Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1840533-Thing--Chapter-5
Rated: 13+ · Other · Drama · #1840533
Chapter 5- Crawl
I woke up to even more messages on my phone from loads of different people who knew about Gem and Lucas. I didn't even bother reading Gem's message, neither of them were worth my time. Even after a few hours of sleep I was a broken girl, I didn't have a clue what to do with myself anymore. I got dressed for forr like any other day, put on some minimal makeup and scraped my hair back. I used to want to impress Lucas, that's why I asked for the makeover, he said he liked the way I was, obviously not. I couldn't believe I had actually let myself get led on like that. He was a scumbag, a liar, a back-stabber, he was turning into the male version of Gem; no matter how much I hated admitting it. Dad noticed how quiet I was while eating my breakfast and my mum just told him to be quiet, she must've thought she knew what I was going through, but I bet she had never felt the emotional pain I was experiencing.

I dragged my feet into school only to be hurt even more. Everyone was crowing around Gem and Lucas asking them how it happened and how long they had liked each other, a teenagers unnoficial ritual for when two people got together. I marched past them, not even acknowledging their new found popularity when I felt a hand on my shoulder turning me around. It was Stacey, the girl I sat next to in physics, we'd been friends since the first year in high school, but we were never as close as me and Gem were. She had wild, curly, blonde hair and was slightly taller than myself. She was always up for a lugh and found it odd that I wasn't taking any notice of Lucas; she knew I was mad about him.

"I'm guessing you heard the news then, just want you to know I'm always here for you and when you're ready to talk, you can come to me." Steph knew exactly what to say to make someone feel reassured and everyone knew when she meant something like this because it was the only time she had a serious look on her face. At this point I felt like bursting into tears for the tenth time since I found out.

"I should be okay, the fact that he let me stay over then told me is what's hurting more than anything. It's probably Gem's fault to be honest with you," I tried to tell myself I'd be ok, I knew I wasn't going to be but maybe, just maybe, if I pretended I was then the pain would go away a little, like an emotional antibiotic.

"He did what?! That's seriously not on! That's it I have to talk to him," and with that she stormed off and peeled Gem off LUcas so she could drag him top the side and talk to him about what he had done. Stace could be quite scary when she was angry and I could tell Lucas was scared from the way he was standing, and Lucas was afraid of nobody.

"How dare you do that to Em?!" I could hear Stacey screaming at Luke from the other end of the corridor, it didn't help that everybody else was silent and the corridor was rather echoey. If it was me shouting at him, Gem would've shouted at me in his defense, but she was terrified of Stacey. They used to be best friends until Gem stabbed Stace in the back, just like she had done to me, so Stacey knew what I was going through, she knew it was a tough time made even harder by Lucas's new relationship. All Lucas could do was mumble back to Stacey, nobody could tell what he was saying but she looked unsatisfied with him answers, it was going to take a lot more than a few mumbles to make up for how much he had hurt me.

When she was finished, Stacey came back over to me with a huge smile on her face, she explained that he wouldn't be hurting anyone else for a long time. She asked me if I wanted to stay at hers over the weekend with her two other friends, Annie and Morgan, I couldn't decline after what she had done for me, I needed a girly weekend too after what had happened the previous night. That weekend was going to be the thing to take my mind off Gem and Lucas, I just knew it. It was also the weekend after prom, so the party would just carry on after the weekend because Stacey explained how she had made plans with Annie and Morgan to go to a local gig too and asked me if I wanted to come too, I really couldn't wait.

Stacey pulled out the line up of the gig from her blazer pocket, a few good local bands were playing that I had heard of before, I knew a few of the band members in some of them. I scrolled from the bottom to the top only to be disappointed by the headliners. Spurius. Lucas's band.
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