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imagination, this story is written in a style whose aim is to see how far the mind can go |
CHRONICAL (B) There was once (upon a time) a man who wanted something for his stomach- notice at once the deliberate use of the adjective man; a word used to describe creatures disposed to never losing temper, composure or reason when necessary; he called it his berry arguing (when put to task to extrapolate why he had to be contradictory and subjugatory upon such a seemingly irrelevant point) that in the part of the country whence he hailed, berry was the word to use. This man was and still is a marvel to his friends He arrived, on a hot July, to this country as a tourist. When the word tourist is noted an occluding conclusion arrived at by fools and genius and witty artists is he was not poor, that he was armed with Doras or pands and that, furthermore, to put a very fine point on it, he was old; possibly venerable and able to pursue higher goals if he still had it with him (his sense of sanity is the one described shortly by the two letter word foregoing). These facts and others as alluded from deductive reasoning in this long and tiresome chronicle for it is observed by those with tasteful perceptions that the man must have met with unprecedented misery if indeed it reached a point (in time and space continuum) when he earnestly sought something to install, if only as a heralding crowd, in his stomach which, as has been recorded before and at risk of repetition, he insisted vehemently on calling his berry, point to interesting conclusion, Berry, you will note is not a good word for his purpose for it often involve and is actually involved in the art of dancing and those creatures artistically so disposed are y-clepted berry-dancers – in this form of spontaneous art (spontaneous art, in passing, is the only known form of pure art, that is an artistically expressed expression not influence by the devil) you are required to move your berry button only and be sure not to move your legs or nose or head, the hands must be in the air with the palms facing the earth and moving about sporadically as if they are independent of any reasoned directions or intentions from the artistically disposed creature; furthermore, this form of dancing is extremely popular and famously spread amongst artistically disposed creature residing at the coast – that is because they have been charmed by the mar maidens who for understandable reasons are unable to do the regular and acceptable dancing whereby the sexual organs and their accessories are made to shine (in females, the sexual accessories are as innumerable as they are extensive in their applications; they include: calf, breasts, tongue, lips, large eyes made to look small artificially, necks which are rumoured to be extremely sensitive to the male tongue stroking smoothly and with the breath undetained and so spewing forth the aroma of an ancient wine, the toes, fingers, hair ends, earlobes, tip of the nose and for some the left nostril but this is exclusively to a very select few, both thighs—the inner side, kneecaps if they are rolled, the navel which amongst the lesbians is the epicenter of the orgasm and it is a known fact that all lesbians adorn their navel with a jewel for of cause a very clear reasons least of which is advertisement, the backbone wherein the spinal chord is placed and somehow senses a rough stroke for before the humans were metamorphosed from monkeys the backbone was largely neglected as a sexual accessory, thus, when humans changed it took over its rightful role and since then in normal females , it is central to a full blown and profound orgasm- it is even understood and chronicled that if well attended to, the backbone has tragically caused deaths as a consequence of a spiritual orgasm the point where the male Adam’s apple is, is also recognized as a point of sexual pleasure but this is not authoritative and is still under study by dedicated feminist movements’ members all over the world, however, folk knowledge has it that long ago, when goddesses sexually intercoursed regularly with mortals and therein gods a lesser god was assassinated by a higher, jealous-incensed god for having intercourse with a highly-rated virgin who of cause had lost it to that lesser god but nonetheless carried the title to her grave which to this day is a worship and sacrificial shrine for old virgins also called unfavourably old maidens, where they converge in large number to pray for husband or boyfriends or maybe (to conjecture a bit) for the return of the merry days when goddesses and therein gods had normal and regular sexual intercourse with the mortals (dogs and frogs and fish are also mortal, by the way, which is not to say that they die for the accepted definition of the word mortal is still in progress); buttocks, breast and especially their golden nipples are considered the primary female sexual accessories; due of cause to that principality as far as sexual jy and experience is concerned, they are subject to a lot of myths, jokes, anecdotes, legends and spiritual hogwash and so need no further emulation, however for a further study of this huge human interest subject, refer to chronicle(K).the male portion of the human race (and needless to say but said nonetheless for the sake of the bloated egos, the most essential part of that race) have only three sexual accessories; the chest and their minuscule shameful nipples, the hairful buttocks and the mouth. Observe that the penis and its scrotum also virginal and it’s lips have been excluded for obvious reasons—they are only tools and are not a major necessity for the spirituality of the sexual experience to be profound. Sex, by the way, was not meant to produce babies—babies are the sin, the guilt, the reminder of that shameful act which no piece loving, sane human would ever involve in were it not for the curse and the pull The path was thin, dusty, and thistled and numerous thorns strewed on the path but concealed by the bewitchingly brown soil that seem to tell you ‘take a bite and choke’ so that Jein, the man looking for something to put in his berry, could not see them before they pricked him causing him excruciating pain which made him experience his hunger the more intensely He was not naked, though that was the natural thing not due to the heat but from the fact that his statures of a tourist did not render it logical that he should have been walking attired; it was that he had, on arriving at the country lost his mind but he had not taken off his clothes. He was only attired in a green, rough-looking pair of shorts and that was about all except if you find it unexpendable to count the stringed amulet hanging on his neck (that is the point where his head rested on his shoulders—for he really had no neck to speak with pride and in public of) He was from a far country for he had come aboard an airliner that cruised at astonishing speeds (which means this chronicle did not happen that long ago) and he had to pass an ocean, furthermore, the airliner had to first land at an intersection where they were, as he recalled vividly, served sweet soup and to really dispel any doubts as to whether he had come from a far land, all one had to do was gaze at his skin whose complexion was the colour of dirty sperms. He was, as he would later ascertain, a European man—he could not name his country, only saying that it was a big country. But all these debates are not important relatively, what is important and monumental is what drove the man mad—this is especially significant for humans globally are under a constant and real fear of going insane and taking off their clothes, so, reasons as to why and how humans lose it (that is their sense of sanity) are integrally fundamental questions to humans, they are what you would call, if you were milkly perceptive and thus inclined toward the figurative languages, society riddles; high there amongst such sublime riddles as who created God, whether indeed there is God or can he die and another very important question rarely asked except by children after Sunday school when they are eating candy bought by the money their mothers or fathers gave them to give as tithes, if god was created who created him and if that other god was created who created that other god that created this particular god and so on and so forth; but to this day, humans do not know (correspondingly as they know nothing about gods and whether they are there) what causes insanity—yes, they have made huge stride as to descriptive factor concerning who is insane and who is not so that kindergarten boys and girls can isolate one in a crowd with an accuracy of almost 66% but that is as far as it goes otherwise they have made bold steps as to possible causes of madness (the word insanity is preferred for the word mad has been corrupted and raped and is now almost accepted to mean anger due possibly to the fact that angry people are like insane devils combined for instance: ‘why are you mad at me you asshole?’ or ‘please don’t be mad at me my sweet darling, my apple or I will not be able to eat anything for I will put ugali in my mouth that want to forever be kissing you and the ugali will taste like soil”) such as child abuse e.g. young boys who are raped by their priests who may one day become popes—which is not to imply they already are popes –or girls who are, at the age of seven or four or several months old raped by their fathers or uncles. Genetics influence has also been highlighted as a possible cause of insanity, drugs too are counted there and villages folks are quick to blame witchcraft, in fact there is an epigram that say that ‘if gods want to kill you, they first drive you insane” But all these are only possible causes just like it is possible you will die tomorrow because the driver will be drunk and he will not be stopped by the cop for he will have bribed him in his first trip early in the morning while he was still sober (and he only drinks during the day for his wife has sat on him and he can not dare go home drunk, so as you see, he has to drink during the day so that by evening, when he goes to thrill his wife sexually, which is his only hobby , he is sober) it is also very possible that you will not die tomorrow especially if the car you will board will have children aboard for a car with children can not crush, why, you ask. Simple. They must have their chance to sin. The cop, still on that subject, will also possibly be a saved one and to save lives will decline to take the bribe from the drunk driver—but can such things be? The answer is yes for stranger things have been witnessed and recorded, for instance in a village called Ngarariga one day there was seen a cloud in the sky that was as red as The Lips and then…strange things happen. What are being dealt with here are possibilities (for it is a world of possibilities)—it is not known but will possibly be known what causes insanity for, maybe, just maybe, it does not exist and it is similar to gods where humans are only allowed to conjecture. Later, he often talked about the ugliness of his country of origin, how it was all glass and bricks “they stare at you stonily”. He said with a broad showy voice as if he expected you to visualize the building, “and the flowers and vegetables, all man made and what can man make good? What?” His questions were rarely answered and he had to answer them; they could thus be described as leaning towards the rhetorical Tragically, It was he who hinted at the possible cause of his insanity “the beauty of this country shocked me, especially these creatures in suits that rule it”. The creatures in suits were of cause the business class, the political class and the clergy; the same class that ruled France with impunity and whose queen advised some hungry fellows to eat cakes if they found the bread being scarce; a piece of advise that have become classical in its application and dependable prescription by present ruling class or “creature in suits” to borrow a phrase from the main subject of this chronicle. The beauty of the country shocked him so much that he lost it was what he meant. A mere possibility. Facts are these: He lost all his money. He lost his identification credentials. Some superstitious humans raped him when he shared their lodging believing it would bring them fortune. He lost about thirty six pound of flesh during the period of his insanity which had also been a period of compulsory fasting for it came to pass that it was discovered that when people went insane in his country, they were pampered, coaxed to eat; but when he went insane in this spectacular, vomitingly beautiful country, there was no one to pamper him and during the period of his insanity, he ate and drunk nothing though he excreted something which was what he had eaten prior to his mental debilitation (lasting more than four days). He lost his gold watch. He lost his six gold teeth which had been a present from his niece whom he had constantly had sex with under the delusion that they were not related which was the principal reason why he had decided that being a tourist was a worthy hobby for the niece was already three months pregnant; (he had of cause, like any other sensible man would have done, tried to convince the seventeen years old niece to ‘do away with the foetus’ but the seventeen years old turned out smarter than would have been thought by pointing out that the practice of doing away with live foetus was considered precarious to the mother and the foetus to which the sly man replied that those dangers were only applicable and generally considered when the foetus were too old; the niece grew frantic at the moment and yelled that she considered aborting in the same category with cold blood murder and that she was not so tough with her conscience which might do her in; the man grinned and told her niece not to be so tough on herself, ‘look here Jaunice, doctors are performing abortions daily…’ ‘To save lives!’ the niece yelled, ‘how could you... how could you not know you were my relative, my mother half brother?’ ‘You want us to go to that again?’ ‘well, I am NOT ABORTING’ ‘Listen jaundice, all moral doctors, the popes and majority of religious folks consider life to start at birth, not at conception’ the niece replied to that piece of damning evidence against the live foetus by pointing out truthfully that she was not a pope, a moral doctor or a religious folk and she had stomped out huffily in her miniskirt which her uncle had previously considered and confessed so as the best type of attire to have been invented, it was only a pity that he did not know the holder of the patent for he would have rewarded him financially and personally congratulated him on his worthy invention) he lost his penis’ foreskin for his fellow lodgers and rapist could not stand the sight of an uncircumcised penis—possibly he got HIV-AIDS but the fact is he did not. The blade they used to cut his fore skin was the same one they used to shave without water and they often cut their skin and bled and so that was why it was possible he had acquired the virus but that was unfortunately not the case. He lost all his money. He reached a small shopping centre. And, he was shocked to discover that the traders were admirer of his language for they named all their businesses using it. He read, with indescribable joy, the words jesiala hotel and since he was looking for just such a thing, he walked in there. It would not be an exaggeration to here state that the man would have died of starvation had it not been for the opportune appearance and apt naming of that hotel. He walked and it was almost empty. He collapsed on the nearest chair, his elbows resting on the table on which was placed a bowl of sugar and an old insecticide can reconstructed to be a salt can; the ingenuity of the hotel proprietor was, if not well- pronounced, apparent. The aroma and fragrance and oduors and various stenches were traveling to his nostrils and be recorded by the organs so assigned were nothing he could lay a finger on The waiter, who was also the owner on seeing the man with the complexion of dirty semen grew ecstatic; he had seen such men on a few previous occasions and one thing he had noted about them was that they were dumb and that explained why they had so much money, they needed it. He had seen them buy funny, stupid things at exorbitant prices. They seemed especially attracted to old things so that one could be forced to think that those old things were their parents. You could sell them any old thing at any price you named so long as you could prove that the thing was really old. An old shoe, an old mask, an old throne. It was like they expected those things to come to life and do wonders. He had heard the story of the magic lamp as a child and that the fact the lamp was old was significant. Sometimes he was forced to wonder whether indeed it was possible that those magical lanterns worked for how else could one explain that the dumbest creature alive had so much money while he a genius was barely able to maintain his wife and the three mistresses; it was indeed a mystery. The fact that the man with the complexion of dirty semen was half nude was not a destructor, his complexion translated to money and the uglier he was the richer he was likely to be “Food?” the man asked “Yes, food” replied the man And it was food that was brought him and that is how the chronicle of the man who wanted something for his stomach, which as has been recorded on more than one previous occasion, he insisted on calling his berry wisely and conclusively concludes. Questions might be raised such as; did he pay? A question answered by the simple epithet, no, and the reason that would be given for his failure to pay for that which he rightly and justly required paying is his money had been taken. How did it go then? Was there a confrontation? And, since you are a human (or so you have been told, bearing in mind that what you have been told by either your mother or father or others is most likely a lie or a truth concealing a lie so that as theologies has shown without intending to ninety percent of all that you know are lies) a question is asked of you: what do you know of human nature? If you know anything, (that is having learnt it from within not without for if without it is a lie) anything at all, then it follows that more questions arising from this chronicles have been fairly settled, if not satisfactorily A hint: HUMAN NATURE IS INTENSELY PRIMITIVE—from the bible. |