Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1785817-My-Feelings
by piney
Rated: E · Other · Opinion · #1785817
This is an article that I wrote to tell why I am stressed, crabby, and unmotivated.
Rob has been out of work since October 2010. I know he's diligent in trying to find a job and working very hard toward it - these things take time - with all the background checks and such that has to be done now.
I work full time and on weekends just want to lay around the house but that's when he and Aubrey want to go do things and absolutely insist that I go with them. Of course, when Sunday morning comes around and Aubrey and I'm up going to church (where I'm the organist) he wants no part of it - Aubrey is ready to go but not Rob. It's always 'stop and pick up my mom and then come pick me up then we'll go out to eat'. You see the issue? It's okay for him not to go places but not me!
Grocery shopping is another thing I hate to do. They basically know what we eat and can look in the refrigerator, freezer, and cabinets to see what we need but - NO - we have to do it when I'm home rather than them going.
There's been times when I'd get home after working all day and they'd have the nerve to ask what's for supper after they've been home all day.
God forbid if I watch something on TV they don't like or get on the internet - I'm always doing silly stuff!!
I know there's probably more stuff but I've griped enough for now!

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