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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Other · #1806916

The next morning:
Divine opened her eyes at once. They hurt a little from the sunlight that came from the window. She managed to put herself in a sitting position.
She looked at her watch. 9 AM, Divine was surprised that she had woke up that early. Jesse was still sleeping, but Noah wasn't....he wasn't in the room.
She got up and walked in the hallway....The house was dead. Nothing but the sound of the soft, calm, peaceful sleeping of the people in it.
Downstairs she walked and saw him....with his dark hair covering his eyes, his skin looked paler than ever...he was sitting on a couch in the family room....just sitting there.
"Hey...good morning" she said and sat next to him
"Get enough sleep?" she asked
"Not really. You?"
"Managed to...at the end, dude your dad snores so loudly that I think my eardrum popped”
He chuckled and said "Musta been tired"
"Hey Divine..."
"Don't Canadians when they talk....say 'eh?'" he said it in a joking way
"Well don't people from ‘New Joisey’ talk in an Italian accent?"
They laughed.
"I don't know, I guess not all of us say 'eh'"
"And not all of us ‘toik in a Joisey accent’"
"Ha-ha funny..." she said sarcastically
"Do you have an idea about what we're gonna do today"
Noah sighed and said:
"Honestly, no...Maybe we can just tell 'em that we got to get home…but it's too dangerous, Titus might be out there."
"I just hate that guy."
"No kiddin'?"
"Let’s just forget about that and watch some TV"
Noah turned on the television...nothing….David Letterman, jeopardy, fitness....then they came upon a movie....Twilight
Noah looked at Divine in a funny way
"Don't even think about it"
He changed the channel.
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Two and a half hours later:
"Mornin' guys" came Jacob with a mug of coffee.
"sleep well you two?"
"where's the third one, Jesse?" said Maria, she was wearing this gorgeous polka-dotted pink robe.
"right here Maria." Jesse was coming down the stairs
"alrighty then, how about I go down to i-hop and get us breakfast? Then you guys can decide to go home or not...I'll be back in 5 minutes" declared Jacob
Noah felt uncomfortable
"is something the matter?"
"No...Just, nothing"
Divine felt that something had bothered him.
She, Jesse and Noah sat in a room to discuss together.
"So what's next" asked Jesse
"I…I don't know" Noah looked more troubled than ever
"How about we leave Brooklyn and ask Jacob to drive us home, rather than take the bus."
"I guess so....but what about you Jess?" Noah concerned about him for the first time
"Don't worry about me, I'll figure something out, but right now I’m really excited to see Alyson"
Divine was happy for him

After a while Jacob returned with breakfast....at the table Noah told him about what have they planned
"Okay, I'll drive you guys home, but Noah...."
"yeah Dad"
"I'm sorry but I won't stop by your mother's house"
Noah looked truly saddened.
Divine felt his pain.....It was almost the same problem between her mom, dad and brother...she wanted him to be happy as much as she wanted to be herself.
They all got into the car...waved Maria goodbye....and drove off
"You guys all live in Passaic right?"
"Noah?" called out Divine
"You can come home with me if you don't wanna go home immediately"
"thanks but I gotta sort things out with the people at home"
Divine completely understood why he called his family 'the people' she remembered when she had baby-sitted Jessica, Noah's little sister.
Ms. Loveday always went out on dates every single day, and her daughter is always out sometimes never returns home....which leaves Noah and his little sister alone.
half an hour later....................
"Alrighty Kids"
"I'm heading towards Passaic county, which one of you lives closer here?"
They all looked at each other with curiosity....
None of them knew where to go.
"Uh, Me....just make a U-Turn and head straight" Jesse finally spoke up
"Are you sure?" whispered Noah
"Trust me...Alyson's house is nearby."
“Does she know about this whole mess?" asked Divine
"Ya think?!"
Noah was still silent; he still had something on his mind.
"hey...are you okay?"
Noah was absent-minded.......
"Is everything alright"
"Tell me Noah…it’s okay"
"I know."
"I actually don't wanna go home; I mean what will I do there? My family probably doesn't even care that I'm gone."
"of course they do Noah...They're your family, they care about you."
"Not really....remember when you came to babysit Jessica well first of all she's deaf. My stepma was goin on a date with some weird guy who hates me, my older sis is always running off with her friends, and I'm just....just no one to them I've always been like that, at home and even at school, I wish things would go back as they were before...I..."
"Noah, You need to know something very important" said Divine
"what's that!?"
"You are wrong, you're not a 'No One!’, if you were just a no one would you think that I would actually be here with you, talking to you? No, I wouldn't, I think you're cute and I like you the way you are and if you aren't satisfied enough well then get out of the car!"
They both laughed, even Jesse who was listening to their conversation
"You're right" Noah finally agreed
"Right about what?"
"I am cute"
Divine laughed
"I didn't say that."
Jesse interrupted: "you did"
"Well I meant was...I..."
"What?" Jesse teased
"Oh for the love of..."
She grabbed Noah and kissed his lips; just like that
Jesse and Noah froze...
"Okay..." said Divine embarrassed more than ever
Noah kissed her back; longer this time
"oh did I have to see that?" said Jacob
They forgot about him for a while...
"ah...love at first sight, just like your mother and I..."
"how sweet." said Jesse in a sarcastic way
Noah couldn't stop looking at Divine.
'Did that just happen?’ the thought occurred to both of them
"alright, Jesse, tell me where to park"
"Jess. We're gonna need your help. Titus will figure out in time where we are. And we don't want that to happen.....here take this"
Noah handed him a phone
"call us if you see, know, or hear about Titus"
"got it"
Jacob parked the car in front of a small house
"Noah. I wanna go down and see Alyson."
"Huh? Why?" replied Noah
"Just for a sec. Come with me if you want"
"No...I...Just tell me why"
"I want to see her! C'mon, ya know...she was the one who helped you when you got hurt from Titus"
"I know but..."
"Just do it." said Jesse
"fine....but quick."
Jacob said: "Are you sure this is the house?"
"Hey Dad, we just wanna go and see our friend for a second, stay here, we'll be back"
Jesse knocked the door...it took a while until someone came and answered.
That someone was Alyson herself.
"Alyson!" Divine shouted
"Divine you're back!?" she replied and hugged each other
"Missed me Aly?" said Jesse
"You're kidding right? I wanted to kill myself when you left!" She hugged Jesse for a long time
She stopped and saw Noah
"Hey. Noah! howz it goin?"
Noah was about to scream….'howz it goin'?' well, only a wild on-the-run case from a guy named Titus....that's about it.
"Hey, nothin much"
Divine chuckled
"Well come on in guys...." she offered
"Alyson. We need your help."
The three of them shared the whole story with her
"Oh my god! He's back? Again?" she was talking about Titus
"Yes. And he's looking for us...do us a favor and let Jesse stay here with you until we get to the bottom of this problem."
"Sure. ‘Cause I know that he'll keep me safe"
"you're 100% right" Jesse entered her house
"Well we'll keep in touch if anythin' happens" said Noah
"Sure thing"
"Bye Aly"
"Bye guys!"
Noah and Divine returned to the car
"okay Jacob thanks for waiting for us"
"no prob. Anythin' for the love birds"
"just drive"
"Alright, Alright"
Jacob kept on driving until he reached Divine's house
"so this is it Divine?" he asked
"Yes Jacob."
"Noah. I am sorry but I won't pass by your mother's house....I cannot bare to see it ruined by the savages there"
"Yea. sure" His voice lowered
"Noah come down with me"
"I guess."
"Bye Dad."
"Bye Jacob"
"Later dudes" he replied with his trying-to-look-cool tone.
He Drove off
Divine walked into the house....it was open, she figured that dad was in there
"How am I gonna explain all this to dad?" she said
"Don't worry. We'll make up something"
"Dad?" Divine called out
"Dad? Where ar.....Oh my god!!!" she yelped
The place was a disaster.....broken cabinets, shattered glass, papers on the floor.
Dad was sitting on a table his head down
"dad!" Divine rushed
"Dad! Wake up!" she started to shake him
"wha...huh? Divine?"
"dad…wake up"
"Divine where have you been!" he regained consciousness at last
"You've been missing for two days! I called almost everyone! The police, your school! Mr. Kline's been shot....And who is this? He's the one who's been missing too!"
"Dad. Calm down. This is Noah. My classmate"
"Noah. Yes. Where, how did you two disappear?"
"We were...at the...police station...They told us to stay there and explain to them about Mr. Kline's shooting, we didn't even see it happen, they didn't believe us at first...so that's why they had us locked in for two days....but then they let us out"
"oh....okay then"
"Okay dad?"
That was weird. Dad never said okay like that...something was wrong
"Divine is he okay"
"Same thought occurred to me"
Divine entered her room and turned on her computer, Noah sat next to her
"Okay. Now we're safe from you know who, let's do some research about this guy. What's his last name?"
She went to a Google search engine and Wrote Titus Hutchermen
"Hmm, What's this?"

DECEMBER 21st 1999, Two mysterious people happened to be seen by fellow citizens of New York, A fellow witness: Tyler Washington says that he had spotted a man and a woman.
Possibly married with an infant,
Divine clicked on a video
"Witness says: "I saw them escape outta big hole in the sky; just like dat! And I told myself: I'm just fakin'… but it was real! I saw 'em they even caught a glimpse of me starin' at 'em, the man came closer to me ‘n said: How ya doin' watchu saw ain't real! I freaked out. Ran fasta dan lightnin’!"
Divine stopped the video
"I think I've seen enough." she said
"Same 'ere"
"What if we report this to the FBI? Do you think they'll believe us? I mean don't you wanna get rid of this problem?"
"Divine, it's not that simple.....what if they find out even more about the dead, and the portal, the necklace, they'll be examining us like lab animals until they get what they want. I can't"
"I understand"
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At Alyson's house
"Hey Jess. You hungry?"
"No thanks"
"What's da matta?" she asked in an Italian accent
" 'da matta' is that I'm afraid if I got caught, I might go away...forever, I won't be able to see you or anyone for life; I will cause more danger to everyone"
"You won't, you're safe here....nothing's gonna go wrong, we'll try to sort this out and end this, me and you"
"Thanks Aly"
"No prob."
Jesse caught a glimpse of someone outside of the window
'could it be?' - he asked himself
-no way...
"Alyson, get the cell! We got trouble!"
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The mobile rang
"What's wrong?" Noah replied
"I saw HIM"
"What should I do?" asked Jesse nervous
"HIDE… find an exit and you and Alyson run we'll be on our way."
"Divine. Let's go."
"What? Why?"
"He's here, now let’s go"
"Oh No you don't! I am not gonna leave my dad here alone again!"
"Divine please"
"what should I say? Come on Noah! I can't just leave him!"
"Look. Remember when Titus abducted you! He is gonna do it again if you don't escape"
Divine thought for a moment......how could she leave her dad again?!
Suddenly the doorbell rang.....
"oh no."
Divine dashed towards her father
too late.
Guess who was on the door? It wasn't Titus, but It was Hannah, his wife
"hello sir, I am from the police, are Noah Harrison and Divine Davis present?"
"oh yes, one minute"
"Divine! Noah! Someone here wants to see you"
Noah looked at Divine and said: "It's too late....I'm going."
"Noah wait!"
But time didn't stop
Noah was in front of Hannah
Divine came out too.
"I'm here" she said in a low voice
"Great, don't worry sir this will be less than a second
"Okay. Just be back in time for dinner" he smiled and shut the door
Hannah said: "So, you two...."
"What do you want?" beamed out Divine
"Just walk kid!"
"Wait until Titus get's a hold of you...."
They kept on walking until they reached an old, abandoned barber shop.......
Hannah opened the door, dust filled the place.....Eileen, Sarah and Jack were sitting down in front of two people...Jesse and Alyson.
They were tied to the backs of each other.....
Noah and Divine looked at each other with fear
Hannah pushed them into a room, it was dim and old...then she shut the door
"I brought 'em here hon"
"you are amazing darling"
"I know..."
"you can leave now"
Hannah exited the room
Titus came closer to them; he had a huge bandage across his forehead.
Divine stared at it anxiously
"ya like it?" he asked
"I'll make you one myself..."
"and Mr. wisecracker here........ya think you can go and do whateva you like and gettaway with it? Like making my son follow you? And act like he's a smartass? No you just can't!"
"Titus, you got what you wanted, you have your family with you now, why can’t you just leave us alone?" asked Divine
"ah. So cute......." he smirked her cheek.
"leave her alone" said Noah
"A threat? hmmm I think not" he streaked her hair
"I said, leave her alone."
"Not in da mood fo' it" he continued to streak her hair
Divine finally stepped back.
"this really is a waste of time........let's get out of here Noah"
They went towards the door. Titus ran in front of them and pushed them both towards the ground.....
"nope. It ain't happenin' again kids"
"Jack! Eileen!, Sarah!" he called out
The three of them came in really quickly.
"yes father?"
"you know what to do"
They all nodded, they seemed to be hypnotized.
"Imma be back in 5 minutes...."
Titus left the room.
The kids stepped closer to them; Jack held a rope.
Noah got up instantly
"you guys are kidding me"
"apparently not..." replied Eileen
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"I can't believe a ten year-old just did this to us" said Divine
Their position was the same as Jesse and Alyson; Back to Back
"well.....you could believe it" said Noah
"any ideas?"
"What do you think he's gonna do to us?"
"I don't know. All I know is that it ain't something good, we'd better find a way out"
Noah struggled trying to break free.
"Ow! That hurts!" shouted Divine
Noah had a thought
"Hey, You have a pin in your hair?"
"yeah, why?"
"we could use it to cut through the ropes or at least loosen it."
"Sure. One second"
Divine kept on shaking her head until she dropped the pin to the ground...
"great." Noah said in a sarcastic way.
Divine tried to move her leg in order to reach the pin.
"I. Can't. Reach it." she said
They both heard footsteps
"Someone's coming" said Divine
"Shhh...give it a last try, hurry!"
Amazingly Divine's foot landed on the pin she dragged it behind her back.
"Here, try to grab it with your hand!" she told him
"I think I…..Got it!"
Noah began to make a small hole in the ropes.
"This will never work!" exclaimed Divine
"it will, trust me....hey it's loosening up"
Noah began to struggle, surprisingly he was free. He got up and headed towards the door.
"Ehm. Forgetting someone?" pointed out Divine
"Oh, right." said Noah trying to put some humor in the situation
"Ha-ha funny" she said
"Hurry!" she said
Noah untied her very quickly
"Come on."
They went out from the back door
"We gotta help Jess and Alyson." said Divine
They rushed back to the main entrance...and peeked through the door, no one was there but Alyson.
Noah opened the door rapidly
"Alyson!" he yelped
Alyson was crying
"What's going on!" shouted Divine

"They took Jesse"
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"Where! Tell us!" shouted Noah
"They said that he's goin' back to where he came from."
"The portal." both Noah and Divine said
"I figured."
"Let's go then"
"oh please God. Let him be alright" prayed Alyson
"we need a ride....call a taxi" she suggested
"NO!" both Divine and Noah Shouted
"okay okay. Try opening one of these cars" suggested Alyson
Noah tried to avoid the expensive-good-looking ones; he knew they had some fancy jumbo alarm system thingy. And he didn't want that.
He found an old white Mercedes-Benz and opened the door.
"Guess we have luck today." He said
"Barley." Said Alyson
"I'm not going in! You guys! We're not playing Grand Theft Auto here! It's called stealing!" shouted Divine
"No. It's borrowing without permission" Humored Alyson
Noah Gave Alyson a look, she nodded. They both pushed Divine into the backseat. Then they all settled in
"I'll drive" said Noah
"Okay now let's go" said Alyson
"Noah, do you know what you're doing?" asked Divine
"Yea. I guess..."
Noah started the car and hit the gas pedal, with violence the car drove off with a vast speed
Everyone yelped
"NOAH SLOW DOWN!" Gasped Alyson
"I'm trying!"
He pushed the brakes as hard as he could, the car slowed down bit by bit.
"Can I drive?" asked Alyson
With no hesitation Noah switched places with Alyson
"Alyson, are you sure of what you’re doing?"
"Yes Indeed. Everyone settle in."
In a nanosecond, Alyson was driving at the limit speed which was 60mph
"Okay, not bad" said Noah
"what! Compared to you she's amazing! Who taught you?"
"Well....I guess my mom let me go out with her car very often"
"She let you? Or you just went out with it?" Noah asked
They all laughed
"Uh. Alyson turn coming up!" warned Divine
"No kidding?"
Alyson made a perfect turn
"so where are we exactly heading?" she asked
"New York" replied Noah
Alyson stopped the car.....both her and Divine stared at him
"New York!! I thought we would never go back there!! Ever!!" shouted Divine
"Well I am not the one who wants to save Jesse! Alyson! Didn't Titus mention the portal??"
"Well you know where that is" he mentioned to Divine
"Oh brother..."
"We'll stick together." said Alyson
Silence occurred for 5 minutes between them
"....so....New York?"
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All that driving, traffic, cursing really paid off, they finally arrived in New York. Brooklyn specifically....destination:
|RESTRICTED AREA, NO TRESSPASSING|.......aka....the foggy, nasty woods.
"This is the place?" asked Alyson
"Let's just keep walkin’ ‘til we find somethin in front of us" suggested Noah
Noah led the way as usual......so far.....nothing....
They even returned back to where they first saw Titus. Nothing.
"This sucks." complained Divine
"Do you think they already.....you know..." said Alyson
"I don't think so...Jesse mentioned that the portal is only opened at night time which is in...wait! 10 minutes! I think I got it." Noah lightened up
"What?" questioned Divine
"If we can get to the fountain in ten minutes we'll probably make it!"
"I know I am"
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Last Part:
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