Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1817859-Squirrels
by Cody
Rated: 18+ · Prose · Animal · #1817859
One mans account of the end
         Ok, I don’t usually write, but I have been locked in this apartment alone for four days now. If I don’t talk about this stuff I’ll go crazy… well more than I have. Anyways, five days ago on March 18th every form of emergency broadcasting went into affect. I mean there were men on the TV, radio, even someone broadcasting over a loud speaker outside. Everyone was told to stay indoors until further notice. We were told that if we left our home we would not survive the week.

         Over the course of the next few days I began seeing military men walking up and down the streets laughing and every now and then I would here a shot or two ring out. I’d look out and see them gathering around and looking at something then walking away with only a small bag. It made no sense what so ever, but I assumed they were the reason I wouldn’t survive. I tried to find out what happened but after the broadcasts all media was shut down. It HAD to be something like maybe we were under quarantine or something. They were wearing gas masks, did I mention that? No? Well they were…

         Well the next day it all made sense I was eating breakfast watching out my window when I heard a LOT of gunfire down the street. I got up and ran to the window smashing my face against it. I could see three or four army guys shooting at the ground. It was completely covered in something, but it was too far away I couldn’t see what they were yet. Suddenly the men fell and I saw them engulfed in whatever it was then just blood. Blood EVERYWHERE.

         I feel like at that point every sane part of me said I should have ran and hid, but I HAD to know why I was here. The black mass flooded down the street and finally it got to my building and I could see… Squirrels… a shit fuck ton of squirrels. I was completely confused what did these SQUIRRELS do to those men??? Then I saw several squirrels break off and run across the street from me I looked up and saw a guy standing on his porch watching. He turned and ran, but the squirrels outran him and made quick work eating EATING him!

         WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!??!?!?!

         Suddenly I saw the squirrels run back into the streets but they didn’t turn they came straight to my building. I can only assume someone downstairs was doing the same thing as the man because almost instantly I heard screaming ringing in the halls. I barricaded my door as quickly as possible.

         I heard the squirrels running around outside my door and scratching at my door. I prayed they wouldn’t burrow through, but I knew it wouldn’t last long. I turned and looked at the window and saw two sitting there staring at me. They looked horrifying. Their fur was twisted and ripped and one of them was missing a bitten chunk out of his head. I ran and closed the blinds then ran into my bedroom. I jumped into my bed and began praying for the first time in my life. Praying for this nightmare to end.

         I didn’t sleep last night. My fear came true. The squirrels got into my apartment. I hear them out there scratching at my door now. Every now and then its covered up by a scream coming from the apartments below or the gunfire of someone’s last attempt of survival followed by screams, but then I can hear them still coming in. getting closer and closer to breaking through…

         They’re scratching at the last bit of the wall now... I see their nails every now and then… I hope this will make it to someone so they know my story someday. I always dreamed of being famous, but I don’t have a special skill to be famous for… Maybe this will get around and people and I’ll be known even if only by a few. Hopefully one day someone will know the name Mike Ro-

© Copyright 2011 Cody (cmalmberg at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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