Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1793016-Dragonwing
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1793016
Chapter Four, Xerox suspects, something strange about her misterious savior...
Chapter four...

      I woke to the sound of quick, short, and loud rapping against my door. My eye's now open, realizing the room's strange and expencive beauty, what looked like a hand pressed copper cealing, and dark hardwood walls to match the door. I groaned inwardly and slithered clumsily out of the guest bed, not wanting to look away from what might be my last look at the inside of a mansion let alone a house. With eyes half closed, I made my way to the dark, and elegantly carved hard wood door. "Afred," I guessed, "no need to kill the door." I turned the knob and let the door swing open as Alfred rushed in with a monsterous breakfast of crispy Bacon, eggs, golden waffles, and toast.
      "Good morning, miss. How did you sleep?" Alfred began, almost like all butlers seem to do, (don't ask how I know).
      "Alfred, please don't call me miss, just call me Xerox. I slept well thank you; would you like to sit and share this with me? I don't think I could finish it all." I offered, knowing all too well that I could swallow this plate whole.
      "I don't think I could do that I have other things to attend too." He smiled, but I had a feeling he had something to say to me.
      "Nonsense, I know you want to talk to me about something, but you haven't aranged how to say it yet, I'm not picky, I'll understand how ever you say what ever it is. You might as well sit down, have some bacon, and spit it out." I started laughing in my head about the spit it out thing, what I said reminded me of, feeding baby birds. He must have dismissed my strange wording though, because he sat down on my bed and stared knowingly at me, with his dark eyes, though they still held warmth. I felt I could trust him, so I sat down next to him,and started fiddling with the dark blue sheets.
      "Well, Mr. Wayne and I were talking last night," He began carefully, "and we were thinking, why don't you stay. We thought that since you have no where else to go but the streets, and whe have plenty of room, that you might make a great addition to our family. We were willing to give it a try, but if you decide that the streets are a better place for you, you may leave at any time." Alfred, had never let his eyes wonder from mine, which was only a little creepy, but that made me feel strangely more secure, like I could trust him with anything. The only hunch I had about him comming in and telling me this was that he was really the only one who wanted me to stay, but I could live with that.
      "I don't see why I shouldn't give it a try, I love it here, everything is so clean, at least in this room I haven't seen the other rooms. It's beautiful, and I can ensure I have somewhere to go everynight, but I have one queston. Why pick me off the street, especially in that condition, most people would have just let me lay there, dying in my own blood, and filth." I asked the question, and I really felt confused, but it had happened once before, my father, had once picked me off the street almost in the same condition, and it turned out he wanted to use me as a weapon of mass destruction, so I fled.
      "We saw all the blood, and we couldn't just leave you, it just happened, and I for one couldn't let someone just die there alone." He put a hand on my sholder, and smiled, stood, and walked to the door. Before leaving he added. "Your free to explore, the rooms your not alowed to go into are locked, so go explore to your heart's desire." I looked down at my plate, he hadn't touched any of the food, oh well, I thought, more for me, and picked up the tray and started moving about the house, eating as I went.

      The rooms were all colossal,spotlessly clean and orginized, the entry way with black and white tiling, and white walls, the stair case hard wood, that curled just enough at the bottom to make it look old style. Though the door by the bottom, next to it was locked, and it frustrated me to no end, but I didn't ask about it and normally just stood by the door waiting, trying to see inside when Bruce or Alfred passed quickly and secretively through that one door. The only door that I can't go into.
      Three days have now passed from the day that I first arrived in the Wayne Mansion which I now call it. Life has been better than I ever thought possible, even though I still haven't seen the otherside of that one door. So I began planning my scheme to get in, because I knew something intresting was down there and I hate when people keep secrets. First, I thought, go get some of the hair pins Alfred got for me, then grab the tweezers from the bathroom, then I wait. I'll get into there, the old fassion way, because I will not let anyone know about my dragon ability.
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