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Vanessa is kidnapped and cuffed to a pipe. She struggles to find a way out. |
A dark day in paradise It’s cold and dark. Vanessa lays trapped, the smell of mold and mildew is suffocating. Where am I? Is this some kind of sick joke? Vanessa tries to lift herself up from the ground; she is lying on a hard concrete surface. There is something restricting her left leg. She reaches down, only to find that she is cuffed to a solid metal pipe. A deep and sad realization sets in. Oh my god! I've been kidnapped, how could this happen to me? Her mind was cloudy; she was in a dark and lonely place. Vanessa decided that screaming might not be advantageous in her current predicament. How could I be so stupid? Who did this to me? She tested the pipe with all her strength, but it was firmly in place. She used all her might but it wouldn't budge. The pipe was cold and moist; condensation was building up on its exterior. Vanessa’s shoes were also missing-in-action. She remembered that she had her red high heels on. A memory of what happened to her, flashed briefly before her eyes. She was coming home. She reached out for the knob but the door was locked. She remembered fumbling in her purse, looking for her house keys and then. Nothing, she couldn't remember anything after that. The pain was still there from the impact. The back of her head was throbbing. Vanessa reached into the darkness to feel the back of her head. Swollen, just as she suspected, the kidnapper knocked her out cold. Great, now I’m trapped by some fucking mad man. Who did this? The darkness was terrifying, but Vanessa’s adrenal glands were pumping massive amounts of adrenalin. The adrenalin made her body tense. She tried to pull her leg free of the cuff. Searing pain moved up her leg, these cuffs wouldn't break by pulling and tugging. Time was a thing you couldn’t figure, alone in the dark. No watch, no cell, no light. Time didn't exist when you were locked in some lunatic’s basement. This bastard is going to pay for this; I’ll make sure of that. Anger was pulsating from deep in her soul. She did not want to end up dead in some basement. Vanessa had a daughter to live for and she wasn’t going to give up without a fight. I need to find a way out of this mess. In the dark Vanessa crawled on her hands and knees, feeling the perimeters of her surroundings. If I could only find a weapon to defend myself, or a tool to break free. Vanessa got to her stomach and stretched her body, reaching as far as she could in every direction. At first her labors yielded no results. The flesh on her foot was burning, as she pushed her body to it's extreme lengths. She felt something with the tips of a few of her fingers. I can’t get a firm grip, what could it be? It felt like a smooth cylindrical object. It had a flat bottom, either plastic or wood, I can’t be for sure. Vanessa pulled back, not wanting to push the object further away. I have to try and get that. It might be my way out of this. But how can I? Maybe if I ripped my shirt I could use the fabric to pull it closer. It’s worth a try. luckily this lunatic wasn't so smart after all. why hadn't he bound my wrists, and gagged me? Vanessa had an idea. She proceeded to take off her shirt and remove her bra in the cold dark basement. It was cool and damp wherever she was. The cold gave her goose bumps as she exposed her plump breasts. Her nipples hardened instantaneously as she laid flat on the cold concrete floor. Vanessa used her bra and tossed it in the direction of the mysterious object, but could not however find a way to bring it any closer. She tried desperately to hook onto something that would be of use to her. "come on, come on, work god damnit" she whispered. The ruff floor scraped against her bare rib cage as she stretched as far as she could. "Fuck." She pulled back from her endeavors. Vanessa wasn't finished yet. She grabbed her shirt and tied her bra to the sleeve. With the extra length in hand she continued to try and pull the object closer. Vanessa was back on her exposed breasts once more. Come on, this can work. She used her bra and shirt and managed to hook onto the only thing in her reach. "Yes! I got it." Vanessa dragged the object close enough to grab. It was a rusty old hammer. She knew her captor would come, sooner or later. Now she would be ready. Vanessa put her clothes back on. She did this to avoid suspicion. Vanessa decided to wait. She tucked the hammer behind her back so to conceal it. She was determined to survive this. She had been through too much in her life to give up. At least now, she had hope. |