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Rated: GC · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1794431
Mikado goes out on a second mission to learn more about the Terrorist Boomers.
Bubblegum Conflict

Shadows of the Knight Part One

Myles L. Edmundson

         Priss returned to the penthouse and made her way to her bedroom.  Closing the door to her bedroom, Priss pulled off her t-shirt  and had her jeans unfastened when she got the feeling she was being watched.  Priss glanced around the room, making it seem as though she had lost something, and saw that the door was cracked and spotted Mackie using her full length mirror to look at her while she undressed.  Priss moved out of the mirror's line of sight, and moved toward the door.  With lightning movements, Priss jerked the door open, grabbed Mackie by the hair, and dragged him into the room, slamming the door behind.  Priss shoved Mackie onto the futon and glared at him.

         “Just what the hell were you doing at my door, Mackie,” Priss growled.

         “Nothing, Priss,” Mackie cried, “I wasn't doing anything.”

         “Oh, trying to see me naked is doing nothing, Mackie,” Priss growled.

         “Okay, I was trying to peep at you,” Mackie said, “What's wrong with having a look?”

         “If all you wanted was to see girls naked,” Priss said, “you could go and buy you some hentai magazines and DVDs.  No, I know you want more than just a look.  You want sex.”

         “Ew,” Mackie exclaimed, “you're my cousin...my uncle's daughter.  That's incest.”

         “Actually, it isn't, Mackie-kun,” Priss said, suddenly changing her tone, “I'm not actually your uncle's daughter.  I'm only a member of this family because I was adopted by your uncle.  We could have sex and it wouldn't be incest.”

         “I didn't want to have sex with you, Priss-chan,” Mackie said, “I just wanted to see you naked.”

         “Oh Mackie-kun,” Priss cooed, taking the boy's face in her hands, and caressing his cheek, “you're curious about girls.  It's only natural.  I was curious about boys when I was seventeen...and still am.  That's why I have sex as much as possible.  I'm still a teenager like you.  My hormones are constantly setting my blood aflame with sexual desire.  The difference is, I get out and meet boys.  You, my dear cousin, don't.  You stay cooped up here, learning from Papa and Momma, but you don't get a chance to meet any girls.”

         “I...I don't want to meet girls in...in a bar, Priss,” Mackie stammered, intensely distracted by his beautiful cousin caressing his face, “I want...lu...love.”

         “You don't have to meet girls in a bar,” Priss said, “you have the perfect place to meet girls right here.”

         “Where's that,” Mackie asked, wishing he wasn't getting an erection at that moment.

         “Sylia's lingerie shop,” Priss said, “why don't you ask Sylia to let you work in the Silky Doll.  I'm sure lots of nice girls your age shop there.”

         “How can you be so sure,” Mackie asked, trying not to look at Priss' breasts.

         “Because women of all ages need to buy underwear once in a while,” Priss said.

         “S...so what are you going to do to me,” Mackie asked.

         “I'm going to offer you a deal, Mackie-kun,” Priss said, teasing Mackie's thigh with her index finger, “I'll have sex with you, but only if you let me teach you a thing or two about girls.”

         “Will you really teach me how to get girls,” Mackie asked, hoping not to climax in his pants.

         “By the time I'm done with you, Mackie-kun,” Priss said, again caressing Mackie's face, “you'll be a past master of talking to women.  You'll be able to get into the skirt of any girl you want.”

         “Uh-huh,” Mackie groaned, now so thoroughly aroused that he couldn't think.

         “But it's easier to get into a girl's skirt if you're not a virgin, Mackie-kun,” Priss said.

         Priss moved away from Mackie.  She was still wearing her bra and her unfastened jeans.  Smiling down at Mackie, Priss shook her hips seductively, shaking the jeans loose.  They fell to the floor with a loud chink of the things in her pockets.  She danced in front of Mackie for a moment, showing off the bra she wore and turning to shake her butt in Mackie's face, to show off her thong.  Mackie reached out to take hold of Priss' thong, but he hesitated just before gripping Priss' waist band.

         “It's okay, Mackie,” Priss said, “take my thong off.”

         Turning, Priss took hold of Mackie's hands and placed them on the waist band of her thong.  Mackie looked up at Priss.  Priss smiled warmly down at Mackie, and nodded.  Trembling, Mackie pulled Priss' thong off her hips and down her legs.  When the thong was around Priss' ankles, she stepped out of them and dropped them at Mackie's feet.  She then leaned down, putting her breasts in Mackie's face, and shaking them while she unfastened her bra, and slid it off.  Tossing her bra aside, Priss knelt in front of Mackie and unfastened his pants.  Mackie squirmed as Priss pulled his pants off.  Mackie suddenly trembled as Priss pulled his boxer shorts off, feeling suddenly intensely nervous at having his stiff erection exposed to the naked woman who was actively removing the only thing that covered his arousal.  Then the boxers were gone, and Priss was gently pushing Mackie down onto her futon.  She straddled his hips and took hold of his erection.

         “Wow,” Priss moaned, “I didn't know I turned you on THIS much, Mackie-kun.”

         Priss laughed at her little joke as she guided Mackie's erection between her labia.  She groaned as Mackie's erection filled her vagina.  With Mackie fully inside her, Priss began bouncing on his erection, moving him in and out of her vagina.  Mackie threw his head back and groaned at feeling sensations he had never felt before.  He groaned at feeling the pleasure of having his erection inside a girl's vagina for the first time.  He groaned with appreciation that his first time having sex was with Priss, a girl he had a secret crush on.  Priss, already feeling an orgasm building within the core of her body, began moaning as she continued making love to Mackie.  Mackie groaned as he also felt an orgasm building.  Suddenly, Mackie remembered that having unprotected sex with a girl might lead to that girl getting pregnant.

         “Priss,” Mackie groaned, “I'm about to come.  You should get off me!”

         “No, Mackie,” Priss moaned, “this feels too good.”

         “BUT IF I COME INSIDE YOU,” Mackie groaned, feeling his orgasm on the verge of climaxing, “YOU'LL GET PREGNANT!”

         “NO,” Priss cried, climaxing, “I WON'T GET PREGNANT!”

         “OH GOD,” Mackie cried, climaxing, “YOU'RE GONNA GET PREGNANT!”

         Priss dropped like a stone onto Mackie's hips, just in time to feel his erection throbbing within her vagina, and moaning at the sensation of his semen splashing against her cervix.  Priss held Mackie down, flexing her vaginal muscles to hold tightly onto his erection until he stopped throbbing within her.  Then when their orgasms faded, Priss leaned down and pressed her lips to Mackie's lips, giving him the first romantic kiss he had ever had.  The kiss was long, and sweet, and left Priss with a sensation of longing in her heart.  Pushing her longing for Mackie aside, Priss got off of him, moaning softly as she felt his softening erection slipping out of her vagina.

         “So, Mackie-kun,” Priss said, “How was it?”

         “Tha...” Mackie gasped.

         “That,” Priss said, smiling.

         “That,” Mackie gasped, “was...incredible.  Bu...but won't you get pregnant?  I mean, I came inside you!”

         “Mackie-kun,” Priss said, “I just got a birth control implant.  I can't get pregnant unless I go to my gynecologist and get it removed.”

         “Oh,” Mackie said.

         “Now, I need you to get out of here, Mackie-kun,” Priss said sweetly, “I've got to get dressed for work.”

         “You're not gonna let me watch you get dressed,” Mackie complained, while he pulled up his pants and boxer shorts.

         “Mackie-kun,” Priss said, tolerantly, “I let you have sex with me, in exchange for teaching you a few lessons about women.  And your first lesson is to respect a girl's privacy.  Sometimes a girl doesn't want to get dressed in front of a man...even her lover.”

         “But,” Mackie said.

         “Listen, Mackie-kun,” Priss said, “I'll have sex with you whenever you need it.  But you have to stop peeping at me and Sylia, and if I ever tell you that I can't or won't have sex, you have to respect my decision.”

         “Okay, Priss,” Mackie said.

         “AND,” Priss said, “You have to make an effort to find yourself a girlfriend.”

         “I promise, Priss-chan,” Mackie said.

         “Good,” Priss said, “Now be a good boy, and get out of my room, so I can get dressed.  Take these with you, to remember your first time having sex.”

         As she pushed Mackie out of her room, Priss tucked her thong into the front waist band of his pants.  Once Mackie was out in the hall, Priss shut her bedroom door behind him.  Mackie stood in the hall.  He took Priss' thong panties out of his waist band, and sniffed the crotch, smelling the scent of a particular feminine hygiene spray on them that Priss was fond of using.  Suddenly, Mackie heard Catty and Sylia coming into the penthouse.  Mackie quickly ran into his room, and stuffed Priss' thong under his pillow.  He then returned to the hallway in time to see Catty pulling on the wall sconce to open the hidden door to the concealed computer room that Catty and Mikado used as an operations center.  Mackie quickly moved to join Sylia and Catty in the operations room.

         In Shinjuku's nearly abandoned warehouse district, Vinnie and Hank stood in the back room of their repair shop.  An unmarked van sat at the loading dock, and men in white business suits loaded terrorist boomers into the van.  All these men had the Shinoyama “skull on mountain” tie-pin on.  Two men stood near the van, each holding an assault rifle.  Mister Shinoyama stood near Hank and Vinnie watching the loading.

         Mikado arrived on the scene right as the last terrorist boomer was loaded onto the van.  Concealed by his optical camouflage, Mikado watched as Mister Shinoyama's men closed up the van and locked its back doors.  The men got into the van and drove away.

         “Catty,” Mikado said into his radio, “I'm too late, the Yakuza already have the terrorist boomers.”

         “Can you put a tracer on the van,” Catty asked, her voice sounding in Mikado's helmet speakers.

         “It's already out of throwing range,” Mikado said.

         “Perhaps you should develop a multi-projectile launcher,” came Sylia's voice from Mikado's helmet speakers.

         “Catty, can you temporarily disrupt their electricity,” Mikado asked.

         “I can disrupt it for five seconds before the power grid's local regulator processor reestablishes their power,” Catty replied.

         “That's long enough to freak them out,” Mikado said.

         A limousine pulled around to the loading dock, as Mister Shinoyama turned to Hank and Vinnie, an evil smile on his face.  Hank and Vinnie looked at the assault rifle armed men, certain that Mr. Shinoyama was about to order their deaths.

         “It has been a pleasure, doing business with you,” Mr. Shinoyama said, “my father looks forward to purchasing more terrorist boomers from you in the future.”

         Suddenly, the lights went out.  Mister Shinoyama pulled his pistol out of his coat.  Hank and Vinnie also drew their guns.  Mister Shinoyama's thugs nervously waved their assault rifles around in the suddenly darkened loading dock.  The sudden flash from Mikado's plasma cannon was like a lightning flash.  A ball of energized plasma flew from where Mikado stood near the edge of the loading dock, and struck one of Mr. Shinoyama's thugs squarely in the chest, burning a hole completely through his body.

         In Mikado's field of view, Mikado watched the killed thug fall to the ground, while he pulled out one of the hand sized disks.  Mikado sighting in on the second thug, Mikado manipulated the disk's hidden slider switch, causing a series of six curved, wickedly serrated blades to flip out.

         The darkness of loading dock was quickly lit up again as the lights came back on, revealing the horrible fate Mr. Shinoyama's dead thug.  A terrible silence fell upon the loading dock.  The four terrified men glanced around, trying to find the perpetrator responsible for killing the dead thug.  The deafening silence was suddenly broken by the whirling sound of a throwing weapon flying through the air.  A strange throwing disk flew rapidly throw the air looking oddly like a flying saw blade.  Before any of the four men could react, two of the disk's six blades plunged deep into the other thug's belly penetrating completely through his body, the force of it sending the man flying backwards, effectively nailing him to the wall five feet behind him.  Mister Shinoyama leaped into his limo, and screamed for the driver to drive.  The limo took off with a squeal of tires, while Hank and Vinnie fired their guns at the spot where the bladed throwing disk came from, but their bullets hit nothing but the concrete wall, because Mikado had moved.  Pulling out his collapsing spear, while maneuvering behind Hank and Vinnie, Mikado extended his spear to full extension and impaled Vinnie through the back, making sure to impale the heart.  Vinnie gurgled in his throat as the invisible spear penetrated his heart, blood flowed from his mouth.  Hank screamed as he saw the invisible spear pull out of Vinnie.  Vinnie's dead body fell to the ground.  Mikado deactivated his optical camouflage.  Hank screamed as he saw a figure in frightening black armor appear from thin air.  Hank screamed and fired his gun at the black armored figure.  Collapsing his spear and stowing it, Mikado stood where he was until Hank's gun clicked empty.  Mikado pulled the cone-shaped weapon from its storage location on his left calf, and aimed it at Hank.  Mikado depressed the weapon's thumb switch.  Producing a loud “crack” sound, the weapon fired something dark.  The dark projectile spread out as it flew, enveloping Hank and sending him flying backwards against the nearest wall.  The dark projectile turned out to be a metal wire net.  Armor piercing spikes lined the outer edges of the net.  The spikes plunged into the concrete wall, small winches in the spikes pulled on the net's wires.  The mono-filament wires cut into Hank's skin, while pressing him against the concrete wall.  Finally the pressure of the net pushing him against the wall, crushed Hank's skull.  Blood was already pooling underneath Hank, as Mikado left the loading dock

         Mikado stowed his net gun, as he entered the boomer repair shop.  In the workshop, Mikado took out his cleaner case and set it on the worktable, pressing the open key.  With the whir of motors, the cleaner case opened.  Mikado took out the flip open scanner.  The scanner's red fan-laser scanning beam played over the objects in the room as Mikado moved it around.  In his helmet display, Mikado watched as his display cycled through the objects that the scanner was sensing.  Suddenly Mikado's helmet display highlighted a computer terminal sitting on a desk in the corner.  The terminal was connected to a recycled boomer brain, and wired into several additional computer processor units.  Following his helmet's displays, Mikado was guided to the computer terminal's data disk drive.  Mikado reached for the data disk drive, and pulled a data disk out of it.  A further search of the workshop netted two other data disks.  Mikado moved out to the repair shop's front room, and searched it, but found nothing of interest.  Mikado placed the data disks and the flip open scanner into his cleaner case, and pressed the close button.  The cleaner case's motors whirred as the case closed.  Mikado then returned the cleaner case to its storage position on his back.  Mikado then activated his optical camouflage and vanished from the boomer repair shop.


In the next episode of “Bubblegum Conflict”:  Catty builds hardsuits for Priss and Sylia.  And while they begin helping Mikado in trying to figure out the mystery of the terrorist boomers and who is using them, Mackie meets Nene Romanova, a charming young woman who came into Sylia's lingerie shop one day.  He chats her up and sparks fly.  Meanwhile Priss plays a performance at Hot Legs, and earns a job as one of their regular performers.  However this job may not last as long as she hopes it will when the Shinoyama unleash their terrorist boomers to flush out the armored stranger that killed two of their men and their favorite street techs.  That is all in “Shadows of the Knight Part Two.”

Disclaimer: (legal stuff that I gotta put in here, so that you know I used stuff in this story that belong to other people)

–          Bubblegum Crisis, its characters and mecha were created by Kenichi Sonoda and are owned by Artmic AIC

–          Catty Nova Nebulart, a character from “Gall Force” was also created by Kenichi Sonoda, and is owned by Youmex

–          All Predator related material is owned by Twentieth Century Fox

–          All Iron Man related material is owned by Marvel Comics

–          All Batman related material is owned by D.C. Comics

–          All other things you may have recognized as being other people's work or materials are owned by whoever owns them.

–          This is a work of Fan Fiction, using other peoples characters.  No plagiarism was intended in the writing of this work.

© Copyright 2011 Katana70065 (katana70065 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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