealt with Kotsu as much as her has had the guts to stick around.

Hmm…the world really is a cruel place sometimes…[As KEN delivers this line is when the far off shot of MAIKA curled up in a ball happens.]

I really hope that things will get better for her…

Hoping won’t solve anything.

I know, but what can we do?

We should try to invite her to eat with us one day, maybe you could make her a bento, Ka-chan. I’m sure she wouldn’t refuse it.

That’s a great idea, Teru! Ban, do you think that you could find out which home room she’s in? That way we can just invite her easily without having to look for her.

Yeah, I can do that. It might take me a couple of days though.

Thank you.

It’s nothing. I’m glad that you’re all kind enough to watch out for someone else’s well being. To be honest, most of the students here are pretty spineless, so it’s nice to see someone who still has a backbone. As soon as I find out, I’ll let you know. I’ll even join you guys for lunch if she accepts.

Are you trying to be nice to that girl too, or do you just want another free lunch?

What? I’m being nice to Maika, of course!

[Laughs] Don’t mind Aki, she’s usually like this. You’ll get used to her.

So, Ban, what do you like to do outside of school? Do you work or anything like that?

Me? Yeah, actually I work at an arcade near where I live. I just make sure that the patrons are enjoying themselves, mostly. Other than that, I read a lot of manga…I’m an artist myself, so I like to keep up with what’s popular now to see the different art styles that the professionals are using these days.

Really!?! I’d love to see your work someday.

Sure, I’ll bring in something one of these days and you can have a look. I have to warn you though, it’s mostly just illustrations without back story.

You’ve never tried to write your own story?

Not really. I mostly just draw characters and places. I have a few characters I’m attached to, but I’ve never given them a reason to exist within a world or anything like that. I don’t know if I can even write, I’ve never tried.

I have a friend who writes her own manga series, and she illustrates it as well. You’ve been to Comiket before haven’t you?

Of course.

Do you know “Darkest Souls” by Erika Nobuchika? That’s my friend’s story.

Seriously? That was one of the top sellers this past year. I’ve got all the volumes, myself. It’s an incredible story, and it has some of the best artwork I’ve seen in a long time. I even heard that it’s being fought over by a couple production houses vying for the rights to produce an anime adaptation.

Yeah, she’s doing really well for herself. If you want, I can probably set up a meeting with her, and you might be able to get some tips from her.

Could you? I’d love to meet her.

I’ll call her later tonight and see what her schedule is like.

Thanks! I can’t believe you know her!

We’re old friends, we went to elementary school together and we’ve kept in touch since. I still remember the days when she was first developing the story. I always told her she had something great on her hands and to keep at it.

I’m glad you did, otherwise she might not have ever finished it. It inspired me to keep trying to develop my own style. [TERU and KEN look lost] Sorry…I’m really passionate about my art, so I can go off on rants like that sometimes.

No need to apologize! It’s nice to see your passion for what you love to do.
[They go back to eating.]

So anyway, what brings you guys to Seijyun? Did you just move to Tokyo?

No, we’ve lived here our whole lives. We’re transferring here from our old high school, Yomigetsu.

Yomigetsu? That’s the one that burned down over the summer isn’t it?

That’s right. I’m surprised that we haven’t seen anyone else we knew from that school registering here. Surely we can’t be the only ones who were accepted into this school.

Can I ask you guys something about Yomigetsu?


They say that the fire was caused by faulty wiring and it was an accident…is that true?

Yeah. It was a total accident, and it happened when everyone was on break too. Good thing, otherwise someone might have gotten hurt.


You sound disappointed by that.

Sort of. I had always heard that there was something strange about Yomigetsu, rumors of ghosts and mysterious figures in black, all sorts of things. I kind of hoped that there was something more to the story.

[KAHO smiles warmly.]

We’ve heard all of that too. Unfortunately there’s nothing supernatural at work there. A careless worker didn’t double check his own work, and that’s all there is to it.

Every school’s got rumors around them like that. Are there any about Seijyun, besides the gang thing that’s actually true?

Actually there is one that’s been really popular lately. There have been several sightings of a “Red Eyed Woman” on the school grounds at night. The first one was by a couple of girls in first year. They were here studying, late after their classes, and when they were leaving they saw the girl. They said her eyes were red and almost cat-like. That’s the only details they gave, but the second and third reports were a little more detailed, if not conflicting. The second sighting was by one of the professors who was here working late. He said he saw an “impossibly tall woman with red eyes who was wearing a long trench-coat and singing on the roof of the school”. Then the third report was a senior student and his girlfriend who were walking past the school on a date. They looked into the yard and saw a girl huddled up by the tree in the courtyard. They said she was crying, and when they called out to her she lifted her head and showed her big, red eyes. She then got up and ran away. They said that she looked to be about 15 years old though. The only consistent fact is the red eyes.

That’s kind of creepy…

Has it just been sightings, or has this girl ever approached anyone?

As far as I know it’s just been sightings of her. There was one more sighting just last week actually, and this one is really weird. There was a group of about twelve students that came and waited around to see if she would show up. Apparently they worked out a pattern to her appearances. They all swear that this happened, that the girl did show up on the roof again and sang to them, like some sort of improvised concert. I’d love to wait around and see if I could get a glimpse of her, or better yet hear her sing, but none of my friends are willing to hide out with me, and I’m not brave enough to come by myself.

That’s understandable. Maybe we’ll come with you one night [TERU chuckles].

[Finishing up his bento] Thanks again for the lunch, Hizuki-san. It was really good.

You’re welcome. Thanks for saving us this morning.

My pleasure. Should we continue the tour? There are a few more places I want to show you, and then we can find all of your individual classes just to make sure you know where you’re going tomorrow.


[They all rise and go back inside the main room. Close up of a clock that changes time, showing many hours have passed. After the time change, it cuts to KEN and the others coming down the stairs onto the main floor. BAN is still leading the way.]

That wraps up Ban’s Ultimate Seijyun Gakuen Tour! We hope you had a good ride and that you’ll visit us again soon!

[The others, even AKI, all smile.]

Thanks again for showing us around the school. Now that I’ve seen the whole thing, I think I’ll be fine to find my way around on my own.

For tomorrow, I’ll wait for you all outside of the main gates just in case. Then we can walk to homeroom together.

[The others nod.]

Tomorrow should be really interesting. I’m really curious to see what my classes and teachers will be like.

Me too.

[As they speak, AKI starts to go through her bag.]

I was going over my listed teachers. It seems like most of them teach more than one subject.

Most of them do, that’s the way Seijyun has it set up to accommodate the amount of students here. It’s not like there’s a shortage of teachers or anything, just that they prefer to have close student/teacher relationships –


What’s wrong?

I lost my phone somewhere…

You brought your phone?

Yeah, yeah, it’s against regulations I know, I don’t care, I need it in case…uh…in case Ryouzu needs me for anything.

When did you have it last?

I’m not sure…I definitely had it when we were having lunch though.

Hmm…I’ve got an idea. Is your ringtone on?

Yeah, why?

[KEN pulls out his own cellphone.]

Oh, look who’s breaking the rules now.

Whatever. I’ll call the number, you guys split up and see if you can hear it ringing. Aki, you come with me, you guys go the other way, alright?

Right. Let’s start at the far end and work backwards.

[BAN, KAHO and TERU all go down the hall as KEN and AKI go to the second floor.]

I don’t know where I would have lost the damn thing…I had my bag shut the whole time.

You’re sure you had it with you, right? Maybe you left it at home.

I’m positive I brought it with me.

Alright. Don’t worry, we’ll find it. Let’s try my homeroom class, maybe it fell out in there.

[They go down the hall towards the classroom. KEN dials the number again. They reach the room and AKI slides the door open. They enter the room and look around.]

I don’t hear anything.

Me neither. Let’s try that other room at the end of the hall, we were in there for quite a while.
[They leave the classroom, shutting the door behind them and walk down the hall. They get to the next room and KEN once again redials AKI’s number. She pulls the door open. They can hear a rumbling and a ringtone coming from within the room somewhere.]

I hear it. It’s got to be in here somewhere. Let it ring.

[KEN and AKI set to work checking under desks and all over. AKI finally finds it, the phone having slid under a cabinet on the side of the room.]

Got it! Stupid phone, how did you get out of my bag?

[As he hangs up] Good, I’m glad we found it…that could have been bad if someone else found it.


Come on, let’s go find the others and head home. While you’ve got your phone, give our brother a call and tell him to start heading over.


I’ll be out in the hall.

[KEN leaves the room and walks down the hall a little bit, coming to a window. He looks out the window into the courtyard with the trees. He sees MAIKA standing near the entrance of the Arts building.]


[He watches her out the window. AKI comes out of the classroom and walks up to him.]

He’s on his way. He said it’d be about fifteen minutes or so. What’s up? Something interesting out there?

Check it out.

[AKI looks out the window too and sees MAIKA standing there.]

What? That girl? Do you have the hots for her or something?

No! I saw her earlier today…I think that’s Maika Kanzuki, the girl Ban was talking about…

How can you tell?

Just a hunch I have.

Huh. She certainly looks the part… Come on, let’s get going.

Hang on.

[AKI turns back. As they watch from the window, five guys come walking up to MAIKA. They stop in front of her, forming a semi-circle around her.]

Friends of hers?

I seriously doubt it…

[Though they cannot hear anything, it’s clear the boys are talking to her. MAIKA shakes her head and tenses up. One of them points at her as the others start laughing. MAIKA turns and tries to walk past them, but one of the guys grabs her arm and pushes her down, her books once again clattering all around her.]

What the hell?!? Those bastards!

[KEN suddenly turns and starts running for the stairs.]

Ken! What are you doing?!?

What do you think? Don’t tell anyone!

Wait! Dammit, not again…

[AKI leans against the window, watching. The angle cuts to outside, and now we can hear what’s going on between MAIKA and the goons. The one who pushed her is the same one that KEN got into a tousle with earlier when he ran into KOTSU.]

Come on now, Maika…you should know by now that when we ask you to do something, you’d better do it.

…Please…just…go away…

No way. We asked you to dance and sing for us. We hear you’re pretty good at both. So how about it? Are you going to give us a show, or do I have to…”encourage” you?

I…I…just…no…I – ACK!

[The GOON gets angry and picks her up by the collar, pinning her against the wall of the Arts building and then stepping back. MAIKA slumps to the ground.]

HUH? You’re refusing? You know, that’s a nice mark that Kotsu left on your right side. Looks like I’m going to have to give you a matching one on your left.

[MAIKA braces herself as the GOON reels back his hand. He swings it as MAIKA clenches her teeth. A loud slapping noise is heard. Cut to MAIKA, who has not been slapped but is still clenching her teeth shut. She slowly opens her eyes to see that someone is standing in front of her. It’s KEN, who has grabbed the GOON’s arm.]

Hngh…you again…

Me again.

[The GOON attempts to punch KEN with his other hand, which KEN also grabs. The GOON is clearly struggling, but KEN is barely doing anything.]

Fuck…he’s strong…guys! Help!

[The other four rush KEN. KEN calmly raises his right leg and kicks the first GOON in the chest, sending him flying backwards. The second boy reaches him and swings at his face, KEN leans back slightly then quickly delivers three quick hooks to his face, dropping him. The next opponent tries a high kick. KEN ducks under his leg and then hits him twice in the stomach, making him bend over. He then grabs him by the arm and spins around while holding him, tossing him back towards the other floored goons. The last two come at him at once. KEN snap kicks the first in the chest, then punches the second twice in the face. He spins on his left foot right around and roundhouse kicks the former in the face, making him spin through the air. As his right foot comes down, he places it on the ground and quickly spins around again, this time using his left foot to kick the other in the gut, sending him flying backwards as well. He then stands with an angered look on his face, in a defensive stance as a teary-eyed MAIKA stares on. Cut to the GOONS all writhing in agony on the ground. The main one who was going to slap MAIKA rises to his feet.]

You…you bastard…you’ll pay for that!

[He rushes at KEN, right fist pulled back and ready. He throws vicious hooks at KEN, who barely has to move in order to dodge them. After toying with him for a good number of punches, KEN raises his left arm and blocks a right hook and then reciprocates with a huge straight right of his own, landing perfectly in the middle of the GOON’s nose. KEN steps into the blow and it sends him flying backwards as blood erupts from his nose. He hits the ground with such force that it causes him to do a reverse-somersault. He lands flat on his back, groaning. KEN walks over to him slowly, picking him up by the collar. He has blood leaking down his face.]

[Cowering] No! No more, please!

How many times has she begged for you to stop over the years? Have you ever given her mercy? Why should I return the same courtesy?!?

I…I won’t bother her anymore!!! I swear!!! Please, forgive me!!!

You make me sick. If I ever see you so much as glance at her again, I won’t back down. Got it?

Y-yeah! I won’t ever bother her again!!!

…Get the hell out of my sight.

[KEN shoves him back down as all the GOONS scramble to their feet and run back into the main building. After watching them run off, KEN finally turns around to face MAIKA, who is still cowering against the other building. He smiles at her.]

Are you alright? Did they hurt you?


[KEN approaches her slowly and crouches down, offering his hand to her.]

It’s alright, they’re gone now. Here, let me –

Don’t touch me! Just leave me alone!

[MAIKA smacks KEN’s hand away, quickly springing up to her feet and running away into the main building as KEN watches her, confused. He rubs the back of his head.]

What was that all about?

[AKI comes out of the main building and rushes over to KEN.]

What the hell was that!?!

I have no idea…

She came running into the school, bawling her eyes out. Did she talk to you?

No, she just kind of…flipped out and ran off.

Did they hurt her or something?

Not that I could see…she had a bruise on her face, but they were saying that Kotsu did that to her.

They don’t mess around, do they? Guys beating up girls…that’s disgusting!

[After a few moments, AKI suddenly punches KEN in the arm.]

That’s for running off and getting into a fight on your first damned day here after we all told you not to do anything stupid!

Sorry…I couldn’t let them hurt her.

*sighs* My brother, the knight in shining armor. I know you couldn’t let them hurt her, but even still…what if someone would have seen you? I’m kind of actually looking forward to going to school here, so please don’t screw this up for us. [KEN nods. After a few moments;] Anyway, is she pretty?


Is Maika pretty?

I don’t see what that has to do with anything.

I just thought that since you’re never going to tell Kaho how you feel, maybe you were saving Maika to move on and be with someone else. So, is she pretty?

Dammit Aki, not now.

Then when? You have to tell her sometime!

Would you keep your voice down!?! She might hear you!

Good, then at least she’ll know. It’s stupid that you pine over her and refuse to even look at other girls. Then to top it all off, you keep your feelings to yourself.

I know, I know! I’ll tell her when the time is right…I don’t want to scare her off or anything, and I’d like to know if she feels the same way about me as I do about her.

Not this again. I’ve told you a hundred times, the way she looks at you only an idiot couldn’t tell that she’s in love with –


[KEN quickly walks past AKI, interrupting her to greet KAHO, TERU and BAN who have come out into the courtyard.]

Did you find Aki’s phone?

Uh, yeah. It was in one of the classrooms we visited.

Oh good, I was worried that we wouldn’t find it. What were you two just talking about?

Oh, uh…nothing, just discussing dinner for tonight, right Aki?

…Yeah. Dinner. Whatever. Someone had better decide if they even want dinner or not…

[AKI walks over to the door of the main building.]

Does she seem a little more wound up than usual to you?

She’s definitely mad about something…

[BAN walks over to where MAIKA had fallen, observing her scattered books and papers.]

What’s all this?

[Thinking to himself] Ah crap, Maika didn’t grab her things before she ran off…

[Walks over to BAN and bends down to help him pick them up] Is there a name on any of this? Maybe we can find out who it belongs to and return it to them.

These are Maika’s things…why are they scattered all over the place?

Seems everyone’s losing things today. Should we take it with us and give it back to her?

Yeah, we can’t leave it out here, it’ll all get wrecked.

I’ll take it. I have to go to the faculty office tomorrow anyway, so I can give it to them.

Sure. Here you go.

[BAN and TERU hand the books and papers to KEN, who takes off his bag and puts them inside. As he zips it up, KAHO notices that his knuckles are red. She keeps quiet about it for now.]

Oh yeah, Aki called Ryouzu for a ride, he’ll be here soon. We should probably go wait for him at the front gate. Ban, do you want a ride home? We can probably squeeze you into the car.

Thanks, but I’m fine with taking the train home. I have to stop off at the Sofmap in Akihabara anyway to pick something up for my dad. I’ll walk with you guys to the gate though.

[KEN slings his bag over his shoulders again and they all go through the main Seijyun building back out to the entrance.]

Thanks again for the tour, Ban.

It was nothing. I should be thanking you Hizuki-san, for the free lunch.

You’re welcome! Oh, and I’ll be sure to get in touch with Erika tonight to see what her schedule is like. She should be able to meet with you sometime soon, and I’ll come too. I haven’t seen her in a while so it will be nice to catch up and listen to what kind of advice she can give a fellow artist.

Thank you so much! Hey, if you guys ever need anything, or even if you want to just go grab a bite to eat, just give me a call, would you?

Sure. [Pulls out his cell phone again and gives it to BAN.] Put your number in there, and I’ll save it.

[BAN takes the phone and puts in his number. He then hands it back to KEN who flips it shut and puts it back in his pocket.]

Great. It was nice to meet you guys. I’ll see you tomorrow!

Same to you! See you tomorrow.

Have a safe trip home!

See you, Ban!


[He waves and turns around, walking out the gate and down the sidewalk. After waiting for a few moments to make sure BAN is out of earshot, KAHO abruptly turns to KEN, folding her arms in front of her chest.]

So, who’d you beat up today?

Wha…how’d you know?

When you were putting those papers in your bag, I saw your knuckles.

Damn, nothing gets passed you, Ka-chan…

It’s the first day, Ken! How did you even manage that?

When we went looking for Aki’s phone, I saw that girl Maika standing out in the courtyard. She looked like she was waiting for someone, so I was watching to see who it could be. Some of Kotsu’s goons approached her and shoved her to the ground…they were going to hurt her, so I…intervened.

How did you know they were Kotsu’s goons?


You seriously got into two fights? We can’t take you anywhere! When did the other one happen?

When I went to the washroom, I came out and Kotsu was coming down the hall with a bunch of her followers. I tried to just walk right by them, but one of them attacked me, and I had a standoff with the rest of them…

Did anyone see you?

No, just the gang members.

Good. Hopefully you won’t have them attacking you left and right now. I really like it here, so try not to get us suspended, alright?

[Grinning] Do you think they would suspend us? The gang’s a problem, right? Maybe they’d appreciate it if he wiped them out.

Don’t get any bright ideas, either of you.

I’m sorry, everyone. I know it seems like I attract trouble wherever I go, but no one saw either fight today. If things get worse, I’ll put an end to it quickly and discretely. I promise.

Whatever. Just don’t get yourself hurt.

I’m fine with it, Ken. I’m with Aki though, don’t take any unnecessary risks and try to avoid confrontation.

You don’t have to apologize. You did what you thought was right and stopped those creeps from terrorizing a girl, so I’m proud of you for that. Your heart is in the right place, and that’s all that matters to me.

Thanks, guys.

So, you met Maika, huh? What was she like?

I don’t know, I barely said anything to her. I offered to help her up but she ran away. She definitely looks like she’s been the target of abuse for years, though…she looked really scared back there, even after the danger was gone. I can’t even imagine what she must go through each day to look the way she did…

Will you be able to recognize her if you see her again?

Yeah, definitely.

That will make it easier for you to return her stuff then at least.

That was why I took it. I think she hangs around the courtyard a lot, I kept seeing her there when we were walking around with Ban. I’ll look for her there tomorrow during break so I can return her things.

If you do see her before Ban finds out her homeroom class, invite her for lunch while you return her things, alright?

Yeah, alright. I’ll make sure to mention there’s a delicious free lunch in it for her.


[RYOUZU’s car pulls up and he honks to alert them.]

There’s our ride.

About time, it’s too hot to be standing out here like this.

[They all leave the schoolyard and pile into the car. Before KEN gets in, he feels as though someone is watching him. He turns around and looks up at the school. Nothing. He stares for a moment or two, then shrugs and gets into the car. He shuts the door and RYOUZU drives away. We then see the interior of the school. MAIKA steps in front of the window, showing she had been watching KEN and the others. She stares longingly after the car…]

© Copyright 2012 Darren Cenerini (dcenerini at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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