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Rated: · Other · Death · #1821784
Madison blum finds out drinking and driving is not a good thing
My names Madison Blum I’m a 17 year old junior at Franklin High School. People use to tell me I would be very successful in life because of the way I had acted for my age. My parents were very strict people when it came to school and sports. My parents thought they had my future planned for me but I don’t think they had planned for me to die. My little sister is seven years old her name is Sophia and she is very smart. My parents are stricter with her then with me. I was very athletic and smart. I have always gotten good grades and try my hardest in sports. I had full trust from my parents. They knew I wouldn’t do anything I wasn’t supposed to do. I had so much to look forward to once I got out of high school. I had a free ride to college on a basketball scholarship, I was so excited. But none of that will ever happen.

It all happened on a Friday I was on my way to school when I received a phone call from my best friend Eliza Patterson, we had been best friends since first grade and she was the only person who knew how I felt about life. She called to tell me about the big party at her boyfriend’s house that night, she tried to convince me to come, but I had my doubts about it. But I eventually agreed to go. I did not really want to go but I decided to go to make Eliza happy I arrived at school a couple minutes after .I knew that as soon as I walked into those doors, I would hear the whole school talking about how I made the winning shot as last night’s basketball championship game. I prepared myself and walked in .By the end of the day I could barely walk to my car because I had so many people crowding around me. 

I managed to get in my car and drive home. I went straight up to my room to get ready for the big party that night. Just as I was about to walk out the door my parents walked in (they don’t mind me going to parties as long as I don’t drink or come home pregnant.)  After talking to them, I was on my way. When I arrived it was about 9:30pm and I could already see so many people walking in and out of the door. I walked in and I was greeted by the starting varsity quarterback Josh Roderick. The lighting hit him perfectly he looked like an angel. His hair shined and, his teeth were glowing white.  It was not a surprise to see him waiting for me because he’s had a crush on me for many years now, we both still had feelings for each other from our previous relationship together. At school people knew not to try and date me or josh because everyone knew we had a thing. But back to the story, Josh and I mostly were together the whole party, and he even convinced me to drink a little (which I know was a bad thing but I didn’t think of the bad things that could happen) I began to drink more and more and soon because so drunk that I would barely walk. (I don’t think the next thing I did was very smart either.) I realized it was 2:00am and that I should be heading home, so I jumped in my car and left. I was coming to a very windy road. I then completely lost control of the wheel, my car began to spin in a bunch of circles and the next thing I knew the car was upside down. I couldn’t feel my body. My bones ached, my head was bleeding. I knew it was the end for me. The last thing I heard before I was gone was the sirens of the ambulance.

The paramedics come and got me, I laid flat on a board as the rushed to the hospital, and my parents were called right away. My mother cried as she drove to the hospital. My father promised my mother that as soon as he woke my little sister Sophia up that he would be there. When I arrived at hospital I was taken for emergency surgery .They cut so many things on my body. After 12 hours of being in the room, my doctor put down everything and turned all the machines off and walked into the waiting room. By then both of my parents were there waiting. He spoke to them both told them the bad news. My parents did not know what to say they did not think that I could die.

         That next day, my whole school and family learned about the death of me. There were many people who cried knowing I was gone. My parents were devastated. My Parents took time to come to my school and talk, and tell them about them about what had happened to me. That whole week was the longest of all people would say. My little sister cried herself to sleep knowing that she wouldn’t ever see me again. My parents are the ones who took my death the hardest of all people. They were the people that would have to deal with everything like the funeral, and when they clean out my things and throw them out. Josh was one I was the most worried about, he didn’t talk to anyone more weeks. Many people began to think he was depressed. I have never seen josh cry till now. Teachers that I had in the past, barely wanted to come to work, because school reminded them of me. The school was like a depressing place for a while  I never thought about dying on the way home when I was drinking; actually it was the last thing on my mind. But if only there was a way I could go back and restart.

         My parents would tell people “That I made a mistake and that others should learn from it.” My parents were sitting in the kitchen one night and came up with a plan that they would go to different high schools across the country and tell students about my story and how people should not drink and drive. My parents thought an idea of bringing my car on a trailer behind them to show what could happen. My parents gave a big presentation to the schools and talked to them about how I had such a great life ahead of me. But doing something as stupid as drinking changed that all. Kids from the schools would cry as they presented because they didn’t want to know how it feels to lose a friends of drinking and driving. My parents wanted all kids to know that drinking and driving is not cool. 

         My parents did not mind traveling to tell my story to other kids as long as they convinced kids to not drink and drive. My parents always thought by how they would be saving people’s lives by telling my story. My life was gone in a flash and there was nothing I could  do at that moment but , if I could I would go back just to make sure that I  did not drink. I hurt so many people by drinking and driving.

          My Sister over the next couple of years began to remember less and less of me. She would ask many questions about me, and my parents would explain to her the best they could of me. My sister was very interested in me by the age of 16.

“Mom, was Madison smart?”  Asked Sophia

“She was very smart, she could do anything she wanted if she put her mind to it.”  My mother would say.

Eliza began to look at old pictures and try to remember me. As people thought less and less of me each day. People went on with their lives. Eliza’s boyfriend never had a party with drinking at it again. Eliza Went on and met new people and sometimes went to schools with my parents. My sister became one of the top students in the school, because she wanted to take after me. My parents kept doing what they do best, which was talking to other kids about drinking and driving. My parents came to visit my grave as much as possible, but that’s not too often.

My life was completely changed by a stupid mistake like drinking and driving and there so much I would take back about that night. I wish I would have thought about what I was doing before I did it. My life affected many people and I wish that I could take it all back so I wouldn’t of hurt anyone. Every once in a while my name would get brought up.

“Hey do you remember Madison Blum?” people would say.

Any everyone would say, “Oh yea she’s that sweet girl that died.”

My life was great the way it was , I would give anything to take it back.


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