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Rated: · Article · Opinion · #1805938

         When the Finance Minister of India boasts childishly about India’s GDP, it makes me simply laugh. It appears to me just as an infidel spouse trying to impress upon her/his partner with cosmetic beauty or macho-manliness sans any sense of commitment. Just the same way, a country can’t ensure civic safety to its citizens simply by producing guns in large numbers without sealing chances of their misuse.

         I see diesel-guzzling machines at work at the sites of variously ranged infrastructural activities in Patna, while such work-in-progress sites prove to be scintillating for the idle  floating population living nearby. I question myself as to what kind of a human population these infrastructures are going to support.

         I notice a number of cars racing on roads. I question myself as to what for they are hurrying. I question whether they are hurrying to help the honest or to embarrass them; to promote the cause of justice and fair-play in society or to inhibit them. If the answers to the questions such as -- how these cars are owned by the majority third class people and for what purpose  a majority of them are used -- are questionable and shady, then, why must anyone heed the sermons on honesty and industry, why mustn’t -- the majority leftovers after accommodation of a minority selective in the macrostructure of India -- follow one of the demonic masters of the likes of Osama Bin Laden, Dawood Ibrahim, Mohammad-Al-Jawahiri, Abu Salem, etc.?

         My humble submission follows thus.

         When an economy based on fair-play with the backing of a sensible and meaningful government guarantees justice to its entire population base, then, every citizen gets justifiably accommodated in the variously ranged socio-economic establishments of the economy. People’s sensibilities under such a justified system can take care of the problems such as population growth, over-indulgence, favoritism, nepotism, vandalism, indiscriminate destruction and plunder of public wealth, etc.

         Industry should be considered coterminous with honesty. Industrialization of a geographical location should not mean simply the augmentation of economic strength or GDP. Industry means people’s sincere and honest dedication to fulfillment of higher goals of common national and social good. Non-exploitative enterprises of industrialization should cite examples of economic justice and fair-play without which an enterprise will induce a sense of expedient  selfishness aided by predatory knacks. Such a social system vies with a savage segment based on the principle of “survival of the fittest in terms of bestiality.”  Under such a situation of savagery, the worst violators of the human rights derive the best advantage out of the provisions of the human rights, the greatest but seasoned breaker of law and manipulators of the institutions of justice succeed in getting impunity by defeating the object of justice. These instances of malfunction present so horrible a situation in most Indian human segments that people in general have palpably lost faith in justice and fair-play.

         But there is a way out of the difficulty. For that, the segments of human inhabitation across India should be founded on a compatible rationale of justice and fair-play. This is the only way how a human segment can be decoupled from the long standing hitherto savage and bestial collective order.

         This may be realized when fair-play in public domains and justice for individuals are considered things of supreme good. An individual’s earnestness to do only such things that doesn’t benefit only him but also his country or society severally, and therefore his substantive contribution to the cause of such common good should be considered his social character. Once, an individual’s character becomes determinable in terms of his socio-economic conduct, the principle of inter-dependence between a collective human entity, called his country or society, and its individual constituents becomes practicable and viable . Only then, can the institutions of fair-play and justice be made effectually strong enough to guarantee justice to individuals and maintain the conditions of fair-play in society. This should be considered the first ingredient of civilization, devoid of which the society should be treated savage, of course, duly customized with simply a veneer of boastful politeness, etc.

         As per the modern practice prevalent in India , macro-economic structures of  the economy is tending to be more leveraged with science and technology rather than with the factors of production at the micro-economic levels of production. According to me, this is an escapist course duly fed on myopia and intellectual bankruptcy, potent to turn devastating.

         In fact, India’s human resource base has become majority-wise counter-productive but the adversity can’t be combated by running away from the common population base. After all, every economy is meant to rationally sustain its human population base and is required to put in place such a proven socio-economic system across all its human segments that the quality of human resource gets evolved to  requisite levels.

         Man’s character, his sense of devotion and dedication to achieving higher goals of common good such as justice and fair-play in public domains, his honesty, his industriousness, his sense of camaraderie and co-operation, his stance of holism, his trustworthiness, etc. should be recognized as active and necessary ingredients of production at micro-economic levels . These ingredients have taken care of the needs of 80 to 90% of the unorganized population of India till date. It should also be borne in mind that a major part of necessary necessities of a collective existence including human resource is the output of micro-level production, though, neither so categorically recognizable nor so clearly definable in terms of concrete parameters.

         Serious dearth of meaningful teachers for children schools in Patna is accentuated due to ever-deteriorating trend in the quality of human resource rolling out of the universities and the colleges in Bihar owing to the reasons explained above. Therefore, Creative Cottage Gurukul is aptly poised to ensure the best possible education to its students through an alternative mode of education. Given the kind of insurmountable adversity for right children schooling in Patna, the approach of Gurukul is the only possibility in exception to the tantalizing practice adopted by big institutions. The CBSE board does not deserve to get as much importance as it does by virtue of being a Government of India sponsored educational entity. The less said the better !

                               -- F.P. Shrivastava,Director. email : fp.shrivastava@gmail.com

Foreword to 2008 - 09 – Edition

         In the modern market practice, the sum total of commodities and services produced in a sovereign economy is kept in balance with the volume of currency notes in circulation. But more often than not, the Indian people have been subjected to rude shocks of inflationary bumps. Mr. L. K. Advani attributes this to mismanagement of commodity market by the ruling government.

         The engagement of people’s mind about this kind of political imbroglio serves people with yet another veneer of unproductive and abortive item for unnecessary diversion of mind. History bears witness to this kind of dialectical phenomenon wherein the majority of people are forced to serve as  shock absorbers between  two warring lobbies. Such warring lobbies swear in the name of general public’s interest and pass on the shocks indirectly to the general mass only. In India, it appears to be a big time for a war-lord of sorts.

         A chunk of jungle representing a segment of nature is nothing but a story of food chain. It is a story of no loss and no gain what all perennially going on inside among the different components of the jungle not-with-standing. The same story appears to be true for the people,  called the Indian. People are kept so much awfully muffled with nonsensical items of mental engagement that hardly do they seize an opportunity to see beyond.

         If a social segment boasts about its civilized living standard, it has to accept justice and fair-play for all its citizens to be the main product of the civilized collective existence. In such a collective existence, the growth in GDP should always be kept in balance with the enhancement of justice and fair-play for every constituent individual of the collective existence. If it does not do so in real terms, it represents a savage segment. Science and technology, however advanced, and an ultra-modern market practice, however convincing, do not found a society on the pedestal of civilization.  The consumer-driven practice in production, however scientific, can’t allay the concerns of  society for ensuring the well-being of its constituent individuals.

          A civilized society means conglomeration of peoples held together with a cohesive psychological force of holism and empathy. Under such an order of existence, a particular benefit for anyone turns out to be several fold indirect benefits for all the remaining members of the collective existence. An individual’s knack of transmitting the fallouts of his vices onto others does not find a breeding ground under such a social system.

         How unconcerned is the organizer of a so-called children school about the fate and prospects of students enrolled therein is enough proof of my claim that the human existence in Patna represents a savage segment. The type of education, attitude, motivation and, above all, character that the students of such schools receive there can’t get them the stamp of credibility in the global arena. But how these numerous unscrupulous organizers of privately-run schools save their skin by citing a few examples of exceptional marks-scores at the CBSE/ICSE examination points to the intellectual bankruptcy of Patnaites.

         Does a children school stand for educating only the extraordinarily intelligent students who constitute just a minuscule  percent of the total students taking such exams as students of that particular school ? Can such exceptional achievers honestly attribute their so-called achievements to the school? If their achievements are not attributed to the school, why is the society allowing the organizers of such schools to amass fortune by citing such instances which also go a long way to silence and gag the majority of students who have been rubbished there? Is it not a pointer to the intellectual bankruptcy of Patnaites when they make a beeline for admission of their children into such schools? Is it not a pointer to their intellectual bankruptcy when they don’t accept that a school is not meant for  the extra-ordinary but for the ordinary, on whose shoulders rest the trait of the collective existence?

         Is anybody’s so-called achievement in terms of his marks-score in keeping with his academic consolidation in real terms? Also, is his academic consolidation in keeping with his gifted attributes such as his memory and intelligence indices? These questions must be addressed before arriving at conclusions such as whether a student has been taught well in his school or not, whether the school where the student reads is dependable or not, etc. This situation shouldn’t be left to be resolved by  market forces operating in children schooling lest our future citizens should be misled to a gloomy national prospect. In the absence of such vigilance, a collective human existence such as Patna is indistinguishable from a savage segment where only lions reign supreme and naive cows, that give milk on which thrives the humanity, fall to the canine hunger of  lions.

         Can it be ever expected that the majority of the ordinary students who have been misled into wasting their prime time-slot of school-hood shall ever prove strong enough to set right all that is devilish or bestial or savage with the social segments across India? Therefore, a particular social segment can be said to be civilized only if it ensures right schooling to its children by adopting an effectual concept on children schooling, a flawless examination system and, above all, a justified mechanism  of identifying  genuine organizers and teachers of privately-run children schools. The organizers of schools will have to play a decisive role in the regeneration of society voluntarily or compulsorily through right children schooling.

         In view of the few broadly gaping questions posed and possible remedial hints volunteered, Patnaites must rise to the gasping needs of children schooling before things slip out of hand beyond redemption.

      -- F.P. Shrivastava,Director.  Email—fp.shrivastava@gmail.com.

Foreword to 2007 - 08 – Edition

         The management of age span between five years and fifteen years is crucial in shaping a child’s  fate as well as the nation’s destiny at the same time. A wary guardian must ensure that his child’s this prime age span is not wasted.

         A child’s performance at his school examinations should be viewed now-a-days with skepticism. A student’s dazzling performance even at the C.B.S.E X th and XII th examinations may not be taken for granted to be commensurate with his academic consolidation. The story with the negligibly few talented and original self-dependent students is, of course, different.  At the present times, success stories are made out of these minuscule self-studious ones.

         A system of child-education which aims to make him gradually self-supporting, studious and introspective is, out and out, the best.

         Under the scheme of conventional schooling, teachers in general serve to draw the line of limitation for a student’s knowledge. Under such a system, teachers succeed in confining students to only guessed and important questions without exerting to make the students self-supporting and studious.  Students, in general, don’t transcend this crippling limitation which continues to remain unidentified by  majority  of lay-guardians. This has led the present day society to a kind of academic bankruptcy, which remains pathetically blanketed under the vainglory of inflated mark-sheet and covetous certificate of C.B.S.E.

         The well-being of society may be seen moving in tandem with the quality of children education. Right children education can pave way for  regeneration of a positive human resource base for the nation. Those, who do not care to contribute proportionately to the national mainstream of productivity in lieu of what they have taken away for their  individual consumption, constitute the negative human resource base of India. Only these types of people constitute the major chunk of India’s ruling workforce, no wonder therefore, why India is on so fast a track of depreciation in terms of civic safety and social well-being, in general.

         Why children, the future mainstay of the nation, do not get the privilege of being nurtured by a team of genuinely devoted and qualified teachers in conventional schools is a glaring and unanswered question. The government is helpless, tongue-tied and the general people are mute. Where the minuscule selective privileged are busy working out their children’s luck by mobilizing their individual resource base in an unfairly competitive society of India , can there be any end to the woes of the majority of unarmed  common students who fail to get right education for obvious reasons?

         Why has particularly Bihar slipped into such a morass? Who is to blame?

         This is the general people’s myopic outlook and their biased preference for big investment establishments why the genuinely devoted and qualified teachers have been so much cold-shouldered that they have either slipped into hibernation or perforce sold their conscience to multinationals at exorbitant prices, which is obviously prohibitive for children schools to compete with. The enlightened few, who have an inkling of the bankruptcy, lean to big investment institutions in the hope of buying right education for their scions. But unfortunately, such institutions turn into frankenstein’s monster or end up pathetically as a rotten mango teeming with worms, which was once like a mouth-watering and relishing fruit.

         If the government  fails to put children education on the right course directly or indirectly, what will become of the fate of unguarded multitude of commoners ? The solution can be sought in changing people’s take on children schooling.

         Creative Cottage Gurukul is making an all-out effort to remove wrong notions about children schooling while ensuring right education to the few enrolled herein despite stiff psychological resistance offered by Patnaites. 


      -- F.P. Shrivastava, Director.  Email : fp.shrivastava@gmail.com.

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