Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1836327-GRADE-T
Rated: 18+ · Sample · Comedy · #1836327
i have been writing a script and i would like to know what you think of it. post.
Grade “T”

Scene one Morning

Tony just woke up from sleep. He gets up sluggishly moving towards the bathroom. He goes in and closes the bathroom door. As he pees the sound of the urine and water clashing fills the air. He turns on the water to wash his hands and uses he towel hanging up to dry them. Tony exits the bathroom and stops. He turns slowly to look at the clock. 8:30 am Friday morning realizing he had to be at school. He showers quickly and gets ready putting on a Bob Marley tee-shirt; pull over hoodie, jeans, Nike dunks, and a trucker’s hat flipped to the back rushes down stairs and plucking his book bag from a chair in the kitchen. His dad rolls up to him in a motor powered wheel chair.

Dad: what you in a rush for son?
Tony: Dad I really have to go, I am late.
Dad: oh I can give you a ride (cheerfully)
Tony: Um Dad I think I got this one and if you excuse me I really gotta go.
Tony rushes to leave but his father stops him with his wheel chair by knocking him with it.

Tony: (Hurting Grunt sound and cussing under his breath) what the heck dad. Why in the blaze are you attacking me with your wheel chair?
Dad: (A bit tearful eyed) Why do you hate me son? Why!
Tony’s mother comes into the kitchen.
Tony’s mom: Tony why you making your father cry. He’s as half of man as he was before.
Dad: Thank you Sharon. (He pauses for a sec) Wait the hell does that suppose to mean!
Sharon: Noting honey I was just indicating that you’re the same man you were before you lost your legs in the war.
Tony looks at the clock 9:15.
Tony: oh crap!
Tony’s brother, Dave, Enters the room and slaps him.
Tony: Come on dude what the hell.
Dave: There you go again. Mom I didn’t know you raised a potty mouth.
Sharon: Tony stops cussing. And aren’t ya supposed to be at school today. Honey you are very late.
Tony Thoughts: That’s where I’m been trying to get all morning.
Tony: Yea and if you’ll all excuse me I’ll be going.
Dad: Well son if I don’t take you a least have Dave drive you too school.
End of Scene
Scene 2: Dave driving to school
Dave is driving Tony to school while smoking pot with rap bursting through the speakers speeding down the street.
Tony: The freak man this is a Goddamn hostile mission.
Dave: (With a mouthful of pot smoke in his mouth.) Calm down man nobody gonna die man. And if we do we’ll say we’re holding it for somebody.
Tony: And who in the world is that somebody?
Dave turns to Tony
Dave: Don’t worry man I –

Before Dave could finish his sentence the Red and blue cop lights flash behind them. Tony and Dave turn to look at each other astonished expressions on their face. Dave rolls the widow in a fast quickened scared pace and flings the blunt out the widow while the cop is walking to their car.

Tony: (Tony Whispers) you asswipe I swear to Christ him self if we get in trouble the next thing you’ll be smoking is my cock.
The cop knocks on the widow signal for Dave to roll down the widow. Dave rolls down the widow. Dave begins to smile and Tony frowns. Tony cusses under his breath.

Dave: Will man what up wit ya man?
Will/officer: Noting dude been chilling man. And what up little guy you behaving.
Tony: Sure whatever Will? Dave I gotta get to school.
Dave: We won’t be long dawg.
Tony: Take long for what?
Narrative Tony: There been days like this before when Will and Dave smoke pot up to their ears. I wonder for a while where did they get all that from but I soon remembered that Will was a cop who jacked little pot headed kids for their weed, and Will was fresh out of the college and he wasn't good at that. And when I am in school I barley get to sit down because send me home because I smell of pot. My mother will bitch up a storm if she finds out.

Tony: Dave! What in the world do you think your doing? Get to Ridge dale now.
Dave: Whoa! Little man chill out a little bit after I my morning love.
Tony: Didn’t you smoke this morning? You should still be high from that.
Dave: (In a scarstic tone) the more the merrier.

Before Dave could get the tip of the blunt in his mouth. Tony slaps it out. Dave and Tony eyes meet. Dave tries to beat the hell out tony but he blocks with his fist and they repeatily hit each other. Will just stands and laughs. Then he finally try’s to back it up.

Will/officer: 'ight guys. Quit it.

They ignore him and keep fighting. The fist now turned into slaps. And they both make a girly moan. A fellow officer rides past slowly and his eyes and Will eyes meet. It was Will boss, Shirley. Officer Shirley stops his car and just sits.

Will/officer: (hushing tone): Shit. Guys now you really need to chill out. Captain Shirley is here.
The boys keep fighting and slowly Captain Shirley emerges out his car and towards them. Will nerves sprays pepper spray in both of their eyes. The fighting stops only so they clasp their hands on their eyes. The Horrible sensation of the heat fuming the eyes. So much they could smell it through their nose.

Tony: (in pain) Jesus Christ Will. Seriously

Will: I didn’t know what to do it was either that or beat you with my Paton. And I didn’t want another Rodey king Case on my hands.

Dave: A rodey king case. You son of bitch your black and were black. I should kick your dumb-

Capitan Shirley walks over and is now by Will doing his weird eerie friendly smile. They all stop speaking let Captain speak.

Will: (uneasily) H- hhow is it going sir?
Captain: (still smiling) it’s going fine Will. (Indicating to Tony and Dave) How are you fellas?

Both of the boys: Good Sir!

Captain: That’s nice. (Confused face talking to tony)

Tony looks at Will and Dave. With I told you so expression.

Tony: (Sarcastically in a happy mood) I really don’t know sir.
Captain: Well you should be getting there soon.
Dave: 'ight sir we will.

Dave starts up the car. But before he leaves Captain stop him.

Captain: (enlightened tone) (towards Dave) Oh and Dave your mother asked if we got any spots for you on the task forces.

Dave: (Surprised) Oh Really?

Tony: (in Head) please don’t give this idiot a gun.

Capitan: yep so stop by today and we will get you suited up. (Happy Tone)

Dave: cool sir. I'll be down at the station.

Captain: As soon as you drop off Tony. (Talking towards tony) Have a good day son.

Tony: You too sir.

They drive off towards to the school. Captain Shirley looks at Will. Not a very happy expression either.

Captain; you know your a dumbass rite? (Seriously)

Will: what I do sir? (Dumbfounded)

Captain: what the hell don’t you do? (He gets closer to Will like he was telling a secret.) And the next time you waste my damn mace. I'll stick the whole thing up your ass. Understood.

Will: (gulps) Yeh of course sir.

Captain: (Lifts his hand and slaps Will) and what I tell you about that, 'yeh shit'. You answer me with sir. Understood dipshit.

Will: (uneasy and afraid of another hit) Yes Sir.

Captain: You’re a little pansy. You know that?
Will: (unsure what to say?) Umm, Yeh sir.

Captain slaps him on the head again and walks towards his car. He gets in and looks to talk to Will out the window.

Captain: Oh, and tell your mother I'll be over for dinner tonight. I just love her Mac and cheese and sweet-potatoe pie. Best I ever had. Including that ass of hers.

Will: I will sir. (With a fake smile)

He watches as Captain drives off.
Will: I hate that white guy.

Will gets in his car and drives off.

End of Scene

Scene 3 making it to school


His brother drops him of and speed off. On a fast pace towards the school doors yanking the doors open. He goes to room number 215 and pulls on the knob but the door doesn’t open. He looks inside the room frantically. No one is in the classroom. Tony looks dumbfounded and runs to the office. He rings the bell no one comes. He taps quickly and constantly on the bell and finally an old pale woman in her seventies comes to the widow with a cigarette hanging from her lips.
Old woman: Yes sweetie (while she is smacking on her gum)
Tony: Where did Mr. Bowen’s class go?
Old woman: what you mean they not in the classroom.
Tony: Yea and the door is locked
Old woman: Oh so your late. MMMmmm well it seems first you need to sign in late while I go find your class ok.
Tony: yea thanks
Tony goes to sit down on a near by wood bench. A white hippie looking kid comes to sit down on the bench.
Tony: Caught you skipping Hyde?
Hyde: Yea. I see you’re late as usually.
Tony: I’m not always late
Hyde: yea but most of the time
Tony: Well yea. (Agreeing)
They both chuckle.
Hyde: you know your class went out on that field trip.
Tony: FO’ real man. God
Hyde: Its better you didn’t go.
Tony: And why is that?
Hyde: dude the whole gangs here. All of us in the gym with Mr. Colbert
Tony: cool man.
Old woman comes back
Old woman: Your class is gone Tony. They went to the art museum for a field trip.
Tony: cool ok. Well where do I –
Hyde: oh um Mr.Colebert needs help in the gym so I guess until your class come back he can help us.
Old woman: Ok go ahead. (Unsure as she smokes her cigarette)

They get up to head to the gym. They walk in and everyone playing games. As Hyde and Tony walk into the gym the gang runs to the gym entrance to greet Tony.
Tony Narrator: The first one to reach me was an Asian looking kid with a short hair cut and glass his name is Beau. The second is Richie a Jew who is very light skinned and is the cool one out the group. The third one Fry a medium sized Mexican kid who just nods his head to everything him; him and Hyde are small time pot heads. The second to last be kid is Creed a surfer dude who is careless. And me I am black kid who lives in the mostly white community and school. I am very good at my studies but love to have fun.

Creed: Dude where you been this morning.

Tony: Missed the alarm clock. (Coming up with something quick to say) Why all ya I here?

Beau: Well we didn’t wanna go on any stupid field trip and you weren’t here yet so we didn’t go.

Tony: Oh I see. Where is Mr. Colbert?

Creed: doing his usual. (He laughs)

They all laugh
Hyde: play boy tapes and a bottle of whistle.

Tony: what he really needs to do is upgrade to videos?

Creed: I don’t think he heard of D V D!

Tony: To that old man porn is porn. He gonna beat his meat regardless.

They all laugh again. Hyde brings to pick a ball and ripples it.

Richie: So your mom having that party. (He says eagerly)

They all now on the party waiting for tony to responds.

Tony: I think so. Hopefully she does.

Richie: 'ight whatever.

Richie snatches the ball from Hyde. Hyde try’s to get it back. Tony snatches the ball from Richie and Richie astonished.

Tony: so any one up for a games ball.

They all smile in agreement. Richie and Tony love beating on Hyde and Fry. Creed just sits back and watches usually even though he Richie and tiny are starters on the basketball team. Richie tightens his shoes up, tony tosses his book bag and coat off to the side. They hand the ball over to Creed and Creed tosses the ball up.
End of scene


Will is standing outside the bathroom stalls of the men's room. Talking to Dave about his feeling on the Captain. Dave is getting dress in the shall.

Will: (lousy tone) Man why you think Captain treats me so bad? I mean I the best officer out here.

Dave looks at him with "really you know that isn't true face." Dave steps out the stall and admires him self in the dingy bathroom mirror.
Will: Alight i'm not the best, but damit i’m the working and best looking.

Dave: (in a quick not caring tone) I beg to differ. (Exciting) hey, how you think I look in this uniform

Will: (Angry) Dave I really don’t care bout your uniform. But, the shirt needs to be pulled out a little more.

Dave: oh really.
Dave turns to look at his tucked in shirt in the mirror to fix it his shirt. Will come from behind to help him.

Will: But, fo'real man. I mean he makes sly commits about my mom and him having sex and I don’t care.

Dave: (Surprised) him banging Ms. Carey. Damit! Captain is a lucky man.

Will: Could you get off the fact him banging my mom! And help me.

Dave: I mean what you want me too say? There is nothing you can do but show your value.

Will: My value what the hell you mean by that.

Will finally fixes the shirt on Dave. Will steps back and gestures Dave to lift up his arms and to slowly twirl around. Two other officers walk in and when the door open the freeze. The two officers Bill and Hombrain. Will and Dave turns to look. From the other two officers view it look like Will and Dave were putting on a little show.

Will: guys it’s not what you think?
Bill/Hombrain: WH-what does it look. (As they both look at each other)

Dave: i’m not dancing for Will.

Hombrain: I mean its none of business what you guys do. But if you’re planning on doing queer stuff I think it would in your own privacy.

Will: Qu-qqqueer? (Laughing a little now) No, no, no, we are not queer. I was just helping with his uniform.

Dave: (Dave chuckling thinking it’s a joke) Yeh guys we don’t roll like that.

Bill: whatever we wont tell anyone. (Now like in a whisper) mostly you’re pappy.

Will: my pappy? (Confused face) what the hell you guys talking about.

Bill walks over to the sink near Dave. And hombrain goes to the urinal.

Dave: Will I thought your dad was in los Vegas.

Bill: Nawl your second pappy.

Will: Oh Jesus, please guys none of this again.

Dave: oh are they talking about him?

Hombrain: yep. Captain is Willy 2nd daddy.
Hombrain comes over from the urinal and slaps Will on the back before washing his hands and touches Will face.

Will: Oh Christ (fowl face) Ho Don’t touch tell me. And what the ever loving stench coming from your hands.

Dave: (Smells Will's face) Smells like Chlamydia to me.

Ho: how you know?

Will: What the hell? You touch me with your nasty STD hand!

Ho: Oh you'll be fine I’ve been applying the cream like I should.

Dave: what you get Chlamydia from.

Bill looks at Dave. And then smirks looking mysterious and suspicious. Bill then turns his view to Will. And will realizing just his heads and dunks it shamefully.

Bill: We call her the office whore. She has been with almost every man in this station besides you and Will. So stay away from her.

Dave: Whoa! That’s disgusting. But have she been with captain too?

Ho: yep. And I was only with because I was drunk.

Dave comes to a realization. He looks at Will and will doesn't even try to look up at Dave.

Dave: so is that’s why your dad left. He caught your mom with cap and later she had a Std.

Will: Not now Dave.

Ho: Oh. Ms. Carey got a Std.

Will: My mother doesn’t have a Std. Dang! Dave shut up.

Philly comes running in with rubbing his jeans. Will, Dave, Bill, and Ho looking at Philly with disgust and with wondering why he was rubbing his jeans near his privates. He looks up with distressed and comes running up to Dave.

Dave: Whoa! Man you ok? And stop touching me.

Philly: Can someone help me please.

Ho: why? What the hell is your problem?

Philly: It itches badly and I can’t stop it. Puss just coming running out and it bleeds. See look.

Philly unzips his pants and drops his draws. The men yell in horror.

Philly: (pleadfull) I know I know, but what I can do.

Ho: (in horror) what the hell is your problem. Put that baby pee-pee away.

Bill: (laughing) Looking how small it is. Somebody got enjoyment outta that thing.

Dave: (agreement) Ha-Ha it is. Man who the hell did you do it too?

Will: that’s why we call him baby carrot. (To Phil) Baby Carrot, put that crap away.

Philly puts away his penis and pulls his draws up and pants.

Philly: so what should I do? What can I do? Guys help please.

His Pleading turns into sobs. And they all look at each other for answers.

Ho: Umm Baby Carrot. Who did ya have sex with the office whore.

Philly: yeh I think so.

Bill: we umm gee; we’ll drive ya on down to the doc alright.

Philly: that’s guys.

Dave: does anyone know this whore name.

Will: (wondering face) Um actually we don’t. I don’t think we have a name for her.

They hear captain for them outside the bathroom door. Will grabs Dave and they rush out. The captain was standing right in the center of the station. Then Will and Dave slowly turn there run into a brisk walk.

Will: Um, yes Captain was here.

Cap: well about damn time. What the hell ya been doing in there anyway?

Will goes to answer.

Cap: Boy I really don’t give a shit. (Towards Dave) And you look like your ready for duty.

Dave: I am sir.

Cap: good well let’s get you working.

Dave: What no test or nothing sir.

Cap: well your not gonna get a gun or anything. Your just gonna patrol around with this idiot.

Captain points Will.

Will: sir will I be taking him now.

Cap: sure what ever.

Will and Dave both about to walk away to the parking lot and captain Shirley stops.

Cap: and will don’t get Dave into nothing heavy. ‘ight.

Will: (smiley) yes sir.

Dump Car: scene 5
They walk out towards Will car.

Dave: man this is exciting.

Will: is it really?

They go across the street to the dump.

Dave: why we over here getting your car.

Will: umm, cap said he had a new car for me.

They keep walking looking for the car. They finally go to the dump owner. He points them in the direction where the car was. They walk over thinking it had to be a joke. The car was a piece of scrap and looked like crap. The owner walks over to them to hand them a box. The label said from Cap to Will and his new partner. Dave takes the box. While will examines the car and it up and down from every inch from the hood to the trunk to the tire. The car had dents on the outside. And in the inside had their were old blood strains and strains they were even able to identify.

Dave: damn is Cap serious.

Will: Nawl I hope not man.

Dave: hey look on the bright side it looks like we been through some serious police business. Oh, you got the keys.

Will not even paying attention.

Will: he banging my mom and this is all I get a piece of shit car that looks like it about to fall apart!

Dave: aright then I’ ma just go get the keys.

Dave runs off and comes back with the keys. He tosses them to Will. Will doesn’t even try to catch them. The keys hit him right in the face. Dave just walks over. He looks at Will who is just frozen. Dave grabs by the shoulders and looks at Will in the eyes. Will beginning to eye a little and Dave squeeze his shoulder and knees will in the balls. Will falls to his knees crying even more now holding his balls.

Will: what the hell you do that for?
Dave: that’s from earlier.

Will: what I do?

Dave pulls Will taser out and points it at him. Will looking surprise.

Will: What the hell you planning with that.

Dave smiles and Shoots the taser at him. Will shakes violently and Dave just stands and laughs. He stops the tasering because the dump owner started to look because of the noise. When he stops looking he starts tasting him again. He continues to laugh. Dave starts and stops making music out of it while he is beat-boxing.

Will: stop it goddamit. Please!

Dave: alright I had my fun.

Dave stops and puts the taser in his holster. He walks away and picks up the keys. He gets in the driver side and sticks the key in igniting the engine. The car doesn’t start up right away. Dave not surpised and trys again and the car doesn’t start again. He then holds the gas down and quickly turns the car off and then on again. The car then starts. He closed his door. Dave forcefully lets down his window.

Dave: Are ya gonna get in.

Will stays on the ground lying there.

Will: I can’t move Dave.

Dave: oh might have tased ya too many times.

Dave gets out the car and opens the door to the back seat. He tosses will in and goes to the front.

Dave: alright will ready to roll.

Will: Ughh!

Dave just drives off the and the muffler shots dust out as he drives off.

Dave: (laughs) what a piece of shit.

Will: uhg!

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